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Created January 8, 2024 02:21
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import annotation.tailrec
abstract class Tree(val left: Tree) {
def o = new Ball(this)
def x = new Spike(this)
def * = new Candle(this)
def oxo = new BigBall(this)
def oo = new DoubleBall(this)
def *** = new ElectricCandle(this)
def / = new LeftNeedle(this)
def \ = new RightNeedle(this)
def | = new Trunk(this)
class Top(star: Star) extends Tree(star)
abstract class Needle(left: Tree) extends Tree(left)
class LeftNeedle(left: Tree) extends Needle(left)
class RightNeedle(left: Tree) extends Needle(left) {
def |||() {
final def |||(sparkle: Boolean) {
val f = (t: Tree) =>
t match {
case _: LeftNeedle => "/"
case _: RightNeedle => "\\"
case _: Trunk => "|"
case _: Ball => "o"
case _: Spike => "x"
case _: Candle => "*"
case _: BigBall => "oxo"
case _: DoubleBall => "oo"
case _: ElectricCandle => "***"
def walk(t: Tree, depth: Int): List[String] = {
def walkLevel(t: Tree, acc: String,
f: (Tree) => String): (Tree, String) = {
val fx = (t: Tree) => if (sparkle) f(t).toUpperCase else f(t)
t match {
case l: LeftNeedle => (l.left, fx(l) + "." + acc)
case t: Tree => walkLevel(t.left, fx(t) + "." + acc, f)
t match {
case r: RightNeedle =>
val l = walkLevel(r, "", f)
l._2 +: walk(l._1, depth + 1)
case s: Star =>
List("-->*<-- ", "\\-/.")
val tree = "||| " +: walk(this, 0)
tree.reverse.foreach({l =>
val numSpaces = 30 - (l.length() / 2)
val padding = " " * numSpaces
class Trunk(parent: Tree) extends Tree(parent)
abstract class Decoration(left: Tree) extends Tree(left)
class Star extends Decoration(null)
class Candle(left: Tree) extends Decoration(left)
class Ball(left: Tree) extends Decoration(left)
class Spike(left: Tree) extends Decoration(left)
class BigBall(left: Tree) extends Decoration(left)
class DoubleBall(left: Tree) extends Decoration(left)
class ElectricCandle(left: Tree) extends Decoration(left)
trait DecorationBuilder {
def \-/ = new PartialDecoration
class PartialDecoration {
def -->*<-- = new Star
object ChristmasTree extends DecorationBuilder {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
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