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Last active July 1, 2020 18:22
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module UI.VirtualList exposing (Model, init, view)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html.Events exposing (on)
import Html.Keyed as Keyed
import Json.Decode as Decode
type alias Model =
{ offset : Int, containerHeight : Int }
init : Int -> Model
init height =
{ offset = 0, containerHeight = height }
chunkSize =
{-| Display a list of items, only rendering those that are in the viewport
view :
{ itemHeight : Int
, itemView : item -> Html msg
, items : List item
, state : Model
, onScroll : Model -> msg
, node : String
, attrs : List (Attribute msg)
-> Html msg
view { itemHeight, itemView, items, state, onScroll, node, attrs } =
countToShow =
state.containerHeight // itemHeight + chunkSize
itemsToShow =
(List.drop (state.offset * chunkSize) >> List.take countToShow) items
topMargin =
state.offset * itemHeight * chunkSize
height =
List.length items * itemHeight - topMargin
([ on "scroll"
(\scrollTop clientHeight ->
{ offset = floor scrollTop // itemHeight // chunkSize
, containerHeight = floor clientHeight
( [ "target", "scrollTop" ] Decode.float)
( [ "target", "clientHeight" ] Decode.float)
|> Decode.andThen
(\newState ->
if newState == state then "No difference, ignore"
Decode.succeed (onScroll newState)
, style "overflow-y" "auto"
++ attrs
[ Keyed.node node
[ style "position" "relative"
, style "top" (String.fromInt topMargin ++ "px")
, style "height" (String.fromInt height ++ "px")
(\i item ->
( String.fromInt (i + state.offset), itemView item )
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