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# | |
# Thank you for purchasing TotemTokens and I hope you enjoy the plugin! | |
# If you have any issues please refer to the "HELP/HOW TO" on the plugin page below! | |
# Plugin page: | |
# | |
# Consume settings. | |
Consume: | |
# Should the player be able to get tokens from consuming Totem of Undying? | |
Enabled: true | |
Amount: | |
# The minimum and maximum tokens to get per Totem of Undying consumed. | |
Minimum: 1 | |
Maximum: 2 | |
# Control settings. | |
Control: | |
# Should vanilla totems be removed from players inventories on login and when clicked? | |
Remove Vanilla Totems: false | |
# Should vanilla totems be unable to drop from Evokers? | |
Prevent Evoker Drops: false | |
# Should the shop be available to players? | |
Shop: true | |
# Cooldown between totem uses. | |
Totem Cooldown: 60.0 | |
# The maxmium count you can have for each totem (Can't be above 64). | |
Max Totem Count: 10 | |
# Should the player restock their active totem if they have another of the same type? | |
Restock Totem: true | |
# The language used in the plugin. | |
# <#XXXXXX> for hex colors. | |
# All messages can be disabled by setting to "" | |
Language: | |
# Prefix for player chat messages. Set to "" to disable. | |
Prefix: "&a[TotemTokens] " | |
# Player chat messages | |
Added Tokens: "&aYou have added &a&l%amount%&a token%s%!" | |
Max Totem Count: "&cYou have the maximum limit!" | |
Not Enough Tokens: "&cYou don't have enough tokens for this!" | |
Purchased Totem: "&aYou purchased %totem%&a for %amount% token%s%!" | |
# Player & console messages. | |
Command Usage: | |
- "&a/TotemTokens &7- &fShow plugin version and licensed user." | |
- "&a/TotemTokens Add/Remove (Player) (Amount) &7- &fAdd or remove tokens from a player." | |
- "&a/TotemTokens Check (Player) &7- &fCheck how many tokens a player has." | |
- "&a/TotemTokens Preview (Totem) &7- &fPreview a totem." | |
- "&a/TotemTokens Reload &7- &fReload the plugin." | |
- "&a/TotemTokens Help &7- &fShow this help menu." | |
# Console chat messages | |
Player Only Command: "&cThis command is for players only." | |
# Owned Totems Inventory | |
Owned Title: "&a&lOwned Totems" | |
No Active Totem: "&c&lNo Active Totem" | |
Totem Shop: "&a&lTotem Shop" | |
Active Suffix: " &f(&aActive&f)" | |
# Totem Shop Inventory | |
Purchase Title: "&a&lPurchase Totems" | |
Owned Totems: "&a&lOwned Totems" | |
Total Tokens: "&a&lTokens: &a%amount%" | |
# General | |
Positive: "&aYes" | |
Negative: "&cNo" | |
Plural: "s" | |
# The sounds used in the plugin. | |
# All sounds can be disabled by setting to "NONE" | |
Sound: | |
Max Totem Count: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO:1:1 | |
Not Enough Tokens: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO:1:1 | |
Purchased Totem: ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES:1:1 | |
# All settings for each totem in the plugin. | |
Totems: | |
Sunstrike Totem: | |
# Global settings (On every totem) | |
# Enabled? | |
Enabled: true | |
# Name of the totem. | |
Name: "&e&lSunstrike Totem" | |
# Description of the totem. | |
# Lines with a prefix will only show up with that condition. | |
Description: | |
- "&7Strikes nearby entities with a &e&llightning bolt&7." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
# The head texture in the GUI | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzNkMTQ1NjFiYmQwNjNmNzA0MjRhOGFmY2MzN2JmZTljNzQ1NjJlYTM2ZjdiZmEzZjIzMjA2ODMwYzY0ZmFmMSJ9fX0=" | |
# How many tokens to purchase? | |
Price: 3 | |
# Should the totem revive the player? | |
Revive: true | |
# Can this damage players? | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
# Radius to hit entities in. | |
Radius: 18.0 | |
# Damage to deal to the entities. | |
Damage: 12.5 | |
Poison Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&a&lPoison Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&7Blasts a &a&lposion wave&7 around you and infects" | |
- "&7nearby entities damaging them periodically&7." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjdmNGFmOGQzNGU1NzhjODU1ZGU3MjUxOWQ5MjFkYzJhNDJjMjM0NjI3MTk4NmQwMzljZWZjODkwOGJkY2JhIn19fQ==" | |
Price: 2 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 12.5 | |
Triggers: 4 # How many times to trigger | |
Interval: 1.0 # Time between each trigger - Seconds | |
Damage: 2.0 | |
Slowness Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&8&lSlowness Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&8&lWeakens&7 nearby entities with slowness." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTVlMmU1OWJhNjc4YWRlMGE4MGIxZDQyYTIxMmI3Y2Y0ZWM5NjNiNDk0ZjhlYWVhYjlmNjQzZTJjYWFhOTEifX19" | |
Price: 2 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 7.5 | |
Length: 6.0 # Seconds | |
Amplifier: 5 # Level of slowness | |
Fire Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&c&lFire Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&c&lSets a blaze&7 to nearby entities." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWRlMDk1MzMyNzIwMjE1Y2E5Yjg1ZTdlYWNkMWQwOTJiMTY5N2ZhZDM0ZDY5NmFkZDk0ZDNiNzA5NzY3MDJjIn19fQ==" | |
Price: 1 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 7.5 | |
Length: 5.0 # Length for the burning - Seconds | |
Speed Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&b&lSpeed Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&b&lSpeeds&7 you and nearby players up." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvM2I2ZGI5ODBhNTI0OTYwOTdkZmE4ZDU3ZGZiOTlkOGIxMjAxMTljNzExMzgzNThhNGRhMjliZWYwNmExZDZjMSJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 1 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: true | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 17.5 | |
Length: 4.0 # Seconds | |
Amplifier: 5 # Level of speed | |
Earthquake Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&a&lEarthquake Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&a&lThrows&7 nearby entities up for some nice air time." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTI4OWQ1YjE3ODYyNmVhMjNkMGIwYzNkMmRmNWMwODVlODM3NTA1NmJmNjg1YjVlZDViYjQ3N2ZlODQ3MmQ5NCJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 2 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 12.5 | |
Velocity: 1.46 | |
Knockback Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&c&lKnockback Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&c&lKnockback&7 nearby entities so you have time to" | |
- "&7recover from your so called, death." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzFjM2UxZjIyNGI0NDZjY2FjNmE2Y2MzY2Q5ODkxMDE5YTEyMmY5OTY5MWMzOTA3OTkyYTNhZjk5YTIxYjAifX19" | |
Price: 1 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 5.25 | |
Velocity: 2.24 | |
Creeper Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&4&lCreeper Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&4&lBlow&7 up nearby entities." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvM2Y4ZDkxNTg1YmZhZWExZDBiZWIxYjFiNGU1Zjk4NzYyOTYzOTlhOWZlNWFjOTNkMzE5ZmEyMTI3M2JjMCJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 4 | |
Revive: false | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 4.75 | |
Damage: 20.0 | |
Starfall Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&f&lStarfall Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&7Fire an array of &f&lStars&7 around you that" | |
- "&7deal damage to its target." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTdjNjZmNWE0YjQwODAwNWIzMzZkYTY2NzZlOGY2YTJhNjdlZWEzMTVmYjdlOTEzNjBhY2MwNDc4MDJmYTMyMCJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 6 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 12.5 | |
Max Targets: 8 # The maximum targets | |
Interval: 0.64 # Time between each starfall - Seconds | |
Damage: 12.0 | |
Shadow Veil Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&8&lShadow Veil Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&7Fake your death, making all entities &8&luntarget&7 you and" | |
- "&7turn &8&lcompletely invisible&7 to other players for a few seconds." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzRiYjg0ZTU2YzgzYThjZGE4YTE2MDkyOThmMDg2ZGU2ZTczY2I3NTE3YzVhMzQxNGVlN2M3ZDUwN2I4MzU3MSJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 4 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: true # This will make the player completely invisible to other players if true | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Length: 3.5 # Seconds | |
Black Hole Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&8&lBlack Hole Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&7Summon a &8&lBlack Hole&7 and suck all nearby entities towards it." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTUwYWNkYWRmMjg5NzZkZDE5Y2RlOWMyNmRkYTQ5NzE0N2ZkZTRmMGFjOTFjNzcyNGEyMDZmYjE1Zjk4Yzc3MiJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 3 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 8.5 | |
Length: 3.75 # Seconds | |
Poseidon Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&b&lPoseidon Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&7Summon the strength of &b&lPoseidon&7 and fire Tridents around you." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjAzNTRiMDc5Y2VhMDBmMTFhMjhlN2MyMWJhOWMxM2ExN2NjY2IwNjA1NjAxOWNiNGM2NGJjMjQzNTc1NTI5YSJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 2 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Points: 32 # The amount of Tridents to fire, anything over 64 is overkill and any higher than 128 will lag the player and server | |
Force: 1.65 # The force of the Tridents | |
Damage: 12.5 | |
Frosty Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&f&lFrosty Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&7Summon &f&lSnowmen&7 to aid you in combat with their ice sharp snowballs!" | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOGQ0N2ExMDFkZmQzY2E3YWIzNTJmZDUzMDJmOWUwNmFkYzBkZmVkYzg1NDRiN2YwMmI5OTFhMzhmZjA5NTBlNCJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 2 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 7 | |
Length: 3.75 # Seconds | |
Max Amount: 3 # The max amount of Snowmen (Sometimes not all of them can be placed due to no space) | |
Damage: 2.5 # Damage of the Snowballs fired by the Snowmen | |
Fang Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&c&lFang Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&7Summon &c&lEvoker Fangs&7 to snap any nearby entities." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjMwY2U3NzVlZGI2NWRiOGMyNzQxYmRmYWU4NGYzYzBkMDI4NWFiYTkzYWZhZGM3NDkwMGQ1NWRmZDk1MDRhNSJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 2 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 7.75 | |
Max Targets: 6 # The maximum targets | |
Interval: 0.64 # Time between each fang - Seconds | |
Damage: 4.5 | |
Whirlwind Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&f&lWhirlwind Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&7Summon &f&lWhirlwinds&7 to sweep up and damage nearby entities." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOGFmMGU1MmYzODk5ODY5NWE3YmJmYTlhY2RjOGVlYTFmY2U2OTdiYjA4NWIzYzllZTQwMTdmNTE5YWQ5ZTU4YyJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 3 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 6 # Radius to spawn whirlwinds | |
Size: 1.65 # Size of the whirlwind | |
Max Amount: 4 # The max amount of Whirlwinds (Sometimes not all of them can be placed due to no space) | |
Length: 2.25 # Seconds | |
Interval: 0.54 # Time between each damage instance - Seconds | |
Damage: 3.0 # Damage per interval | |
Strength Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&c&lStrength Totem" | |
Description: | |
- "&c&lSacrifice&7 yourself to strengthen nearby players." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOGQ3NGVmMTQ4NTU1ZmYxODUzNWMzN2Y5OWVlYjg4MzA3YmU5MTlkMDNkYzdjYjIzZDE4YThmZTI0MWM3YiJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 4 | |
Revive: false | |
Target Players: true | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 15.25 | |
Length: 12.0 # Seconds | |
Amplifier: 5 # Level of strength | |
Brewing Bottles Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "<#EB00FF>&lB<#D11CFC>&lr<#B739F8>&le<#9D55F5>&lw<#8371F1>&li<#688EEE>&ln<#4EAAEA>&lg <#34C6E7>&lB<#1AE3E3>&lo<#00FFE0><<#1AE3E3><<#34C6E7>&ll<#4EAAEA>&le<#688EEE>&ls <#8371F1>&lT<#9D55F5>&lo<#B739F8><<#D11CFC>&le<#EB00FF>&lm" | |
Description: | |
- "&5&lBrew Potions&7 to cover the ground in special liquids." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTdmZmZiYjIzMzM2MTEwNmY4Y2RhZmRkNzU4MDBlNTMzMTBlMmI0ZTlhYzQ0N2E5YTU0MzE1YzcxNGIxNzA1NSJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 6 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 5 | |
Amount: 6 | |
Length: 12.0 # Seconds | |
Interval: 0.64 # Time between each damage instance - Seconds | |
Damage: 3.0 # Damage per interval | |
Fireball Frenzy Totem: | |
# Global settings | |
Enabled: true | |
Name: "&c&lFireball Frenzy" | |
Description: | |
- "&c&lShoot fireballs&7 at nearby enemies." | |
- "&7Revive: %revive%" | |
- "PURCHASE|" | |
- "PURCHASE|&aClick to purchase for %price% token%price_plural%" | |
- "ACTIVE|" | |
- "ACTIVE|&aClick to unset this as your active Totem." | |
- "OWNED|" | |
- "OWNED|&aClick to set this as your active Totem." | |
Texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGU4YTM4ZTlhZmJkM2RhMTBkMTliNTc3YzU1YzdiZmQ2YjRmMmU0MDdlNDRkNDAxN2IyM2JlOTE2N2FiZmYwMiJ9fX0=" | |
Price: 1 | |
Revive: true | |
Target Players: false | |
# Totem settings (Different per totem) | |
Radius: 12 | |
Amount: 8 # Amount of fireballs | |
Interval: 0.25 # Time between each fireball | |
Damage: 2.0 # Damage per fireball hit | |
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