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Last active March 8, 2024 03:02
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# Thank you for purchasing AdvancedAntiVPN and I hope you enjoy the plugin!
# If you have any issues please refer to the "HELP/HOW TO" on the plugin page below!
# Plugin page:
# Check for plugin updates on startup and every 24 hours?
Update Notify: true
# Enable debug mode for the plugin to see special
# things including raw data of connections.
# WARNING: This can print out alot of debugging
# info especially when checking services!
Debug Mode: false
# Change how data is saved/managed.
# Valid settings are SQLITE (Local) or MYSQL (Remote)
# If you're unsure what this is or don't have multiple servers, just leave these alone.
# MySQL Settings
Port: 3306
# --- Make sure to create this database manually if not there ---
Database: advancedantivpn
# Account that has access to read/write to the above database
Username: admin
Password: dbpass123
# Highly recommend keeping this SSL (HTTPS) to true but your host may not allow it yet.
SSL: true
# Don't change unless you know exactly what this is, this is the maxmium amount of connections in the pool that there can be.
Maximum Pool Size: 4
# Timeout for each connection in seconds. I recommend no higher than 5 seconds but no lower than 1 second.
Connection Timeout: 3.0
# How many services should detect the players IP
# to be a VPN/proxy to flag the player?
# This needs to be the same or lower than the
# amount of services enabled.
# This will trigger the enabled actions.
Flagged Threshold: 2
# Time to cache results in the database in hours.
# Put lower if you have enough queries to use from the services.
# Put higher if you don't have enough queries to use from the services.
# Recommended: 12-48
Cache Time: 36
# What actions to take when a player is flagged.
# Block the player from joining the server.
Enabled: true
Message: "&cPlease disconnect from your VPN or proxy and rejoin!"
# Send a message to all players online with the permission "advancedantivpn.notify"
Enabled: false
Message: "&c&l%player_name%&c tried to join with a VPN or proxy!"
# Send a Discord message to your webhook.
Discord Webhook:
Enabled: false
# See on how to create and get your web hook URL.
URL: ""
Username: "AdvancedAntiVPN"
Avatar: ""
# Hex color
Color: "#00FFFF"
Title: "AdvancedAntiVPN"
Thumbnail: ""
# Placeholders: %player_name%, %ip%, %date% & %time%.
- "**%player_name%** tried to log in with a VPN or proxy!"
- ""
- "**Information**:"
- "**IP**: %ip%"
- "**Date**: %date%"
- "**Time**: %time%"
- "**Country**: %country%" # Needs GeoLite2 enabled or will say Unknown.
# Placeholders: %plugin_version%.
Footer: "AdvancedAntiVPN v%plugin_version%"
# Execute a list of commands with or without a delay.
Enabled: false
# Delay in seconds, 0 to disable
Delay: 0.25
# Placeholders: %player_name%, %ip%, %date% & %time%.
- "minecraft:say %player_name% joined using a VPN or proxy!"
- "minecraft:teleport %player_name% 0 128 0"
# All the services that are supported by AdvancedAntiVPN.
# Please read each service's terms of service and privacy policy before using them.
# No Key: unlimited queries.
Enabled: false
# No Key: 100 daily queries.
# Free Key 1,000 daily queries.
# Paid Key: 10k-512m daily queries.
# Get a free key here:
Enabled: false
Key: "" # Optional but you can get a free one
# No Key: 100 daily queries.
# Free Key 1,000 daily queries.
# Paid Key: 10k-200k daily queries.
# Get a free key here:
Enabled: false
Key: "" # Optional but you can get a free one
# Free Key: 1,000 daily queries.
# Paid Key: 10k-600k+ daily queries.
# Get a free key here:
Enabled: false
Key: "" # Required but you can get a free one
# Advanced settings for this service, only change if you understand these.
Block: 1
# Free: 500+ daily queries.
# Paid: 500-Infinite daily queries.
Enabled: false
Email: "" # Required don't put a fake one or you'll get banned, sometimes instantly.
# Free Key: 1,000 daily queries.
# Paid Key: 60k-50m daily queries.
# Get a free key here:
Enabled: false
Key: "" # Required but you can get a free one
# Advanced settings for this service, only change if you understand these.
Block: 1
# Free Key: 5,000 monthly queries.
# Paid Key: 50k-5m monthly queries.
# Get a free key here:
Enabled: false
Key: "" # Required but you can get a free one
# Advanced settings for this service, only change if you understand these.
Fraud Score: 89
Allow Public Access Points: false
Mobile: false
Fast: false
Strictness: 0
Lighter Penalties: true
# GeoLite2 is a free Geolocating service by MaxMind (
# to find the location of where an IP is, such as it's country.
# Should GeoLite2 be enabled and check player's IP location?
Enabled: false
# Key for your MaxMind account to download/update the GeoLite2 database.
# Get your free key from
MaxMind Key: ""
# How often to update the database in days.
# Recommended: 14-31
Update Period: 31.0
# Should the country list be a whitelist or blacklist.
# The list of countries to allow or block.
# Format is Alpha-2 codes from
- "GB" # Great Britain
- "US" # United States
# The message that the player will get if their country is being blocked.
Message: "&cSorry, we do not accept players from your country."
# The action bar message to notify players with permission.
Notify Message: "%heartbeat% &c&lAEGIS&c - &c&l%count% BLOCKED %heartbeat%"
# The message that the player will get if Aegis is enabled and they attempt to join.
Block Message: "&c&lAegis&c is enabled, try again later!"
# Language used for the plugin
# Prefix for player chat messages. Set to "" to disable.
Prefix: "&b[AdvancedAntiVPN] "
# Player & console messages
Command Usage:
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN &7- &fShow plugin version and licensed user."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Help &7- &fShow this help menu."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Reload &7- &fReload the plugin."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Stats &7- &fShows database stats."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Whitelist (Add/Remove) (IP) &7- &fAdd or remove IP from the whitelist."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Blacklist (Add/Remove) (IP) &7- &fAdd or remove IP from the blacklist."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Purge &7- &fPurge the cache database."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Test (IP) &7- &fTest an IP address and see the results from services."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Aegis enable/disable &7- &fEnable or disable Aegis mode."
- "&fDatabase statistics:"
- "&b&l>&a &a&l%total% &aIP(s) are in the database."
- "&b&l>&a &2&l%flagged% &2of them are flagged."
- "&b&l>&a &c&l%updated% of them are within the cache time."
- "&b&l>&a &4&l%cache_flagged% &4of them within the cache time are flagged."
Whitelist Command Usage: "&cUsage: /AdvancedAntiVPN whitelist add/remove (IP/UUID)."
Blacklist Command Usage: "&cUsage: /AdvancedAntiVPN blacklist add/remove (IP/UUID)."
Test Command Usage: "&cUsage: /AdvancedAntiVPN test (IP) [Force]."
Aegis Command Usage: "&cUsage: /AdvancedAntiVPN aegis enable/disable."
Already On Whitelist: "&c%value% is already on the whitelist!"
Already On Blacklist: "&c%value% is already on the blacklist!"
Added To Whitelist: "&aAdded %value% to whitelist."
Added To Blacklist: "&aAdded %value% to blacklist."
Not On Whitelist: "&c%value% is not on the whitelist!"
Not On Blacklist: "&c%value% is not on the blacklist!"
Removed From Whitelist: "&aRemoved %value% from whitelist."
Removed From Blacklist: "&aRemoved %value% from blacklist."
Invalid Value: "&c%value% is an invalid value!"
Invalid Boolean: "&c%arg% is not a valid boolean!"
Purge: "&aPurged the database cache!"
Test Results: "&fTest results for &a&l%ip%&f:"
Test Result Entry: "&b&l>&a %service_name%&f's result was: &a&l%result%&f."
Test Result Entry Disabled: "&8&l>&7 %service_name%&f is &8&lDISABLED&7."
Test Result Entry Final: "&f(&c%flagged_amount%&f/&4%enabled_services_amount%&f) enabled services flagged this IP."
Aegis Toggle: "&aAegis mode has been %status%&a!"
Aegis Toggle Error: "&cAegis mode is already %status%&c!"
Aegis Toggle Status Enabled: "&a&lENABLED"
Aegis Toggle Status Disabled: "&c&lDISABLED"
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