Programación en Bash Shell
Básicamente es un lenguaje de scripting para realizar ciertas operaciones en entornos Linux.
printf "\t [Programando en Bash Shell]"
echo $'\t'"Hola, mundo"
Use case: | | | |
Reference Bash: | | | |
shebang: #!/bin/bash | |
1 - Variables | |
env command | |
$PWD, $USER, $HOME, $PS1 | |
.env - | |
echo -e "$USER\n FooBar" # -e escapes newline | |
USER_VAR="HELLO" # defines USER_VAR as "hello" | |
USER_COM_VAR=`echo 'x'` # defines USER_VAR as "x", from command echo | |
USER_COM_VAR=$(echo 'x') # same as above | |
# this is a comment | |
echo $1, $2... ${10} | |
echo $@ # print args arr | |
echo $? # last result | |
echo $# # length | |
count=10 # -le, -lt, -eq, -ge, -gt | |
if [ $count -le 4 ]; then | |
echo "$count is less or equal to 4" | |
elif [[ $count -gt 4 && $count -lt 10 ]]; then # &&, || | |
echo "$count is bewteen 5 and 10" | |
else | |
echo "$count has to be >=10" | |
fi | |
# if condition is false | |
if [ "hello" == "bye" ]; then # != | |
echo "hello equals bye" | |
fi | |
if [ -f /file/path ]; then | |
echo "/file/path is a file" | |
fi | |
if [ -d /dir/path ]; then | |
echo "/dir/path is a dir" | |
fi | |
if [ -z “$hello” ]; then | |
echo "$hello is not empty" | |
fi | |
if [ $count -le 4 ]; then | |
echo "count is less or equal to 4 : $count" | |
elif [ $count -ge 5 ] && [ $count -lt 9 ]; then # (( $count >= 5 && $count <= 9 )) | |
echo "count is between to 5 and 9 : $count" | |
else | |
echo "count is greater than 9 : $count" | |
fi | |
case $variable in | |
A) | |
echo "A selected" | |
;; | |
B) | |
echo "B selected" | |
;; | |
C) | |
echo "C selected" | |
;; | |
*) | |
echo "ERROR! Please select between 1..3" | |
esac | |
#loops | |
while true; do | |
echo "hello" && break | |
done | |
a=1 | |
b=2 | |
count=10 | |
while [[ $a -lt $count && $b -lt 5 ]]; do | |
a=$(( a + 1 )) | |
b=$(( b + 1 )) | |
done | |
# for (( i=0; i<5; i++ )) | |
for i in {0..5..2}; do #start..end..increment | |
echo "$i" | |
done | |
function main(){ | |
# more code here | |
: | |
} |
Reference Docker: | | | | | |
Docker ps # shows running containers | |
Docker ps -a # shows all containers | |
Docker pull # pulls image from | |
docker run hello-world # executes (and pulls) image hello-world | |
Docker start [container] # starts (up) the container | |
Docker stop [container] # stops running container | |
Docker logs [container] # showcases logs of container | |
Docker exec -it container_name bash # enters inside the container to perform bash commands | |
Docker rm container # removes (stopped) container | |
Docker rmi image # removes image |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Comentarios multilínea | |
# Limpiamos terminal | |
clear | |
echo $'\t'"[ Programando en Bash Shell]" | |
echo $'\t'"Hola, ${USER}" | |
echo $'\t'"Estamos en: ${PWD}" | |
echo -n "Esto sin nueva línea" | |
echo -e "\nRemoviendo \t backslash \t caracteres\n" | |
# 9. | |
numero=0 | |
let aleatorio=$(expr 1 + $RANDOM % 10) | |
printf "\t [ Adivina un numero ]" | |
echo $'\n'"Introduce un numero:" | |
read numero | |
echo "$numero es el numero que introduciste" | |
echo "$aleatorio es el numero a adivinar" | |
if [ $numero -eq $aleatorio ]; then echo "Correcto"; else echo "Incorrecto"; fi | |
# 8. Bucle For | |
for (( contador=10; contador>0; contador-- )) | |
do | |
echo -n "$contador " | |
done | |
printf "\n" | |
for((contador=0; contador<5; contador++)) | |
do | |
echo "contador: $contador" | |
done | |
printf "\n" | |
# 7. Bucle while | |
valido=true | |
contador=1 | |
echo $'\t'"Bucle While:" | |
while [ $valido ] | |
do | |
echo $contador | |
if [ $contador -eq 5 ]; | |
then | |
break | |
fi | |
((contador++)) | |
done | |
printf "\t Hecho !!\n" | |
echo "contador: $contador" | |
while [ $valido ] | |
do | |
echo $contador | |
if [ $contador -eq 0 ]; | |
then | |
break | |
fi | |
((contador--)) | |
done | |
printf "\t Hecho !!\n" | |
# 6. Expresiones | |
((suma=65+22)) | |
((resta=$suma-22)) | |
((mult=$suma*$resta)) | |
# Imprimir el resultado | |
echo "Suma: "$suma | |
echo "Resta: "$resta | |
echo "Multiplicacion: "$mult | |
# 5. Definimos variables tipo Caracter, Entero, Booleano y del sistema | |
nombre="Codemonkey Junior" | |
entero=34 | |
booleano=true | |
flotante=9.83 | |
fecha=`date` | |
directorio=`pwd` | |
# Mostramos en pantalla el valor de las variables | |
printf "\t [Variables en Linux] " | |
echo "Hola, ${nombre}" | |
echo "Entero = ${entero}" | |
echo "Flotante = ${flotante}" | |
echo "Fecha: ${fecha}" | |
echo "Estamos en: ${directorio}" | |
# 4. Comprobamos si una variable es NULL | |
if $booleano; then echo "Es verdadero: ${booleano}"; else echo "Es falso: ${booleano}"; fi | |
echo "Fecha de hoy es: ${fecha}" | |
echo "Estamos en el directorio: ${directorio}" | |
echo "El nombre del archivo es: $0" | |
# 3. Realizamos algunas operaciones aritméticas | |
let num1=21 | |
let num2=1 | |
let suma=${num1}+${num2} | |
echo "num1=${num1}, num2=${num2}" | |
echo "Suma = ${suma}" | |
# Definimos las variables y su valor | |
let a=20 | |
let b=5 | |
# Operaciones aritméticas | |
let suma=$(expr ${a} + ${b}) | |
let resta=$(expr ${a} - ${b}) | |
let producto=`expr $a \* $b` | |
let division=$(expr ${a} / ${b}) | |
echo "[Operaciones aritmeticas]" | |
echo "a = ${a}, b = ${b}" | |
echo "Suma = ${suma}" | |
echo "Resta = ${resta}" | |
echo "Producto = ${producto}" | |
echo "Division = ${division}" | |
let c=220 | |
let d=200 | |
let residuo=$(expr ${c} % ${d}) | |
echo "c = ${c}, d = ${d}" | |
echo "Residuo = ${residuo}" | |
# 2. Longitud de las variables | |
nombre='ABC' | |
echo "Cadena = ${nombre}" | |
# La longitud debe ser de 3 | |
echo La longitud de la variable es: ${#nombre} | |
numero=4953 | |
echo "Numero = ${numero}" | |
# La longitud debe ser de 4 | |
echo La longitud de la variable es: ${#numero} | |
booleano=true | |
echo "Booleano = ${booleano}" | |
# En este la longitud será de 4, se cuenta cada una de las letras como si fuera un string | |
echo La longitud de la variable es: ${#booleano} | |
# 1. Algunos comandos y variables de Linux | |
quien=`whoami` | |
donde=`pwd` | |
mishell=$SHELL | |
echo "Quien soy?: ${quien}" | |
echo "Donde estoy?: ${donde}" | |
echo "El home es: ${HOME}" | |
echo "El usuario es: ${USER}" | |
echo "El shell esta en: ${mishell}" | |
Reference Git: | | | |
curl -L > ~/.bash_git | |
ssh-keygen && cat ~/.ssh/*.pub # generate SSH key and prints public key | |
git config --list | |
git config --global "Lucio Afonso" | |
git config --global "[email protected]" | |
git config --global core.eol lf | |
git config --global color.ui "true" | |
git config --global core.editor "vim" | |
git config --global core.autocrlf input | |
git config --global credential.helper "store" | |
git clone # clones git | |
git checkout -b LA/branch_name # creates and switches to branch LA/branch_name | |
git pull origin master # fetches and merges current branch with master | |
git add -A # stages (adds) files to git | |
git commit -m "F" # commits with the message "F" | |
git init # Initializing a repository | |
#Branching | |
git branch # shows local branches | |
git branch -a # shows local and remote branches | |
git branch -D la/extras # deletes branch la/extras | |
# Switching branches | |
git checkout branch_name # switches to branch_name | |
# Showcases status | |
git status | |
# Staging files | |
git add file1.js # Stages a single file | |
git add file1.js file2.js # Stages multiple files | |
git add -A # all files, new and modified | |
git add -u # all modified and staged files, not new files | |
# Committing the staged files | |
git commit -m "Message" # Commits with a one-line message | |
git commit # Opens the default editor to type a long message | |
# Adds remote origin as http://link/to/repo | |
git remote add origin http://link/to/repo | |
# Pushes branch to origin | |
git push origin branch | |
git push -d origin LA/branch_name # deletes LA/branch_name from origin | |
# Fetch vs pull | |
git fetch # updates all branches | |
git pull # same as above but merges | |
# Removes changes | |
git checkout -- file | |
git restore file | |
# Viewing the history | |
git log # Full history | |
git log -n 4 # Showcases last 4 from history | |
git stash # stashes all current changes | |
git reset --hard origin/master # resets HARD with master (aka sync) | |
git stash pop # applies last stashed changes |
Reference Unix: | | | |
1 - Introduction: | |
Win - versions, File structure | |
Unix, AppleOS, Linux dist (Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat) | |
2 - Linux file structure | |
#1: Everything is a file | |
/bin, /boot... | |
/editable_text_config - extra configuration for commands | |
/media - auto mounted devices | |
/mnt - manual mounted devices | |
/opt - optional software, Dropbox is installed here. | |
/run - tmp folder used during boot | |
/var - variables files, /var/log is where log files are stored | |
3 - Full path vs relative path | |
/; ~ ; .. ; . # root filesystem | |
# hidden folder and files | |
.env/ # hidden folder | |
~/.bashrc # relative path of .bashrc | |
4 - Commands | |
# Intro: command [-flags] [args] | |
whoami, man vs --help, which, uname -a, yes | |
5 - File/Dir commands | |
pwd, cd, ls -lh, mkdir -p, rmdir -p | |
touch, cat, head -n 6, tail -n 3, more, less, | |
vi/nano, grep -nir, find / -name, cp, mv | |
clear, ctrl + L | |
rm -rvf dir | |
6 - Wildcards and Regular expression - * | |
Sdhasd\ dssd = "Sdhasd dssd" # they are equal | |
"Ds / ?sad" | |
rm -vf dir/* # erases everything from dir/ | |
find . -name "*.txt" | |
7 - Multiple commands: Piping, and or grep | |
mkdir -p myFolder/dir && mv myFolder/ /tmp/ | |
cd /tmp/myFolder/dir; hjkkjg; echo "No problem" | |
cat file.txt | grep tellus | less | |
8 - Redirects | |
cat /dev/null > file.txt # eliminates the content of a file | |
echo "Hasdad asd ad a" >> file.txt # appends what's in echo inside the file | |
find / -name dev_tools_default.img 2>/dev/null # hides errors | |
cat > /tmp/myFile.txt # type then ctrl+d, creates file | |
cat < /tmp/myFile.txt > /tmp/myFile2.txt # copies file | |
sdadas >file.log 2>&1 # redirects STDERR to STDOUT | |
bash 1>file.log 2>file.err # runs and creates 2 files, one for log and other for err | |
8- sudo/ su -/ sudo -i | |
chmod | |
systemctl | |
shutdown | |
reboot | |
apt install | |
9 - ping -c 4 # pings 4 times |
Reference Jenkins: | | | |
Reference Virtualisation: | | | |
Reference Vagrant: | | | |
Vagrant up | |
Vagrant ssh | |
Vagrant halt | |
Vagrant destroy |