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Created March 7, 2015 16:09
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Generating waveform & spectrum plots with NumPy & matplotlib
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Simple example using NumPy & matplotlib to generate some
sound waveforms, plot them with their frequency spectra, and write out WAV
files of them."""
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import wave
import struct
# Oscillators:
# For all of these, 'f' is the frequency per 'n' samples, and 'n' is the total
# number of samples. That is, for f=2, the oscillator will undergo 2 cycles in
# 'n' samples, regardless of 'n'.
# Since 'f' is (cycles / 'n' samples) and sampling rate 'R' is in
# samples / second, f*R/n is then cycles/second - actual frequency in Hz.
sine = lambda f,n: numpy.sin(numpy.arange(n) * numpy.pi * 2 * f / float(n))
sawtooth = lambda f,n: numpy.mod(numpy.arange(n) * 2.0 * f/n + f/2.0, 2) - 1
square = lambda f,n: (sawtooth(f,n) >= 0) * 2.0 - 1
def tri(f,n):
osc = 2 * sawtooth(f,n) * square(f,n) - 1
# This needs a phase shift on top:
sh = n / f / 4.0
return numpy.concatenate((osc[sh:], osc[:sh]))
whiteNoise = lambda n: numpy.random.random(n) * 2.0 - 1
sineClip = lambda f,n,r: numpy.clip(sine(f,n), -r, r)
# sineClip: 'r' sets the point at which to clip the sinewave, in [0,1]; e.g.
# r = 0.8 clips the sinewave at 80% intensity, both top and bottom.
# sineTrunc: Truncated sinewave; t0 and t1 set start and end time for the
# sinewave, as ratios relative to N (0 < t0 < t1 < 1). For instance, t0=0.1
# and t1 = 0.9 means to cut off the sinewave at 10% of the start and end.
def sineTrunc(f, n, t0, t1):
r = numpy.arange(n) / float(n)
envelope = (r > t0) * (r <= t1) * 1
return sine(f,n) * envelope
def plotWithSpectrum(timeSeries, rate=48000):
"""Plot the given waveform (timeSeries), both as time-domain and as its
frequency-domain spectrum. Returns a matplotlib.figure.Figure object."""
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2)
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.3, wspace = 0.3)
n = len(timeSeries)
# (1) Plot time-domain data:
timesMsec = numpy.arange(n) * 1000.0 / rate
axs[0].plot(timesMsec, timeSeries)
# Limit the X axis to our input samples:
axs[0].set_xlim([0, max(timesMsec)])
# Add a little extra on Y axis so peaks are more visible:
axs[0].set_ylim([-1.2, 1.2])
axs[0].set_xlabel("Time (ms)")
# (2) Compute and plot frequency spectrum:
spectrum = numpy.abs(numpy.fft.rfft(timeSeries)) / n
specFreq = numpy.fft.rfftfreq(n, 1.0 / rate)
# Note that for the bar plot, we set the width to the size of each
# frequency bin:
axs[1].bar(specFreq, spectrum, width = rate / n, linewidth = 0)
#axs[1].set_title("Frequency spectrum")
# Limit the X axis to the given frequencies:
axs[1].set_xlim([0, max(specFreq)])
axs[1].set_ylim([0, 1])
axs[1].set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
return fig
def writeWav(data, filename, rate=48000):
"""Write the time-series (as an array in the range [-1,1]) as a WAV file to
the given filename. Sample rate is 48000 unless overridden."""
wavefile =, 'wb')
width = 2
bytes_ = [struct.pack('h', int((2**(8*width - 1) - 1) * s)) for s in data]
rawBytes = b"".join(bytes_)
# rate = sample rate (samples/second)
rate = 48000
# wavTime = length of written WAV in seconds
wavTime = 2
# plotN = how many samples to plot
plotN = 128
# f = desired frequency in Hz
f = 750
wavN = rate * wavTime
wavF = f * wavN / rate
plotF = f * plotN / rate
# plots: Tuple of (waveform to plot, waveform to write to WAV, name)
# I separate the waveforms for plotting and waveforms for writing to WAV
# because the former are far too short to be useful for listening.
plots = (
(sine(plotF, plotN), sine(wavF, wavN), "Sine, pure"),
(-sine(plotF, plotN), -sine(wavF, wavN), "Sine, inverted"),
(sineClip(plotF, plotN, 0.7), sineClip(wavF, wavN, 0.7), "Sine, clipped (70%)"),
(sineTrunc(plotF, plotN, 0.1, 0.9), sineTrunc(wavF, wavN, 0.1, 0.9), "Sine, truncated"),
(square(plotF, plotN), square(wavF, wavN), "Square wave"),
(tri(plotF, plotN), tri(wavF, wavN), "Triangle wave"),
(sawtooth(plotF, plotN), sawtooth(wavF, wavN), "Sawtooth wave"),
(whiteNoise(plotN), whiteNoise(wavN), "White Noise"),
for wavePlot, waveListen, name in plots:
print("Writing: \"%s\"" % (name,))
writeWav(waveListen, name + ".wav", rate)
p = plotWithSpectrum(wavePlot, rate)
p.savefig(name + ".pdf")
p.savefig(name + ".png")
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