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Created June 10, 2020 17:16
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Simply Stronger Dragons - ModuleConfig.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<moduleName>Simply Stronger Dragons</moduleName>
<installSteps order="Explicit">
<installStep name="Install">
<optionalFileGroups order="Explicit">
<group name="Health multiplier for generic enemy dragons" type="SelectExactlyOne">
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<type name="Optional"/>
<plugin name="2">
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<type name="Recommended"/>
<plugin name="4">
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<type name="Optional"/>
<plugin name="8">
<conditionFlags operator="And">
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<type name="Optional"/>
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<type name="Optional"/>
<plugin name="2">
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<type name="Recommended"/>
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<type name="Optional"/>
<plugin name="8">
<conditionFlags operator="And">
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<type name="Optional"/>
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<type name="Optional"/>
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<type name="Recommended"/>
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<type name="Optional"/>
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<type name="Optional"/>
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<plugin name="Vanilla">
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<flag name="Alduin">0</flag>
<type name="Optional"/>
<plugin name="Same multipliers as other dragons">
<conditionFlags operator="And">
<flag name="Alduin">1</flag>
<type name="Recommended"/>
<plugin name="Double the multipliers of other dragons">
<conditionFlags operator="And">
<flag name="Alduin">2</flag>
<type name="Optional"/>
<plugin name="Quadruple the multipliers of other dragons">
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<type name="Optional"/>
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