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Created April 19, 2016 06:30
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n_affected_by_div293 <- function(div293.threshold = 300e3, cap = 30000, cap2 = 35000, age_based_cap = TRUE, div293 = TRUE, super.guarantee.rate = 0.095, use.sample.file = "2013-14", h = 0L){
sample_file_extended <-
# sample_files_all[fy.year == use.sample.file] %>%
sample_file_1314 %>%
project(h = h) %>%
# 50 year olds and over get a cap of 35e3
mutate(prev_cap = ifelse(age_range <= 4, 35e3, 30e3)) %>%
# Throughout we assume that the minimum amount of super guarantee contributions are made.
super_income_in_excess_of_cap = pmax(0, Rptbl_Empr_spr_cont_amt + Non_emp_spr_amt + super.guarantee.rate * Sw_amt - prev_cap),
# the minimum of the cap applicable or the contributions actually made
prv_concess_contr_amt = pmin(prev_cap, Rptbl_Empr_spr_cont_amt + Non_emp_spr_amt + super.guarantee.rate * Sw_amt),
new_concess_contr_amt = pmin(ifelse(age_range <= 4,
ifelse(age_based_cap, cap2, cap),
Rptbl_Empr_spr_cont_amt + Non_emp_spr_amt + super.guarantee.rate * Sw_amt),
new_super_income_in_excess_of_cap = pmax(0, Rptbl_Empr_spr_cont_amt + Non_emp_spr_amt + super.guarantee.rate * Sw_amt - ifelse(age_range <= 4, if(age_based_cap) cap2 else cap, cap)),
new_Taxable_Income = Taxable_Income - super_income_in_excess_of_cap + new_super_income_in_excess_of_cap,
revenue_due_to_Taxable_Income = income_tax(new_Taxable_Income,
fy.year = use.sample.file) - income_tax(Taxable_Income,
fy.year = use.sample.file)
) %>%
# div293
prv_tax_payable_on_concess_contr = 0.15 * prv_concess_contr_amt,
new_tax_payable_on_concess_contr = 0.15 * new_concess_contr_amt,
# Technically the surchargeable income includes amounts on which family trust distribution tax has been paid. This has
# been omitted, meaning that some individuals' div 293 tax burden is underestimated.
prv_surchargeable_income293 = Taxable_Income + Net_fincl_invstmt_lss_amt - pmin(Net_rent_amt, 0) + Rep_frng_ben_amt,
# We assume that low tax contributions cannot be negative. Since prv concess is capped,
# we don't have to subtract off excess contributions
prv_low_tax_contributions293 = pmax(0, prv_concess_contr_amt),
prv_div293_income = prv_surchargeable_income293 + prv_low_tax_contributions293,
prv_div293_tax = ifelse(prv_div293_income > 300e3,
0.15 * pmin(prv_low_tax_contributions293,
pmax(prv_div293_income - 300e3, 0)),
new_surchargeable_income293 = new_Taxable_Income + Net_fincl_invstmt_lss_amt - pmin(Net_rent_amt, 0) + Rep_frng_ben_amt,
new_low_tax_contributions293 = pmax(0, new_concess_contr_amt),
new_div293_income = new_surchargeable_income293 + new_low_tax_contributions293,
new_div293_tax = ifelse(new_div293_income > div293.threshold,
0.15 * pmin(new_low_tax_contributions293,
pmax(new_div293_income - div293.threshold, 0)),
n_affected <-
sample_file_extended %$%
sum((new_div293_tax > prv_div293_tax) * WEIGHT)
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