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Last active July 28, 2023 00:50
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# Vanilla Crew Scheduling
# Step 1: Define the flights and crew members, along with the flight times and max work hours.
# Flight times in hours
flight_times = {
"flight_1": 5,
"flight_2": 3,
"flight_3": 4,
# Max work hours for each crew member
max_work_hours = {
"crew_1": 7,
"crew_2": 6,
# Step 2: Define the decision variables
from pulp import LpVariable, LpBinary, lpSum
x = LpVariable.dicts("x", ((i, j) for i in flight_times for j in max_work_hours), cat='Binary')
# Step 3: Define the objective
from pulp import LpProblem, LpMinimize
# Define the problem
prob = LpProblem("Crew_Scheduling", LpMinimize)
# Add the objective
prob += lpSum(x[(i, j)] * flight_times[i] for i in flight_times for j in max_work_hours)
# Step 4: Define the constraints
# Each flight must be covered by exactly one crew member
for i in flight_times:
prob += lpSum(x[(i, j)] for j in max_work_hours) == 1
# Each crew member cannot work more than their maximum hours
for j in max_work_hours:
prob += lpSum(x[(i, j)] * flight_times[i] for i in flight_times) <= max_work_hours[j]
# Step 5: Solve the problem
from pulp import LpStatus, value
# Solve the problem
# Print the status of the solution
print("Status:", LpStatus[prob.status])
# Print the optimal assignments
for i in flight_times:
for j in max_work_hours:
print(f"Crew {j} assigned to flight {i}: {x[(i, j)].varValue}")
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