This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to recover the BIOS password from an Asus VivoBook using a memory dump.
- Memory Dump: Obtain the memory dump of the BIOS using either a software method (as shown in the following writeup or a hardware programmer.
- Hashcat: Ensure you have Hashcat installed for brute-forcing the password.
First, follow the following writeup to obtain the memory dump and recover the BIOS password's hash.
Based on the encrypted password's format, there are different possible scenarios:
- 64 HEX digits: Likely a null-padded SHA-256 hash of your password.
- 40 HEX digits: Maybe a null-padded SHA-1 hash of your password, try to adapt the provided explanation to this specific case (no guarantee of success, I never tried that).
- Other lengths: Could be a XORed value. Refer to this writeup for details on handling XORed passwords.
Convert Password to HEX
- Use a tool like RapidTables to convert the password to a HEX value.
Pad the Password
- Pad the HEX content with
to reach the maximum password length (20 characters in my case for an Asus Vivobook X412D). - The length of the padded HEX content should be 4 times the maximum password length (20), resulting in 80 characters.
- Padded HEX Content:
- Pad the HEX content with
Hash the Padded Password
- Use a tool like FileFormat to hash the padded HEX password to obtain the SHA-256 hash.
Hashcat can brute-force all combinations of the password padded with zeros. Below is a script to automate this process.
"d81aab5f68305093a48db651934332124d35f6fb1b8292bceb06912c4ec0efc1" # Example SHA-256 hash for 'QQQQ'
"3b0e248b71cd06d193c97422b695e5c419b45dc6b520bf414ead2c0336a7b7fd" # Example SHA-256 hash for 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'
"a533a3987cb2994f3871dd3ca7ac57c15d21e1607d32ba224994ec8d349087a4" # Example SHA-256 hash for 'password'
# Generate hash files with padding as salt
for i in {4..64..4}; do
num=$((20 - i / 4))
for hash_value in "${hashes[@]}"; do
zeros=$(printf '0%.0s' $(seq 1 $i))
echo "${hash_value}:${zeros}" >> "${file}"
"?d" # Digits
"?d?l?u" # Digits, lowercase and uppercase letters
"?d?l?u?s" # Digits, lowercase, uppercase letters, and special characters
# Iterate over the password lengths (length 4 to 19 here)
for length in $(seq 4 19); do
for charset in "${charsets[@]}"; do
echo "Running hashcat for length ${length} with charset ${charset}"
hashcat -m 1430 -a 3 -O -1 "$charset" --hex-salt "hashes_admin_c${length}.txt" --increment-min="${length}" --increment-max="${length}" -i "?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1"
If your keyboard is not in QWERTY, it's likely that the password is still stored in QWERTY format. For example, if you enter AAAA
as a password using an AZERTY keyboard, it will be stored as QQQQ
in memory.
please how can use this script