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Last active January 27, 2025 19:28
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  • Save Hypfer/97fe1fc29e9ec3804a598e074d7da816 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This Userscript hides the AI spam that is Coderabbit AI comments. It has been AI-Generated :-)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Hide CodeRabbit Comments
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match**
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author -
// @description 5/1/2025, 14:01:37
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
function hideCodeRabbitComments() {
// Find all author links that point to coderabbit
const codeRabbitAuthors = document.querySelectorAll('[href="/apps/coderabbitai"]');
codeRabbitAuthors.forEach(author => {
// Find the parent TimelineItem and hide it
const timelineItem = author.closest('.TimelineItem');
if (timelineItem) { = 'none';
// Debounce function
function debounce(func, wait) {
let timeout;
return function executedFunction(...args) {
const later = () => {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
// Debounced version of hideCodeRabbitComments
const debouncedHide = debounce(hideCodeRabbitComments, 100);
// Observer for the main container to detect any DOM changes
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
// Start observing the main container
const mainContainer = document.querySelector('body');
if (mainContainer) {
observer.observe(mainContainer, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
// Initial run
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