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Last active February 4, 2022 01:50
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Starling Atlas generation. Recursively loads images from directory and arranges them into one big png file with xml decription
# Starling Atlas generation:
# Recursively loads images from directory and arranges them into one big png file with xml decription
# Reqirement: PIL
# ported from
# ********* ************* *******
import sys
import os
from PIL import Image
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print('Error: Not enough parameters')
print('Usage: python3 <src_folderPath> <target_xml_filePath> <optional_options> ')
print('Option: --scale <scale_factor>')
print('Option: --padding <padding_in_pixels>')
print('Option: --maxsize <WIDTHxHEIGHT>')
print('Option: --force_edgeleak')
scr_folder = sys.argv[1]
trg_filepath_xml = sys.argv[2]
if not os.path.exists( scr_folder ):
print('Error: input folder does not exist:', scr_folder)
if not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(trg_filepath_xml) ):
print('Error: Output folder does not exist:', trg_filepath_xml)
opts = {"scale": 1.0, "padding": 1, "maxsize": [1024, 1024], "edgeleak": 0}
for i,arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
if arg == "--force_edgeleak":
opts["edgeleak"] = 1
if arg == "--scale" and (i+1)<len(sys.argv):
opts["scale"] = float(sys.argv[i+1])
if arg == "--padding" and (i+1)<len(sys.argv):
opts["padding"] = int(float(sys.argv[i+1]))
if arg == "--maxsize" and (i+1)<len(sys.argv):
maxsizePair = sys.argv[i+1].split("x")
opts["maxsize"][0] = int(float(maxsizePair[0]))
opts["maxsize"][1] = int(float(maxsizePair[1]))
if opts["edgeleak"] == 1:
opts["padding"] = max(opts["padding"], 2)
print("- source:",scr_folder)
print("- target:",trg_filepath_xml)
print("- opts:",opts)
# ********* ************* *******
def allFilesWithSubd(path, extensions):
#exr_files = os.listdir(exr_folder) # not recursive
files = []
# r=root, d=directories, f = files
for r, d, f in os.walk(path):
for file_name in f:
for extn in extensions:
if '.'+extn.lower() in file_name.lower():
files.append(os.path.join(r, file_name))
return files
def fileNameNoExt(filepath):
img_path = filepath
img_base = os.path.basename(img_path)
# image name, no extension
return os.path.splitext(img_base)[0]
class Rectangle:
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
class TextureNode:
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height):
self.Orect = Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
self.Oimage = None
self.Ochildren = []
def insert_image(self, image, scale, padding):
if self.Oimage is None:
img_width = int(image.width * scale + padding*2)
img_height = int(image.height * scale + padding*2)
if (img_width <= self.Orect.width and img_height <= self.Orect.height):
self.Oimage = image
self.Ochildren = []
rest_width = self.Orect.width - img_width
rest_height = self.Orect.height - img_height
if (rest_width > rest_height):
tn = TextureNode(self.Orect.x, self.Orect.y + img_height, img_width, self.Orect.height - img_height)
tn = TextureNode(self.Orect.x + img_width, self.Orect.y, self.Orect.width - img_width, self.Orect.height)
tn = TextureNode(self.Orect.x + img_width, self.Orect.y, self.Orect.width - img_width, img_height)
tn = TextureNode(self.Orect.x, self.Orect.y + img_height, self.Orect.width, self.Orect.height - img_height)
return self
return None
new_node = self.Ochildren[0].insert_image(image, scale, padding)
if new_node is not None:
return new_node
return self.Ochildren[1].insert_image(image, scale, padding)
def image_name(self):
if self.Oimage is None:
return None
return fileNameNoExt(self.Oimage.filename)
# ********* ************* *******
src_image_paths = allFilesWithSubd(scr_folder, ['png','jpg','jpeg','tif','tiff'])
print("- found images:", len(src_image_paths))
src_images = []
for img_path in src_image_paths:
im =
except Exception as e:
print("- error: failed to load image:", img_path)
# sorting by size: biggest first, smallest last
src_images.sort(key=lambda im: im.width*im.height, reverse=True)
# Start with a small atlas and make it bigger until all textures fit.
image_nodes = []
current_width = 32
current_height = 32
loop_count = 0
textures_fit = False
padding = opts["padding"]
ascale = opts["scale"]
while textures_fit == False:
textures_fit = True
root_node = TextureNode(0, 0, current_width + padding, current_height + padding)
image_nodes = []
for image in src_images:
new_node = root_node.insert_image(image, ascale, padding)
if new_node is None:
textures_fit = False
if textures_fit == False:
loop_count += 1
if (loop_count % 3) < 2:
current_width = int(current_width * 2)
current_width = int(current_width / 2)
current_height = int(current_height * 2)
if current_width > opts["maxsize"][0] or current_height > opts["maxsize"][1]:
print("- Error: Textures did not fit into maxsize", opts["maxsize"])
# Drawing atlas
trg_filepath_png = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(trg_filepath_xml), fileNameNoExt(trg_filepath_xml)+".png")
trg_img ='RGBA', (current_width, current_height), (255, 255, 255, 0))
for imn in image_nodes:
im = imn.Oimage
if abs(ascale-1.0) > 0.01:
size2 = ( int(im.width*ascale), int(im.height*ascale) )
im = im.resize(size2, Image.ANTIALIAS)
trg_img.paste(im, (imn.Orect.x + padding, imn.Orect.y + padding), im)
if opts["edgeleak"] == 1:
# duplicating pixel edges
for ppx in range(imn.Orect.x+padding, imn.Orect.x+padding+im.width):
pp = trg_img.getpixel( (ppx, imn.Orect.y+padding) )
trg_img.putpixel( (ppx, imn.Orect.y+padding-1), pp )
pp = trg_img.getpixel( (ppx, imn.Orect.y+padding+im.height-1) )
trg_img.putpixel( (ppx, imn.Orect.y+padding+im.height), pp )
for ppy in range(imn.Orect.y+padding, imn.Orect.y+padding+im.height):
pp = trg_img.getpixel( (imn.Orect.x+padding, ppy) )
trg_img.putpixel( (imn.Orect.x+padding-1, ppy), pp )
pp = trg_img.getpixel( (imn.Orect.x+padding+im.width-1, ppy) )
trg_img.putpixel( (imn.Orect.x+padding+im.width, ppy), pp ), 'PNG')
xml_content = ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>']
xml_content.append('<TextureAtlas imagePath="'+fileNameNoExt(trg_filepath_xml)+'" width="'+str(current_width)+'" height="' +str(current_height)+ '">')
for imn in image_nodes:
xml_content.append('\t<SubTexture name="'+imn.image_name()+'" x="'+str(imn.Orect.x + padding)+'" y="'+str(imn.Orect.y + padding)+'" width="'+str(int(imn.Oimage.width * ascale))+'" height="'+str(int(imn.Oimage.height * ascale))+'"/>')
# print("- imn", imn.Orect.x, imn.Orect.y, imn.Orect.width, imn.Orect.height, imn.image_name() )
# saving XML
xml_content_str = "\n".join(xml_content)
text_file = open(trg_filepath_xml, "w")
#print("- XML CONTENT:\n",xml_content_str)
print("- Done. xml:", trg_filepath_xml, "png:", trg_filepath_png)
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IPv6 commented Feb 3, 2022

Added "--force_edgeleak" option. It duplicates pixels on the image edge (into the padding area), removing "edge bluring" effect on texture scaling

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