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Created January 10, 2016 18:56
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using JuMP, Ipopt
function run_test()
# Create JuMP model, using Ipopt as the solver
mod = Model(solver=IpoptSolver(print_level=0))
# Constants
# Note that all parameters in the model have been normalized
# to be dimensionless. See the COPS3 paper for more info.
h_0 = 1 # Initial height
v_0 = 0 # Initial velocity
m_0 = 1 # Initial mass
g_0 = 1 # Gravity at the surface
# Parameters
T_c = 3.5 # Used for thrust
h_c = 500 # Used for drag
v_c = 620 # Used for drag
m_c = 0.6 # Fraction of initial mass left at end
# Derived parameters
c = 0.5*sqrt(g_0*h_0) # Thrust-to-fuel mass
m_f = m_c*m_0 # Final mass
D_c = 0.5*v_c*m_0/g_0 # Drag scaling
T_max = T_c*g_0*m_0 # Maximum thrust
n = 800 # Time steps
@defVar(mod, Δt ≥ 0, start = 1/n) # Time step
@defNLExpr(mod, t_f, Δt*n) # Time of flight
# State variables
@defVar(mod, v[0:n] ≥ 0) # Velocity
@defVar(mod, h[0:n] ≥ h_0) # Height
@defVar(mod, m_f ≤ m[0:n] ≤ m_0) # Mass
# Control: thrust
@defVar(mod, 0 ≤ T[0:n] ≤ T_max)
# Objective: maximize altitude at end of time of flight
@setObjective(mod, Max, h[n])
# Initial conditions
@addConstraint(mod, v[0] == v_0)
@addConstraint(mod, h[0] == h_0)
@addConstraint(mod, m[0] == m_0)
@addConstraint(mod, m[n] == m_f)
# Forces
# Drag(h,v) = Dc v^2 exp( -hc * (h - h0) / h0 )
@defNLExpr(mod, drag[j=0:n], D_c*(v[j]^2)*exp(-h_c*(h[j]-h_0)/h_0))
# Grav(h) = go * (h0 / h)^2
@defNLExpr(mod, grav[j=0:n], g_0*(h_0/h[j])^2)
# Dynamics
for j in 1:n
# h' = v
# Rectangular integration
# @addNLConstraint(mod, h[j] == h[j-1] + Δt*v[j-1])
# Trapezoidal integration
h[j] == h[j-1] + 0.5*Δt*(v[j]+v[j-1]))
# v' = (T-D(h,v))/m - g(h)
# Rectangular integration
# @addNLConstraint(mod, v[j] == v[j-1] + Δt*(
# (T[j-1] - drag[j-1])/m[j-1] - grav[j-1]))
# Trapezoidal integration
v[j] == v[j-1] + 0.5*Δt*(
(T[j ] - drag[j ] - m[j ]*grav[j ])/m[j ] +
(T[j-1] - drag[j-1] - m[j-1]*grav[j-1])/m[j-1] ))
# m' = -T/c
# Rectangular integration
# @addNLConstraint(mod, m[j] == m[j-1] - Δt*T[j-1]/c)
# Trapezoidal integration
m[j] == m[j-1] - 0.5*Δt*(T[j] + T[j-1])/c)
# Provide starting solution
for k in 0:n
setValue(h[k], 1)
setValue(v[k], (k/n)*(1 - (k/n)))
setValue(m[k], (m_f - m_0)*(k/n) + m_0)
setValue(T[k], T_max/2)
# Solve for the control and state
status = solve(mod)
@time run_test()
@time run_test()
@time run_test()
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