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Last active October 22, 2024 19:16
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Require Import Unicode.Utf8.
Require Import Psatz.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Require Import Coq.Init.Nat. (* needed? it seems no, with next line. *)
Import Nat.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Check add_0_r.
Axiom give_up : forall (P : Prop), P.
Ltac give_up := apply give_up.
forall a b c d,
a <= b ->
c <= d ->
a + c <= b + d.
intros a b c d.
Goal forall (n m : nat),
{n = m} + {n <> m}.
induction n.
+ intros m. destruct m.
- left. reflexivity.
- right. discriminate.
+ destruct m.
- right. discriminate.
- pose proof (IHn m) as H1.
inversion H1 as [H_eq | H_neq].
* left. rewrite H_eq. reflexivity.
* right. auto.
Check Nat.divide.
(* Inductive com_div : nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| com_div_both : forall (a b d : nat), *)
Definition common_div (a b d : nat) := (d | a) /\ (d | b).
Inductive greatest_common_div : nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| divs_all_div :
forall a b d,
common_div a b d ->
(forall d', common_div a b d' -> (d' | d)) ->
greatest_common_div a b d.
Inductive nat_set : (nat -> Prop) -> Prop :=
| dec_nat_set : forall (f : nat -> Prop),
(forall n, f n \/ ~ f n) -> nat_set f.
Definition nonempty (f : nat -> Prop) := exists n, f n.
Lemma no_name_lemma_1:
forall f,
nat_set f ->
nonempty f ->
forall n, f n ->
forall m,
m <= n -> f m \/ ~ f m.
intros f.
intros Hf_ns.
destruct Hf_ns as [f Hf_dec].
intros Hf_nem.
unfold nonempty in Hf_nem.
intros n.
intros Hn.
intros m.
intros Hmn.
apply Hf_dec.
Definition is_min (f : nat -> Prop) :=
fun n => f n /\ (forall k, k < n -> ~ f k).
(* Lemma nat_has_least_element :
forall *)
Fixpoint pred_elem f (n : nat) : Prop :=
match n with
| 0 => False
| S n' => f n' \/ pred_elem f n'
Fixpoint no_pred_elem f (n : nat) : Prop :=
match n with
| 0 => ~ f n
| S n' => (~ f n) /\ no_pred_elem f n'
Lemma pred_elem_exists :
forall f,
nat_set f ->
forall n, pred_elem f n <-> exists m, f m /\ m < n.
intros f.
intros Hf_ns.
destruct Hf_ns as [f Hf_dec].
induction n; split.
- simpl. contradiction.
- intros H2.
destruct H2 as [m [H2 H3]].
apply Nat.nlt_0_r in H3.
- intros H1.
simpl in H1.
destruct H1 as [H1 | H2].
+ exists n. auto.
+ apply IHn in H2.
destruct H2 as [m [H1 H2]].
exists m.
- intros H1.
destruct H1 as [m [H1 H2]].
pose proof (Nat.eq_dec n m) as H3.
destruct H3 as [Heq | Hneq].
+ left. rewrite Heq. assumption.
+ right. assert (m < n). { lia. }
apply IHn.
exists m. auto.
Lemma pred_elem_dec :
forall f,
nat_set f ->
forall n,
pred_elem f n \/ ~ pred_elem f n.
intros f.
intros Hf_ns.
destruct Hf_ns as [f Hf_dec].
induction n.
- right. simpl. auto.
- simpl. destruct IHn as [H1 | H2].
+ left. auto.
+ destruct (Hf_dec n) as [H3 | H4].
* left. auto.
* right.
intros H. destruct H as [H5 | H6].
-- apply H4. assumption.
-- apply H2. assumption.
Lemma no_name_lemma_3 :
forall f,
nat_set f ->
nonempty f ->
exists n, ~ pred_elem f n /\ pred_elem f (S n).
intros f.
intros Hf_ns.
destruct Hf_ns as [f Hf_dec].
intros Hf_nem.
unfold nonempty in Hf_nem.
pose proof (pred_elem_exists f (dec_nat_set f Hf_dec)) as H1.
destruct Hf_nem as [k Hk].
induction k.
- exists 0. simpl. split.
+ auto.
+ left. assumption.
- pose proof (Hf_dec k) as H2.
pose proof (pred_elem_dec f (dec_nat_set f Hf_dec)) as H3.
destruct H2 as [Hfk | Hnfk].
+ apply IHk in Hfk. assumption.
+ (*pose proof (H3 k) as H4.
pose proof (H3 (S k)) as H5.
pose proof (H3 (S (S k))) as H6.*)
(* pose proof (H1 k) as H6. *)
assert ((exists n, ~ pred_elem f n /\ f n) -> (exists n, ~ pred_elem f n /\ pred_elem f (S n))).
{ simpl. intros H. destruct H as [x [Hx1 Hx2]]. exists x. split; try assumption. left. assumption. }
apply H. (*clear H.*)
pose proof (H3 (S k)) as H4.
destruct H4 as [H4 | H4].
* apply H1 in H4 as H5.
destruct H5 as [m [H5 H6]].
pose proof (H3 m) as H7.
Lemma no_name_lemma_2 :
forall f,
nat_set f ->
nonempty f ->
forall n,
f n ->
pred_elem f n <-> exists m, m < n /\ f m.
intros f.
intros Hf_ns.
destruct Hf_ns as [f Hf_dec].
intros Hf_nem.
unfold nonempty in Hf_nem.
induction n; intros H1; split.
- simpl. contradiction.
- intros H2.
destruct H2 as [m [H2 H3]].
apply Nat.nlt_0_r in H2.
- generalize dependent n.
intros H2.
destruct H2 as [H2 | H2].
Lemma least_element :
forall f,
nat_set f ->
nonempty f ->
exists n, f n /\ forall m, f m -> n <= m.
intros f.
intros Hf_ns.
destruct Hf_ns as [f Hf_dec].
intros Hf_nem.
unfold nonempty in Hf_nem.
pose proof (no_name_lemma_1 f (dec_nat_set f Hf_dec) Hf_nem) as H2.
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