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Last active September 13, 2015 22:58
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Handy git tricks

####Alias for a formatted changelog###

git config --global alias.changes '!git log --oneline --decorate > changelog.txt'

To export a changelog text file to the current directory named changelog.txt run:

git changes

####Alias for a formatted changelog with branch trees###

git config --global alias.changes '!git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate > changelog.txt'

To export to changelog.txt, run:

git changes

####Limit remote pushes to only current branch##

git config --global push.default tracking

####Checkout an old commit to a new branch

git checkout -b <branch name> <commit hash>

####Git Submodules

Adding a module

git submodule add <module git url> <location to add it to>

for example

git submodule add site/fields/selector

Updating sub modules

$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ cd your/project/root
$ git submodule foreach git checkout master
$ git submodule foreach git pull
$ git commit -a -m "Update submodules"
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