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Created September 25, 2024 19:20
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## unminified version of devtools/bundled/devtools-frontend/front_end/entrypoints/heap_snapshot_worker/heap_snapshot_worker.js
import * as e from "../../models/heap_snapshot_model/heap_snapshot_model.js";
import * as t from "../../core/i18n/i18n.js";
import * as s from "../../core/platform/platform.js";
import * as n from "../../models/text_utils/text_utils.js";
class i {
constructor(e, t) {
(this.#e = e.strings), (this.#t = 1), (this.#s = []), (this.#n = {}), (this.#i = {}), (this.#o = {}), (this.#r = null), this.#a(e), this.#d(e, t);
#a(e) {
const t = this.#e,
s = e.snapshot.meta.trace_function_info_fields,
n = s.indexOf("name"),
i = s.indexOf("script_name"),
o = s.indexOf("script_id"),
r = s.indexOf("line"),
d = s.indexOf("column"),
h = s.length,
l = e.trace_function_infos,
c = l.length,
u = (this.#s = new Array(c / h));
let g = 0;
for (let e = 0; e < c; e += h) u[g++] = new a(t[l[e + n]], t[l[e + i]], l[e + o], l[e + r], l[e + d]);
#d(e, t) {
const s = e.trace_tree,
n = this.#s,
i = this.#i,
r = e.snapshot.meta.trace_node_fields,
a = r.indexOf("id"),
d = r.indexOf("function_info_index"),
h = r.indexOf("count"),
l = r.indexOf("size"),
c = r.indexOf("children"),
u = r.length;
return (function e(s, r, g) {
const p = n[s[r + d]],
f = s[r + a],
I = t[f],
x = I ? I.count : 0,
m = I ? I.size : 0,
N = new o(f, p, s[r + h], s[r + l], x, m, g);
(i[f] = N), p.addTraceTopNode(N);
const y = s[r + c];
for (let t = 0; t < y.length; t += u) N.children.push(e(y, t, N));
return N;
})(s, 0, null);
serializeTraceTops() {
if (this.#r) return this.#r;
const e = (this.#r = []),
t = this.#s;
for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
const n = t[s];
if (0 === n.totalCount) continue;
const i = this.#t++,
o = 0 === s;
e.push(this.#h(i, n, n.totalCount, n.totalSize, n.totalLiveCount, n.totalLiveSize, !o)), (this.#o[i] = n);
return (
e.sort(function (e, t) {
return t.size - e.size;
serializeCallers(t) {
let s = this.#l(t);
const n = [];
for (; 1 === s.callers().length; ) (s = s.callers()[0]), n.push(this.#c(s));
const i = [],
o = s.callers();
for (let e = 0; e < o.length; e++) i.push(this.#c(o[e]));
return new e.HeapSnapshotModel.AllocationNodeCallers(n, i);
serializeAllocationStack(t) {
let s = this.#i[t];
const n = [];
for (; s; ) {
const t = s.functionInfo;
n.push(new e.HeapSnapshotModel.AllocationStackFrame(t.functionName, t.scriptName, t.scriptId, t.line, t.column)), (s = s.parent);
return n;
traceIds(e) {
return this.#l(e).traceTopIds;
#l(e) {
let t = this.#n[e];
if (!t) {
(t = this.#o[e].bottomUpRoot()), delete this.#o[e], (this.#n[e] = t);
return t;
#c(e) {
const t = this.#t++;
return (this.#n[t] = e), this.#h(t, e.functionInfo, e.allocationCount, e.allocationSize, e.liveCount, e.liveSize, e.hasCallers());
#h(t, s, n, i, o, r, a) {
return new e.HeapSnapshotModel.SerializedAllocationNode(t, s.functionName, s.scriptName, s.scriptId, s.line, s.column, n, i, o, r, a);
class o {
constructor(e, t, s, n, i, o, r) {
( = e), (this.functionInfo = t), (this.allocationCount = s), (this.allocationSize = n), (this.liveCount = i), (this.liveSize = o), (this.parent = r), (this.children = []);
class r {
constructor(e) {
(this.functionInfo = e), (this.allocationCount = 0), (this.allocationSize = 0), (this.liveCount = 0), (this.liveSize = 0), (this.traceTopIds = []), (this.#u = []);
addCaller(e) {
const t = e.functionInfo;
let s;
for (let e = 0; e < this.#u.length; e++) {
const n = this.#u[e];
if (n.functionInfo === t) {
s = n;
return s || ((s = new r(t)), this.#u.push(s)), s;
callers() {
return this.#u;
hasCallers() {
return this.#u.length > 0;
class a {
constructor(e, t, s, n, i) {
(this.functionName = e), (this.scriptName = t), (this.scriptId = s), (this.line = n), (this.column = i), (this.totalCount = 0), (this.totalSize = 0), (this.totalLiveCount = 0), (this.totalLiveSize = 0), (this.#r = []);
addTraceTopNode(e) {
0 !== e.allocationCount && (this.#r.push(e), (this.totalCount += e.allocationCount), (this.totalSize += e.allocationSize), (this.totalLiveCount += e.liveCount), (this.totalLiveSize += e.liveSize));
bottomUpRoot() {
return this.#r.length ? (this.#g || this.#p(), this.#g) : null;
#p() {
this.#g = new r(this);
for (let e = 0; e < this.#r.length; e++) {
let t = this.#r[e],
s = this.#g;
const n = t.allocationCount,
i = t.allocationSize,
o = t.liveCount,
r = t.liveSize,
a =;
for (; (s.allocationCount += n), (s.allocationSize += i), (s.liveCount += o), (s.liveSize += r), s.traceTopIds.push(a), (t = t.parent), null !== t; ) s = s.addCaller(t);
var d = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, AllocationProfile: i, TopDownAllocationNode: o, BottomUpAllocationNode: r, FunctionAllocationInfo: a });
class h {
constructor(e, t) {
(this.snapshot = e), (this.edges = e.containmentEdges), (this.edgeIndex = t || 0);
clone() {
return new h(this.snapshot, this.edgeIndex);
hasStringName() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
name() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
node() {
return this.snapshot.createNode(this.nodeIndex());
nodeIndex() {
if (void 0 === this.snapshot.edgeToNodeOffset) throw new Error("edgeToNodeOffset is undefined");
return this.edges.getValue(this.edgeIndex + this.snapshot.edgeToNodeOffset);
toString() {
return "HeapSnapshotEdge: " +;
type() {
return this.snapshot.edgeTypes[this.rawType()];
itemIndex() {
return this.edgeIndex;
serialize() {
return new e.HeapSnapshotModel.Edge(, this.node().serialize(), this.type(), this.edgeIndex);
rawType() {
if (void 0 === this.snapshot.edgeTypeOffset) throw new Error("edgeTypeOffset is undefined");
return this.edges.getValue(this.edgeIndex + this.snapshot.edgeTypeOffset);
isInternal() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
isInvisible() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
isWeak() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
getValueForSorting(e) {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
nameIndex() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
class l {
constructor(e) {
this.#f = e.createNode();
itemForIndex(e) {
return (this.#f.nodeIndex = e), this.#f;
class c {
constructor(e) {
this.#I = e.createEdge(0);
itemForIndex(e) {
return (this.#I.edgeIndex = e), this.#I;
class u {
constructor(e) {
this.#x = e.createRetainingEdge(0);
itemForIndex(e) {
return this.#x.setRetainerIndex(e), this.#x;
class g {
constructor(e) {
(this.#m = e), (this.edge = e.snapshot.createEdge(e.edgeIndexesStart()));
hasNext() {
return this.edge.edgeIndex < this.#m.edgeIndexesEnd();
item() {
return this.edge;
next() {
if (void 0 === this.edge.snapshot.edgeFieldsCount) throw new Error("edgeFieldsCount is undefined");
this.edge.edgeIndex += this.edge.snapshot.edgeFieldsCount;
class p {
constructor(e, t) {
(this.snapshot = e), this.setRetainerIndex(t);
clone() {
return new p(this.snapshot, this.retainerIndex());
hasStringName() {
return this.edge().hasStringName();
name() {
return this.edge().name();
nameIndex() {
return this.edge().nameIndex();
node() {
return this.nodeInternal();
nodeIndex() {
if (void 0 === this.#S) throw new Error("retainingNodeIndex is undefined");
return this.#S;
retainerIndex() {
return this.#N;
setRetainerIndex(e) {
if (e !== this.#N) {
if (!this.snapshot.retainingEdges || !this.snapshot.retainingNodes) throw new Error("Snapshot does not contain retaining edges or retaining nodes");
(this.#N = e), (this.#y = this.snapshot.retainingEdges[e]), (this.#S = this.snapshot.retainingNodes[e]), (this.#w = null), (this.#T = null);
set edgeIndex(e) {
nodeInternal() {
return this.#T || (this.#T = this.snapshot.createNode(this.#S)), this.#T;
edge() {
return this.#w || (this.#w = this.snapshot.createEdge(this.#y)), this.#w;
toString() {
return this.edge().toString();
itemIndex() {
return this.#N;
serialize() {
const t = this.node(),
s = t.serialize();
return (s.distance = this.#O()), (s.ignored = this.snapshot.isNodeIgnoredInRetainersView(t.nodeIndex)), new e.HeapSnapshotModel.Edge(, s, this.type(), this.#y);
type() {
return this.edge().type();
isInternal() {
return this.edge().isInternal();
getValueForSorting(e) {
if ("!edgeDistance" === e) return this.#O();
throw new Error("Invalid field name");
#O() {
return this.snapshot.isEdgeIgnoredInRetainersView(this.#y) ? e.HeapSnapshotModel.baseUnreachableDistance : this.node().distanceForRetainersView();
class f {
constructor(e) {
const t = e.snapshot,
s = e.ordinal();
if (!t.firstRetainerIndex) throw new Error("Snapshot does not contain firstRetainerIndex");
const n = t.firstRetainerIndex[s];
(this.#C = t.firstRetainerIndex[s + 1]), (this.retainer = t.createRetainingEdge(n));
hasNext() {
return this.retainer.retainerIndex() < this.#C;
item() {
return this.retainer;
next() {
this.retainer.setRetainerIndex(this.retainer.retainerIndex() + 1);
class I {
constructor(e, t) {
(this.snapshot = e), (this.nodeIndex = t || 0);
distance() {
return this.snapshot.nodeDistances[this.nodeIndex / this.snapshot.nodeFieldCount];
distanceForRetainersView() {
return this.snapshot.getDistanceForRetainersView(this.nodeIndex);
className() {
return this.snapshot.strings[this.classIndex()];
classIndex() {
return this.#E() >>> T;
setClassIndex(e) {
let t = this.#E();
if (((t &= w), (t |= e << T), this.#F(t), this.classIndex() !== e)) throw new Error("String index overflow");
dominatorIndex() {
const e = this.snapshot.nodeFieldCount;
return this.snapshot.dominatorsTree[this.nodeIndex / this.snapshot.nodeFieldCount] * e;
edges() {
return new g(this);
edgesCount() {
return (this.edgeIndexesEnd() - this.edgeIndexesStart()) / this.snapshot.edgeFieldsCount;
id() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
rawName() {
return this.snapshot.strings[this.nameInternal()];
isRoot() {
return this.nodeIndex === this.snapshot.rootNodeIndex;
isUserRoot() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
isHidden() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
isArray() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
isSynthetic() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
isDocumentDOMTreesRoot() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
name() {
return this.rawName();
retainedSize() {
return this.snapshot.retainedSizes[this.ordinal()];
retainers() {
return new f(this);
retainersCount() {
const e = this.snapshot,
t = this.ordinal();
return e.firstRetainerIndex[t + 1] - e.firstRetainerIndex[t];
selfSize() {
const e = this.snapshot;
return e.nodes.getValue(this.nodeIndex + e.nodeSelfSizeOffset);
type() {
return this.snapshot.nodeTypes[this.rawType()];
traceNodeId() {
const e = this.snapshot;
return e.nodes.getValue(this.nodeIndex + e.nodeTraceNodeIdOffset);
itemIndex() {
return this.nodeIndex;
serialize() {
return new e.HeapSnapshotModel.Node(,, this.distance(), this.nodeIndex, this.retainedSize(), this.selfSize(), this.type());
nameInternal() {
const e = this.snapshot;
return e.nodes.getValue(this.nodeIndex + e.nodeNameOffset);
edgeIndexesStart() {
return this.snapshot.firstEdgeIndexes[this.ordinal()];
edgeIndexesEnd() {
return this.snapshot.firstEdgeIndexes[this.ordinal() + 1];
ordinal() {
return this.nodeIndex / this.snapshot.nodeFieldCount;
nextNodeIndex() {
return this.nodeIndex + this.snapshot.nodeFieldCount;
rawType() {
const e = this.snapshot;
return e.nodes.getValue(this.nodeIndex + e.nodeTypeOffset);
isFlatConsString() {
if (this.rawType() !== this.snapshot.nodeConsStringType) return !1;
for (let e = this.edges(); e.hasNext(); {
const t = e.edge;
if (!t.isInternal()) continue;
const s =;
if (("first" === s || "second" === s) && "" === t.node().name()) return !0;
return !1;
#E() {
const { snapshot: e, nodeIndex: t } = this,
s = e.nodeDetachednessAndClassIndexOffset;
return -1 !== s ? e.nodes.getValue(t + s) : e.detachednessAndClassIndexArray[t / e.nodeFieldCount];
#F(e) {
const { snapshot: t, nodeIndex: s } = this,
n = t.nodeDetachednessAndClassIndexOffset;
-1 !== n ? t.nodes.setValue(s + n, e) : (t.detachednessAndClassIndexArray[s / t.nodeFieldCount] = e);
detachedness() {
return this.#E() & w;
setDetachedness(e) {
let t = this.#E();
(t &= ~w), (t |= e), this.#F(t);
class x {
constructor(e) {
(this.node = e), (this.#b = e.snapshot.nodes.length);
hasNext() {
return this.node.nodeIndex < this.#b;
item() {
return this.node;
next() {
this.node.nodeIndex = this.node.nextNodeIndex();
class m {
constructor(e, t) {
(this.#A = e), (this.#v = t), (this.#_ = 0);
hasNext() {
return this.#_ < this.#v.length;
item() {
const e = this.#v[this.#_];
return this.#A.itemForIndex(e);
next() {
class N {
constructor(e, t) {
(this.#z = e), (this.#D = t), this.skipFilteredItems();
hasNext() {
return this.#z.hasNext();
item() {
return this.#z.item();
next() {, this.skipFilteredItems();
skipFilteredItems() {
for (; this.#z.hasNext() && this.#D && !this.#D(this.#z.item()); );
class y {
constructor(e) {
this.#R = e;
updateStatus(e) {
updateProgress(e, s, n) {
const i = (100 * (n ? s / n : 0)).toFixed(0);
this.sendUpdateEvent(t.i18n.serializeUIString(e, { PH1: i }));
reportProblem(t) {
this.#R && this.#R.sendEvent(e.HeapSnapshotModel.HeapSnapshotProgressEvent.BrokenSnapshot, t);
sendUpdateEvent(t) {
this.#R && this.#R.sendEvent(e.HeapSnapshotModel.HeapSnapshotProgressEvent.Update, t);
class S {
constructor(e) {
this.#V = [e];
addError(e) {
this.#V.length > 100 || this.#V.push(e);
toString() {
return this.#V.join("\n ");
const w = 3,
T = 2;
class O {
constructor(e, t) {
(this.nodes = e.nodes),
(this.containmentEdges = e.edges),
(this.#k = e.snapshot.meta),
(this.#j = e.samples),
(this.#H = null),
(this.strings = e.strings),
(this.#P = e.locations),
(this.#M = t),
(this.#U = -5),
(this.rootNodeIndexInternal = 0),
e.snapshot.root_index && (this.rootNodeIndexInternal = e.snapshot.root_index),
(this.#B = {}),
(this.#W = {}),
(this.#J = {}),
(this.#Q = e),
(this.#se = new Set()),
(this.#ne = new Set()),
(this.#oe = s.TypedArrayUtilities.createBitVector(this.strings.length));
initialize() {
const e = this.#k;
(this.nodeTypeOffset = e.node_fields.indexOf("type")),
(this.nodeNameOffset = e.node_fields.indexOf("name")),
(this.nodeIdOffset = e.node_fields.indexOf("id")),
(this.nodeSelfSizeOffset = e.node_fields.indexOf("self_size")),
(this.#$ = e.node_fields.indexOf("edge_count")),
(this.nodeTraceNodeIdOffset = e.node_fields.indexOf("trace_node_id")),
(this.nodeDetachednessAndClassIndexOffset = e.node_fields.indexOf("detachedness")),
(this.nodeFieldCount = e.node_fields.length),
(this.nodeTypes = e.node_types[this.nodeTypeOffset]),
(this.nodeArrayType = this.nodeTypes.indexOf("array")),
(this.nodeHiddenType = this.nodeTypes.indexOf("hidden")),
(this.nodeObjectType = this.nodeTypes.indexOf("object")),
(this.nodeNativeType = this.nodeTypes.indexOf("native")),
(this.nodeStringType = this.nodeTypes.indexOf("string")),
(this.nodeConsStringType = this.nodeTypes.indexOf("concatenated string")),
(this.nodeSlicedStringType = this.nodeTypes.indexOf("sliced string")),
(this.nodeCodeType = this.nodeTypes.indexOf("code")),
(this.nodeSyntheticType = this.nodeTypes.indexOf("synthetic")),
(this.nodeClosureType = this.nodeTypes.indexOf("closure")),
(this.nodeRegExpType = this.nodeTypes.indexOf("regexp")),
(this.edgeFieldsCount = e.edge_fields.length),
(this.edgeTypeOffset = e.edge_fields.indexOf("type")),
(this.edgeNameOffset = e.edge_fields.indexOf("name_or_index")),
(this.edgeToNodeOffset = e.edge_fields.indexOf("to_node")),
(this.edgeTypes = e.edge_types[this.edgeTypeOffset]),
(this.edgeElementType = this.edgeTypes.indexOf("element")),
(this.edgeHiddenType = this.edgeTypes.indexOf("hidden")),
(this.edgeInternalType = this.edgeTypes.indexOf("internal")),
(this.edgeShortcutType = this.edgeTypes.indexOf("shortcut")),
(this.edgeWeakType = this.edgeTypes.indexOf("weak")),
(this.edgeInvisibleType = this.edgeTypes.indexOf("invisible")),
(this.edgePropertyType = this.edgeTypes.indexOf("property"));
const t = e.location_fields || [];
(this.#q = t.indexOf("object_index")),
(this.#G = t.indexOf("script_id")),
(this.#K = t.indexOf("line")),
(this.#X = t.indexOf("column")),
(this.#Y = t.length),
(this.nodeCount = this.nodes.length / this.nodeFieldCount),
(this.#Z = this.containmentEdges.length / this.edgeFieldsCount),
(this.retainedSizes = new Float64Array(this.nodeCount)),
(this.firstEdgeIndexes = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount + 1)),
(this.retainingNodes = new Uint32Array(this.#Z)),
(this.retainingEdges = new Uint32Array(this.#Z)),
(this.firstRetainerIndex = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount + 1)),
(this.nodeDistances = new Int32Array(this.nodeCount)),
(this.firstDominatedNodeIndex = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount + 1)),
(this.dominatedNodes = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount - 1)),
this.#M.updateStatus("Building edge indexes…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Building retainers…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Propagating DOM state…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Calculating node flags…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Calculating distances…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Building postorder index…");
const s = this.buildPostOrderIndex();
if (
(this.#M.updateStatus("Building dominator tree…"),
(this.dominatorsTree = this.buildDominatorTree(s.postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal, s.nodeOrdinal2PostOrderIndex)),
this.#M.updateStatus("Calculating shallow sizes…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Calculating retained sizes…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Building dominated nodes…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Calculating object names…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Calculating statistics…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Calculating samples…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Building locations…"),
this.#M.updateStatus("Finished processing."),
) {
this.#M.updateStatus("Building allocation statistics…");
const e = this.nodes.length,
t = this.nodeFieldCount,
s = this.rootNode(),
n = {};
for (let i = 0; i < e; i += t) {
s.nodeIndex = i;
const e = s.traceNodeId();
let t = n[e];
t || (n[e] = t = { count: 0, size: 0, ids: [] }), t.count++, (t.size += s.selfSize()), t.ids.push(;
(this.#ee = new i(this.#Q, n)), this.#M.updateStatus("done");
buildEdgeIndexes() {
const e = this.nodes,
t = this.nodeCount,
s = this.firstEdgeIndexes,
n = this.nodeFieldCount,
i = this.edgeFieldsCount,
o = this.#$;
s[t] = this.containmentEdges.length;
for (let r = 0, a = 0; r < t; ++r) (s[r] = a), (a += e.getValue(r * n + o) * i);
buildRetainers() {
const e = this.retainingNodes,
t = this.retainingEdges,
s = this.firstRetainerIndex,
n = this.containmentEdges,
i = this.edgeFieldsCount,
o = this.nodeFieldCount,
r = this.edgeToNodeOffset,
a = this.firstEdgeIndexes,
d = this.nodeCount;
for (let e = r, t = n.length; e < t; e += i) {
const t = n.getValue(e);
if (t % o) throw new Error("Invalid toNodeIndex " + t);
++s[t / o];
for (let t = 0, n = 0; t < d; t++) {
const i = s[t];
(s[t] = n), (e[n] = i), (n += i);
s[d] = e.length;
let h = a[0];
for (let l = 0; l < d; ++l) {
const d = h;
h = a[l + 1];
const c = l * o;
for (let a = d; a < h; a += i) {
const i = n.getValue(a + r);
if (i % o) throw new Error("Invalid toNodeIndex " + i);
const d = s[i / o],
h = d + --e[d];
(e[h] = c), (t[h] = a);
allNodes() {
return new x(this.rootNode());
rootNode() {
return this.createNode(this.rootNodeIndexInternal);
get rootNodeIndex() {
return this.rootNodeIndexInternal;
get totalSize() {
return this.rootNode().retainedSize();
getDominatedIndex(e) {
if (e % this.nodeFieldCount) throw new Error("Invalid nodeIndex: " + e);
return this.firstDominatedNodeIndex[e / this.nodeFieldCount];
createFilter(e) {
const { minNodeId: t, maxNodeId: s, allocationNodeId: n, filterName: i } = e;
let o;
if ("number" == typeof n) {
if (((o = this.createAllocationStackFilter(n)), !o)) throw new Error("Unable to create filter");
o.key = "AllocationNodeId: " + n;
} else "number" == typeof t && "number" == typeof s ? ((o = this.createNodeIdFilter(t, s)), (o.key = "NodeIdRange: " + t + ".." + s)) : void 0 !== i && ((o = this.createNamedFilter(i)), (o.key = "NamedFilter: " + i));
return o;
search(e, t) {
const n = e.query;
const i = e.isRegex ? new RegExp(n) : s.StringUtilities.createPlainTextSearchRegex(n, "i");
const o =
e.isRegex || !e.caseSensitive
? function (e, t, s) {
return i.test(t) && e.add(s), e;
: function (e, t, s) {
return -1 !== t.indexOf(n) && e.add(s), e;
r = this.strings.reduce(o, new Set());
if (!r.size) return [];
const a = this.createFilter(t),
d = [],
h = this.nodes.length,
l = this.nodes,
c = this.nodeNameOffset,
u = this.nodeIdOffset,
g = this.nodeFieldCount,
p = this.rootNode();
for (let e = 0; e < h; e += g) (p.nodeIndex = e), (a && !a(p)) || (r.has(l.getValue(e + c)) && d.push(l.getValue(e + u)));
return d;
aggregatesWithFilter(e) {
const t = this.createFilter(e),
s = t ? t.key : "allObjects";
return this.getAggregatesByClassName(!1, s, t);
createNodeIdFilter(e, t) {
return function (s) {
const n =;
return n > e && n <= t;
createAllocationStackFilter(e) {
if (!this.#ee) throw new Error("No Allocation Profile provided");
const t = this.#ee.traceIds(e);
if (!t.length) return;
const s = {};
for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) s[t[e]] = !0;
return function (e) {
return Boolean(s[e.traceNodeId()]);
createNamedFilter(e) {
const t = s.TypedArrayUtilities.createBitVector(this.nodeCount),
n = (e) => {
const s = e.nodeIndex / this.nodeFieldCount;
return t.getBit(s);
i = (e) => {
const s = new Int32Array(this.nodeCount);
for (let e = 0; e < this.nodeCount; ++e) s[e] = this.#U;
const n = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount);
(s[this.rootNode().ordinal()] = 0), (n[0] = this.rootNode().nodeIndex);
this.bfs(n, 1, s, e);
for (let e = 0; e < this.nodeCount; ++e) s[e] !== this.#U && t.setBit(e);
o = () => {
for (let e = 0; e < this.nodeCount; ++e) this.nodeDistances[e] === this.#U && t.setBit(e);
switch (e) {
case "objectsRetainedByDetachedDomNodes":
return i((e, t) => 2 !== t.node().detachedness()), o(), (e) => !n(e);
case "objectsRetainedByConsole":
return i((e, t) => !(e.isSynthetic() && t.hasStringName() &&" / DevTools console"))), o(), (e) => !n(e);
case "duplicatedStrings": {
const e = new Map(),
s = this.createNode(0);
for (let n = 0; n < this.nodeCount; ++n) {
s.nodeIndex = n * this.nodeFieldCount;
const i = s.rawType();
if (i === this.nodeStringType || i === this.nodeConsStringType) {
if (s.isFlatConsString()) continue;
const n =,
i = e.get(n);
void 0 === i ? e.set(n, s.nodeIndex) : (t.setBit(i / this.nodeFieldCount), t.setBit(s.nodeIndex / this.nodeFieldCount));
return n;
throw new Error("Invalid filter name");
getAggregatesByClassName(e, t, s) {
const n = this.buildAggregates(s);
let i;
return (
t && this.#W[t] ? (i = this.#W[t]) : (this.calculateClassesRetainedSize(n.aggregatesByClassIndex, s), (i = n.aggregatesByClassName), t && (this.#W[t] = i)),
!e || (t && this.#J[t]) || (this.sortAggregateIndexes(i), t && (this.#J[t] = e)),
allocationTracesTops() {
return this.#ee.serializeTraceTops();
allocationNodeCallers(e) {
return this.#ee.serializeCallers(e);
allocationStack(e) {
const t = this.createNode(e).traceNodeId();
return t ? this.#ee.serializeAllocationStack(t) : null;
aggregatesForDiff() {
if (this.#L) return this.#L;
const e = this.getAggregatesByClassName(!0, "allObjects");
this.#L = {};
const t = this.createNode();
for (const s in e) {
const n = e[s].idxs,
i = new Array(n.length),
o = new Array(n.length);
for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++) (t.nodeIndex = n[e]), (i[e] =, (o[e] = t.selfSize());
this.#L[s] = { indexes: n, ids: i, selfSizes: o };
return this.#L;
isUserRoot(e) {
return !0;
calculateShallowSizes() {}
calculateDistances(t, s) {
const n = this.nodeCount;
if (t) {
const e = s;
(s = (t, s) => !this.#se.has(s.nodeIndex()) && (!e || e(t, s))), void 0 === this.#ie && (this.#ie = new Int32Array(n));
const i = t ? this.#ie : this.nodeDistances,
o = this.#U;
for (let e = 0; e < n; ++e) i[e] = o;
const r = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount);
let a = 0;
for (let e = this.rootNode().edges(); e.hasNext(); {
const t = e.edge.node();
this.isUserRoot(t) && ((i[t.ordinal()] = 1), (r[a++] = t.nodeIndex));
this.bfs(r, a, i, s), (i[this.rootNode().ordinal()] = a > 0 ? e.HeapSnapshotModel.baseSystemDistance : 0), (r[0] = this.rootNode().nodeIndex), (a = 1), this.bfs(r, a, i, s);
bfs(e, t, s, n) {
const i = this.edgeFieldsCount,
o = this.nodeFieldCount,
r = this.containmentEdges,
a = this.firstEdgeIndexes,
d = this.edgeToNodeOffset,
h = this.edgeTypeOffset,
l = this.nodeCount,
c = this.edgeWeakType,
u = this.#U;
let g = 0;
const p = this.createEdge(0),
f = this.createNode(0);
for (; g < t; ) {
const l = e[g++],
I = l / o,
x = s[I] + 1,
m = a[I],
N = a[I + 1];
f.nodeIndex = l;
for (let a = m; a < N; a += i) {
if (r.getValue(a + h) === c) continue;
const i = r.getValue(a + d),
l = i / o;
s[l] === u && ((p.edgeIndex = a), (n && !n(f, p)) || ((s[l] = x), (e[t++] = i)));
if (t > l) throw new Error("BFS failed. Nodes to visit (" + t + ") is more than nodes count (" + l + ")");
buildAggregates(e) {
const t = {},
s = {},
n = [],
i = this.nodes,
o = i.length,
r = this.nodeFieldCount,
a = this.nodeSelfSizeOffset,
d = this.rootNode(),
h = this.nodeDistances;
for (let l = 0; l < o; l += r) {
if (((d.nodeIndex = l), e && !e(d))) continue;
const o = i.getValue(l + a);
if (!o) continue;
const c = d.classIndex(),
u = h[l / r];
if (c in t) {
const e = t[c];
if (!e) continue;
(e.distance = Math.min(e.distance, u)), ++e.count, (e.self += o), e.idxs.push(l);
} else {
const e = d.type(),
i = { count: 1, distance: u, self: o, maxRet: 0, type: e, name: "object" === e || "native" === e ? d.className() : null, idxs: [l] };
(t[c] = i), n.push(c), (s[d.className()] = i);
for (let e = 0, s = n.length; e < s; ++e) {
const s = t[n[e]];
s && (s.idxs = s.idxs.slice());
return { aggregatesByClassName: s, aggregatesByClassIndex: t };
calculateClassesRetainedSize(e, t) {
const s = this.rootNodeIndexInternal,
n = this.createNode(s),
i = [s],
o = [-1],
r = [],
a = new Map(),
d = this.nodeFieldCount,
h = this.dominatedNodes,
l = this.firstDominatedNodeIndex;
for (; i.length; ) {
const s = i.pop();
n.nodeIndex = s;
let c = n.classIndex();
const u = Boolean(a.get(c)),
g = s / d,
p = l[g],
f = l[g + 1];
u || (t && !t(n)) || !n.selfSize() || ((e[c].maxRet += n.retainedSize()), p !== f && (a.set(c, !0), o.push(i.length), r.push(c)));
for (let e = p; e < f; e++) i.push(h[e]);
const I = i.length;
for (; o[o.length - 1] === I; ) o.pop(), (c = r.pop()), a.set(c, !1);
sortAggregateIndexes(e) {
const t = this.createNode(),
s = this.createNode();
for (const n in e) e[n].idxs.sort((e, n) => ((t.nodeIndex = e), (s.nodeIndex = n), < ? -1 : 1));
tryParseWeakMapEdgeName(e) {
if (this.#oe.getBit(e)) return;
const t = this.strings[e].match(/^\d+(?<duplicatedPart> \/ part of key \(.*? @\d+\) -> value \(.*? @\d+\) pair in WeakMap \(table @(?<tableId>\d+)\))$/);
if (t) return t.groups;
isEssentialEdge(e, t) {
const s = this.containmentEdges.getValue(t + this.edgeTypeOffset);
if (s === this.edgeInternalType) {
const s = this.containmentEdges.getValue(t + this.edgeNameOffset),
n = this.tryParseWeakMapEdgeName(s);
if (n) {
return this.nodes.getValue(e + this.nodeIdOffset) !== parseInt(n.tableId, 10);
return s !== this.edgeWeakType && (s !== this.edgeShortcutType || e === this.rootNodeIndexInternal);
buildPostOrderIndex() {
const e = this.nodeFieldCount,
t = this.nodeCount,
s = this.rootNodeIndexInternal / e,
n = this.edgeFieldsCount,
i = this.edgeToNodeOffset,
o = this.firstEdgeIndexes,
r = this.containmentEdges,
a = this.userObjectsMapAndFlag(),
d = a ? : null,
h = a ? a.flag : 0,
l = new Uint32Array(t),
c = new Uint32Array(t),
u = new Uint32Array(t),
g = new Uint32Array(t),
p = new Uint8Array(t);
let f = 0,
I = 0;
(l[0] = s), (c[0] = o[s]), (p[s] = 1);
let x = 0;
for (;;) {
for (++x; I >= 0; ) {
const t = l[I],
a = c[I];
if (a < o[t + 1]) {
if (((c[I] += n), !this.isEssentialEdge(t * e, a))) continue;
const u = r.getValue(a + i) / e;
if (p[u]) continue;
const g = !d || d[t] & h,
f = !d || d[u] & h;
if (t !== s && f && !g) continue;
++I, (l[I] = u), (c[I] = o[u]), (p[u] = 1);
} else (g[t] = f), (u[f++] = t), --I;
if (f === t || x > 1) break;
const a = new S(`Heap snapshot: ${t - f} nodes are unreachable from the root. Following nodes have only weak retainers:`),
m = this.rootNode();
--f, (I = 0), (l[0] = s), (c[0] = o[s + 1]);
for (let s = 0; s < t; ++s) {
if (p[s] || !this.hasOnlyWeakRetainers(s)) continue;
(l[++I] = s), (c[I] = o[s]), (p[s] = 1), (m.nodeIndex = s * e);
const t = [];
for (let e = m.retainers(); e.hasNext(); t.push(`${e.item().node().name()}@${e.item().node().id()}.${e.item().name()}`);
a.addError(`${} @${} weak retainers: ${t.join(", ")}`);
if (f !== t) {
const n = new S("Still found " + (t - f) + " unreachable nodes in heap snapshot:"),
i = this.rootNode();
for (let s = 0; s < t; ++s) p[s] || ((i.nodeIndex = s * e), n.addError( + " @" +, (g[s] = f), (u[f++] = s));
(g[s] = f), (u[f++] = s), console.warn(n.toString());
return { postOrderIndex2NodeOrdinal: u, nodeOrdinal2PostOrderIndex: g };
hasOnlyWeakRetainers(e) {
const t = this.edgeTypeOffset,
s = this.edgeWeakType,
n = this.edgeShortcutType,
i = this.containmentEdges,
o = this.retainingEdges,
r = this.firstRetainerIndex[e],
a = this.firstRetainerIndex[e + 1];
for (let e = r; e < a; ++e) {
const r = o[e],
a = i.getValue(r + t);
if (a !== s && a !== n) return !1;
return !0;
buildDominatorTree(e, t) {
const n = this.nodeFieldCount,
i = this.firstRetainerIndex,
o = this.retainingNodes,
r = this.retainingEdges,
a = this.edgeFieldsCount,
d = this.edgeToNodeOffset,
h = this.firstEdgeIndexes,
l = this.containmentEdges,
c = this.rootNodeIndexInternal,
u = this.userObjectsMapAndFlag(),
g = u ? : null,
p = u ? u.flag : 0,
f = e.length,
I = f - 1,
x = f,
m = new Uint32Array(f);
for (let e = 0; e < I; ++e) m[e] = x;
m[I] = I;
const N = s.TypedArrayUtilities.createBitVector(f);
let y;
y = this.rootNodeIndexInternal / n;
const e = h[y + 1];
for (let s = h[y]; s < e; s += a) {
if (!this.isEssentialEdge(this.rootNodeIndexInternal, s)) continue;
const e = l.getValue(s + d) / n;
let S = !0;
for (; S; ) {
S = !1;
for (let s = N.previous(I); s >= 0; s = N.previous(s)) {
if ((N.clearBit(s), m[s] === I)) continue;
y = e[s];
const u = !g || g[y] & p;
let f = x;
const w = i[y],
T = i[y + 1];
let O = !0;
for (let e = w; e < T; ++e) {
const s = r[e],
i = o[e];
if (!this.isEssentialEdge(i, s)) continue;
O = !1;
const a = i / n,
d = !g || g[a] & p;
if (i !== c && u && !d) continue;
let h = t[a];
if (m[h] !== x) {
if (f === x) f = h;
for (; h !== f; ) {
for (; h < f; ) h = m[h];
for (; f < h; ) f = m[f];
if (f === I) break;
if ((O && (f = I), f !== x && m[s] !== f)) {
(m[s] = f), (S = !0), (y = e[s]);
const i = h[y] + d,
o = h[y + 1];
for (let e = i; e < o; e += a) {
const s = l.getValue(e) / n;
const w = new Uint32Array(f);
for (let t = 0, s = m.length; t < s; ++t) (y = e[t]), (w[y] = e[m[t]]);
return w;
calculateRetainedSizes(e) {
const t = this.nodeCount,
s = this.nodes,
n = this.nodeSelfSizeOffset,
i = this.nodeFieldCount,
o = this.dominatorsTree,
r = this.retainedSizes;
for (let e = 0; e < t; ++e) r[e] = s.getValue(e * i + n);
for (let s = 0; s < t - 1; ++s) {
const t = e[s];
r[o[t]] += r[t];
buildDominatedNodes() {
const e = this.firstDominatedNodeIndex,
t = this.dominatedNodes,
s = this.nodeFieldCount,
n = this.dominatorsTree;
let i = 0,
o = this.nodeCount;
const r = this.rootNodeIndexInternal / s;
if (r === i) i = 1;
else {
if (r !== o - 1) throw new Error("Root node is expected to be either first or last");
o -= 1;
for (let t = i; t < o; ++t) ++e[n[t]];
let a = 0;
for (let s = 0, n = this.nodeCount; s < n; ++s) {
const n = (t[a] = e[s]);
(e[s] = a), (a += n);
e[this.nodeCount] = t.length;
for (let r = i; r < o; ++r) {
let i = e[n[r]];
(i += --t[i]), (t[i] = r * s);
calculateObjectNames() {
const { nodes: e, nodeCount: t, nodeNameOffset: s, nodeNativeType: n, nodeHiddenType: i, nodeObjectType: o, nodeCodeType: r, nodeClosureType: a, nodeRegExpType: d } = this;
-1 === this.nodeDetachednessAndClassIndexOffset && (this.detachednessAndClassIndexArray = new Uint32Array(t));
const h = new Map(),
l = (e) => {
let t = h.get(e);
return void 0 === t && ((t = this.addString(e)), h.set(e, t)), t;
c = l("(system)"),
u = l("(compiled code)"),
g = l("Function"),
p = l("RegExp");
function f(t) {
switch (t.rawType()) {
case i:
return c;
case o:
case n: {
let n = t.rawName();
if (n.startsWith("<")) {
const e = n.indexOf(" ");
return -1 !== e && (n = n.substring(0, e) + ">"), l(n);
if (n.startsWith("Detached <")) {
const e = n.indexOf(" ", 10);
return -1 !== e && (n = n.substring(0, e) + ">"), l(n);
return e.getValue(t.nodeIndex + s);
case r:
return u;
case a:
return g;
case d:
return p;
return l("(" + t.type() + ")");
const I = this.createNode(0);
for (let e = 0; e < t; ++e) I.setClassIndex(f(I)), (I.nodeIndex = I.nextNodeIndex());
iterateFilteredChildren(e, t, s) {
const n = this.firstEdgeIndexes[e],
i = this.firstEdgeIndexes[e + 1];
for (let e = n; e < i; e += this.edgeFieldsCount) {
const n = this.containmentEdges.getValue(e + this.edgeToNodeOffset) / this.nodeFieldCount;
t(this.containmentEdges.getValue(e + this.edgeTypeOffset)) && s(n);
addString(e) {
return this.strings.push(e), this.strings.length - 1;
propagateDOMState() {
if (-1 === this.nodeDetachednessAndClassIndexOffset) return;
const e = new Uint8Array(this.nodeCount),
t = [],
s = [],
n = new Map(),
i = this.createNode(0),
o = function (o, r, a) {
if (e[r]) return;
const d = r * o.nodeFieldCount;
o.nodes.getValue(d + o.nodeTypeOffset) === o.nodeNativeType
? ((i.nodeIndex = d),
1 === a
? t.push(r)
: 2 === a &&
(!(function (e, t) {
const s = e.nodes.getValue(t + e.nodeNameOffset);
let i = n.get(s);
void 0 === i && ((i = e.addString("Detached " + e.strings[s])), n.set(s, i)), e.nodes.setValue(t + e.nodeNameOffset, i);
})(o, d),
(e[r] = 1))
: (e[r] = 1);
r = function (e, t, s) {
(t) => ![e.edgeHiddenType, e.edgeInvisibleType, e.edgeWeakType].includes(t),
(t) => o(e, t, s)
for (let e = 0; e < this.nodeCount; ++e) {
i.nodeIndex = e * this.nodeFieldCount;
const t = i.detachedness();
0 !== t && o(this, e, t);
for (; 0 !== t.length; ) {
r(this, t.pop(), 1);
for (; 0 !== s.length; ) {
const e = s.pop();
i.nodeIndex = e * this.nodeFieldCount;
1 !== i.detachedness() && r(this, e, 2);
buildSamples() {
const t = this.#j;
if (!t || !t.length) return;
const n = t.length / 2,
i = new Array(n),
o = new Array(n),
r = new Array(n),
a = this.#k.sample_fields.indexOf("timestamp_us"),
d = this.#k.sample_fields.indexOf("last_assigned_id");
for (let e = 0; e < n; e++) (i[e] = 0), (o[e] = t[2 * e + a] / 1e3), (r[e] = t[2 * e + d]);
const h = this.nodes.length,
l = this.nodeFieldCount,
c = this.rootNode();
for (let e = 0; e < h; e += l) {
c.nodeIndex = e;
const t =;
if (t % 2 == 0) continue;
const o = s.ArrayUtilities.lowerBound(r, t, s.ArrayUtilities.DEFAULT_COMPARATOR);
o !== n && (i[o] += c.selfSize());
this.#H = new e.HeapSnapshotModel.Samples(o, r, i);
buildLocationMap() {
const t = new Map(),
s = this.#P;
for (let n = 0; n < s.length; n += this.#Y) {
const i = s[n + this.#q],
o = s[n + this.#G],
r = s[n + this.#K],
a = s[n + this.#X];
t.set(i, new e.HeapSnapshotModel.Location(o, r, a));
this.#te = t;
getLocation(e) {
return this.#te.get(e) || null;
getSamples() {
return this.#H;
calculateFlags() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
calculateStatistics() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
userObjectsMapAndFlag() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
calculateSnapshotDiff(t, s) {
let n = this.#B[t];
if (n) return n;
n = {};
const i = this.getAggregatesByClassName(!0, "allObjects");
for (const e in s) {
const t = s[e],
o = this.calculateDiffForClass(t, i[e]);
o && (n[e] = o);
const o = new e.HeapSnapshotModel.AggregateForDiff();
for (const e in i) {
if (e in s) continue;
const t = this.calculateDiffForClass(o, i[e]);
t && (n[e] = t);
return (this.#B[t] = n), n;
calculateDiffForClass(t, s) {
const n = t.ids,
i = t.indexes,
o = t.selfSizes,
r = s ? s.idxs : [];
let a = 0,
d = 0;
const h = n.length,
l = r.length,
c = new e.HeapSnapshotModel.Diff(),
u = this.createNode(r[d]);
for (; a < h && d < l; ) {
const e = n[a];
e <
? (c.deletedIndexes.push(i[a]), c.removedCount++, (c.removedSize += o[a]), ++a)
: e >
? (c.addedIndexes.push(r[d]), c.addedCount++, (c.addedSize += u.selfSize()), (u.nodeIndex = r[++d]))
: (++a, (u.nodeIndex = r[++d]));
for (; a < h; ) c.deletedIndexes.push(i[a]), c.removedCount++, (c.removedSize += o[a]), ++a;
for (; d < l; ) c.addedIndexes.push(r[d]), c.addedCount++, (c.addedSize += u.selfSize()), (u.nodeIndex = r[++d]);
return (c.countDelta = c.addedCount - c.removedCount), (c.sizeDelta = c.addedSize - c.removedSize), c.addedCount || c.removedCount ? c : null;
nodeForSnapshotObjectId(e) {
for (let t = this.allNodes(); t.hasNext(); if ( === e) return t.node;
return null;
nodeClassName(e) {
const t = this.nodeForSnapshotObjectId(e);
return t ? t.className() : null;
idsOfObjectsWithName(e) {
const t = [];
for (let s = this.allNodes(); s.hasNext(); s.item().name() === e && t.push(s.item().id());
return t;
createEdgesProvider(e) {
const t = this.createNode(e),
s = this.containmentEdgesFilter(),
n = new c(this);
return new F(this, s, t.edges(), n);
createEdgesProviderForTest(e, t) {
const s = this.createNode(e),
n = new c(this);
return new F(this, t, s.edges(), n);
retainingEdgesFilter() {
return null;
containmentEdgesFilter() {
return null;
createRetainingEdgesProvider(e) {
const t = this.createNode(e),
s = this.retainingEdgesFilter(),
n = new u(this);
return new F(this, s, t.retainers(), n);
createAddedNodesProvider(e, t) {
const s = this.#B[e][t];
return new b(this, s.addedIndexes);
createDeletedNodesProvider(e) {
return new b(this, e);
createNodesProviderForClass(e, t) {
return new b(this, this.aggregatesWithFilter(t)[e].idxs);
maxJsNodeId() {
const e = this.nodeFieldCount,
t = this.nodes,
s = t.length;
let n = 0;
for (let i = this.nodeIdOffset; i < s; i += e) {
const e = t.getValue(i);
e % 2 != 0 && n < e && (n = e);
return n;
updateStaticData() {
return new e.HeapSnapshotModel.StaticData(this.nodeCount, this.rootNodeIndexInternal, this.totalSize, this.maxJsNodeId());
ignoreNodeInRetainersView(e) {
this.#se.add(e), this.calculateDistances(!0), this.#re();
unignoreNodeInRetainersView(e) {
this.#se.delete(e), 0 === this.#se.size ? (this.#ie = void 0) : this.calculateDistances(!0), this.#re();
unignoreAllNodesInRetainersView() {
this.#se.clear(), (this.#ie = void 0), this.#re();
#re() {
const e = this.#ie;
if ((this.#ne.clear(), void 0 === e)) return;
const t = new s.MapUtilities.Multimap(),
n = this.#U,
{ nodeCount: i, nodeFieldCount: o } = this,
r = this.createNode(0);
for (let s = 0; s < i; ++s)
if (e[s] === n) {
r.nodeIndex = s * o;
for (let e = r.edges(); e.hasNext(); {
const s = e.edge;
if (!s.isInternal()) continue;
const n = this.tryParseWeakMapEdgeName(s.nameIndex());
n && t.set(s.nodeIndex(), n.duplicatedPart);
for (const e of t.keys()) {
r.nodeIndex = e;
for (let s = r.retainers(); s.hasNext(); {
const n = s.item();
if (!n.isInternal()) continue;
const i = this.tryParseWeakMapEdgeName(n.nameIndex());
if (i && t.hasValue(e, i.duplicatedPart)) {
const e = this.retainingEdges[n.itemIndex()];
areNodesIgnoredInRetainersView() {
return this.#se.size > 0;
getDistanceForRetainersView(t) {
const s = t / this.nodeFieldCount,
n = (this.#ie ?? this.nodeDistances)[s];
return n === this.#U ? Math.max(0, this.nodeDistances[s]) + e.HeapSnapshotModel.baseUnreachableDistance : n;
isNodeIgnoredInRetainersView(e) {
return this.#se.has(e);
isEdgeIgnoredInRetainersView(e) {
return this.#ne.has(e);
class C {
location_fields = [];
node_fields = [];
node_types = [];
edge_fields = [];
edge_types = [];
trace_function_info_fields = [];
trace_node_fields = [];
sample_fields = [];
type_strings = {};
class E {
constructor(e, t) {
(this.iterator = e), (this.#ae = t), (this.#de = !e.hasNext()), (this.iterationOrder = null), (this.currentComparator = null), (this.#he = 0), (this.#le = 0);
createIterationOrder() {
if (!this.iterationOrder) {
this.iterationOrder = [];
for (let e = this.iterator; e.hasNext(); this.iterationOrder.push(e.item().itemIndex());
isEmpty() {
return this.#de;
serializeItemsRange(t, s) {
if ((this.createIterationOrder(), t > s)) throw new Error("Start position > end position: " + t + " > " + s);
if (!this.iterationOrder) throw new Error("Iteration order undefined");
if ((s > this.iterationOrder.length && (s = this.iterationOrder.length), this.#he < s && t < this.iterationOrder.length - this.#le && this.currentComparator)) {
const e = this.currentComparator;
this.sort(e, this.#he, this.iterationOrder.length - 1 - this.#le, t, s - 1), t <= this.#he && (this.#he = s), s >= this.iterationOrder.length - this.#le && (this.#le = this.iterationOrder.length - t);
let n = t;
const i = s - t,
o = new Array(i);
for (let e = 0; e < i; ++e) {
const t = this.iterationOrder[n++],
s = this.#ae.itemForIndex(t);
o[e] = s.serialize();
return new e.HeapSnapshotModel.ItemsRange(t, s, this.iterationOrder.length, o);
sortAndRewind(e) {
(this.currentComparator = e), (this.#he = 0), (this.#le = 0);
class F extends E {
constructor(e, t, s, n) {
super(t ? new N(s, t) : s, n), (this.snapshot = e);
sort(e, t, n, i, o) {
const r = e.fieldName1,
a = e.fieldName2,
d = e.ascending1,
h = e.ascending2,
l = this.iterator.item().clone(),
c = l.clone(),
u = this.snapshot.createNode(),
g = this.snapshot.createNode();
function p(e, t, s, n) {
(l.edgeIndex = s), (c.edgeIndex = n);
let i = 0;
if ("!edgeName" === e) {
if ("__proto__" === return -1;
if ("__proto__" === return 1;
i = l.hasStringName() === c.hasStringName() ? ( < ? -1 : > ? 1 : 0) : l.hasStringName() ? -1 : 1;
} else i = l.getValueForSorting(e) - c.getValueForSorting(e);
return t ? i : -i;
function f(e, t, s, n) {
(l.edgeIndex = s), (u.nodeIndex = l.nodeIndex());
const i = u[e]();
(c.edgeIndex = n), (g.nodeIndex = c.nodeIndex());
const o = g[e](),
r = i < o ? -1 : i > o ? 1 : 0;
return t ? r : -r;
if (!this.iterationOrder) throw new Error("Iteration order not defined");
function I(e) {
return e.startsWith("!edge");
? I(a)
? s.ArrayUtilities.sortRange(
function (e, t) {
let s = p(r, d, e, t);
return 0 === s && (s = p(a, h, e, t)), 0 === s ? e - t : s;
: s.ArrayUtilities.sortRange(
function (e, t) {
let s = p(r, d, e, t);
return 0 === s && (s = f(a, h, e, t)), 0 === s ? e - t : s;
: I(a)
? s.ArrayUtilities.sortRange(
function (e, t) {
let s = f(r, d, e, t);
return 0 === s && (s = p(a, h, e, t)), 0 === s ? e - t : s;
: s.ArrayUtilities.sortRange(
function (e, t) {
let s = f(r, d, e, t);
return 0 === s && (s = f(a, h, e, t)), 0 === s ? e - t : s;
class b extends E {
constructor(e, t) {
const s = new l(e);
super(new m(s, t), s), (this.snapshot = e);
nodePosition(e) {
const t = this.snapshot.createNode();
let s = 0;
if (!this.iterationOrder) throw new Error("Iteration order not defined");
for (; s < this.iterationOrder.length && ((t.nodeIndex = this.iterationOrder[s]), !== e); s++);
if (s === this.iterationOrder.length) return -1;
const n = this.iterationOrder[s];
let i = 0;
const o = this.currentComparator,
r = this.buildCompareFunction(o);
for (let e = 0; e < this.iterationOrder.length; e++) r(this.iterationOrder[e], n) < 0 && ++i;
return i;
buildCompareFunction(e) {
const t = this.snapshot.createNode(),
s = this.snapshot.createNode(),
n = t[e.fieldName1],
i = t[e.fieldName2],
o = e.ascending1 ? 1 : -1,
r = e.ascending2 ? 1 : -1;
function a(e, n) {
const i =,
o =;
return i < o ? -n : i > o ? n : 0;
return function (e, d) {
(t.nodeIndex = e), (s.nodeIndex = d);
let h = a(n, o);
return 0 === h && (h = a(i, r)), h || e - d;
sort(e, t, n, i, o) {
if (!this.iterationOrder) throw new Error("Iteration order not defined");
s.ArrayUtilities.sortRange(this.iterationOrder, this.buildCompareFunction(e), t, n, i, o);
class A extends O {
constructor(e, t) {
super(e, t), (this.nodeFlags = { canBeQueried: 1, detachedDOMTreeNode: 2, pageObject: 4 }), (this.lazyStringCache = {}), this.initialize();
createNode(e) {
return new v(this, void 0 === e ? -1 : e);
createEdge(e) {
return new _(this, e);
createRetainingEdge(e) {
return new z(this, e);
containmentEdgesFilter() {
return (e) => !e.isInvisible();
retainingEdgesFilter() {
const e = this.containmentEdgesFilter();
return function (t) {
return e(t) && !t.node().isRoot() && !t.isWeak();
calculateFlags() {
(this.flags = new Uint32Array(this.nodeCount)), this.markDetachedDOMTreeNodes(), this.markQueriableHeapObjects(), this.markPageOwnedNodes();
#ue() {
for (let e = this.rootNode().edges(); e.hasNext(); if (this.isUserRoot(e.edge.node())) return !0;
return !1;
calculateShallowSizes() {
if (!this.#ue()) return;
const { nodeCount: e, nodes: t, nodeFieldCount: s, nodeSelfSizeOffset: n } = this,
i = 4294967295,
o = 4294967294;
if (e >= o) throw new Error("Too many nodes for calculateShallowSizes");
const r = new Uint32Array(e),
a = [],
d = this.createNode(0);
for (let t = 0; t < e; ++t) d.isHidden() || d.isArray() ? (r[t] = i) : ((r[t] = t), a.push(t)), (d.nodeIndex = d.nextNodeIndex());
for (; 0 !== a.length; ) {
const e = a.pop(),
t = r[e];
d.nodeIndex = e * s;
for (let e = d.edges(); e.hasNext(); {
const n = e.edge;
if (n.isWeak()) continue;
const d = n.nodeIndex() / s;
switch (r[d]) {
case i:
(r[d] = t), a.push(d);
case d:
case t:
case o:
(r[d] = o), a.push(d);
for (let a = 0; a < e; ++a) {
const e = r[a];
switch (e) {
case i:
case o:
case a:
default: {
const i = a * s,
o = e * s;
if (((d.nodeIndex = o), d.isSynthetic() || d.isRoot())) break;
const r = t.getValue(i + n);
t.setValue(i + n, 0), t.setValue(o + n, t.getValue(o + n) + r);
calculateDistances(e) {
const t = new Set(),
s = this;
super.calculateDistances(e, function (e, n) {
if (e.isHidden() && "sloppy_function_map" === && "system / NativeContext" === e.rawName()) return !1;
if (e.isArray() && "(map descriptors)" === e.rawName()) {
const e = parseInt(, 10);
return e < 2 || e % 3 != 1;
if (n.isInternal()) {
const e = s.tryParseWeakMapEdgeName(n.nameIndex());
if (e && !t.delete(e.duplicatedPart)) return t.add(e.duplicatedPart), !1;
return !0;
isUserRoot(e) {
return e.isUserRoot() || e.isDocumentDOMTreesRoot();
userObjectsMapAndFlag() {
return { map: this.flags, flag: this.nodeFlags.pageObject };
flagsOfNode(e) {
return this.flags[e.nodeIndex / this.nodeFieldCount];
markDetachedDOMTreeNodes() {
const e = this.nodes,
t = e.length,
s = this.nodeFieldCount,
n = this.nodeNativeType,
i = this.nodeTypeOffset,
o = this.nodeFlags.detachedDOMTreeNode,
r = this.rootNode();
for (let a = 0, d = 0; a < t; a += s, d++) {
e.getValue(a + i) === n && ((r.nodeIndex = a),"Detached ") && (this.flags[d] |= o));
markQueriableHeapObjects() {
const e = this.nodeFlags.canBeQueried,
t = this.edgeHiddenType,
s = this.edgeInternalType,
n = this.edgeInvisibleType,
i = this.edgeWeakType,
o = this.edgeToNodeOffset,
r = this.edgeTypeOffset,
a = this.edgeFieldsCount,
d = this.containmentEdges,
h = this.nodeFieldCount,
l = this.firstEdgeIndexes,
c = this.flags,
u = [];
for (let e = this.rootNode().edges(); e.hasNext(); e.edge.node().isUserRoot() && u.push(e.edge.node().nodeIndex / h);
for (; u.length; ) {
const g = u.pop();
if (c[g] & e) continue;
c[g] |= e;
const p = l[g],
f = l[g + 1];
for (let l = p; l < f; l += a) {
const a = d.getValue(l + o) / h;
if (c[a] & e) continue;
const g = d.getValue(l + r);
g !== t && g !== n && g !== s && g !== i && u.push(a);
markPageOwnedNodes() {
const e = this.edgeShortcutType,
t = this.edgeElementType,
s = this.edgeToNodeOffset,
n = this.edgeTypeOffset,
i = this.edgeFieldsCount,
o = this.edgeWeakType,
r = this.firstEdgeIndexes,
a = this.containmentEdges,
d = this.nodeFieldCount,
h = this.nodeCount,
l = this.flags,
c = this.nodeFlags.pageObject,
u = new Uint32Array(h);
let g = 0;
const p = this.rootNodeIndexInternal / d,
f = this.rootNode();
for (let o = r[p], h = r[p + 1]; o < h; o += i) {
const i = a.getValue(o + n),
r = a.getValue(o + s);
if (i === t) {
if (((f.nodeIndex = r), !f.isDocumentDOMTreesRoot())) continue;
} else if (i !== e) continue;
const h = r / d;
(u[g++] = h), (l[h] |= c);
for (; g; ) {
const e = u[--g],
t = r[e],
h = r[e + 1];
for (let e = t; e < h; e += i) {
const t = a.getValue(e + s) / d;
if (l[t] & c) continue;
a.getValue(e + n) !== o && ((u[g++] = t), (l[t] |= c));
calculateStatistics() {
const t = this.nodeFieldCount,
s = this.nodes,
n = s.length,
i = this.nodeTypeOffset,
o = this.nodeSelfSizeOffset,
r = this.nodeNativeType,
a = this.nodeCodeType,
d = this.nodeConsStringType,
h = this.nodeSlicedStringType,
l = this.nodeDistances;
let c = 0,
u = 0,
g = 0,
p = 0,
f = 0;
const I = this.rootNode();
for (let x = 0; x < n; x += t) {
const n = s.getValue(x + o);
if (l[x / t] >= e.HeapSnapshotModel.baseSystemDistance) {
f += n;
const m = s.getValue(x + i);
(I.nodeIndex = x), m === r ? (c += n) : m === a ? (u += n) : m === d || m === h || "string" === I.type() ? (g += n) : "Array" === I.rawName() && (p += this.calculateArraySize(I));
(this.#ce = new e.HeapSnapshotModel.Statistics()),
( = this.totalSize),
(this.#ce.v8heap = this.totalSize - c),
(this.#ce.native = c),
(this.#ce.code = u),
(this.#ce.jsArrays = p),
(this.#ce.strings = g),
(this.#ce.system = f);
calculateArraySize(e) {
let t = e.selfSize();
const s = e.edgeIndexesStart(),
n = e.edgeIndexesEnd(),
i = this.containmentEdges,
o = this.strings,
r = this.edgeToNodeOffset,
a = this.edgeTypeOffset,
d = this.edgeNameOffset,
h = this.edgeFieldsCount,
l = this.edgeInternalType;
for (let c = s; c < n; c += h) {
if (i.getValue(c + a) !== l) continue;
if ("elements" !== o[i.getValue(c + d)]) continue;
const s = i.getValue(c + r);
(e.nodeIndex = s), 1 === e.retainersCount() && (t += e.selfSize());
return t;
getStatistics() {
return this.#ce;
class v extends I {
constructor(e, t) {
super(e, t);
canBeQueried() {
const e = this.snapshot,
t = e.flagsOfNode(this);
return Boolean(t & e.nodeFlags.canBeQueried);
name() {
const e = this.snapshot,
t = (t) => {
let s = e.lazyStringCache[this.nodeIndex];
return void 0 === s && ((s = t()), (e.lazyStringCache[this.nodeIndex] = s)), s;
return this.rawType() === e.nodeConsStringType ? t(() => this.consStringName()) : this.rawType() === e.nodeObjectType && "Object" === this.rawName() ? t(() => this.#ge()) : this.rawName();
consStringName() {
const e = this.snapshot,
t = e.nodeConsStringType,
s = e.edgeInternalType,
n = e.edgeFieldsCount,
i = e.edgeToNodeOffset,
o = e.edgeTypeOffset,
r = e.edgeNameOffset,
a = e.strings,
d = e.containmentEdges,
h = e.firstEdgeIndexes,
l = e.nodeFieldCount,
c = e.nodeTypeOffset,
u = e.nodeNameOffset,
g = e.nodes,
p = [];
let f = "";
for (; p.length && f.length < 1024; ) {
const e = p.pop();
if (g.getValue(e + c) !== t) {
f += a[g.getValue(e + u)];
const I = e / l,
x = h[I],
m = h[I + 1];
let N = 0,
y = 0;
for (let e = x; e < m && (!N || !y); e += n) {
if (d.getValue(e + o) === s) {
const t = a[d.getValue(e + r)];
"first" === t ? (N = d.getValue(e + i)) : "second" === t && (y = d.getValue(e + i));
p.push(y), p.push(N);
return f;
#ge() {
const e = this.snapshot,
{ edgeFieldsCount: t, edgePropertyType: s } = e,
n = e.createEdge(0);
let i = "{",
o = "}",
r = this.edgeIndexesStart(),
a = this.edgeIndexesEnd() - t,
d = !1;
for (; r <= a; ) {
if (((n.edgeIndex = d ? a : r), n.rawType() !== s || "__proto__" === {
d ? (a -= t) : (r += t);
const e = v.formatPropertyName(;
if (i.length > 1 && i.length + o.length + e.length > 100) break;
d ? ((a -= t), o.length > 1 && (o = ", " + o), (o = e + o)) : ((r += t), i.length > 1 && (i += ", "), (i += e)), (d = !d);
return r <= a && (i += ", ..."), o.length > 1 && (i += ", "), i + o;
static formatPropertyName(e) {
return /[,'"{}]/.test(e) && (e = (e = JSON.stringify({ [e]: 0 })).substring(1, e.length - 3)), e;
id() {
const e = this.snapshot;
return e.nodes.getValue(this.nodeIndex + e.nodeIdOffset);
isHidden() {
return this.rawType() === this.snapshot.nodeHiddenType;
isArray() {
return this.rawType() === this.snapshot.nodeArrayType;
isSynthetic() {
return this.rawType() === this.snapshot.nodeSyntheticType;
isUserRoot() {
return !this.isSynthetic();
isDocumentDOMTreesRoot() {
return this.isSynthetic() && "(Document DOM trees)" === this.rawName();
serialize() {
const e = super.serialize(),
t = this.snapshot,
s = t.flagsOfNode(this);
return s & t.nodeFlags.canBeQueried && (e.canBeQueried = !0), s & t.nodeFlags.detachedDOMTreeNode && (e.detachedDOMTreeNode = !0), e;
class _ extends h {
constructor(e, t) {
super(e, t);
clone() {
const e = this.snapshot;
return new _(e, this.edgeIndex);
hasStringName() {
return this.isShortcut() ? isNaN(parseInt(this.nameInternal(), 10)) : this.hasStringNameInternal();
isElement() {
return this.rawType() === this.snapshot.edgeElementType;
isHidden() {
return this.rawType() === this.snapshot.edgeHiddenType;
isWeak() {
return this.rawType() === this.snapshot.edgeWeakType;
isInternal() {
return this.rawType() === this.snapshot.edgeInternalType;
isInvisible() {
return this.rawType() === this.snapshot.edgeInvisibleType;
isShortcut() {
return this.rawType() === this.snapshot.edgeShortcutType;
name() {
const e = this.nameInternal();
if (!this.isShortcut()) return String(e);
const t = parseInt(e, 10);
return String(isNaN(t) ? e : t);
toString() {
const e =;
switch (this.type()) {
case "context":
return "->" + e;
case "element":
return "[" + e + "]";
case "weak":
return "[[" + e + "]]";
case "property":
return -1 === e.indexOf(" ") ? "." + e : '["' + e + '"]';
case "shortcut":
return "string" == typeof e ? (-1 === e.indexOf(" ") ? "." + e : '["' + e + '"]') : "[" + e + "]";
case "internal":
case "hidden":
case "invisible":
return "{" + e + "}";
return "?" + e + "?";
hasStringNameInternal() {
const e = this.rawType(),
t = this.snapshot;
return e !== t.edgeElementType && e !== t.edgeHiddenType;
nameInternal() {
return this.hasStringNameInternal() ? this.snapshot.strings[this.nameOrIndex()] : this.nameOrIndex();
nameOrIndex() {
return this.edges.getValue(this.edgeIndex + this.snapshot.edgeNameOffset);
rawType() {
return this.edges.getValue(this.edgeIndex + this.snapshot.edgeTypeOffset);
nameIndex() {
if (!this.hasStringNameInternal()) throw new Error("Edge does not have string name");
return this.nameOrIndex();
class z extends p {
constructor(e, t) {
super(e, t);
clone() {
const e = this.snapshot;
return new z(e, this.retainerIndex());
isHidden() {
return this.edge().isHidden();
isInvisible() {
return this.edge().isInvisible();
isShortcut() {
return this.edge().isShortcut();
isWeak() {
return this.edge().isWeak();
var D = Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
HeapSnapshotEdge: h,
HeapSnapshotNodeIndexProvider: l,
HeapSnapshotEdgeIndexProvider: c,
HeapSnapshotRetainerEdgeIndexProvider: u,
HeapSnapshotEdgeIterator: g,
HeapSnapshotRetainerEdge: p,
HeapSnapshotRetainerEdgeIterator: f,
HeapSnapshotNode: I,
HeapSnapshotNodeIterator: x,
HeapSnapshotIndexRangeIterator: m,
HeapSnapshotFilteredIterator: N,
HeapSnapshotProgress: y,
HeapSnapshotProblemReport: S,
HeapSnapshot: O,
HeapSnapshotHeader: class {
constructor() {
(this.title = ""), (this.meta = new C()), (this.node_count = 0), (this.edge_count = 0), (this.trace_function_count = 0), (this.root_index = 0);
HeapSnapshotItemProvider: E,
HeapSnapshotEdgesProvider: F,
HeapSnapshotNodesProvider: b,
JSHeapSnapshot: A,
JSHeapSnapshotNode: v,
JSHeapSnapshotEdge: _,
JSHeapSnapshotRetainerEdge: z,
class R {
#ye = "";
constructor(e) {
this.#Se(), (this.#M = new y(e)), (this.#pe = []), (this.#fe = null), (this.#Ie = !1), this.#we();
dispose() {
#Se() {
(this.#ye = ""), (this.#xe = void 0);
close() {
(this.#Ie = !0), this.#fe && this.#fe("");
buildSnapshot() {
(this.#xe = this.#xe || {}), this.#M.updateStatus("Processing snapshot…");
const e = new A(this.#xe, this.#M);
return this.#Se(), e;
#Te() {
let e = 0;
const t = "0".charCodeAt(0),
s = "9".charCodeAt(0),
n = "]".charCodeAt(0),
i = this.#ye.length;
for (;;) {
for (; e < i; ) {
const i = this.#ye.charCodeAt(e);
if (t <= i && i <= s) break;
if (i === n) return (this.#ye = this.#ye.slice(e + 1)), !1;
if (e === i) return (this.#ye = ""), !0;
let o = 0;
const r = e;
for (; e < i; ) {
const n = this.#ye.charCodeAt(e);
if (t > n || n > s) break;
(o *= 10), (o += n - t), ++e;
if (e === i) return (this.#ye = this.#ye.slice(r)), !0;
if (!this.#me) throw new Error("Array not instantiated");
this.#me.setValue(this.#Ne++, o);
#Oe() {
this.#M.updateStatus("Parsing strings…");
const e = this.#ye.lastIndexOf("]");
if (-1 === e) throw new Error("Incomplete JSON");
if (((this.#ye = this.#ye.slice(0, e + 1)), !this.#xe)) throw new Error("No snapshot in parseStringsArray");
this.#xe.strings = JSON.parse(this.#ye);
write(e) {
this.#pe.push(e), this.#fe && (this.#fe(this.#pe.shift()), (this.#fe = null));
#Ce() {
if (this.#pe.length > 0) return Promise.resolve(this.#pe.shift());
const { promise: e, resolve: t } = s.PromiseUtilities.promiseWithResolvers();
return (this.#fe = t), e;
async #Ee(e, t) {
for (;;) {
const s = this.#ye.indexOf(e, t || 0);
if (-1 !== s) return s;
(t = this.#ye.length - e.length + 1), (this.#ye += await this.#Ce());
async #Fe(e, t, n) {
const i = await this.#Ee(e),
o = await this.#Ee("[", i);
for (this.#ye = this.#ye.slice(o + 1), this.#me = void 0 === n ? s.TypedArrayUtilities.createExpandableBigUint32Array() : s.TypedArrayUtilities.createFixedBigUint32Array(n), this.#Ne = 0; this.#Te(); )
n ? this.#M.updateProgress(t, this.#Ne, this.#me.length) : this.#M.updateStatus(t), (this.#ye += await this.#Ce());
const r = this.#me;
return (this.#me = null), r;
async #we() {
const e = '"snapshot"',
t = await this.#Ee(e);
if (-1 === t) throw new Error("Snapshot token not found");
this.#M.updateStatus("Loading snapshot info…");
const s = this.#ye.slice(t + 10 + 1);
let i = !1;
const o = new n.TextUtils.BalancedJSONTokenizer((e) => {
(this.#ye = o.remainder()), (i = !0), (this.#xe = this.#xe || {}), (this.#xe.snapshot = JSON.parse(e));
for (o.write(s); !i; ) o.write(await this.#Ce());
this.#xe = this.#xe || {};
const r = await this.#Fe('"nodes"', "Loading nodes… {PH1}%", this.#xe.snapshot.meta.node_fields.length * this.#xe.snapshot.node_count);
this.#xe.nodes = r;
const a = await this.#Fe('"edges"', "Loading edges… {PH1}%", this.#xe.snapshot.meta.edge_fields.length * this.#xe.snapshot.edge_count);
if (((this.#xe.edges = a), this.#xe.snapshot.trace_function_count)) {
const e = await this.#Fe('"trace_function_infos"', "Loading allocation traces… {PH1}%", this.#xe.snapshot.meta.trace_function_info_fields.length * this.#xe.snapshot.trace_function_count);
this.#xe.trace_function_infos = e.asUint32ArrayOrFail();
const t = await this.#Ee(":"),
s = await this.#Ee('"', t),
n = this.#ye.indexOf("["),
i = this.#ye.lastIndexOf("]", s);
(this.#xe.trace_tree = JSON.parse(this.#ye.substring(n, i + 1))), (this.#ye = this.#ye.slice(i + 1));
if (this.#xe.snapshot.meta.sample_fields) {
const e = await this.#Fe('"samples"', "Loading samples…");
this.#xe.samples = e.asArrayOrFail();
if (this.#xe.snapshot.meta.location_fields) {
const e = await this.#Fe('"locations"', "Loading locations…");
this.#xe.locations = e.asArrayOrFail();
} else this.#xe.locations = [];
this.#M.updateStatus("Loading strings…");
const d = await this.#Ee('"strings"'),
h = await this.#Ee("[", d);
for (this.#ye = this.#ye.slice(h); !this.#Ie; ) this.#ye += await this.#Ce();
var V = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, HeapSnapshotLoader: R });
var k = Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
HeapSnapshotWorkerDispatcher: class {
constructor(e) {
(this.#be = []), (this.#Ae = e);
sendEvent(e, t) {
this.#Ae({ eventName: e, data: t });
dispatchMessage({ data: t }) {
const s = { callId: t.callId, result: null, error: void 0, errorCallStack: void 0, errorMethodName: void 0 };
try {
switch (t.disposition) {
case "createLoader":
this.#be[t.objectId] = new R(this);
case "dispose":
delete this.#be[t.objectId];
case "getter": {
const e = this.#be[t.objectId][t.methodName];
s.result = e;
case "factory": {
const e = this.#be[t.objectId],
n = e[t.methodName].apply(e, t.methodArguments);
n && (this.#be[t.newObjectId] = n), (s.result = Boolean(n));
case "method": {
const e = this.#be[t.objectId];
s.result = e[t.methodName].apply(e, t.methodArguments);
case "evaluateForTest":
try {
(globalThis.HeapSnapshotWorker = { AllocationProfile: d, HeapSnapshot: D, HeapSnapshotLoader: V }), (globalThis.HeapSnapshotModel = e), (s.result = self.eval(t.source));
} catch (e) {
s.result = e.toString();
} catch (e) {
(s.error = e.toString()), (s.errorCallStack = e.stack), t.methodName && (s.errorMethodName = t.methodName);
export { d as AllocationProfile, D as HeapSnapshot, V as HeapSnapshotLoader, k as HeapSnapshotWorkerDispatcher };
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