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Last active February 8, 2025 23:16
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SwiftUI: Peek at/extract hidden environment values
// expose hidden environment members like so:
extension EnvironmentValues {
public var foregroundColor: Color? { value(forKey: "ForegroundColorKey") }
public var accentColor: Color? { value(forKey: "AccentColorKey") }
// then you can use them like any others:
@Environment(\.foregroundColor) var foregroundColor
// You can see all the available values with something like:
@Environment(\.dumpEnvironment) var dump
let _ = dump
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
extension EnvironmentValues {
public func value<T>(_: T.Type = T.self, forKey key: String) -> T? {
guard let value = first(where: { name($0, equals: key) }) else {
print("No EnvironmentValue with key '\(key)' found.")
return nil
let valueMirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
let environmentValue = valueMirror.descendant("value", "some")
if let result = environmentValue as? T {
return result
} else if let value = valueMirror.children.first?.value, let result = value as? T {
return result
} else {
print("EnvironmentValue with key '\(key)' mismatch. Expected \(T.self), found \(type(of: environmentValue))")
return nil
private func name(_ value: Any, equals key: String) -> Bool {
let parts = String(describing: type(of: value)).components(separatedBy: .init(charactersIn: "<>"))
return parts.contains(key)
extension EnvironmentValues: Sequence {
public func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<Any> {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
guard let plist = mirror.children.first(where: { $0.label?.contains("plist") ?? false })?.label else {
print("Unable to find EnvironmentValue elements from",\.label))
return .init { nil }
var current = mirror.descendant(plist, "elements", "some")
return .init {
guard let value = current else { return nil }
defer {
let next = Mirror(reflecting: value).superclassMirror
current = next?.descendant("after", "some")
return value
extension EnvironmentValues {
public var dumpEnvironment: Bool {
self.forEach { print($0) }
return true
extension Mirror {
public func dump(indent: Int = 0) {
let i = String(repeating: " ", count: indent)
for item in children {
print(i, "\(item.label ?? "<none>"):\(type(of: item.value))", item.value as Any)
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: item.value)
if let m = mirror.superclassMirror {
m.dump(indent: indent + 1)
} else {
mirror.dump(indent: indent + 1)
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