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Created May 2, 2014 13:40
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Colour ordering and proximity
require ['jquery'], ($) ->
$(".js-colours .js-select").on "change", (e) ->
$(".js-colours .styleguide-proximity__input").on "keyup", (event) ->
return resetProximity() if (!
event.keyCode is 13 and matchProximity()
sortBy = (comparator) ->
sections = document.querySelectorAll(".styleguide-block")
i = 0
while i < sections.length
section = sections[i]
cards =".js-card-container .col--one-third"))
newCards = ""
cards = cards.sort(comparator)
$(cards).each ->
newCards += @.outerHTML
section.querySelector(".js-card-container").innerHTML = newCards
lightToDark = (a, b) ->
lumA = Number(a.getAttribute("data-luminance"))
lumB = Number(b.getAttribute("data-luminance"))
lumA < lumB
darkToLight = (a, b) ->
lumA = Number(a.getAttribute("data-luminance"))
lumB = Number(b.getAttribute("data-luminance"))
lumA > lumB
resetProximity = ->
document.getElementById("proximityMatch").value = ""
$(".js-card-container .card").each ->
@.removeAttribute "style"
matchProximity = ->
colour = document.getElementById("proximityMatch").value
sections = $(".styleguide__colours").removeClass("has-match").removeAttr("style")
colourBlocks = $(".styleguide-block__item--colour")
colourBlocks.each ->
proximity = colourProximity(colour, @.innerHTML)
# Remove previous classes
@.parentNode.removeAttribute "style"
@.parentNode.className = @.parentNode.className.replace(" is-approximate", "").replace(" isnt-approximate", "")
if proximity < 20["border-color"] = (if /^#/.test(colour) then colour else "#" + colour)
@.parentNode.className += " is-approximate"
@.parentNode.className += " is-exact icon--tick--before" if proximity is 0
@.parentNode.className += " isnt-approximate"
backgroundColor: "#"+colour.replace("#", "")
paddingRight: 10
paddingTop: 10
# Mostly ripped from here:
colourProximity = (v1, v2) ->
i = undefined
d = 0
v1 = hexToRGB(v1)
v2 = hexToRGB(v2)
i = 0
while i < v1.length
d += (v1[i] - v2[i]) * (v1[i] - v2[i])
Math.sqrt d
hexToRGB = (colour) ->
colour = colour.replace(/^#/, "").match(/[0-9a-z]{2}/gi)
[parseInt(colour[0], 16), parseInt(colour[1], 16), parseInt(colour[2], 16)]
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