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Created October 20, 2017 03:48
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Example of what generated code looks like with collection-laws rewrite
// Autogenerated test for collection List with element type String
package laws
class Test_Imm_List_Str(numb: Numbers, oper: Ops[String, Option[String]], inst: Instance[String, scala.collection.immutable.List[String]], lln: Int)
extends StrTest[scala.collection.immutable.List[String], Test_Imm_List_Str](numb, oper, inst, lln) {
import Test.ComparesTo
import Test.Logic
def renumber(numb: Numbers) = new Test_Imm_List_Str(numb, ops, instance, lawLine)
def reinstance(inst: Instance[String, scala.collection.immutable.List[String]]) = new Test_Imm_List_Str(num, ops, inst, lawLine)
def reoperate(oper: Ops[String, Option[String]]) = new Test_Imm_List_Str(num, oper, instance, lawLine)
def relaw(lln: Int) = new Test_Imm_List_Str(num, ops, instance, lln)
val lawNumbers = Set[Int](148, 150, 156, 174, 176, 178, 180, 182, 184, 186, 190, 192, 194, 196, 198, 221, 223, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242, 251, 253, 255, 262, 264, 266, 268, 270, 276, 282, 284, 286, 288, 290, 292, 294, 296, 298, 300, 302, 304, 318, 326, 328, 348, 352, 356, 358, 360, 362, 364, 368, 376, 381, 392, 396, 398, 402, 404, 406, 408, 410, 412, 416, 423, 425, 427, 429, 431, 433, 437, 439, 441, 443, 447, 449, 453, 455, 457, 461, 463, 467, 469, 473, 475, 482, 484, 486, 490, 492, 496, 498, 510, 519, 524, 529, 540, 550, 555, 559, 561, 563)
val obeys = => n -> Laws.byLineNumber(n)).toMap
def runLaw148: Boolean = { theSameAs { val y = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[A]; x.foreach(xi => y += f(xi)); y }
def runLaw150: Boolean = { theSameAs { val y = collection.mutable.HashSet.empty[A]; x.foreach(y += _); }
def runLaw156: Boolean = {
val flat = x.flatMap(xi => y.toList.take(intFrom(xi)))
val ref = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[A]
x.foreach(xi => ref ++= y.toList.take(intFrom(xi)))
flat theSameAs ref
def runLaw174: Boolean = {
x.exists(p) == x.find(p).isDefined
def runLaw176: Boolean = {
x.forall(p) implies (x.isEmpty || x.exists(p))
def runLaw178: Boolean = {
{ var y = false; x.foreach(xi => y |= p(xi)); y == x.exists(p) }
def runLaw180: Boolean = {
x.repr theSameAs x
def runLaw182: Boolean = {
x.toIterator theSameAs x
def runLaw184: Boolean = {
x.toStream theSameAs x
def runLaw186: Boolean = {
x.toTraversable theSameAs x
def runLaw190: Boolean = {
x.mkString == { val sb = new StringBuilder; x.foreach(sb ++= _.toString); sb.result }
def runLaw192: Boolean = {
x.mkString == { val sb = new StringBuilder; x.addString(sb); sb.result }
def runLaw194: Boolean = {
x.mkString == x.mkString("", "", "")
def runLaw196: Boolean = {
x.mkString("!") == x.mkString("", "!", "")
def runLaw198: Boolean = {
(x.size == 0) || (
x.mkString("!", "@", "#") == {
val sb = new StringBuilder
sb ++= "!"
x.foreach(sb ++= _.toString + "@")
sb.result.dropRight(1) + "#"
def runLaw221: Boolean = {
x.aggregate(zero)((b,a) => b, (b1,b2) => b1) == zero
def runLaw223: Boolean = {
x.aggregate(zero)((b,a) => b, (b1,b2) => b2) == zero
def runLaw234: Boolean = {
x.count(p) > 0 == x.exists(p)
def runLaw236: Boolean = {
(x.count(p) == x.size) == x.forall(p)
def runLaw238: Boolean = {
x.count(p) == { var k=0; x.foreach(xi => if (p(xi)) k += 1); k }
def runLaw240: Boolean = {
x.filter(p).size == x.count(p)
def runLaw242: Boolean = {
x.filter(p).forall(p) == true
def runLaw251: Boolean = {
x.foldLeft(a)(op) == x.foldRight(a)(op)
def runLaw253: Boolean = {
x.foldLeft(a)(op) == x./:(a)(op)
def runLaw255: Boolean = {
x.foldRight(a)(op) == x.:\(a)(op)
def runLaw262: Boolean = {
tryO{x.max} == tryO{ x.reduce(maxOf) }
def runLaw264: Boolean = {
tryO{x.maxBy(f)} == tryO{ val fx =; x.find(xi => f(xi)==fx).get }
def runLaw266: Boolean = {
tryO{x.min} == tryO{ x.reduce(minOf) }
def runLaw268: Boolean = {
tryO{x.minBy(f)} == tryO{ val fx =; x.find(xi => f(xi)==fx).get }
def runLaw270: Boolean = {
x.nonEmpty == x.exists(_ => true)
def runLaw276: Boolean = {
tryO{x.reduce(op)}, tryO{x.reduceLeft(op)}, tryO{x.reduceRight(op)},
x.reduceOption(op), x.reduceLeftOption(op), x.reduceRightOption(op)
).size == 1
def runLaw282: Boolean = {
x.size == x.count(_ => true)
def runLaw284: Boolean = {
x theSameAs[List]
def runLaw286: Boolean = {
x.toArray theSameAs x
def runLaw288: Boolean = {
x.toBuffer theSameAs x
def runLaw290: Boolean = {
x.toIndexedSeq theSameAs x
def runLaw292: Boolean = {
x.toIterable theSameAs x
def runLaw294: Boolean = {
x.toList theSameAs x
def runLaw296: Boolean = { => (xi,xi)).toMap theSameAs { val hm = new collection.mutable.HashMap[A,A]; x.foreach(xi => hm += xi -> xi); hm }
def runLaw298: Boolean = {
x.toSeq theSameAs x
def runLaw300: Boolean = {
x.toSet isPartOf x
def runLaw302: Boolean = {
x.toVector theSameAs x
def runLaw304: Boolean = {
val c = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[A];
x.withFilter(p).foreach(c += _);
c theSameAs x.filter(p)
def runLaw318: Boolean = {
x.++(y).size == x.size + y.size
def runLaw326: Boolean = {
(x.++(y)).take(x.size) theSameAs x
def runLaw328: Boolean = {
(x.++(y)).drop(x.size) theSameAs y
def runLaw348: Boolean = {
x.collect(pf) theSameAs x.filter(pf.isDefinedAt).map(pf)
def runLaw352: Boolean = {
x.contains(a) == x.exists(_ == a)
def runLaw356: Boolean = {
x.corresponds(x)(_ == _)
def runLaw358: Boolean = {
(x.size != y.size) implies !x.corresponds(y)(_ == _)
def runLaw360: Boolean = {
x.corresponds(y)((_,_) => false) implies !x.nonEmpty && !y.nonEmpty
def runLaw362: Boolean = {
x.drop(n).size == (0 max (x.size-(0 max n)))
def runLaw364: Boolean = {
x.drop(n) isPartOf x
def runLaw368: Boolean = {
val c = x.dropWhile(p);
c.take(1).toList match {
case Nil => true
case List(xi) => !p(xi)
case _ => false
def runLaw376: Boolean = {
val y = x.dropWhile(p)
y.nonEmpty implies y.exists(yi => !p(yi))
def runLaw381: Boolean = {
x.dropWhile(p) isPartOf x
def runLaw392: Boolean = {
x.filterNot(p) theSameAs x.filter(xi => !p(xi))
def runLaw396: Boolean = {
n <= 0 || x.grouped(n).map(_.size).sum == x.size
def runLaw398: Boolean = {
n <= 0 || m < 0 || {
var y = 0; x.grouped(n).drop(m).take(1).map(_.size).foreach(y = _); (y < n) implies !x.grouped(n).drop(m+1).nonEmpty
def runLaw402: Boolean = {
x.grouped((1 max n)).flatMap(xi => xi) theSameAs x
def runLaw404: Boolean = {
x.isEmpty == !x.nonEmpty
def runLaw406: Boolean = {
x.length == x.size
def runLaw408: Boolean = {
x.padTo(n, a).size == (n max x.size)
def runLaw410: Boolean = {
x.padTo(n, a).drop(x.size).forall(_ == a)
def runLaw412: Boolean = {
(n <= x.size) implies (x.padTo(n, a) theSameAs x)
def runLaw416: Boolean = {
val (t,f) = x.partition(p)
(t theSameAs x.filter(p)) && (f theSameAs x.filterNot(p))
def runLaw423: Boolean = {
(n <= x.size) implies (x.patch(n, y, m).take(n) theSameAs x.take(n))
def runLaw425: Boolean = {
(n <= x.size) implies (x.patch(n, y, m).drop(n).take(y.size) theSameAs y)
def runLaw427: Boolean = {
(n <= x.size) implies (x.patch(n, y, m).drop((0 max n)+y.size) theSameAs x.drop((0 max n)+(0 max m)))
def runLaw429: Boolean = {
(x sameElements y) == (x theSameAs y)
def runLaw431: Boolean = {
n < 0 || m >= x.size || { x.slice(n, m).size == (0 max ((0 max m)-n)) }
def runLaw433: Boolean = {
n < 0 || m >= x.size || { x.slice(n, m) theSameAs x.drop(n).take((0 max m)-n) }
def runLaw437: Boolean = {
def runLaw439: Boolean = {
(x.span(p)._2.size) > 0 implies !x.span(p)._2.take(1).exists(p)
def runLaw441: Boolean = {
(x.span(p)._2.size) > 0 implies !x.span(p)._2.forall(p)
def runLaw443: Boolean = {
val (x1, x2) = x.span(p); val n = x.span(p)._1.size; (x1 theSameAs x.take(n)) && (x2 theSameAs x.drop(n))
def runLaw447: Boolean = {
x.take(n).size == ((0 max n) min x.size)
def runLaw449: Boolean = {
x.take(n) isPartOf x
def runLaw453: Boolean = {
def runLaw455: Boolean = {
x.takeWhile(p) isPartOf x
def runLaw457: Boolean = {
x.takeWhile(p).size + x.dropWhile(p).size == x.size
def runLaw461: Boolean = { theSameAs x.take(x.size min y.size)
def runLaw463: Boolean = { theSameAs y.take(x.size min y.size)
def runLaw467: Boolean = {
x.zipAll(y, a, b).map(_._1) theSameAs x.padTo(x.size max y.size, a)
def runLaw469: Boolean = {
x.zipAll(y, a, b).map(_._2) theSameAs y.padTo(x.size max y.size, b)
def runLaw473: Boolean = { theSameAs x
def runLaw475: Boolean = { theSameAs (0 until x.size)
def runLaw482: Boolean = {
x.++:(y) theSameAs y.++(x)
def runLaw484: Boolean = {
x.::(a).size == x.size+1
def runLaw486: Boolean = {
x.::(a).head == a
def runLaw490: Boolean = {
x.+:(a).size == x.size+1
def runLaw492: Boolean = {
x.+:(a).head == a
def runLaw496: Boolean = {
x.:+(a).size == x.size+1
def runLaw498: Boolean = {
x.:+(a).last == a
def runLaw510: Boolean = {
x.:::(y) theSameAs y.++(x)
def runLaw519: Boolean = {
x.size > 8 || {
val n = x.combinations(r).size;
((r > x.size) implies (n == 0)) && x.combinations(r).toSet.size == n
def runLaw524: Boolean = {
x.size > 8 || r == 0 || r > x.size || {
val s = x.toVector
x.combinations(r).forall(_ isPartOf s)
def runLaw529: Boolean = {
x.containsSlice(y) implies (
y.size == 0 ||
( Iterator.from(0).
exists(_.take(y.size) theSameAs y)
def runLaw540: Boolean = {
val List(xg,yg,xdyg) =
xg.forall{ case (k, n) =>
val m = n - yg.getOrElse(k,0)
(m > 0) implies (xdyg.getOrElse(k,0) == m)
def runLaw550: Boolean = {
val s = x.toSet
x.distinct.size == s.size && x.forall(s)
def runLaw555: Boolean = {
x.dropRight(nn) theSameAs x.take(x.size - math.max(0, nn))
def runLaw559: Boolean = {
x.endsWith(y) == (x.drop(math.max(0, x.size-y.size)) theSameAs y)
def runLaw561: Boolean = {
x.groupBy(g).keySet theSameAs
def runLaw563: Boolean = {
x.groupBy(g).toMap.forall{ case (k,vs) => x.filter(xi => g(xi)==k) theSameAs vs }
val lawTable: Map[Int, () => Boolean] = Map(
148 -> (runLaw148 _),
150 -> (runLaw150 _),
156 -> (runLaw156 _),
174 -> (runLaw174 _),
176 -> (runLaw176 _),
178 -> (runLaw178 _),
180 -> (runLaw180 _),
182 -> (runLaw182 _),
184 -> (runLaw184 _),
186 -> (runLaw186 _),
190 -> (runLaw190 _),
192 -> (runLaw192 _),
194 -> (runLaw194 _),
196 -> (runLaw196 _),
198 -> (runLaw198 _),
221 -> (runLaw221 _),
223 -> (runLaw223 _),
234 -> (runLaw234 _),
236 -> (runLaw236 _),
238 -> (runLaw238 _),
240 -> (runLaw240 _),
242 -> (runLaw242 _),
251 -> (runLaw251 _),
253 -> (runLaw253 _),
255 -> (runLaw255 _),
262 -> (runLaw262 _),
264 -> (runLaw264 _),
266 -> (runLaw266 _),
268 -> (runLaw268 _),
270 -> (runLaw270 _),
276 -> (runLaw276 _),
282 -> (runLaw282 _),
284 -> (runLaw284 _),
286 -> (runLaw286 _),
288 -> (runLaw288 _),
290 -> (runLaw290 _),
292 -> (runLaw292 _),
294 -> (runLaw294 _),
296 -> (runLaw296 _),
298 -> (runLaw298 _),
300 -> (runLaw300 _),
302 -> (runLaw302 _),
304 -> (runLaw304 _),
318 -> (runLaw318 _),
326 -> (runLaw326 _),
328 -> (runLaw328 _),
348 -> (runLaw348 _),
352 -> (runLaw352 _),
356 -> (runLaw356 _),
358 -> (runLaw358 _),
360 -> (runLaw360 _),
362 -> (runLaw362 _),
364 -> (runLaw364 _),
368 -> (runLaw368 _),
376 -> (runLaw376 _),
381 -> (runLaw381 _),
392 -> (runLaw392 _),
396 -> (runLaw396 _),
398 -> (runLaw398 _),
402 -> (runLaw402 _),
404 -> (runLaw404 _),
406 -> (runLaw406 _),
408 -> (runLaw408 _),
410 -> (runLaw410 _),
412 -> (runLaw412 _),
416 -> (runLaw416 _),
423 -> (runLaw423 _),
425 -> (runLaw425 _),
427 -> (runLaw427 _),
429 -> (runLaw429 _),
431 -> (runLaw431 _),
433 -> (runLaw433 _),
437 -> (runLaw437 _),
439 -> (runLaw439 _),
441 -> (runLaw441 _),
443 -> (runLaw443 _),
447 -> (runLaw447 _),
449 -> (runLaw449 _),
453 -> (runLaw453 _),
455 -> (runLaw455 _),
457 -> (runLaw457 _),
461 -> (runLaw461 _),
463 -> (runLaw463 _),
467 -> (runLaw467 _),
469 -> (runLaw469 _),
473 -> (runLaw473 _),
475 -> (runLaw475 _),
482 -> (runLaw482 _),
484 -> (runLaw484 _),
486 -> (runLaw486 _),
490 -> (runLaw490 _),
492 -> (runLaw492 _),
496 -> (runLaw496 _),
498 -> (runLaw498 _),
510 -> (runLaw510 _),
519 -> (runLaw519 _),
524 -> (runLaw524 _),
529 -> (runLaw529 _),
540 -> (runLaw540 _),
550 -> (runLaw550 _),
555 -> (runLaw555 _),
559 -> (runLaw559 _),
561 -> (runLaw561 _),
563 -> (runLaw563 _)
def runLaw(n: Int): Option[Boolean] = lawTable.get(n).map(_())
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