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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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  • Save IcyApril/45b5d8996103b31b7281 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save IcyApril/45b5d8996103b31b7281 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Backup MySQL datbases.
# Change -uroot to -u{username} and -ppassword to -p{password}.
# Or remove -ppassword if you don't have one.
# If you're running this as a cron, remove the .sh extension before putting it in /etc/cron.daily.
# DIRBASE is the folder where the database backups will be stored, they will be stored by day of the month.
DATED=`date +%d`
mysqldump -uroot -ppassword --all-databases > ${DIRBASE}/${DATED}.sql
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