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Igglybuff / nzbget.json
Created June 28, 2020 19:40
NZBget Grafana dashboard
"annotations": {
"list": [
"builtIn": 1,
"datasource": "-- Grafana --",
"enable": true,
"hide": true,
"iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)",
"name": "Annotations & Alerts",
Igglybuff /
Last active October 3, 2022 21:16
Slack notifications for autodl-irssi

autodl-irssi Slack notifications


  • A Slack workspace
  • autodl-irssi set up in ruTorrent
  • Docker (sort of optional)


Igglybuff /
Created December 20, 2018 13:06
Python Flask app for generating a match releases expression for autodl-irssi from
from flask import Flask, Response
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
resp = scrape_releases()
Igglybuff /
Last active December 20, 2018 12:10
A very scrappy (and probably brittle) script for generating a "Match Releases" expression for autodl-irssi from Requires Lynx.
# Depends on Lynx:
# $ apt-get -y install lynx
Igglybuff / .i3blocks.conf
Created November 8, 2016 15:14
My i3 configuration files (i3-gaps + i3blocks) as of 08/11/16.
# i3blocks config file
# Please see man i3blocks for a complete reference!
# The man page is also hosted at
# List of valid properties:
# align
# color
# command
Igglybuff / asterix
Created January 6, 2016 19:57
Exercising my brain by printing things on the screen.
for i in {1..51}; do
j=$((51 - $i))
printf %"$j"s
if [[ $i > 1 ]]; then
p=$(($i + $i))
printf %"$p"s | tr " " "*"
Igglybuff / config
Created January 3, 2016 14:30
newsbeuter config
unbind-key j
unbind-key k
bind-key j down
bind-key k up
bind-key ^D pagedown
bind-key ^U pageup
color listfocus color98 color234
#color listnormal color98 color234
Igglybuff / vin-thumbs
Created December 24, 2015 22:53
vinetto + Thumbs.db image extractor for forensics
# finds all Windows thumbnail caches in the current directory
# and all subdirectories, then extracts the thumbnail images
# with vinetto to a directory.
# a little dirty, but it works.
while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
Igglybuff / .i3config
Created July 30, 2015 16:58
i3 config file
# autostart applications
# some of these probably shouldn't be in here
# i am a lazy whore
exec /home/wigglytuff/.screenlayout/
exec xset -dpms
exec xset s noblank
exec xset s 0 0
exec xset s off
exec xset r rate 200 25
exec compton &
Igglybuff / .i3blocks.conf
Created July 30, 2015 16:54
config file for i3blocks
# i3blocks config file
# Please see man i3blocks for a complete reference!
# The man page is also hosted at
# List of valid properties:
# align
# color
# command