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Last active October 8, 2018 19:08
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Playing around with string templates in JS (for validation)
const isArray = (o) => !== undefined;
const generateValidation = (string, ...validationLiterals) => {
const [ head, ...strings ] = isArray(string) ? string : [string];
return (...validationArg) => {
const validationResults = => validation(...validationArg));
if (validationResults.every((e) => e === null)) {
return { valid: true };
return { valid: false, message: strings.reduce((ac, s, i) => {
return `${ac}${validationResults[ i ]}${s}`
}, head)};
const isNotEmpty = generateValidation`Value of '${(value, field) => value !== '' ? null : field}' cannot be empty`;
const hasDuplicates = (array) => new Set(array).size !== array.length;
const findDuplicates = (array) => new Set(array.filter((e, i) => array.indexOf(e, i+1) !== -1));
const filterUnderLimit = (limit, head, rest) => rest.reduce((acc, duplicate) => {
if ([...acc, duplicate].join(', ').length > limit) { return acc; }
return [...acc, duplicate];
}, [ head ]);
const wrapValues = (char, array) => => `${char}${e}${char}`);
const areDuplicatesInKeywords = (limit) => (array) => {
if (!hasDuplicates(array)) { return null; }
const [ head, ] = findDuplicates(array);
if (head.length > limit) { return ''; }
const duplicates = filterUnderLimit(limit, head, rest);
if (duplicates.length < rest.length + 1) { return `: ${ wrapValues('\'', duplicates).join(', ') }...` }
return `: ${ wrapValues('\'', duplicates).join(', ') }`;
const noDuplicateKeywords = generateValidation`Keywords cannot contains duplicates${areDuplicatesInKeywords(12)}`;
const normalNoDuplicateKeywords = generateValidation('Keyword duplicates are not allowed', areDuplicatesInKeywords(12));
console.log(isNotEmpty("something", "Campaign Name"));
console.log(isNotEmpty("", "Campaign Name"));
console.log(noDuplicateKeywords(['something', 'cool', 'something', 'awesome', 'cool', 'a' , 'a']));
console.log(noDuplicateKeywords(['something', 'cool', 'cool']));
console.log(noDuplicateKeywords(['something', 'something', 'awesome', 'cool']));
console.log(noDuplicateKeywords(['somethingawesomeandcool', 'something', 'somethingawesomeandcool', 'cool']));
console.log(normalNoDuplicateKeywords(['something', 'cool', 'something', 'awesome', 'cool', 'a' , 'a']));
console.log(normalNoDuplicateKeywords(['something', 'cool', 'cool']));
console.log(normalNoDuplicateKeywords(['something', 'something', 'awesome', 'cool']));
console.log(normalNoDuplicateKeywords(['somethingawesomeandcool', 'something', 'somethingawesomeandcool', 'cool']));
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