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Last active May 6, 2018 19:24
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A function which can help you to do something in a phrase in either specific words or specific parts from the phrase.
function wordWrapper(text, wrapperFunc, ...wordsToWrap) {
// Separate the phrase with all the words and characters "!.,:?"
const splittedText = text.match(/([\A-zÀ-ÿ]+|([!.,:?]))/gi);
// Convert everything for lower case, to compare it correctly
const lowerWords = => each.toLowerCase());
// Wrap every word doing what the function suggests to do
const wrappedSplittedText = splittedText.reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc.push(lowerWords.includes(curr.toLowerCase()) ? wrapperFunc(curr) : curr);
return acc;
}, []);
// Join the words again, putting space only when is joining strings, unconsidering special characters
return wrappedSplittedText.reduce((acc, curr) => {
const additionalChar = curr.match(/[\A-zÀ-ÿ]+/) === null ? '' : ' ';
return `${acc}${additionalChar}${curr}`;
}, '');
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