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Created October 17, 2017 00:32
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A superclass for all my cogs
import inspect
import re
def _get_name_mangled_attrs(cls, attr):
for c in cls.__mro__:
yield getattr(c, f'_{c.__name__}__{attr}')
except AttributeError:
async def _async_all(iterable, isawaitable=inspect.isawaitable):
for elem in iterable:
if isawaitable(elem):
elem = await elem
if not elem:
return False
return True
class Cog:
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
def __init_subclass__(cls, *, name=None, **kwargs):
cls_name = cls.__name__
name = name or cls_name = re.sub(r"(\w)([A-Z])", r"\1 \2", name)
# Set the local/global checks
for check in ('local_check', 'global_check', 'global_check_once'):
checks = list(_get_name_mangled_attrs(cls, check))
if not checks:
# Don't waste space and time processing no checks.
if len(checks) == 1:
# Shortcut to save a for-loop and function call for each time
# the check is processed
check = check[0]
async def check(self, ctx, checks=checks):
return await _async_all(c(self, ctx) for c in checks)
# cls.__attr uses the base class's name, so we have to use setattr
setattr(cls, f'_{cls_name}__{check}', check)
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