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Created July 30, 2023 09:48
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Script to unlock GPT-4 in OpenAI API
# Use pipenv to auto load OPENAI KEY
import sys
import time
import json
import signal
import openai
# Constants
TOKENS_PER_MINUTE = 90000 - 100 # 90000 tokens per minute - 100 for safety
REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE = 3500 - 100 # 3500 requests per minute - 100 for safety
INPUT_COST = 0.0015 / 1000 # Costs per token
OUTPUT_COST = 0.002 / 1000 # Costs per token
BUDGET = 1.01 # USD budget
MAX_TOKENS = 4096 - 10 # Maximum tokens for gpt-3.5-turbo - 10 for safety
# File paths
COST_FILE_PATH = "total_cost.json"
messages = [
{"role": "system", "content": "Generate a poem about TypeScript:"},
"role": "user",
"content": """
In the realm of code, where logic unfolds,
A language emerged, brave and bold.
It's TypeScript, they say, with a voice of glee,
A superset of JavaScript, as strong as can be.
It came from the mind of Anders Hejlsberg,
With static types, it purges the scourge.
With optional typing and interfaces too,
For a JavaScript dev, it's something new.
The bugs that lurk in dynamic code,
Are caught at compile time, lightening the load.
No more undefined is not a function,
TypeScript brings order to the junction.
The code is clear, no more guess,
What types do function arguments possess?
With TypeScript, it's clear as day,
Helping developers keep bugs at bay.
The beast of complexity, it tames,
No more playing JavaScript's guessing games.
For large scale apps, it's a boon,
With TypeScript's tune, they all swoon.
In the world of front-end, and Node.js too,
TypeScript's influence continues to accrue.
With Angular, Vue, and React's might,
TypeScript shines in the developer's night.
Transpiled down to JavaScript, so fine,
Ensuring your code will always align.
To older versions, it can descend,
Browser compatibility, it does tend.
Generics and tuples, so neat,
Making your codebase oh so fleet.
Enums and namespaces, so divine,
In TypeScript's world, we do align.
TypeScript, TypeScript, you're a delight,
In the world of code, you're a bright light.
With your static types and clear intent,
My love for you is fervent, never spent.
TypeScript, TypeScript, in you we trust,
You make our code robust.
From the browser to the server, you're there,
TypeScript, TypeScript, beyond compare.
A toast to TypeScript, long may you reign,
In the world of code, you alleviate pain.
To the developers, you're a trusted friend,
TypeScript, TypeScript, on you we depend.
def calculate_cost(prompt_tokens, completion_tokens):
Function to calculate the cost based on the number of prompt and completion tokens.
return prompt_tokens * INPUT_COST + completion_tokens * OUTPUT_COST
def make_request():
Function to make a request to the OpenAI API and return the response.
return openai.ChatCompletion.create(
def load_total_cost():
Function to load the total cost from a file.
with open(COST_FILE_PATH, "r") as f:
total_cost = json.load(f)["total_cost"]
except FileNotFoundError:
total_cost = 0.0
return total_cost
def save_total_cost(total_cost):
Function to save the total cost to a file.
with open(COST_FILE_PATH, "w") as f:
json.dump({"total_cost": total_cost}, f)
def signal_handler(sig, frame):
print("You pressed Ctrl+C!")
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
def main():
global total_cost # Make total_cost accessible globally so it can be saved upon interrupt
total_cost = load_total_cost()
while total_cost < BUDGET:
response = make_request()
prompt_tokens = response["usage"]["prompt_tokens"]
completion_tokens = response["usage"]["completion_tokens"]
round_cost = calculate_cost(prompt_tokens, completion_tokens)
# Check if this round would exceed budget
if total_cost + round_cost > BUDGET:
print("Budget exceeded. Stopping.")
total_cost += round_cost
print(f"Total cost so far: {total_cost:.4f}")
# Sleep to respect rate limits
time.sleep(60 / REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE)
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
print("Retrying in 60 seconds...")
print(f"Total cost: {total_cost}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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