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Created January 12, 2016 19:34
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my ado helper reusable library attempt
module Pm.Dal.AdoHelper
// desired features
// "do we have a connectionstring or connection?" ignorance-capable coding
// "are we in a transaction?" ignorance-capable coding
// massive reduction in using blocks necessary
// remove any reliance/requirement to refer directly to System.Data in layers that need not
// conventions:
// pascal cased functions if they are specially crafted to be easier for C# to consume
// F# method params are in an order that makes more sense for partial application
// C# targeted method params are in an order that makes more sense for C# consumption
// possible future features:
// automatic sql exception catching to add, then rethrow
// adding nice extension methods to help IDbConnection act as fully featured as SqlConnection (there are some features like cmd.Params.AddWithValue missing in IDbCommand)
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Data
open System.Data.SqlClient
//[<System.Obsolete("Use Option.toObj")>]
//let optionToNull (x: _ option) = match x with Some x -> x | None -> null //if x.IsSome then x.Value else null // is this duplicated, better, or worse than what's in Nullable.fs?
let nullToDbNull x = if not <| isNull x then x :> obj else upcast System.DBNull.Value
let nullToOption (x:_) = if not <| isNull x then Some x else None // is this duplicated, better, or worse than what's in Nullable.fs?
let dbNullToOption (x:obj) : obj option=
if System.DBNull.Value.Equals x then
else Some x
let dbNullToObjNull (x:obj) : obj =
match dbNullToOption x with
|Some x-> x
|None -> null
//type SqlConnector =
// | CString of string
// | SqlCon of SqlConnection
type System.DBNull with
static member OfObj (x:obj) = if not <| isNull x then x else upcast System.DBNull.Value
static member ToObj (x:obj) = dbNullToObjNull x
static member OfOption (x:obj option) = match x with Some x -> System.DBNull.OfObj x | None -> upcast System.DBNull.Value
static member ToOption (x:obj) = dbNullToOption x
module Connections =
// The heart of the code-ignorance possibilities
// [<NoComparison>][<NoEquality>]
// type ConnectorI<'a when 'a :> IDbConnection> =
// | Create of (unit -> 'a)
// | ICon of 'a
type Connector =
| CString of string
| ICon of IDbConnection
let inline getCnFromCs cs = Connector.CString cs //Create (fun () -> new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(cs))
// with
// static member NewCCreate (fConn:System.Func<_>) = Connector<_>.Create fConn.Invoke
let inline openConnection (conn: #IDbConnection) =
if conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed then
/// Expecations:
/// Connector.ICon expects an open connection
/// as long as you aren't returning an IEnumerable that depends on the connection staying open, this method is safe for anything
let inline runWithConnection connector f =
match connector with
| ICon con -> f con
| CString cs ->
use conn = new SqlConnection(cs)
openConnection conn
f conn
let inline getItems connector f = runWithConnection connector (f >> Array.ofSeq)
//let inline runWithCn connector f = f connector
//let CreateNewCreateConnector (fConn:System.Func<_>) = ConnectorI<_>.Create fConn.Invoke
/// get a sequence of items, which is automatically pulled into an array so that the disposal of the connection is safe
let GetItems<'tResult> (runWithConnectionFunc:System.Func<IDbConnection, IEnumerable<'tResult>>) cn = getItems cn (runWithConnectionFunc.Invoke >> Array.ofSeq)
let ActWithConnection connector (f:System.Action<_>) = runWithConnection connector f.Invoke
let RunWithConnection connector (f:System.Func<_,_>) = runWithConnection connector f.Invoke
let RunWithCn connector (f:System.Func<_,_>) = runWithConnection connector (Connector.ICon >> f.Invoke)
type Connector = Connections.Connector
module Transactions =
type Transaction =
| ConnTran of IDbConnection
| TranScope
/// For situations where there is already an ambient connection, so don't create one
/// assumes all provided code respects the ambient transaction type that was created
| UseAmbient
let runInTrans tranType (f: unit -> bool) =
match tranType with
|UseAmbient -> f () |> ignore //TODO: we have to produce a bool we won't use =(
|ConnTran con ->
use tran = con.BeginTransaction ()
let commit = f ()
if commit then tran.Commit ()
else tran.Rollback ()
|TranScope ->
use tran = new System.Transactions.TransactionScope ()
let commit = f ()
if commit then tran.Complete()
/// all SqlClient specific code should live in this module
module SqlConnections =
type SqlConnector = Connections.Connector
/// Expecations:
/// Connector.ICon expects an open connection
/// as long as you aren't returning an IEnumerable that depends on the connection staying open, this method is safe for anything
let inline runWithConnection (connector:SqlConnector) f = Connections.runWithConnection connector (fun con -> con :?> SqlConnection |> f)
let inline getInTrans tranType connector f = Transactions.runInTrans tranType (fun () -> runWithConnection connector f)
let RunWithConnection connector (f:System.Action<_>)= runWithConnection connector f.Invoke
/// as long as you aren't returning an IEnumerable that depends on the connection staying open, this method is safe for anything
let GetFromConnection connector (f:System.Func<_,_>)= runWithConnection connector f.Invoke
/// get a sequence of items, which is automatically pulled into an array so that the disposal of the connection is safe
let GetItems connector (f:System.Func<_,_ seq>) = runWithConnection connector (f.Invoke >> Array.ofSeq)
let RunInConnectionInTrans tranType connector (f:System.Func<_,bool>) = getInTrans tranType connector f.Invoke
let GetInConnectionInTrans tranType connector (f:System.Func<_,_>) =
let mutable result = null
getInTrans tranType connector (fun con ->
result <- f.Invoke con
/// Use this when you are returning nothing and it should always complete the transaction as long as there are no exceptions
let ExecuteInTransaction tranType connector (transAction:System.Action<_>) = getInTrans tranType connector (fun con -> transAction.Invoke con; true)
module Commands =
type Input = {CommandText:string; OptCommandType:CommandType option; OptParameters:IDictionary<string,obj> option}
type InputC = {CommandTextC:string; CommandTypeOpt: System.Nullable<CommandType>; ParametersOpt:IDictionary<string,obj>; }
member x.ToSqlCommandInput =
{ CommandText = x.CommandTextC
OptCommandType = if x.CommandTypeOpt.HasValue then Some x.CommandTypeOpt.Value else None
OptParameters = if isNull x.ParametersOpt then None else Some x.ParametersOpt
//OptExtraPrep = if isNull x.ExtraPrepOpt then None else Some x.ExtraPrepOpt.Invoke
// works with null just as well as `None`
let loadParameters (cmd: #IDbCommand) (parameters: IDictionary<string,obj> option) =
let inline loadParam (KeyValue(k,v)) =
let param = cmd.CreateParameter ()
param.Value <- System.DBNull.OfObj v
param.ParameterName <- k
cmd.Parameters.Add param |> ignore
match parameters with
| None -> ()
| Some x when isNull x -> ()
| Some items -> items |> Seq.iter loadParam
let inline internal logData cmdText params' =
printfn "SqlCommand: %s params=%A" cmdText params'
let inline prepareCommand sci (cmd:'a when 'a :> IDbCommand) =
//let sci = {CommandText=cmdText; CommandType = Some cmdType; Parameters = parameters}
// Connections.openConnection cmd.Connection // does this belong here? should it be done away with?
cmd.CommandText <- sci.CommandText
match sci.OptCommandType with
|Some ct ->
cmd.CommandType <- ct
| None -> ()
loadParameters cmd sci.OptParameters
// match sci.OptExtraPrep with
// | Some f -> f cmd
// | None -> cmd
// sci is solely for diagnostic output on failure
let inline runWithSqlDiag sci f =
printfn "sql: %s params: %A" sci.CommandText sci.OptParameters
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew ()
let result = f ()
sw.Stop ()
if sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 700L then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(sprintf "runWithSqlDiag took %A" sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)
with ex ->
ex.Data.Add("CommandText", sci.CommandText)
ex.Data.Add("CommandType", sci.OptCommandType)
ex.Data.Add("Parameters", sprintf "%A" sci.OptParameters)
reraise ()
let inline useCmd (con: #IDbConnection) sci f =
use cmd = con.CreateCommand()
prepareCommand sci cmd
runWithSqlDiag sci (fun () -> f cmd)
let inline executeNonQuery (cmd: #IDbCommand) = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ()
let inline executeScalar (cmd: #IDbCommand) = cmd.ExecuteScalar ()
let inline executeReader (cmd: #IDbCommand) = cmd.ExecuteReader ()
let inline executeTable (fDataAdapter: _ -> #System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter) (cmd: #IDbCommand) =
let dt = new DataTable()
use da = fDataAdapter cmd
let result = da.Fill(dt)
result |> ignore
let inline executeReaderArray f (cmd: #IDbCommand) =
use reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()
|> Seq.unfold(fun r -> if r.Read() then Some (r :> IDataRecord |> f,r) else None)
|> Array.ofSeq
/// Works with non-nullable return values (an int column that allows nulls for instance, would fail in the case of null)
let inline getScalarT<'t> cmd = executeScalar cmd :?> 't
let inline getNonQueryFromCon con sci= useCmd con sci executeNonQuery
let inline getScalarFromCon con sci= useCmd con sci executeScalar
let inline getScalarIntFromCon con sci = useCmd con sci getScalarT<int>
let inline getTableFromCon fAdapter con sci =
let f = executeTable fAdapter
useCmd con sci f
// a single runReader doesn't make sense unless reading a single row of data
let inline getReaderArrayFromCon con sci f= useCmd con sci (executeReaderArray f >> Array.ofSeq)
// unless you cast the identity to int (within your sql statements) it will be a decimal (
/// select @@identity or SCOPE_IDENTITY() both return Numeric(38,0)
/// see also
let inline getScalarIdentityFromCon con sci = useCmd con sci (getScalarT<decimal> >> int)
let UseCmd connector (scic:InputC) (f:System.Func<_,_>) = useCmd connector scic.ToSqlCommandInput f.Invoke
let RunReaderArray cmd (f:System.Func<_,_>) = executeReaderArray f.Invoke cmd
let ExecuteReaderArray con (scic:InputC) (f:System.Func<_,_>) = getReaderArrayFromCon con scic.ToSqlCommandInput f.Invoke
let inline private flip f x y = f y x
let inline private runComplete f cn (sci:Commands.Input) = Connections.runWithConnection cn (flip f sci)
let getNonQuery cn= runComplete Commands.getNonQueryFromCon cn
let getScalar cn= runComplete Commands.getScalarFromCon cn
let getScalarInt cn= runComplete Commands.getScalarIntFromCon cn
let getScalarIdentity cn= runComplete Commands.getScalarIdentityFromCon cn
let getReaderArray cn sci f= Connections.runWithConnection cn (fun con -> Commands.getReaderArrayFromCon con sci f)
let getTable fAdapter cn sci = Connections.runWithConnection cn (fun con -> Commands.getTableFromCon fAdapter con sci)
let inline private createScicFromParts cmdText cmdType parameters =
let scic : Commands.InputC = {Commands.InputC.CommandTextC = cmdText; CommandTypeOpt = cmdType; ParametersOpt = parameters}
let inline private createSciFromParts cmdText cmdType parameters =
let scic = createScicFromParts cmdText cmdType parameters
let GetReaderArray cn (scic:Commands.InputC) (f:System.Func<_,_>) = getReaderArray cn scic.ToSqlCommandInput f.Invoke
let ExecuteScalar cmdText cmdType cn parameters = createSciFromParts cmdText cmdType parameters |> getScalar cn
let ExecuteScalarInt cmdText cmdType cn parameters = createSciFromParts cmdText cmdType parameters |> getScalarInt cn
let ExecuteScalarIdentity cmdText cmdType cn parameters = createSciFromParts cmdText cmdType parameters |> getScalarIdentity cn
let ExecuteNonQuery cmdText cmdType cn parameters = createSciFromParts cmdText cmdType parameters |> getNonQuery cn
let ExecuteTable cmdText cmdType cn parameters fAdapter = createSciFromParts cmdText cmdType parameters |> getTable fAdapter cn
let ExecuteReaderArray cmdText cmdType cn parameters f = createScicFromParts cmdText cmdType parameters |> GetReaderArray cn <| f
/// If you are using Microsoft's Sql Server specifically and need that functionality, or just find it easier to work with fewer generic params
module SqlCommands =
let inline getSqlCommandInput (scic:Commands.InputC) = scic.ToSqlCommandInput
let inline createAdapter (cmd:SqlCommand) = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
let inline useSqlCmd (con:SqlConnection) sci f=
use cmd = con.CreateCommand()
Commands.runWithSqlDiag sci (fun () -> f cmd)
let inline private runComplete f (cn:Connections.Connector) (sci:Commands.Input) = runComplete f cn sci
// begin ease of use (generic parameters getting to be unwiedly) helpers for C#
let ExecuteNonQuery cn scic = getSqlCommandInput scic |> runComplete Commands.getNonQueryFromCon cn
let ExecuteScalar cn scic = getSqlCommandInput scic |> runComplete Commands.getScalarFromCon cn
let ExecuteScalarInt cn scic = getSqlCommandInput scic |> runComplete Commands.getScalarIntFromCon cn
let ExecuteScalarIdentity cn scic = getSqlCommandInput scic |> runComplete Commands.getScalarIdentityFromCon cn
let ExecuteReaderArray scic (f:System.Func<_,_>) cn = getReaderArray cn (getSqlCommandInput scic) f.Invoke
let ExecuteReaderArraySci commandText commandType cn parametersOpt f = ExecuteReaderArray {CommandTextC = commandText; CommandTypeOpt = System.Nullable commandType; ParametersOpt = parametersOpt} f cn
let ExecuteTableCon scic con= useSqlCmd con (getSqlCommandInput scic) (Commands.executeTable createAdapter)
let ExecuteTable scic cn = SqlConnections.runWithConnection cn (fun con -> ExecuteTableCon scic con)
let ExecuteTableM cmdText cmdType cn parameters = createScicFromParts cmdText cmdType parameters |> (fun scic -> ExecuteTable scic cn)
module ConnectionTests =
let openCon cs =
use con = new SqlConnection(cs)
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