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Last active October 29, 2024 03:37
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  • Save ImanCol/0c66fecf71bc5e6dff5bc9071065264d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ImanCol/0c66fecf71bc5e6dff5bc9071065264d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sign and compile Unity-compiled projects on the Nintendo Switch platform using hacpack
@echo off
set /p ID=Ingresa el ID (SAME control.xml!!)(Example: 0100444444440000) :
Tools\hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "%temp%\NCA" --titleid %ID% --type nca --ncatype program --exefsdir "E:\Switch\NSO\SNESNSO\USA-EUR\exefs" --romfsdir "E:\Switch\NSO\SNESNSO\USA-EUR\romfs" --logodir "Files\logo"
Tools\hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "%temp%\NCA" --titleid %ID% --type nca --ncatype control --romfsdir "Files\control"
forfiles /P "%temp%\NCA" /M * /C "cmd /c if @fsize GEQ 20000000 echo @path > "%temp%\largefiles.txt"
set /p largefiles=<"%temp%\largefiles.txt"
forfiles /P "%temp%\NCA" /M * /C "cmd /c if @fsize LEQ 500000 echo @path > "%temp%\smalledfiles.txt"
set /p smalledfiles=<"%temp%\smalledfiles.txt"
Tools\hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "%temp%\NCA" --titleid %ID% --type nca --ncatype meta --titletype application --programnca %largefiles% --controlnca %smalledfiles%
Tools\hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "NSP" --titleid %ID% --type nsp --ncadir "%temp%\NCA"
rmdir /S /Q "%temp%\NCA"
rmdir /S /Q "hacpack_backup"
del /S /Q "%temp%\smalledfiles.txt"
del /S /Q "%temp%\largefiles.txt"
@echo off
set /p NSP_Unpack=Ingresa el NSP a desempaquetar:
set /p ID=Ingresa el ID (SAME NSP!!)(Example: 0100444444440000) :
set /p Output_Unpack=Ingresa la Carpeta donde se desempaquetara:
%NINTENDO_SDK_ROOT%\Tools\AuthoringEditor\AuthoringTool\AuthoringTool.exe extract -o "%Output_Unpack%\extract" %NSP_Unpack%
set /p program=Ingresa la carpeta Program:
hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "%temp%\NCA" --titleid %ID% --type nca --ncatype program --exefsdir "%program%\fs0" --romfsdir "%program%\fs1" --logodir "%program%\fs2"
set /p Control=Ingresa la carpeta Control:
hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "%temp%\NCA" --titleid %ID% --type nca --ncatype control --romfsdir "%Control%\fs0"
forfiles /P "%temp%\NCA" /M * /C "cmd /c if @fsize GEQ 20000000 echo @path > "%temp%\largefiles.txt"
set /p largefiles=<"%temp%\largefiles.txt"
forfiles /P "%temp%\NCA" /M * /C "cmd /c if @fsize LEQ 500000 echo @path > "%temp%\smalledfiles.txt"
set /p smalledfiles=<"%temp%\smalledfiles.txt"
hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "%temp%\NCA" --titleid %ID% --type nca --ncatype meta --titletype application --programnca %largefiles% --controlnca %smalledfiles%
set /p Output_Pack=Ingresa la carpeta donde desea guardar el NSP:
hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "%Output_Pack%" --titleid %ID% --type nsp --ncadir "%temp%\NCA"
rmdir /S /Q "%temp%\NCA"
rmdir /S /Q "%Output_Unpack%\extract"
rmdir /S /Q "hacpack_backup"
del /S /Q "%temp%\smalledfiles.txt"
del /S /Q "%temp%\largefiles.txt"
@echo off
set /p Temp_Unity=Ingresa la carpeta temp del Proyecto de Unity(Sin espacios):
set /p ID=Ingresa el ID (SAME NSP!!)(Example: 01004b9000490000) :
set program="%Temp_Unity%"\StagingArea\SwitchPlayer.nspd\program0.ncd\
set control="%Temp_Unity%"\StagingArea\SwitchPlayer.nspd\control0.ncd\
hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "%temp%\NCA" --titleid %ID% --type nca --ncatype program --exefsdir "%program%code" --romfsdir "%program%data" --logodir "%program%logo"
hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "%temp%\NCA" --titleid %ID% --type nca --ncatype control --romfsdir "%Control%data"
forfiles /P "%temp%\NCA" /M * /C "cmd /c if @fsize GEQ 20000000 echo @path > "%temp%\largefiles.txt"
set /p largefiles=<"%temp%\largefiles.txt"
forfiles /P "%temp%\NCA" /M * /C "cmd /c if @fsize LEQ 500000 echo @path > "%temp%\smalledfiles.txt"
set /p smalledfiles=<"%temp%\smalledfiles.txt"
hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "%temp%\NCA" --titleid %ID% --type nca --ncatype meta --titletype application --programnca %largefiles% --controlnca %smalledfiles%
set /p Output_Pack=Ingresa la carpeta donde desea guardar el NSP:
hacpack.exe -k "%userprofile%\.switch\prod.keys" -o "%Output_Pack%" --titleid %ID% --type nsp --ncadir "%temp%\NCA"
rmdir /S /Q "%temp%\NCA"
rmdir /S /Q "hacpack_backup"
del /S /Q "%temp%\smalledfiles.txt"
del /S /Q "%temp%\largefiles.txt"
Copy link

ImanCol commented Dec 16, 2020

Needs to:
NINTENDO SDK + Environment variable %NINTENDO_SDK_ROOT%
Add hackpack in an environment variable %hacpack%

Firmar NSP (Unity Temp Project).bat needs to have previously compiled an NSP to find the files in the Temp folder of the project.

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