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September 16, 2016 18:25
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This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
"============================================================================= | |
" Description: Vimi bundle .vimrc | |
" Author: Vyacheslav Oliyanchuk <[email protected]> | |
" URL: | |
"============================================================================= | |
" Make Vim more useful | |
set nocompatible | |
" Vundle setup | |
" Plugin manager | |
" | |
" Brief help: | |
" :BundleList - list configured bundles | |
" :BundleInstall(!) - install(update) bundles | |
" :BundleSearch(!) foo - search(or refresh cache first) for foo | |
" :BundleClean(!) - confirm(or auto-ap prove) removal of unused bundles | |
" for more details see :h vundle or | |
filetype off " required! | |
set rtp+=~/.vimi/.vim/bundle/vundle/ | |
call vundle#rc() | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundles | |
" NOTE: comments after Bundle command are not allowed... | |
" | |
" Libs | |
" For FuzzyFinder: | |
Bundle 'lfilho/cosco.vim' | |
Plugin 'easymotion/vim-easymotion' | |
Bundle "zoubin/vim-gotofile" | |
Bundle 'takac/vim-hardtime' | |
Plugin 'neomake/neomake' | |
Bundle 'termoshtt/toggl.vim' | |
Bundle 'j5shi/ctrlp_bdelete.vim' | |
Bundle 'vim-jp/vital.vim' | |
Bundle 'L9' | |
Bundle 'vim-scripts/HJKL' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Interface | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular' | |
Plugin 'ixandidu/vim-markdown' | |
Bundle 'amiorin/vim-fenced-code-blocks' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Solarized Colorscheme | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Plugin 'chriskempson/base16-vim' | |
" Monokai colorscheme | |
" Bundle 'lsdr/monokai' | |
" Bundle 'tomasr/molokai' | |
" colorscheme molokai | |
" A tree explorer plugin | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs' | |
" Perform all your vim insert mode completions with Tab | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Command-T | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
"" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Depends: | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Shows 'Nth match out of M' at every search | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
Plugin 'majutsushi/tagbar' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Plugin 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides' | |
Plugin 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim' | |
" TextMate-like snippets | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'honza/vim-snippets' | |
" TextMate-like snippets | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Miripiruni's XSLT & CSS snippets | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" RegExp search | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Provides easy code commenting | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Mappings to easily delete, change and add surroundings in pairs | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Git wrapper | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets, etc. | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Lua | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" HTML5 omnicomplete and syntax | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Runtime files for Haml and Sass | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" CSS/LESS | |
" CSS3 syntax support | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Highlight colors in css files | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Plugin 'csslint/csslint' | |
Plugin 'cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim' | |
Plugin 'KabbAmine/vCoolor.vim' | |
Plugin 'wavded/vim-stylus' | |
" JavaScript | |
" Vastly improved vim's javascript indentation | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'jelera/vim-javascript-syntax' | |
Plugin 'othree/yajs.vim' | |
Bundle 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe' | |
Plugin 'maksimr/vim-jsbeautify' | |
Plugin 'einars/js-beautify' | |
Plugin 'marijnh/tern_for_vim' | |
" Bundle 'Raimondi/delimitMate' | |
" Syntax for jQuery keywords and css selectors | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" CoffeeScript support | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" JSX | |
Bundle 'mxw/vim-jsx' | |
" JSON | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Go | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Plugin 'nsf/gocode', {'rtp': 'vim/'} | |
" PHP | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Python/Django | |
"Bundle 'git://' | |
" Perl | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Ruby/Rails | |
" Editing and compiling Ruby | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Rails support | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Wisely add "end" in ruby, endfunction/endif/more | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Jade | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" Stylus | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Yaml | |
Bundle 'chase/vim-ansible-yaml' | |
filetype plugin indent on " required! | |
filetype plugin on | |
" Interface | |
" Character encoding used inside Vim | |
" Only available when compiled with the +multi_byte feature | |
set encoding=utf-8 | |
" Character encodings considered when starting to edit an existing file | |
" Only available when compiled with the +multi_byte feature | |
set fileencodings=utf-8,cp1251 | |
" Always add lf in the end of file | |
set fileformat=unix | |
" Enhance command-line completion | |
" Only available when compiled with the +wildmenu feature | |
set wildmenu | |
" Set completion mode | |
" When more than one match, list all matches and complete first match | |
" Then complete the next full match | |
set wildmode=list:longest,full | |
" Ignore following files when completing file/directory names | |
" Version control | |
set wildignore+=.hg,.git,.svn | |
" OS X | |
set wildignore+=*.DS_Store | |
" Python byte code | |
set wildignore+=*.pyc | |
" Binary images | |
set wildignore+=*.jpg,*.bmp,*.gif,*.png,*.jpeg | |
" Set title of the window to filename [+=-] (path) - VIM | |
" Only available when compiled with the +title feature | |
set title | |
" Show (partial) command in the last line of the screen | |
" Comment this line if your terminal is slow | |
" Only available when compiled with the +cmdline_info feature | |
set showcmd | |
" Minimal number of lines to scroll when cursor gets off the screen | |
" set scrolljump=5 | |
" Minimal number of lines to keep above and below the cursor | |
" Typewriter mode = keep current line in the center | |
set scrolloff=4 | |
" Always show tabs | |
" set showtabline=2 | |
" Display invisible characters | |
set list | |
if version >= 700 | |
" tab:▸\ , | |
set listchars=tab: ,trail:·,extends:❯,precedes:❮,nbsp:× | |
else | |
set listchars=tab: ,trail:·,extends:>,precedes:<,nbsp:_ | |
endif | |
" Wrap long lines | |
set wrap | |
" Don't break words when wrapping | |
" Only available when compiled with the +linebreak feature | |
" set linebreak | |
" Show ↪ at the beginning of wrapped lines | |
" if has("linebreak") | |
" let &sbr = nr2char(8618).' ' | |
" endif | |
" Number of column to be highlighted | |
" Only available when compiled with the +syntax feature | |
if version >= 703 | |
set colorcolumn=120 | |
end | |
" Maximum width of text that is being inserted | |
" Longer lines will be broken after white space to get this width | |
set textwidth=920 | |
" Copy indent from current line when starting a new line | |
set autoindent | |
" Do smart indenting when starting a new line | |
" Only available when compiled with the +smartindent feature | |
set smartindent | |
" Number of spaces to use for each step of (auto)indent | |
set shiftwidth=4 | |
" Use spaces instead of tab | |
set expandtab | |
" Number of spaces that a tab counts for | |
set tabstop=4 | |
" Number of spaces that a tab counts for while performing editing operations | |
set softtabstop=4 | |
" Number of pixel lines inserted between characters | |
" Only in GUI | |
set linespace=1 | |
" Highlight the screen line of the cursor | |
" Only available when compiled with the +syntax feature | |
set cursorline | |
" Turn off cursor blinking in normal mode | |
" Only available when compiled with GUI enabled | |
set guicursor=n:blinkon0 | |
" Remove all components and options of the GUI | |
" Only available when compiled with GUI enabled | |
set guioptions= | |
" Number of colors | |
set t_Co=256 | |
" Splitting a window will put the new window below the current one | |
" See :sp | |
" Only available when compiled with the +windows feature | |
set splitbelow | |
" Splitting a window will put the new window right of the current one | |
" See :vsp | |
" Only available when compiled with the +vertsplit feature | |
set splitright | |
" Don't show the intro message starting Vim | |
set shortmess+=I | |
" Turn mouse pointer to a up-down sizing arrow | |
" Only available when compiled with the +mouseshape feature | |
set mouseshape=s:udsizing,m:no | |
" Hide the mouse when typing text | |
" Only works in GUI | |
set mousehide | |
" Edit several files in the same time without having to save them | |
set hidden | |
" No beeps, no flashes | |
set visualbell | |
set t_vb= | |
" List of directories which will be searched when using :find, gf, etc. | |
" Search relative to the directory of the current file | |
" Search in the current directory | |
" Search downwards in a directory tree | |
" Only available when compiled with the +path_extra feature | |
set path=.,,** | |
" Status line | |
function! FileSize() | |
let bytes = getfsize(expand("%:p")) | |
if bytes <= 0 | |
return "" | |
endif | |
if bytes < 1024 | |
return bytes . "B" | |
else | |
return (bytes / 1024) . "K" | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
function! CurDir() | |
return expand('%:p:~') | |
endfunction | |
" Last window always has a status line | |
set laststatus=2 | |
" Content of the status line | |
" Only available when compiled with the +statusline feature | |
set statusline=\ | |
" Buffer number | |
set statusline+=%n:\ | |
" File name | |
set statusline+=%t | |
" Modified flag | |
set statusline+=%m | |
set statusline+=\ \ | |
" Paste mode flag | |
set statusline+=%{&paste?'[paste]\ ':''} | |
" File encoding | |
set statusline+=%{&fileencoding} | |
" Type of file | |
" Only available when compiled with the +autocmd feature | |
set statusline+=\ \ %Y | |
" Column number | |
set statusline+=\ %3.3(%c%) | |
" Current line / number of lines in buffer | |
set statusline+=\ \ %3.9(%l/%L%) | |
" Percentage through file in lines | |
" set statusline+=\ \ %2.3p%% | |
" File size | |
set statusline+=\ \ %{FileSize()} | |
" Truncate here if line is too long | |
set statusline+=%< | |
" Path to the file | |
set statusline+=\ \ CurDir:%{CurDir()} | |
" Create encodings menu | |
menu Encoding.UTF-8 :e ++enc=utf8 <CR> | |
menu Encoding.Windows-1251 :e ++enc=cp1251<CR> | |
menu Encoding.koi8-r :e ++enc=koi8-r<CR> | |
menu Encoding.cp866 :e ++enc=cp866<CR> | |
" Spell checking | |
if version >= 700 | |
" Turn off spell checking | |
set nospell | |
menu :setlocal spell spelllang= <cr> | |
menu Spell.Russian+English :setlocal spell spelllang=ru,en <cr> | |
menu Spell.Russian :setlocal spell spelllang=ru <cr> | |
menu Spell.English :setlocal spell spelllang=en <cr> | |
menu Spell.-SpellControl- : | |
menu Spell.Word\ Suggest<Tab>z= z= | |
menu Spell.Previous\ Wrong\ Word<Tab>[s [s | |
menu Spell.Next\ Wrong\ Word<Tab>]s ]s | |
endif | |
" Folding | |
" za = toggle current fold | |
" zR = open all folds | |
" zM = close all folds | |
" From | |
function! MyFoldText() | |
let line = getline(v:foldstart) | |
let nucolwidth = &fdc + &number * &numberwidth | |
let windowwidth = winwidth(0) - nucolwidth - 3 | |
let foldedlinecount = v:foldend - v:foldstart | |
" expand tabs into spaces | |
let onetab = strpart(' ', 0, &tabstop) | |
let line = substitute(line, '\t', onetab, 'g') | |
let line = strpart(line, 0, windowwidth - 2 - len(foldedlinecount)) | |
let fillcharcount = windowwidth - len(line) - len(foldedlinecount) | |
return line . '…' . repeat(" ",fillcharcount) . foldedlinecount . '…' . ' ' | |
endfunction | |
set foldtext=MyFoldText() | |
" Lines with equal indent form a fold | |
set foldmethod=manual | |
" Maximum nesting of folds | |
" Only available when compiled with the +folding feature | |
set foldnestmax=10 | |
" All folds are open | |
" Only available when compiled with the +folding feature | |
set nofoldenable | |
" Folds with a higher level will be closed | |
" Only available when compiled with the +folding feature | |
set foldlevel=1 | |
" Remove the extrafills -------- | |
" Only available when compiled with the +windows and +folding features | |
set fillchars="fold: " | |
" Search | |
" While typing a search command, show pattern matches as it is typed | |
" Only available when compiled with the +extra_search feature | |
set incsearch | |
" When there is a previous search pattern, highlight all its matches | |
" Only available when compiled with the +extra_search feature | |
set hlsearch | |
" Ignore case in search patterns | |
set ignorecase | |
" Override the 'ignorecase' if the search pattern contains upper case characters | |
set smartcase | |
" All matches in a line are substituted instead of one | |
set gdefault | |
" Шорткаты | |
let mapleader = "," | |
" ,m | |
" Toggle mouse support in Normal mode | |
set mouse=a | |
function! ToggleMouse() | |
if &mouse == 'a' | |
set mouse= | |
echo "Mouse usage disabled" | |
else | |
set mouse=a | |
echo "Mouse usage enabled" | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
nnoremap <leader>m :call ToggleMouse()<CR> | |
" ,r | |
" Find and replace in all open buffers | |
" See | |
function! Replace() | |
let s:word = input("Replace " . expand('<cword>') . " with:") | |
:exe 'bufdo! %s/\<' . expand('<cword>') . '\>/' . s:word . '/gce' | |
:unlet! s:word | |
endfunction | |
" map <Leader>r :call Replace()<CR> | |
" <Esc><Esc> | |
" Clear the search highlight in Normal mode | |
nnoremap <silent> <Esc><Esc> :nohlsearch<CR><Esc> | |
map <ctrl>y <silent>"*y | |
" < > | |
vnoremap < <gv | |
vnoremap > >gv | |
" ,p | |
" Toggle the 'paste' option | |
set pastetoggle=<Leader>p | |
" ,nm | |
" Switch type of line numbers | |
" | |
" Vim 7.3 required | |
let g:relativenumber = 0 | |
function! ToogleRelativeNumber() | |
if g:relativenumber == 0 | |
let g:relativenumber = 1 | |
set norelativenumber | |
set number | |
echo "Show line numbers" | |
elseif g:relativenumber == 1 | |
let g:relativenumber = 2 | |
set nonumber | |
set relativenumber | |
echo "Show relative line numbers" | |
else | |
let g:relativenumber = 0 | |
set nonumber | |
set norelativenumber | |
echo "Show no line numbers" | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
map <Leader>nm :call ToogleRelativeNumber()<cr> | |
" ,g | |
" Toggle GUI elements | |
" Only available when compiled with GUI enabled | |
function! ToggleGUINoise() | |
if &go=='' | |
exec('se go=mTrL') | |
echo "Show GUI elements" | |
else | |
exec('se go=') | |
echo "Show no GUI elements" | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
map <Leader>g <Esc>:call ToggleGUINoise()<cr> | |
" ,a | |
" Fast grep | |
" Recursive search in current directory for matches with current word | |
map <Leader>a :execute "Ack " . expand("<cword>") <Bar> cw<CR> | |
" ,s | |
" Shortcut for :%s// | |
"nnoremap <leader>s :%s//<left> | |
"vnoremap <leader>s :s//<left> | |
" Move lines | |
" Move one line | |
nmap <C-S-k> ddkP | |
nmap <C-S-j> ddp | |
" Move selected lines | |
" See | |
vmap <C-S-k> xkP'[V'] | |
vmap <C-S-j> xp'[V'] | |
" Y from cursor position to the end of line | |
nnoremap Y y$ | |
" Pasting with correct indention | |
" nmap p p=`] | |
" nmap P P=`[ | |
" Disable <Arrow keys> | |
" Warning: nightmare mode! | |
" inoremap <Up> <NOP> | |
" inoremap <Down> <NOP> | |
" inoremap <Left> <NOP> | |
" inoremap <Right> <NOP> | |
" noremap <Up> <NOP> | |
" noremap <Down> <NOP> | |
" noremap <Left> <NOP> | |
" noremap <Right> <NOP> | |
" Navigate with <Ctrl>-hjkl in Insert mode | |
imap <C-h> <C-o>h | |
imap <C-j> <C-o>j | |
imap <C-k> <C-o>k | |
imap <C-l> <C-o>l | |
" Switch splits | |
nmap <C-h> <C-W>h | |
nmap <C-j> <C-W>j | |
nmap <C-k> <C-W>k | |
nmap <C-l> <C-W>l | |
" ,v | |
" Open the .vimrc in a new buffer | |
nmap <leader>v :e $MYVIMRC<CR> | |
" :cabbrev e NERDTreeClose<CR>:e! | |
nmap <leader>h :e /private/etc/hosts<CR> | |
" ,s | |
nmap <leader>s :e ~/.vimi/.vim/UltiSnips/all.snippets<CR> | |
" <Space> = <PageDown> | |
" nmap <Space> <PageDown> | |
" n и N | |
" Search matches are always in center | |
nmap n nzz | |
nmap N Nzz | |
nmap * *zz | |
nmap # #zz | |
nmap g* g*zz | |
nmap g# g#zz | |
" K to split | |
" Basically this splits the current line into two new ones at the cursor position, | |
" then joins the second one with whatever comes next. | |
" | |
" Example: Cursor Here | |
" | | |
" V | |
" foo = ('hello', 'world', 'a', 'b', 'c', | |
" 'd', 'e') | |
" | |
" becomes | |
" | |
" foo = ('hello', 'world', 'a', 'b', | |
" 'c', 'd', 'e') | |
" | |
" Especially useful for adding items in the middle of long lists/tuples in Python | |
" while maintaining a sane text width. | |
nnoremap K <nop> | |
nnoremap K r<cr>f<space> | |
" Navigate through wrapped lines | |
" noremap j gj | |
" noremap k gk | |
" gf | |
" Open file under cursor in a new vertical split | |
nmap gf :below wincmd f<CR> | |
" Create a new window relative to the current one | |
nmap <Leader><left> :leftabove vnew<CR> | |
nmap <Leader><right> :rightbelow vnew<CR> | |
nmap <Leader><up> :leftabove new<CR> | |
nmap <Leader><down> :rightbelow new<CR> | |
" Copy indented line without spaces | |
nnoremap ,y ^yg_"_dd | |
" ,c | |
" camelCase => camel_case | |
" vnoremap <silent> <Leader>c :s/\v\C(([a-z]+)([A-Z]))/\2_\l\3/g<CR> | |
" <Space><Space> | |
" Double space to ". " | |
" imap <Space><Space> . | |
" ,ts | |
" Fix trailing white space | |
map <leader>ts :%s/\s\+$//e<CR> | |
" ,bl | |
" Show buffers | |
nmap <Leader>bl :ls<cr>:b | |
" ,bp | |
" Go to prev buffer | |
nmap <Leader>bp :bp<cr> | |
" ,bn | |
" Go to next buffer | |
nmap <Leader>bn :bn<cr> | |
" ,u | |
" Change case to uppercase | |
nnoremap <Leader>u gUiw | |
inoremap <Leader>u <esc>gUiwea | |
" В коммандном режиме разрешить прыгать в конец и начало строки, | |
" как в консоли | |
cnoremap <c-e> <end> | |
imap <c-e> <c-o>$ | |
cnoremap <c-a> <home> | |
imap <c-a> <c-o>^ | |
" ,b | |
" In Visual mode exec git blame with selected text | |
vmap <Leader>b :<C-U>!git blame <C-R>=expand("%:p") <CR> \| sed -n <C-R>=line("'<") <CR>,<C-R>=line("'>") <CR>p <CR> | |
" ,w | |
" Jump to next split | |
" map <Leader>w <C-w>v<C-w>1 | |
" Ctrl+s | |
" | |
map <C-s> <esc>:w<CR> | |
imap <C-s> <esc>:w<CR> | |
map <End> <esc>:w<CR> | |
imap <End> <esc>:w<CR> | |
:map <Leader>w :wa<kEnter> | |
:imap <Leader>w <Esc>:wa<kEnter> | |
" ,n | |
" Edit another file in the same directory with the current one | |
map <Leader>n :vnew <C-R>=expand("%:p:h") . '/'<CR> | |
" Bind :Q to :q | |
command! Q q | |
" {<CR> | |
" auto complete {} indent and position the cursor in the middle line | |
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<Esc>O | |
inoremap (<CR> (<CR>)<Esc>O | |
inoremap [<CR> [<CR>]<Esc>O | |
" Fold with space | |
" nnoremap <Space> za | |
" vnoremap <Space> zf | |
" Switch tabs with <Tab> | |
nmap <PageDown> :BuffergatorMruCycleNext<CR> | |
nmap <PageUp> :BuffergatorMruCyclePrev<CR> | |
nmap <Del> :bp <BAR> bd #<CR> | |
map <Leader>g :BufOnly<CR> | |
nmap <S-PageDown> :bn<CR> | |
nmap <S-PageUp> :bp<CR> | |
nmap <C-PageDown> :VimwikiDiaryNextDay<CR> | |
nmap <C-PageUp> :VimwikiDiaryPrevDay<CR> | |
" Ремапим русские символы | |
"set langmap=ёйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюЁЙЦУКЕHГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ;`qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl\\;'zxcvbnm\\,.~QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:\\"ZXCVBNM<> | |
set keymap=russian-jcukenwin | |
set iminsert=0 | |
set imsearch=0 | |
" Environment | |
" Store lots of history entries: :cmdline and search patterns | |
set history=1000 | |
" Save file with root permissions | |
" command! W exec 'w !sudo tee % > /dev/null' | e! | |
" Backspacing settings | |
" start allow backspacing over the start of insert; | |
" CTRL-W and CTRL-U stop once at the start of insert. | |
" indent allow backspacing over autoindent | |
" eol allow backspacing over line breaks (join lines) | |
set backspace=indent,eol,start | |
" Backup и swp files | |
" Don't create backups | |
set nobackup | |
" Don't create swap files | |
set noswapfile | |
set cpoptions+=$ | |
set virtualedit=all | |
" Load previous session | |
" Only available when compiled with the +viminfo feature | |
set viminfo='10,\"100,:20,%,n~/.viminfo | |
" Set cursor to its last position | |
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0|if line("'\"") <= line("$")|exe("norm '\"")|else|exe "norm $"|endif|endif | |
" AutoReload .vimrc | |
" See | |
" Source the vimrc file after saving it | |
if has("autocmd") | |
autocmd! bufwritepost .vimrc source $MYVIMRC | |
endif | |
" Go to last file(s) if invoked without arguments | |
" | |
" autocmd VimLeave * nested if (!isdirectory($HOME . "/.vim")) | | |
" \ call mkdir($HOME . "/.vim") | | |
" \ endif | | |
" \ execute "mksession! " . $HOME . "/.vim/Session.vim" | |
" autocmd VimEnter * nested if argc() == 0 && filereadable($HOME . "/.vim/Session.vim") | | |
" \ execute "source " . $HOME . "/.vim/Session.vim" | |
" Auto change the directory to the current file I'm working on | |
" autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h | |
" Save on losing focus | |
" Only available for GUI | |
" autocmd FocusLost * :wa | |
" Resize splits when the window is resized | |
" Only available for GUI | |
au VimResized * exe "normal! \<c-w>=" | |
" File specific | |
autocmd FileType jade setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 | |
" Plugins | |
" Javascript | |
let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1 | |
let g:syntastic_less_checkers = [''] | |
let g:syntastic_jsx_checkers = ['eslint'] | |
let g:syntastic_js_checkers = ['eslint'] | |
let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['eslint'] | |
let g:syntastic_javascript_eslint_exe = '$(npm bin)/eslint' | |
let g:syntastic_loc_list_height=5 | |
" let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['jsxhint'] | |
" let g:syntastic_javascript_jsxhint_exec = 'jsx-jshint-wrapper' | |
" | |
set statusline+=%#warningmsg# | |
set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()} | |
set statusline+=%* | |
let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1 | |
let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1 | |
let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1 | |
let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 0 | |
" Solarized | |
syntax enable | |
" | |
let g:solarized_termcolors=16 | |
set background=dark | |
try | |
colorscheme solarized | |
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E185/ | |
echo "Solarized theme not found. Run :BundleInstall" | |
endtry | |
"colorscheme base16-colors | |
" colorscheme molokai | |
set nocursorcolumn | |
set nocursorline | |
set norelativenumber | |
syntax sync minlines=256 | |
try | |
call togglebg#map("<Leader>bs") | |
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E117/ | |
" :( | |
endtry | |
" NERDTree | |
nmap <F12> :NERDTreeTabsToggle<CR> | |
let NERDTreeShowBookmarks=1 | |
let NERDTreeChDirMode=2 | |
let NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=0 | |
let NERDTreeShowHidden=0 | |
let NERDTreeKeepTreeInNewTab=0 | |
" Disable display of the 'Bookmarks' label and 'Press ? for help' text | |
let NERDTreeMinimalUI=1 | |
" Use arrows instead of + ~ chars when displaying directories | |
let NERDTreeDirArrows=1 | |
let NERDTreeBookmarksFile= $HOME . '/.vim/.NERDTreeBookmarks' | |
" Zen Coding | |
let g:user_zen_settings = { | |
\ 'php' : { | |
\ 'extends' : 'html', | |
\ 'filters' : 'c', | |
\ }, | |
\ 'xml' : { | |
\ 'extends' : 'html', | |
\ }, | |
\ 'haml' : { | |
\ 'extends' : 'html', | |
\ }, | |
\} | |
" UltiSnips | |
" make YCM compatible with UltiSnips (using supertab) | |
let g:ycm_key_list_select_completion = ['<Down>'] | |
let g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion = ['<Up>'] | |
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = '<C-n>' | |
" better key bindings for UltiSnipsExpandTrigger | |
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = "<tab>" | |
let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger = "<tab>" | |
" let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger = "<s-tab>" | |
let g:UltiSnipsListSnippets = "<s-tab>" | |
" VimWiki | |
let wiki = {} | |
let wiki.path = '~/Dropbox/vimwiki/' | |
let wiki.nested_syntaxes = {'javascript': 'javascript', 'python': 'python', 'c++': 'cpp'} | |
let g:vimwiki_list = [wiki] | |
set wildignore+=*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*/bower_components/*,*/node_modules/* | |
" set nonumber | |
" set relativenumber | |
" first, enable status line always | |
set laststatus=2 | |
" | |
" now set it up to change the status line based on mode | |
if version >= 700 | |
au InsertEnter * hi StatusLine term=reverse ctermbg=5 gui=undercurl guisp=Magenta | |
au InsertLeave * hi StatusLine term=reverse ctermfg=0 ctermbg=2 gui=bold,reverse | |
endif | |
" | |
" nnoremap ; : | |
set guitablabel=\[%N\]\ %t\ %M | |
set ttyfast | |
inoremap jj <ESC> | |
nnoremap <silent> <F11> :YRShow<cr> | |
inoremap <silent> <F11> <ESC>:YRShow<cr> | |
" let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1 | |
" let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod = ':t' | |
" let g:airline_powerline_fonts=0 | |
" | |
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 2 | |
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod = ':t' | |
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_sep = ' ' | |
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep = '|' | |
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#right_sep = ' ' | |
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#right_alt_sep = '|' | |
let g:airline_left_sep = ' ' | |
let g:airline_left_alt_sep = '|' | |
let g:airline_right_sep = ' ' | |
let g:airline_right_alt_sep = '|' | |
let g:airline_theme= 'serene' | |
" | |
" au InsertLeave * hi Cursor guibg=red | |
" au InsertEnter * hi Cursor guibg=green | |
set guifont=Menlo\ for\ Powerline:h13 | |
let g:plantuml_executable_script='java -jar ~/plantuml.jar' | |
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js set syntax=javascript.jsx | |
autocmd FileType javascript noremap <buffer> <F6> <Esc>magg=G`a | |
" autocmd FileType javascript noremap <buffer> <F6> <Esc>:call JsBeautify()<cr> | |
" autocmd FileType less noremap <buffer> <F6> <Esc>:call CSSBeautify()<cr> | |
autocmd FileType less noremap <buffer> <F6> <Esc>magg=G`a | |
autocmd FileType go noremap <buffer> <F6> <Esc>magg=G`a | |
autocmd FileType html noremap <buffer> <F6> <Esc>:call HTMLBeautify()<cr> | |
autocmd FileType wiki noremap <buffer> <F6> <Esc>:call HTMLBeautify()<cr> | |
map <Leader>l :NERDTreeFind<CR> | |
map <c-g> :CtrlPBuffer<CR> | |
let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-f>' | |
let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP' | |
" Setup some default ignores | |
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = { | |
\ 'dir': '\v[\/](\.(git|hg|svn)|\_site|node_modules|bower_components|assets|build|dist|server\logs|upload)$', | |
\ 'file': '\v\.(exe|so|dll|class|png|jpg|jpeg)$', | |
\} | |
" Use the nearest .git directory as the cwd | |
" This makes a lot of sense if you are working on a project that is in version | |
" control. It also supports works with .svn, .hg, .bzr. | |
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'r' | |
set ts=4 sw=4 et | |
let g:indent_guides_start_level = 2 | |
let g:indent_guides_guide_size = 1 | |
let g:buffergator_suppress_keymaps=1 | |
" Save session on quitting Vim | |
"autocmd VimLeave * NERDTreeClose | |
"autocmd VimLeave * mksession! ~/.vim/sessions/imater.vim<CR> | |
" Restore session on starting Vim | |
"autocmd VimEnter * :source ~/.vim/sessions/imater.vim<CR> | |
"autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree | |
" map <Leader>1 :source ~/.vim/sessions/imater.vim<CR> | |
" map <Leader>2 :mksession! ~/.vim/sessions/imater.vim<CR> | |
" inoremap ;; <C-o>m`<C-o>A;<C-o>`` | |
autocmd FileType javascript,css,YOUR_LANG nnoremap <Leader>; :call cosco#commaOrSemiColon()<CR> | |
autocmd FileType javascript,css,YOUR_LANG inoremap <Leader>; <c-o>:call cosco#commaOrSemiColon()<CR> | |
let g:tern_map_keys=1 | |
call tern#Enable() | |
let g:tern_map_keys=1 | |
" let g:tern_show_argument_hints='on_hold' | |
map <leader>td :TernDoc<CR> | |
map <leader>tb :TernDocBrowse<CR> | |
map <leader>tt :TernType<CR> | |
map <leader>td :TernDef<CR> | |
map <leader>tpd :TernDefPreview<CR> | |
map <leader>tr :TernRefs<CR> | |
map <leader>tR :TernRename<CR> | |
let g:vcoolor_map = 'ç' | |
au FileType go map <leader>r :!go run %<CR> | |
let NERDTreeAutoDeleteBuffer=1 | |
" Markdown | |
let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ['JavaScript', 'HTML', 'go'] | |
let g:markdown_github_languages = ['JavaScript', 'HTML', 'go'] | |
" au BufNewFile,BufRead *.wiki setf markdown | |
let hour = strftime("%H") | |
" if 11 <= hour && hour < 16 | |
" set background=light | |
" else | |
" set background=dark | |
" endif | |
set nonumber | |
set relativenumber | |
let g:emmet_html5=1 | |
let g:user_emmet_settings = { | |
\ 'html': { | |
\ 'quote_char': "'", | |
\ 'snippets': { | |
\ 'im': "import from |", | |
\ }, | |
\ }, | |
\ 'jsx': { | |
\ 'extends': 'html', | |
\ 'attribute_name': {'class': 'className'}, | |
\ }, | |
\ 'stylus': { | |
\ 'extends': 'css', | |
\ }, | |
\} | |
let g:user_emmet_expandabbr_key='<Home>' | |
" Changing cursor shape per mode | |
" 1 or 0 -> blinking block | |
" 2 -> solid block | |
" 3 -> blinking underscore | |
" 4 -> solid underscore | |
if exists('$TMUX') | |
" tmux will only forward escape sequences to the terminal if surrounded by a DCS sequence | |
let &t_SI .= "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7" | |
let &t_EI .= "\<Esc>Ptmux;\<Esc>\<Esc>[2 q\<Esc>\\" | |
autocmd VimLeave * silent !echo -ne "\033Ptmux;\033\033[0 q\033\\" | |
else | |
let &t_SI .= "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7" | |
let &t_EI .= "\<Esc>[2 q" | |
autocmd VimLeave * silent !echo -ne "\033[0 q" | |
endif | |
" autocmd FocusLost * :set number | |
" autocmd FocusGained * :set relativenumber | |
" autocmd InsertEnter * :set number | |
" autocmd InsertLeave * :set relativenumber | |
set lazyredraw | |
set timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=0 | |
let g:airline_theme='cool' | |
set nofoldenable | |
" let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 0 | |
nnoremap <leader>c :%s/className=\'\(\w*\)\'/className={styles.\1}<cr> | |
let g:hardtime_default_on = 0 | |
let g:hardtime_timeout = 600 | |
let g:list_of_insert_keys = [] | |
let g:hardtime_ignore_buffer_patterns = [ "CustomPatt[ae]rn", "NERD.*", "help", "gitcommit" ] | |
let g:NERDTreeHijackNetrw=0 | |
let g:hardtime_ignore_quickfix = 1 | |
let g:hardtime_maxcount = 3 | |
"toggl | |
call ctrlp_bdelete#init() | |
let g:ctrlp_open_multiple_files='2vjr' | |
" <Leader>f{char} to move to {char} | |
map <Leader>f <Plug>(easymotion-bd-f) | |
nmap <Leader>f <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f) | |
" | |
" " s{char}{char} to move to {char}{char} | |
nmap <space> <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f2) | |
" | |
" " Move to line | |
map <Leader>L <Plug>(easymotion-bd-jk) | |
nmap <Leader>L <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-line) | |
" | |
" " Move to word | |
map <Leader>w <Plug>(easymotion-bd-w) | |
nmap <Leader>w <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-w) | |
let s:vimwiki_autowriteall=1 | |
let autowriteall=1 | |
set suffixesadd+=.js | |
set path+=$PWD/node_modules | |
set number | |
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