(require "helix/editor.scm") |
(require (prefix-in helix. "helix/commands.scm")) |
(require (prefix-in helix.static. "helix/static.scm")) |
; (require "helix/misc.scm") |
(provide game-of-life gol-update) |
;; Utilities |
(define (make-list size item) (mutable-vector->list (make-vector size item))) |
(define (push-front list item) (reverse (push-back (reverse list) item))) |
(define (lines->string lines) (apply string-append (map (lambda (line) (string-append line "\n")) lines))) |
(define (string-set string index value) (string-append (substring string 0 index) (make-string 1 value) (substring string (+ index 1) (string-length string)))) |
(define (map-wi list start-index mapper) |
(if (empty? list) |
list |
(push-front (map-wi(cdr list) (+ start-index 1) mapper) (mapper start-index (car list))))) |
(define (map-nth list index mapper) |
(if (= index 0) |
(push-front (cdr list) (mapper (car list))) |
(push-front (map-nth (cdr list) (- index 1) mapper) (car list)))) |
;; Board |
(define (make-board width height) (make-list height (make-string width #\ ))) |
(define (board-ref board x y) (string-ref (list-ref board y) x)) |
(define (board-set board x y value) |
(map-nth board y |
(lambda (line) |
(string-set line x value)))) |
(define (board-width board) (string-length (first board))) |
(define (board-height board) (length board)) |
;; Neighbours |
(define (board-count-cell board x y) |
(if (char=? (board-ref board x y) #\#) 1 0)) |
(define (board-count-line board x y) |
(+ |
(if (> x 0) (board-count-cell board (- x 1) y) 0) |
(board-count-cell board x y) |
(if (< (+ x 1) (board-width board)) (board-count-cell board (+ x 1) y) 0))) |
(define (neighbours board x y) |
(+ |
(if (> y 0) (board-count-line board x (- y 1)) 0) |
(- (board-count-line board x y) (board-count-cell board x y)) |
(if (< (+ y 1) (board-height board)) (board-count-line board x (+ y 1)) 0))) |
;; Step |
(define (step board) |
(map-wi board 0 (lambda (y line) |
(list->string (map-wi (string->list line) 0 (lambda (x cell) |
(let ((nc (neighbours board x y))) |
(if (char=? cell #\#) |
(if (or (= nc 2) (= nc 3)) cell #\ ) |
(if (= nc 3) #\# cell))) |
)))))) |
;; Initial board |
(define board-initial (make-board 80 40)) |
(define cx (/ (board-width board-initial) 2)) |
(define cy (/ (board-height board-initial) 2)) |
(set! board-initial (board-set board-initial cx cy #\#)) |
(set! board-initial (board-set board-initial cx (- cy 1) #\#)) |
(set! board-initial (board-set board-initial cx (+ cy 1) #\#)) |
(set! board-initial (board-set board-initial (- cx 1) cy #\#)) |
(set! board-initial (board-set board-initial (+ cx 1) (+ cy 1) #\#)) |
(define TITLE "[game-of-life]") |
(define doc-id 'uninitialzed) |
;;@doc |
;;Game of life inside of helix |
(define (game-of-life) |
(helix.new) |
(set-scratch-buffer-name! TITLE) |
(set! doc-id (editor->doc-id (editor-focus))) |
(helix.static.select_all) |
(helix.static.delete_selection) |
(helix.static.insert_string (lines->string board-initial)) |
(helix.static.goto_line_start)) |
;; Update Game of life |
(define (gol-update) |
(helix.static.select_all) |
(define state (split-many (helix.static.current-highlighted-text!) "\n")) |
(set! state (reverse (rest (reverse state)))) |
(define new-state (step state)) |
(helix.static.delete_selection) |
(helix.static.insert_string (lines->string new-state)) |
(helix.static.goto_line_start)) |
(hash "normal" |
(hash " " ':gol-update))) |