This is a quick list of cool payloads that can be pushed onto some common MCU boards to turn these them into actually useful everyday hacking tools.
- STM32F1 / Bluepill
- blackmagic probe - SWD + UART adapter - - also a tip on how to use native UART bootloader
- bluepill_ch341a - CH341A-compatible device (SPI EEPROM + UART)
- i2c-star - I2C adapter (i2c-tiny-usb clone)
- versaloon - JTAG stuff
- DirtyJTAG - JTAG stuff
- RP2040 / RPi Pico
- rp2040-i2c-interface - i2c-tiny-usb interface
- pico-usb-io-board - general purpose USB to SPI/I2C/ADC/GPIO interface
- pico-uart-bridge - USB to 2x UART
- pico-sexa-uart-bridge - USB to 6x UART
- picoprobe - CMSIS-DAP JTAG/SWD USB interface
- sigrok-pico - sigrok/pulseview logic analyzer logic analyzer
- ula - openbench logic sniffer (sigrok/pulseview) compatible analyzer
- gp2040-ce - custom gamepad
- xvc-pico - Xiling JTAG Virtual Cable
- pico-dirtyjtag - DirtyJTAG port
- pico-serprog - flashrom/serprog SPI flash reader