The first thing to do is to install Git on the remote server.
Once you do that the rest of the process is split into three sections:
- Server set-up
- Local set-up (push commits)
- Server (pull commits)
ssh -pxxxx [email protected]
(this is you connecting to your remote server)cd ../
(this gets you to the 'absolute root' of the server)cd www/..../
(navigate to the directory one level above your website directory - e.g. your website directory being where you would upload yourHTML
files etc)
Note: if (for example) your web directory is httpdocs
then move up one level from there.
The following example assumes httpdocs
is your web directory...
rm -rf httpdocs
(remove the web directory - you'll recreate it again in a minute)mkdir httpdocs && cd httpdocs
(create new web directory folder and move inside it)git init
(initiate new git repo)cd ../
(jump back up a directory level)
The following three commands are the black magic for getting a remote git repo setup:
git clone --bare httpdocs httpdocs.git
mv httpdocs httpdocs.backup
git clone httpdocs.git
cd ~/Desktop/Sites/myWebsite
git init
git add *
git commit -m 'Start of new project'
git remote add origin ssh://[email protected]:xxxx/www/.../httpdocs.git
git push origin master
cd ../
cd www/..../httpdocs/
git fetch
git diff origin/master
git merge origin/master
Not sure what elements in your instruction are actual keywords, or to be typed in literally... and which terms in the instructions are to be replaced with specific detail code for a given site. could you clarify which part of the instructions have to be typed in exactly as shown, and which ones are replaced with specific code and pathing.