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Last active February 3, 2025 11:25
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[1Password CLI Usage] #1Password #op #cli
# list all accounts
op account list
# check which account we're using
op whoami
# switch account
op signin
op signin --account my # account flag must be passed subset of the URL from `op account list` (e.g. `my` matches ``)
# list all vaults
op vault list --format json
# list all items within the "Private" vault
op item list --vault "Private" --format json
# get a specific item from the "Private" vault
op item get "Your Item Title" --vault "Private" --format json
# get the password from a specific item from the "Private" vault
op item get "Your Item Title" --vault "Private" --fields password --reveal
# use 1Password "secret reference" wherever you need a secret to be used.
# e.g. an application config file or even an environment variable exported as part of a shell script.
# format:
# you can easily get the reference to any field using the 1Password GUI.
op read "op://Private/Fastly API Tokens/Integralist-PersonalAllServices/Token"
op inject -i some_input_file.tpl -o the_output_file_with_secret
export FASTLY_API_TOKEN=$(op read "op://Private/Fastly API Tokens/Integralist-PersonalAllServices/Token")
export FASTLY_API_TOKEN=$(echo "op://Private/Fastly API Tokens/Integralist-PersonalAllServices/Token" | op inject)
curl -sX GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $(op read 'op://Private/6bky6ykumav2wfpguwn4dokcku/API Token')" -H "Content-Type:application/json" | jq
curl -sX GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $(echo 'op://Private/6bky6ykumav2wfpguwn4dokcku/API Token' | op inject)" -H "Content-Type:application/json" | jq
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