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Last active July 21, 2016 09:19
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  • Save IntrepidWanderer/aed111c082e4be59b33a8e6dd6e1398e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save IntrepidWanderer/aed111c082e4be59b33a8e6dd6e1398e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"Displaylist" log for Haruka 3 with Izayoiki Ch5 PPSSPP error. Steps taken in game during logging: Load game, load save, walked 2 spaces on map to event trigger spot, event load but game fails to continue (and dump frame at the fail)
25:34:750 EmuThread.cpp:173 I[BOOT]: Done.
25:38:994 Config.cpp:1034 I[LOAD]: Config saved: ppsspp.ini
25:38:996 Config.cpp:1047 I[LOAD]: Controller config saved: controls.ini
25:39:003 System.cpp:383 I[BOOT]: PPSSPP v1.2.2-768-g6320a87 Windows 64 bit
25:39:005 MemMap.cpp:339 I[MM]: Memory system initialized. RAM at 000000005ABA0000 (mirror at 0 @ 0000000148A90000, uncached @ 0000000188A90000)
25:39:053 PSPLoaders.cpp:195 I[LOAD]: ULJM05441 : 遙かなる時空の中で3 with 十六夜記 愛蔵版
25:39:057 Config.cpp:1034 I[LOAD]: Config saved: ppsspp.ini
25:39:060 PSPLoaders.cpp:254 I[LOAD]: Loading disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN...
25:39:060 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:436 I[KERNEL]: Kernel and user memory pools initialized
25:39:105 HLE\sceKernel.cpp:152 I[KERNEL]: Kernel initialized.
25:39:136 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:391 I[HLE]: -----------
25:39:136 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:395 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=1 tag=usersystemlib
25:39:136 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:395 I[HLE]: Block: 08804000 - 09e5f200 size 0165b200 taken=1 tag=ELF/simple
25:39:136 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:395 I[HLE]: Block: 09e5f200 - 0a000000 size 001a0e00 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
25:39:136 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:397 I[HLE]: -----------
25:39:158 HLE\ReplaceTables.cpp:1330 I[HLE]: Replaced memcpy at 0881e330 with hash 9e6ce11f9d49f954
25:39:158 HLE\ReplaceTables.cpp:1330 I[HLE]: Replaced memmove at 0881e454 with hash d019b067b58cf6c3
25:39:158 HLE\ReplaceTables.cpp:1330 I[HLE]: Replaced memset at 0881e710 with hash fe5dd338ab862291
25:39:158 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1234 I[LOAD]: Module simple: 089a2010 0895d9d0 0895d9e8
25:39:158 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1294 I[LOAD]: Exporting ent 0 named simple, 2 funcs, 4 vars, resident 0895dbec
25:39:158 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1593 I[LOAD]: Module entry: 08804000
25:39:323 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 11 fs 20
25:39:323 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 40
25:39:324 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 46
25:39:324 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 44
25:39:325 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 12 fs 23
25:39:325 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 10 fs 26
25:39:325 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 10 fs 24
25:39:325 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 38
25:39:326 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 47
25:39:326 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 16 fs 35
25:39:327 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 16 fs 36
25:39:327 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 49
25:39:327 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 39
25:39:364 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 17 fs 21
25:39:365 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 15 fs 30
25:39:365 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 15 fs 31
25:39:366 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 15 fs 32
25:39:366 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 42
25:39:366 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 15 fs 33
25:39:367 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 17 fs 32
25:39:367 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 16 fs 34
25:39:372 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 10 fs 25
25:39:375 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 41
25:39:380 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 15 fs 28
25:39:387 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 51
25:39:393 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 50
25:39:393 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 16 fs 27
25:39:397 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 43
25:39:401 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 14 fs 37
25:39:401 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 10 fs 19
25:39:406 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 18 fs 35
25:39:410 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 14 fs 45
25:39:415 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 48
25:39:415 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 16 fs 29
25:39:420 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 16 fs 22
25:39:420 root N[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:1067 Compiled and linked 35 programs (9 vertex, 33 fragment) in 260.3 milliseconds
25:39:420 root N[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:1068 Loaded the shader cache from 'E:\Emulation Games\Emulators\PPSSPP\memstick/PSP/SYSTEM/CACHE//ULJM05441.glshadercache'
25:39:446 root N[BOOT]: EmuScreen.cpp:174 Loading I:/HarukanaruTokinoNakade 3 with Izayoiki Aizouban (J)(PSP).ISO...
25:39:446 root I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 276=sceKernelCreateThread(user_main, 08804114, 00000020, 262144, 80000000, 00000000)
25:39:447 root I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(276, 33, 09fffed0)
25:39:447 root I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2092 __KernelReturnFromThread: 0
25:39:455 user_main I[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:306 0=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000300)
25:39:473 user_main I[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:306 0=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000301)
25:39:541 user_main I[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:306 0=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000302)
25:39:541 user_main I[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:306 0=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000303)
25:39:557 user_main I[SCESAS]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:249 sceSasInit(0899d3c0, 1024, 32, 0, 44100)
25:39:557 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 286=sceKernelCreateThread(ssnd_main_thread, 0895d3c8, 00000014, 32768, 00000000, 00000000)
25:39:557 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(286, 0, 00000000)
25:39:557 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 287=sceKernelCreateThread(bgm_load_thread, 0895bc10, 00000020, 32768, 00000000, 00000000)
25:39:557 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(287, 0, 00000000)
25:39:573 user_main E[INTC]: HLE\sceKernelInterrupt.cpp:533 sceKernelReleaseSubIntrHandler(30, 0): error 80020068
25:39:608 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 291=sceKernelCreateThread(KSDK::Thread, 08828550, 00000030, 4096, 00000000, 00000000)
25:39:608 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(291, 4, 09fff5fc)
25:39:608 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 293=sceKernelCreateThread(KSDK::Thread, 08828550, 00000030, 4096, 00000000, 00000000)
25:39:608 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(293, 4, 09fff5bc)
25:40:074 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 301=sceKernelCreateThread(KSDK::Thread, 08828550, 00000030, 4096, 00000000, 00000000)
25:40:074 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(301, 4, 09fff5dc)
25:40:709 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:369 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
25:40:726 idle0 I[SCEGE]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:414 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
25:40:726 idle0 W[G3D]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:650 Memcpy fbo upload 04488000 -> 04088000
25:40:910 idle0 I[SCEGE]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:414 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
25:40:925 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00088000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 11
25:41:025 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00000000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
25:42:708 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:85 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) - GETSIZE (22)
25:42:708 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:86 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) : Game key (hex): 2100C306053E41365323772310F918FE
25:42:850 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
25:42:853 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
25:42:934 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:85 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) - READDATASECURE (15)
25:42:934 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:86 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) : Game key (hex): 2100C306053E41365323772310F918FE
25:43:165 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
25:43:166 idle0 I[UTIL]: Dialog\SavedataParam.cpp:586 Loading file with size 486400 in ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/ULJM05441/RECORD.BIN
25:43:180 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
25:44:268 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:85 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) - GETSIZE (22)
25:44:268 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:86 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) : Game key (hex): 2100C306053E41365323772310F918FE
25:44:483 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
25:44:483 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
25:44:569 user_main W[G3D]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:662 Memcpy fbo download 04088000 -> 0963f480
25:44:736 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00088000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
25:44:867 bgm_load_thr I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
25:45:616 ssnd_main_th I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
25:45:616 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:427 sceMpegInit()
25:45:616 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:541 0928fa70=sceMpegCreate(09fff05c, 0928fa40, 65536, 09ffefdc, 512, 0, 0)
25:45:717 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:352 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x58800
25:45:717 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:353 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 546456
25:45:717 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:352 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x58800
25:45:717 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:353 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 546456
25:45:717 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:659 sceMpegRegistStream(09fff05c, 0, 0)
25:45:718 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:659 sceMpegRegistStream(09fff05c, 1, 0)
25:45:718 user_main E[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1941 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr(09fff05c, 1, 480, 272, 092a0280)
25:45:718 user_main E[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1941 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr(09fff05c, 1, 480, 272, 092d0000)
25:45:718 user_main E[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1941 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr(09fff05c, 1, 480, 272, 092ffd80)
25:45:718 user_main E[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1941 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr(09fff05c, 1, 480, 272, 0932fb00)
25:45:785 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 320=sceKernelCreateThread(displayThread, 088711e4, 0000000c, 4096, 00000000, 00000000)
25:45:785 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 321=sceKernelCreateThread(readThread, 0887155c, 0000000e, 2048, 00000000, 00000000)
25:45:785 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 322=sceKernelCreateThread(soundThread, 08871bc8, 0000000a, 2048, 00000000, 00000000)
25:45:786 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(322, 4, 09ffef44)
25:45:786 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(320, 4, 09ffef44)
25:45:786 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(321, 4, 09ffef48)
25:45:788 readThread I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:352 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x58800
25:45:788 readThread I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:353 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 546456
25:45:942 readThread I[ME]: HW\MediaEngine.cpp:85 FF: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to rgba.
25:45:945 idle0 W[FileSys]: FileSystems\ISOFileSystem.cpp:515 Reading beyond end of file, clamping size 65536 to 34816
25:45:945 readThread I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
25:50:823 user_main W[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1654 Audio end reach. pts: 553184 dts: 456456
25:50:823 user_main E[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1232 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeStopYCbCr(09fff05c, 089b5324, 09ffeea4)
25:50:973 displayThrea I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
25:51:039 soundThread I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
25:51:041 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1591 sceMpegFinish(...)
25:51:041 user_main E[INTC]: HLE\sceKernelInterrupt.cpp:533 sceKernelReleaseSubIntrHandler(30, 0): error 80020068
25:51:089 user_main I[SCESAS]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:249 sceSasInit(0899d3c0, 1024, 32, 0, 44100)
25:51:089 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 323=sceKernelCreateThread(ssnd_main_thread, 0895d3c8, 00000014, 32768, 00000000, 00000000)
25:51:089 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(323, 0, 00000000)
25:51:089 ssnd_main_th E[AUDIO]: HLE\sceAudio.cpp:324 sceAudioOutput2Reserve(00000400) - channel already reserved
25:51:089 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 324=sceKernelCreateThread(bgm_load_thread, 0895bc10, 00000020, 32768, 00000000, 00000000)
25:51:089 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(324, 0, 00000000)
25:56:795 bgm_load_thr I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
25:57:512 ssnd_main_th I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
25:57:512 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:427 sceMpegInit()
25:57:512 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:541 0928fa70=sceMpegCreate(09fff05c, 0928fa40, 65536, 09ffefdc, 512, 0, 0)
25:57:630 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:352 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x1DE000
25:57:630 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:353 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 1441350
25:57:630 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:352 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x1DE000
25:57:630 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:353 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 1441350
25:57:630 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:659 sceMpegRegistStream(09fff05c, 0, 0)
25:57:630 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:659 sceMpegRegistStream(09fff05c, 1, 0)
25:57:630 user_main E[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1941 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr(09fff05c, 1, 480, 272, 092a0280)
25:57:630 user_main E[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1941 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr(09fff05c, 1, 480, 272, 092d0000)
25:57:630 user_main E[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1941 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr(09fff05c, 1, 480, 272, 092ffd80)
25:57:630 user_main E[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1941 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr(09fff05c, 1, 480, 272, 0932fb00)
25:57:696 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 331=sceKernelCreateThread(displayThread, 088711e4, 0000000c, 4096, 00000000, 00000000)
25:57:696 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 332=sceKernelCreateThread(readThread, 0887155c, 0000000e, 2048, 00000000, 00000000)
25:57:696 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 333=sceKernelCreateThread(soundThread, 08871bc8, 0000000a, 2048, 00000000, 00000000)
25:57:696 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(333, 4, 09ffef44)
25:57:696 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(331, 4, 09ffef44)
25:57:696 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(332, 4, 09ffef48)
25:57:697 readThread I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:352 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x1DE000
25:57:697 readThread I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:353 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 1441350
25:57:705 readThread I[ME]: HW\MediaEngine.cpp:85 FF: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to rgba.
25:57:737 idle0 W[FileSys]: FileSystems\ISOFileSystem.cpp:515 Reading beyond end of file, clamping size 65536 to 57344
25:57:737 readThread I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
26:03:502 user_main E[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1311 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(09fff05c)
26:03:685 displayThrea I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
26:03:768 soundThread I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
26:03:772 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1591 sceMpegFinish(...)
26:03:773 user_main E[INTC]: HLE\sceKernelInterrupt.cpp:533 sceKernelReleaseSubIntrHandler(30, 0): error 80020068
26:03:818 user_main I[SCESAS]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:249 sceSasInit(0899d3c0, 1024, 32, 0, 44100)
26:03:818 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 334=sceKernelCreateThread(ssnd_main_thread, 0895d3c8, 00000014, 32768, 00000000, 00000000)
26:03:818 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(334, 0, 00000000)
26:03:818 ssnd_main_th E[AUDIO]: HLE\sceAudio.cpp:324 sceAudioOutput2Reserve(00000400) - channel already reserved
26:03:818 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 335=sceKernelCreateThread(bgm_load_thread, 0895bc10, 00000020, 32768, 00000000, 00000000)
26:03:818 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(335, 0, 00000000)
26:04:002 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00000000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
26:04:356 ssnd_main_th I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1898 0=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09dcb080, 0006a10c): atrac3+ stereo audio
26:05:406 idle0 W[G3D]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:901 Block transfer download 04000000 -> 0963f480
26:05:641 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00000000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
26:06:710 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00000000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
26:07:037 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:85 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) - GETSIZE (22)
26:07:037 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:86 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) : Game key (hex): 2100C306053E41365323772310F918FE
26:07:270 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
26:07:272 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
26:07:354 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:85 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) - READDATASECURE (15)
26:07:354 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:86 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) : Game key (hex): 2100C306053E41365323772310F918FE
26:07:586 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
26:07:586 ssnd_main_th I[UTIL]: Dialog\SavedataParam.cpp:586 Loading file with size 486400 in ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/ULJM05441/RECORD.BIN
26:07:592 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
26:11:306 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00000000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
26:11:942 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:85 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) - GETSIZE (22)
26:11:942 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:86 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09d2ddc8) : Game key (hex): 2100C306053E41365323772310F918FE
26:12:201 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
26:12:202 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\HLE.cpp:335 Dispatch disabled, not delaying HLE result (right thing to do?)
26:14:455 ssnd_main_th I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1663 0=sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
26:14:743 ssnd_main_th I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1898 0=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09dcb080, 0007618c): atrac3+ stereo audio
26:17:723 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00000000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
26:19:013 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00000000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
26:19:032 ssnd_main_th I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1663 0=sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
26:19:049 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00088000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
26:19:238 ssnd_main_th I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1898 0=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09dcb080, 000770dc): atrac3+ stereo audio
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:765 DUMPING THIS FRAME
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d2000003: FramebufPixelFormat: 3
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 9d000200: FramebufWidth: 200, address high 00
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 9c088000: FramebufPtr: 00088000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d2000003: FramebufPixelFormat: 3
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 9d000200: FramebufWidth: 200, address high 00
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 9c088000: FramebufPtr: 00088000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 0f000000: FINISH 000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 0c000000: END
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e8000000: MaskRGB: 000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e9000000: MaskAlpha: 000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 de000007: Z test mode: 7 ( >= )
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 23000000: Z test enable: 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 dbff0003: Alpha test settings: ff0003 ((c & ff) != 00)
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 22000000: Alpha test enable: 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 9b000001: Cull: 000001
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1d000000: CullFace enable: 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000001: Shade: 000001 (gouraud)
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1c000001: Clip enable: 1
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4f5a8: JUMP: 09c4f58c to 09c4f5a8
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d3000301: Clear mode: 000301 (on, color, alpha/stencil)
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1280011c: SetVertexType: through, ABGR 8888 colors, s16 positions
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4f590: VADDR: c4f590 => 09c4f590
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4f590
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d3000000: Clear mode: 000000 (off)
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e7000001: ZMask: 000001
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 23000000: Z test enable: 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 de000001: Z test mode: 1 (ALWAYS)
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 dbff0003: Alpha test settings: ff0003 ((c & ff) != 00)
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000000: TexFilter min: 0 mag: 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8000080: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 000080
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0000000: Texture address 0: 000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000707: Texture size 0: 000707, width : 128, height : 128
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000000: Alpha blend enable: 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c7000101: TexWrap clamp s, clamp t
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 20000000: Dither enable: 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cf000000: FogColor 000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cd3f8000: Fog1 1.000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 ce400000: Fog2 2.000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c0000000: Tex map mode: 000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c1000000: Tex shade light sources: 000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4a000000: Texture U offset: 0.000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4b000000: Texture V offset: 0.000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 483f8000: Texture U scale: 1.000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 493f8000: Texture V scale: 1.000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 25000000: Antialias enable: 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:439 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090100: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090100
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0874910: Texture address 0: 874910
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000808: Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0884910: CLUT base addr: 884910
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4f6b8: JUMP: 09c4f6a0 to 09c4f6b8
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4f6a4: VADDR: c4f6a4 => 09c4f6a4
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4f6a4
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090100: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090100
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0885110: Texture address 0: 885110
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000808: Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0895110: CLUT base addr: 895110
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4f750: JUMP: 09c4f738 to 09c4f750
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4f73c: VADDR: c4f73c => 09c4f73c
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4f73c
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090030: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090030
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0895910: Texture address 0: 895910
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000806: Texture size 0: 000806, width : 64, height : 256
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0898910: CLUT base addr: 898910
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4f7e8: JUMP: 09c4f7d0 to 09c4f7e8
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4f7d4: VADDR: c4f7d4 => 09c4f7d4
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4f7d4
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090100: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090100
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0899110: Texture address 0: 899110
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000808: Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:440 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08a2910: CLUT base addr: 8a2910
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4f880: JUMP: 09c4f868 to 09c4f880
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4f86c: VADDR: c4f86c => 09c4f86c
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4f86c
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090100: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090100
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08a3110: Texture address 0: 8a3110
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000808: Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08ac910: CLUT base addr: 8ac910
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4f918: JUMP: 09c4f900 to 09c4f918
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4f904: VADDR: c4f904 => 09c4f904
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4f904
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090030: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090030
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08ad110: Texture address 0: 8ad110
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000806: Texture size 0: 000806, width : 64, height : 256
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08aed90: CLUT base addr: 8aed90
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4f9b0: JUMP: 09c4f998 to 09c4f9b0
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4f99c: VADDR: c4f99c => 09c4f99c
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4f99c
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4fa48: JUMP: 09c4fa30 to 09c4fa48
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4fa34: VADDR: c4fa34 => 09c4fa34
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4fa34
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:441 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4fae0: JUMP: 09c4fac8 to 09c4fae0
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4facc: VADDR: c4facc => 09c4facc
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4facc
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4fb78: JUMP: 09c4fb60 to 09c4fb78
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4fb64: VADDR: c4fb64 => 09c4fb64
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4fb64
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4fc10: JUMP: 09c4fbf8 to 09c4fc10
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4fbfc: VADDR: c4fbfc => 09c4fbfc
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4fbfc
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4fca8: JUMP: 09c4fc90 to 09c4fca8
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4fc94: VADDR: c4fc94 => 09c4fc94
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4fc94
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:442 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4fd40: JUMP: 09c4fd28 to 09c4fd40
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4fd2c: VADDR: c4fd2c => 09c4fd2c
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4fd2c
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4fdd8: JUMP: 09c4fdc0 to 09c4fdd8
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4fdc4: VADDR: c4fdc4 => 09c4fdc4
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4fdc4
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4fe70: JUMP: 09c4fe58 to 09c4fe70
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4fe5c: VADDR: c4fe5c => 09c4fe5c
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4fe5c
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4ff08: JUMP: 09c4fef0 to 09c4ff08
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4fef4: VADDR: c4fef4 => 09c4fef4
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4fef4
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:443 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c4ffa0: JUMP: 09c4ff88 to 09c4ffa0
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c4ff8c: VADDR: c4ff8c => 09c4ff8c
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c4ff8c
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c50038: JUMP: 09c50020 to 09c50038
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50024: VADDR: c50024 => 09c50024
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c50024
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c500d0: JUMP: 09c500b8 to 09c500d0
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c500bc: VADDR: c500bc => 09c500bc
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c500bc
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c50168: JUMP: 09c50150 to 09c50168
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50154: VADDR: c50154 => 09c50154
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c50154
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c50200: JUMP: 09c501e8 to 09c50200
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c501ec: VADDR: c501ec => 09c501ec
26:24:444 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c501ec
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c50298: JUMP: 09c50280 to 09c50298
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50284: VADDR: c50284 => 09c50284
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c50284
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c50330: JUMP: 09c50318 to 09c50330
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c5031c: VADDR: c5031c => 09c5031c
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c5031c
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c503c8: JUMP: 09c503b0 to 09c503c8
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c503b4: VADDR: c503b4 => 09c503b4
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c503b4
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c50460: JUMP: 09c50448 to 09c50460
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c5044c: VADDR: c5044c => 09c5044c
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c5044c
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090020
26:24:445 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08b3110: Texture address 0: 8b3110
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08b3410: CLUT base addr: 8b3410
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c504f8: JUMP: 09c504e0 to 09c504f8
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c504e4: VADDR: c504e4 => 09c504e4
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c504e4
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4c007100: Offset X: 28928
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4d007780: Offset Y: 30592
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 42437000: Viewport param 0: 240.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 43c30800: Viewport param 1: -136.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 45450000: Viewport param 3: 2048.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 46450000: Viewport param 4: 2048.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 44c70000: Viewport Z scale: -0.500008
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4746fffe: Viewport Z pos: 0.499992
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d6000000: MinZ: 0.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d700ffff: MaxZ: 0.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3c000000: VIEW # 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3e000000: PROJECTION # 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cf808080: FogColor 808080
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cd461c40: Fog1 10000.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 ce38dcc0: Fog2 0.000105
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 17000001: Lighting enable: 1
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 18000001: Light 0 enable: 1
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 633efc17: Light 0 X pos: 0.492363
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 643f1d8e: Light 0 Y pos: 0.615448
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 653f1d8e: Light 0 Z pos: 0.615448
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5f000001: Light 0 type: 000001
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 8f000000: Light 0 color 0: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 907f7f7f: Light 0 color 1: 0.498039 0.498039 0.498039
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 917f7f7f: Light 0 color 2: 0.498039 0.498039 0.498039
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 19000001: Light 1 enable: 1
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 66bf13cd: Light 1 X pos: -0.577347
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 673f13cd: Light 1 Y pos: 0.577347
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 683f13cd: Light 1 Z pos: 0.577347
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 60000001: Light 1 type: 000001
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 92000000: Light 1 color 0: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 93333333: Light 1 color 1: 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 94333333: Light 1 color 2: 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1a000001: Light 2 enable: 1
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 69800000: Light 2 X pos: -0.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 6a800000: Light 2 Y pos: -0.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 6bbf8000: Light 2 Z pos: -1.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 61000001: Light 2 type: 000001
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 95000000: Light 2 color 0: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 96191919: Light 2 color 1: 0.098039 0.098039 0.098039
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 97191919: Light 2 color 2: 0.098039 0.098039 0.098039
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1b000000: Light 3 enable: 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5c262626: Ambient color: 262626
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5d0000ff: Ambient alpha: 0000ff
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c7000101: TexWrap clamp s, clamp t
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1d000000: CullFace enable: 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 53000003: Material update: 3
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1d000000: CullFace enable: 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c75e78: JUMP: 09c50674 to 09c75e78
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4c007100: Offset X: 28928
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4d007780: Offset Y: 30592
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 42437000: Viewport param 0: 240.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 43c30800: Viewport param 1: -136.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 45450000: Viewport param 3: 2048.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 46450000: Viewport param 4: 2048.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 44c70000: Viewport Z scale: -0.500008
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4746fffe: Viewport Z pos: 0.499992
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d6000000: MinZ: 0.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d700ffff: MaxZ: 0.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3c000000: VIEW # 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3e000000: PROJECTION # 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cf808080: FogColor 808080
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cd461c40: Fog1 10000.000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 ce38dcc0: Fog2 0.000105
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 22000001: Alpha test enable: 1
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 23000000: Z test enable: 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 24000000: Stencil test enable: 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 dbff0006: Alpha test settings: ff0006 ((c & ff) > 00)
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000032: Blend mode: add src.a, 1.0 - src.a
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 de000007: Z test mode: 7 ( >= )
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e7000000: ZMask: 000000
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e7000001: ZMask: 000001
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 17000000: Lighting enable: 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5cffffff: Ambient color: ffffff
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5d0000ff: Ambient alpha: 0000ff
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 53000003: Material update: 3
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 ffffffff: Unknown: ffffffff
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 ffffffff: Unknown: ffffffff
26:24:446 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000a6: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, fixed
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1ffffff: Blend fix B: ffffff
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50678: VADDR: c50678 => 09c50678
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50678
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a00666e0: Texture address 0: 0666e0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000606: Texture size 0: 000606, width : 64, height : 64
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b00676f0: CLUT base addr: 0676f0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805a3a: Material ambient color: 805a3a
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000025: Material alpha color: 000025
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805a3a: Material diffuse color: 805a3a
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805a3a: Material specular color: 805a3a
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c506c8: VADDR: c506c8 => 09c506c8
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c506c8
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50718: VADDR: c50718 => 09c50718
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50718
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a00666e0: Texture address 0: 0666e0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000606: Texture size 0: 000606, width : 64, height : 64
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b00676f0: CLUT base addr: 0676f0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805a3a: Material ambient color: 805a3a
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000025: Material alpha color: 000025
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805a3a: Material diffuse color: 805a3a
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805a3a: Material specular color: 805a3a
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50768: VADDR: c50768 => 09c50768
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50768
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:447 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c507b8: VADDR: c507b8 => 09c507b8
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c507b8
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a00666e0: Texture address 0: 0666e0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000606: Texture size 0: 000606, width : 64, height : 64
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b00676f0: CLUT base addr: 0676f0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805a3a: Material ambient color: 805a3a
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000061: Material alpha color: 000061
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805a3a: Material diffuse color: 805a3a
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805a3a: Material specular color: 805a3a
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50808: VADDR: c50808 => 09c50808
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50808
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805a3a: Material ambient color: 805a3a
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000033: Material alpha color: 000033
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805a3a: Material diffuse color: 805a3a
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805a3a: Material specular color: 805a3a
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50858: VADDR: c50858 => 09c50858
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50858
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c508a8: VADDR: c508a8 => 09c508a8
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c508a8
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a00666e0: Texture address 0: 0666e0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000606: Texture size 0: 000606, width : 64, height : 64
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b00676f0: CLUT base addr: 0676f0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805a3a: Material ambient color: 805a3a
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000061: Material alpha color: 000061
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805a3a: Material diffuse color: 805a3a
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805a3a: Material specular color: 805a3a
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:448 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c508f8: VADDR: c508f8 => 09c508f8
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c508f8
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805a3a: Material ambient color: 805a3a
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000033: Material alpha color: 000033
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805a3a: Material diffuse color: 805a3a
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805a3a: Material specular color: 805a3a
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50948: VADDR: c50948 => 09c50948
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50948
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50998: VADDR: c50998 => 09c50998
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50998
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c509e8: VADDR: c509e8 => 09c509e8
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c509e8
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50a38: VADDR: c50a38 => 09c50a38
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50a38
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50a88: VADDR: c50a88 => 09c50a88
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50a88
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50ad8: VADDR: c50ad8 => 09c50ad8
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50ad8
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0067b60: Texture address 0: 067b60
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000404: Texture size 0: 000404, width : 16, height : 16
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0068080: CLUT base addr: 068080
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804025: Material ambient color: 804025
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000053: Material alpha color: 000053
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804025: Material diffuse color: 804025
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:449 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804025: Material specular color: 804025
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50b28: VADDR: c50b28 => 09c50b28
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50b28
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50b78: VADDR: c50b78 => 09c50b78
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50b78
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50bc8: VADDR: c50bc8 => 09c50bc8
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50bc8
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50c18: VADDR: c50c18 => 09c50c18
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50c18
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0067b60: Texture address 0: 067b60
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000404: Texture size 0: 000404, width : 16, height : 16
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0068080: CLUT base addr: 068080
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804025: Material ambient color: 804025
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000053: Material alpha color: 000053
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804025: Material diffuse color: 804025
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804025: Material specular color: 804025
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50c68: VADDR: c50c68 => 09c50c68
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50c68
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50cb8: VADDR: c50cb8 => 09c50cb8
26:24:450 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50cb8
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50d08: VADDR: c50d08 => 09c50d08
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50d08
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0002a6: Blend mode: reverse subtract 2.0 * src.a, fixed
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1ffffff: Blend fix B: ffffff
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a00666e0: Texture address 0: 0666e0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000606: Texture size 0: 000606, width : 64, height : 64
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b00676f0: CLUT base addr: 0676f0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55408080: Material ambient color: 408080
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800003f: Material alpha color: 00003f
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56408080: Material diffuse color: 408080
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57408080: Material specular color: 408080
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50d58: VADDR: c50d58 => 09c50d58
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50d58
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000a6: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, fixed
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1ffffff: Blend fix B: ffffff
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0067b60: Texture address 0: 067b60
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000404: Texture size 0: 000404, width : 16, height : 16
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0068080: CLUT base addr: 068080
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804038: Material ambient color: 804038
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000075: Material alpha color: 000075
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804038: Material diffuse color: 804038
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804038: Material specular color: 804038
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50da8: VADDR: c50da8 => 09c50da8
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50da8
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50df8: VADDR: c50df8 => 09c50df8
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50df8
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50e48: VADDR: c50e48 => 09c50e48
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50e48
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:451 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50e98: VADDR: c50e98 => 09c50e98
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50e98
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50ee8: VADDR: c50ee8 => 09c50ee8
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50ee8
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50f38: VADDR: c50f38 => 09c50f38
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50f38
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0067b60: Texture address 0: 067b60
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000404: Texture size 0: 000404, width : 16, height : 16
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0068080: CLUT base addr: 068080
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804038: Material ambient color: 804038
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000075: Material alpha color: 000075
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804038: Material diffuse color: 804038
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804038: Material specular color: 804038
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50f88: VADDR: c50f88 => 09c50f88
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50f88
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c50fd8: VADDR: c50fd8 => 09c50fd8
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c50fd8
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51028: VADDR: c51028 => 09c51028
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51028
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:452 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51078: VADDR: c51078 => 09c51078
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51078
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c510c8: VADDR: c510c8 => 09c510c8
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c510c8
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55802626: Material ambient color: 802626
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000009: Material alpha color: 000009
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56802626: Material diffuse color: 802626
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57802626: Material specular color: 802626
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51118: VADDR: c51118 => 09c51118
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51118
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0002a6: Blend mode: reverse subtract 2.0 * src.a, fixed
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1ffffff: Blend fix B: ffffff
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a00666e0: Texture address 0: 0666e0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000606: Texture size 0: 000606, width : 64, height : 64
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b00676f0: CLUT base addr: 0676f0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 555f8000: Material ambient color: 5f8000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800003f: Material alpha color: 00003f
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 565f8000: Material diffuse color: 5f8000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 575f8000: Material specular color: 5f8000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51168: VADDR: c51168 => 09c51168
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51168
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804040: Material ambient color: 804040
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800005f: Material alpha color: 00005f
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804040: Material diffuse color: 804040
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804040: Material specular color: 804040
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c511b8: VADDR: c511b8 => 09c511b8
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c511b8
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55403080: Material ambient color: 403080
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800003f: Material alpha color: 00003f
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56403080: Material diffuse color: 403080
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57403080: Material specular color: 403080
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51208: VADDR: c51208 => 09c51208
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51208
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55408080: Material ambient color: 408080
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800003f: Material alpha color: 00003f
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56408080: Material diffuse color: 408080
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57408080: Material specular color: 408080
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51258: VADDR: c51258 => 09c51258
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51258
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55408080: Material ambient color: 408080
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800003f: Material alpha color: 00003f
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56408080: Material diffuse color: 408080
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57408080: Material specular color: 408080
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:453 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c512a8: VADDR: c512a8 => 09c512a8
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c512a8
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55408040: Material ambient color: 408040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800003f: Material alpha color: 00003f
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56408040: Material diffuse color: 408040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57408040: Material specular color: 408040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c512f8: VADDR: c512f8 => 09c512f8
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c512f8
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804040: Material ambient color: 804040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800005f: Material alpha color: 00005f
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804040: Material diffuse color: 804040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804040: Material specular color: 804040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51348: VADDR: c51348 => 09c51348
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51348
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804040: Material ambient color: 804040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800005f: Material alpha color: 00005f
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804040: Material diffuse color: 804040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804040: Material specular color: 804040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51398: VADDR: c51398 => 09c51398
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51398
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55408040: Material ambient color: 408040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800003f: Material alpha color: 00003f
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56408040: Material diffuse color: 408040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57408040: Material specular color: 408040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c513e8: VADDR: c513e8 => 09c513e8
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c513e8
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 555f8000: Material ambient color: 5f8000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800003f: Material alpha color: 00003f
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 565f8000: Material diffuse color: 5f8000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 575f8000: Material specular color: 5f8000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51438: VADDR: c51438 => 09c51438
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51438
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000a6: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, fixed
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1ffffff: Blend fix B: ffffff
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0061c50: Texture address 0: 061c50
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000606: Texture size 0: 000606, width : 64, height : 64
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0062c60: CLUT base addr: 062c60
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 556d6480: Material ambient color: 6d6480
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800003b: Material alpha color: 00003b
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 566d6480: Material diffuse color: 6d6480
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 576d6480: Material specular color: 6d6480
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51488: VADDR: c51488 => 09c51488
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51488
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0067b60: Texture address 0: 067b60
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000404: Texture size 0: 000404, width : 16, height : 16
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0068080: CLUT base addr: 068080
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:454 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804032: Material ambient color: 804032
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000db: Material alpha color: 0000db
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804032: Material diffuse color: 804032
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804032: Material specular color: 804032
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c514d8: VADDR: c514d8 => 09c514d8
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c514d8
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51528: VADDR: c51528 => 09c51528
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51528
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0067b60: Texture address 0: 067b60
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000404: Texture size 0: 000404, width : 16, height : 16
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0068080: CLUT base addr: 068080
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804032: Material ambient color: 804032
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000db: Material alpha color: 0000db
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804032: Material diffuse color: 804032
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804032: Material specular color: 804032
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51578: VADDR: c51578 => 09c51578
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51578
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c515c8: VADDR: c515c8 => 09c515c8
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c515c8
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090100: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090100
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a00419b0: Texture address 0: 0419b0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000708: Texture size 0: 000708, width : 256, height : 128
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b00499c0: CLUT base addr: 0499c0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:455 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51618: VADDR: c51618 => 09c51618
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51618
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51668: VADDR: c51668 => 09c51668
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51668
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c516b8: VADDR: c516b8 => 09c516b8
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c516b8
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51708: VADDR: c51708 => 09c51708
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51708
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51758: VADDR: c51758 => 09c51758
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51758
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c517a8: VADDR: c517a8 => 09c517a8
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c517a8
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c517f8: VADDR: c517f8 => 09c517f8
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c517f8
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090100: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090100
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a00419b0: Texture address 0: 0419b0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000708: Texture size 0: 000708, width : 256, height : 128
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0049dd0: CLUT base addr: 049dd0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51848: VADDR: c51848 => 09c51848
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51848
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:456 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51898: VADDR: c51898 => 09c51898
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51898
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c518e8: VADDR: c518e8 => 09c518e8
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c518e8
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51938: VADDR: c51938 => 09c51938
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51938
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51988: VADDR: c51988 => 09c51988
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51988
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c519d8: VADDR: c519d8 => 09c519d8
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c519d8
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51a28: VADDR: c51a28 => 09c51a28
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51a28
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55568072: Material ambient color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56568072: Material diffuse color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57568072: Material specular color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51a78: VADDR: c51a78 => 09c51a78
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51a78
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55568072: Material ambient color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56568072: Material diffuse color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57568072: Material specular color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51ac8: VADDR: c51ac8 => 09c51ac8
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51ac8
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55568072: Material ambient color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56568072: Material diffuse color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57568072: Material specular color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51b18: VADDR: c51b18 => 09c51b18
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51b18
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55568072: Material ambient color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56568072: Material diffuse color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57568072: Material specular color: 568072
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51b68: VADDR: c51b68 => 09c51b68
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51b68
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:457 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55568072: Material ambient color: 568072
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56568072: Material diffuse color: 568072
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57568072: Material specular color: 568072
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51bb8: VADDR: c51bb8 => 09c51bb8
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51bb8
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55568072: Material ambient color: 568072
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56568072: Material diffuse color: 568072
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57568072: Material specular color: 568072
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51c08: VADDR: c51c08 => 09c51c08
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51c08
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55568072: Material ambient color: 568072
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56568072: Material diffuse color: 568072
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57568072: Material specular color: 568072
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51c58: VADDR: c51c58 => 09c51c58
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51c58
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51ca8: VADDR: c51ca8 => 09c51ca8
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51ca8
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51cf8: VADDR: c51cf8 => 09c51cf8
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51cf8
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51d48: VADDR: c51d48 => 09c51d48
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51d48
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51d98: VADDR: c51d98 => 09c51d98
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51d98
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:458 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51de8: VADDR: c51de8 => 09c51de8
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51de8
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51e38: VADDR: c51e38 => 09c51e38
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51e38
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51e88: VADDR: c51e88 => 09c51e88
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51e88
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51ed8: VADDR: c51ed8 => 09c51ed8
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51ed8
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51f28: VADDR: c51f28 => 09c51f28
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51f28
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51f78: VADDR: c51f78 => 09c51f78
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51f78
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c51fc8: VADDR: c51fc8 => 09c51fc8
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c51fc8
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52018: VADDR: c52018 => 09c52018
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52018
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52068: VADDR: c52068 => 09c52068
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52068
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c520b8: VADDR: c520b8 => 09c520b8
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c520b8
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:459 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52108: VADDR: c52108 => 09c52108
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52108
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52158: VADDR: c52158 => 09c52158
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52158
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c521a8: VADDR: c521a8 => 09c521a8
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c521a8
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c521f8: VADDR: c521f8 => 09c521f8
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c521f8
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52248: VADDR: c52248 => 09c52248
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52248
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52298: VADDR: c52298 => 09c52298
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52298
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c522e8: VADDR: c522e8 => 09c522e8
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c522e8
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52338: VADDR: c52338 => 09c52338
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52338
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:460 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52388: VADDR: c52388 => 09c52388
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52388
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c523d8: VADDR: c523d8 => 09c523d8
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c523d8
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52428: VADDR: c52428 => 09c52428
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52428
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52478: VADDR: c52478 => 09c52478
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52478
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c524c8: VADDR: c524c8 => 09c524c8
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c524c8
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52518: VADDR: c52518 => 09c52518
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52518
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52568: VADDR: c52568 => 09c52568
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52568
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c525b8: VADDR: c525b8 => 09c525b8
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c525b8
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52608: VADDR: c52608 => 09c52608
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52608
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:461 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52658: VADDR: c52658 => 09c52658
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52658
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c526a8: VADDR: c526a8 => 09c526a8
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c526a8
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c526f8: VADDR: c526f8 => 09c526f8
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c526f8
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55308080: Material ambient color: 308080
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56308080: Material diffuse color: 308080
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57308080: Material specular color: 308080
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52748: VADDR: c52748 => 09c52748
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52748
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52798: VADDR: c52798 => 09c52798
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52798
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c527e8: VADDR: c527e8 => 09c527e8
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c527e8
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52838: VADDR: c52838 => 09c52838
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52838
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52888: VADDR: c52888 => 09c52888
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52888
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c528d8: VADDR: c528d8 => 09c528d8
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c528d8
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:462 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52928: VADDR: c52928 => 09c52928
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52928
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55800020: Material ambient color: 800020
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56800020: Material diffuse color: 800020
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57800020: Material specular color: 800020
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52978: VADDR: c52978 => 09c52978
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52978
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090100: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090100
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a00419b0: Texture address 0: 0419b0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000708: Texture size 0: 000708, width : 256, height : 128
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b00499c0: CLUT base addr: 0499c0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c529c8: VADDR: c529c8 => 09c529c8
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c529c8
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52a18: VADDR: c52a18 => 09c52a18
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52a18
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52a68: VADDR: c52a68 => 09c52a68
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52a68
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52ab8: VADDR: c52ab8 => 09c52ab8
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52ab8
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52b08: VADDR: c52b08 => 09c52b08
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52b08
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52b58: VADDR: c52b58 => 09c52b58
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52b58
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55102080: Material ambient color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56102080: Material diffuse color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57102080: Material specular color: 102080
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:463 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52ba8: VADDR: c52ba8 => 09c52ba8
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52ba8
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090100: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090100
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a00419b0: Texture address 0: 0419b0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000708: Texture size 0: 000708, width : 256, height : 128
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0049dd0: CLUT base addr: 049dd0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52bf8: VADDR: c52bf8 => 09c52bf8
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52bf8
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52c48: VADDR: c52c48 => 09c52c48
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52c48
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52c98: VADDR: c52c98 => 09c52c98
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52c98
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52ce8: VADDR: c52ce8 => 09c52ce8
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52ce8
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52d38: VADDR: c52d38 => 09c52d38
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52d38
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52d88: VADDR: c52d88 => 09c52d88
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52d88
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55804000: Material ambient color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56804000: Material diffuse color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57804000: Material specular color: 804000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52dd8: VADDR: c52dd8 => 09c52dd8
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52dd8
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0061c50: Texture address 0: 061c50
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000606: Texture size 0: 000606, width : 64, height : 64
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0062c60: CLUT base addr: 062c60
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 556d6480: Material ambient color: 6d6480
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800001b: Material alpha color: 00001b
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:464 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 566d6480: Material diffuse color: 6d6480
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 576d6480: Material specular color: 6d6480
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52e28: VADDR: c52e28 => 09c52e28
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52e28
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a006e090: Texture address 0: 06e090
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000504: Texture size 0: 000504, width : 16, height : 32
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b006e2a0: CLUT base addr: 06e2a0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52e78: VADDR: c52e78 => 09c52e78
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52e78
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52ec8: VADDR: c52ec8 => 09c52ec8
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52ec8
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52f18: VADDR: c52f18 => 09c52f18
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52f18
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55805454: Material ambient color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000029: Material alpha color: 000029
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56805454: Material diffuse color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57805454: Material specular color: 805454
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52f68: VADDR: c52f68 => 09c52f68
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52f68
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c52fb8: VADDR: c52fb8 => 09c52fb8
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c52fb8
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c53008: VADDR: c53008 => 09c53008
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c53008
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:465 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c53058: VADDR: c53058 => 09c53058
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c53058
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c530a8: VADDR: c530a8 => 09c530a8
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c530a8
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c530f8: VADDR: c530f8 => 09c530f8
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c530f8
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 58000013: Material alpha color: 000013
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c53148: VADDR: c53148 => 09c53148
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c53148
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090010: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090010
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0067b60: Texture address 0: 067b60
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000404: Texture size 0: 000404, width : 16, height : 16
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0068080: CLUT base addr: 068080
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5580403e: Material ambient color: 80403e
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800000f: Material alpha color: 00000f
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5680403e: Material diffuse color: 80403e
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5780403e: Material specular color: 80403e
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c53198: VADDR: c53198 => 09c53198
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c53198
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5580403e: Material ambient color: 80403e
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5800000f: Material alpha color: 00000f
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5680403e: Material diffuse color: 80403e
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5780403e: Material specular color: 80403e
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c531e8: VADDR: c531e8 => 09c531e8
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c531e8
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5580402b: Material ambient color: 80402b
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000b9: Material alpha color: 0000b9
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5680402b: Material diffuse color: 80402b
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5780402b: Material specular color: 80402b
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c53238: VADDR: c53238 => 09c53238
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c53238
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000101: TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5580402b: Material ambient color: 80402b
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000b9: Material alpha color: 0000b9
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5680402b: Material diffuse color: 80402b
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5780402b: Material specular color: 80402b
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3a000000: World # 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12000183: SetVertexType: float texcoords, float positions
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c53288: VADDR: c53288 => 09c53288
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04040004: DRAW PRIM TRIANGLE_STRIP: count= 4 vaddr= 09c53288
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000000: TexFilter min: 0 mag: 0
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:466 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090030: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090030
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a08f1190: Texture address 0: 8f1190
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000606: Texture size 0: 000606, width : 64, height : 64
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b08f1910: CLUT base addr: 8f1910
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7a3d4: JUMP: 09c7a3bc to 09c7a3d4
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7a3c0: VADDR: c7a3c0 => 09c7a3c0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7a3c0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000000: TexFilter min: 0 mag: 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e7000001: ZMask: 000001
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 23000000: Z test enable: 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 de000001: Z test mode: 1 (ALWAYS)
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 dbff0003: Alpha test settings: ff0003 ((c & ff) != 00)
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000000: TexFilter min: 0 mag: 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8000080: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 000080
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0000000: Texture address 0: 000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000707: Texture size 0: 000707, width : 128, height : 128
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000000: Alpha blend enable: 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c7000101: TexWrap clamp s, clamp t
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 20000000: Dither enable: 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cf000000: FogColor 000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cd3f8000: Fog1 1.000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 ce400000: Fog2 2.000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c0000000: Tex map mode: 000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c1000000: Tex shade light sources: 000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4a000000: Texture U offset: 0.000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4b000000: Texture V offset: 0.000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 483f8000: Texture U scale: 1.000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 493f8000: Texture V scale: 1.000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 25000000: Antialias enable: 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7a554: JUMP: 09c7a53c to 09c7a554
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7a540: VADDR: c7a540 => 09c7a540
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7a540
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:467 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7a5ec: JUMP: 09c7a5d4 to 09c7a5ec
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7a5d8: VADDR: c7a5d8 => 09c7a5d8
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7a5d8
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7a684: JUMP: 09c7a66c to 09c7a684
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7a670: VADDR: c7a670 => 09c7a670
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7a670
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7a71c: JUMP: 09c7a704 to 09c7a71c
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7a708: VADDR: c7a708 => 09c7a708
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7a708
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7a7b4: JUMP: 09c7a79c to 09c7a7b4
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7a7a0: VADDR: c7a7a0 => 09c7a7a0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7a7a0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:468 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7a84c: JUMP: 09c7a834 to 09c7a84c
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7a838: VADDR: c7a838 => 09c7a838
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7a838
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7a8e4: JUMP: 09c7a8cc to 09c7a8e4
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7a8d0: VADDR: c7a8d0 => 09c7a8d0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7a8d0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7a97c: JUMP: 09c7a964 to 09c7a97c
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7a968: VADDR: c7a968 => 09c7a968
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7a968
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7aa14: JUMP: 09c7a9fc to 09c7aa14
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7aa00: VADDR: c7aa00 => 09c7aa00
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7aa00
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:469 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7aaac: JUMP: 09c7aa94 to 09c7aaac
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7aa98: VADDR: c7aa98 => 09c7aa98
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7aa98
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7ab44: JUMP: 09c7ab2c to 09c7ab44
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7ab30: VADDR: c7ab30 => 09c7ab30
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7ab30
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7abdc: JUMP: 09c7abc4 to 09c7abdc
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7abc8: VADDR: c7abc8 => 09c7abc8
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7abc8
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7ac74: JUMP: 09c7ac5c to 09c7ac74
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7ac60: VADDR: c7ac60 => 09c7ac60
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7ac60
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7ad0c: JUMP: 09c7acf4 to 09c7ad0c
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7acf8: VADDR: c7acf8 => 09c7acf8
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7acf8
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:470 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7ada4: JUMP: 09c7ad8c to 09c7ada4
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7ad90: VADDR: c7ad90 => 09c7ad90
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7ad90
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7ae3c: JUMP: 09c7ae24 to 09c7ae3c
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7ae28: VADDR: c7ae28 => 09c7ae28
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7ae28
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7aed4: JUMP: 09c7aebc to 09c7aed4
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7aec0: VADDR: c7aec0 => 09c7aec0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7aec0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7af6c: JUMP: 09c7af54 to 09c7af6c
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7af58: VADDR: c7af58 => 09c7af58
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7af58
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:471 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b004: JUMP: 09c7afec to 09c7b004
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7aff0: VADDR: c7aff0 => 09c7aff0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7aff0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b09c: JUMP: 09c7b084 to 09c7b09c
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b088: VADDR: c7b088 => 09c7b088
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b088
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b134: JUMP: 09c7b11c to 09c7b134
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b120: VADDR: c7b120 => 09c7b120
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b120
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b1cc: JUMP: 09c7b1b4 to 09c7b1cc
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b1b8: VADDR: c7b1b8 => 09c7b1b8
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b1b8
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:472 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b264: JUMP: 09c7b24c to 09c7b264
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b250: VADDR: c7b250 => 09c7b250
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b250
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b2fc: JUMP: 09c7b2e4 to 09c7b2fc
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b2e8: VADDR: c7b2e8 => 09c7b2e8
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b2e8
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b394: JUMP: 09c7b37c to 09c7b394
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b380: VADDR: c7b380 => 09c7b380
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b380
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b42c: JUMP: 09c7b414 to 09c7b42c
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b418: VADDR: c7b418 => 09c7b418
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b418
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000001: TexMode 000001 (swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000005: TexFormat 000005 (CLUT8)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090040: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090040
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a06da4d0: Texture address 0: 6da4d0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000506: Texture size 0: 000506, width : 64, height : 32
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1090000: CLUT addr upper 00090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b06daad0: CLUT base addr: 6daad0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000020: Clut load: 000020
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b4c4: JUMP: 09c7b4ac to 09c7b4c4
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b4b0: VADDR: c7b4b0 => 09c7b4b0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b4b0
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:473 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d96400: Texture address 0: d96400
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965bb0: CLUT base addr: 965bb0
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b55c: JUMP: 09c7b544 to 09c7b55c
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b548: VADDR: c7b548 => 09c7b548
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b548
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d96500: Texture address 0: d96500
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965bb0: CLUT base addr: 965bb0
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b5f4: JUMP: 09c7b5dc to 09c7b5f4
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b5e0: VADDR: c7b5e0 => 09c7b5e0
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b5e0
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0e17800: Texture address 0: e17800
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b68c: JUMP: 09c7b674 to 09c7b68c
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b678: VADDR: c7b678 => 09c7b678
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b678
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0e1b400: Texture address 0: e1b400
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b724: JUMP: 09c7b70c to 09c7b724
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b710: VADDR: c7b710 => 09c7b710
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b710
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:474 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d80d00: Texture address 0: d80d00
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b7bc: JUMP: 09c7b7a4 to 09c7b7bc
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b7a8: VADDR: c7b7a8 => 09c7b7a8
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b7a8
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d95a00: Texture address 0: d95a00
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965bb0: CLUT base addr: 965bb0
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b854: JUMP: 09c7b83c to 09c7b854
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b840: VADDR: c7b840 => 09c7b840
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b840
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0df8600: Texture address 0: df8600
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b8ec: JUMP: 09c7b8d4 to 09c7b8ec
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b8d8: VADDR: c7b8d8 => 09c7b8d8
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b8d8
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0dcd900: Texture address 0: dcd900
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7b984: JUMP: 09c7b96c to 09c7b984
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7b970: VADDR: c7b970 => 09c7b970
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7b970
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:475 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0df4d00: Texture address 0: df4d00
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7ba1c: JUMP: 09c7ba04 to 09c7ba1c
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7ba08: VADDR: c7ba08 => 09c7ba08
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7ba08
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d80d00: Texture address 0: d80d00
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7bab4: JUMP: 09c7ba9c to 09c7bab4
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7baa0: VADDR: c7baa0 => 09c7baa0
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7baa0
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d95900: Texture address 0: d95900
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965bb0: CLUT base addr: 965bb0
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7bb4c: JUMP: 09c7bb34 to 09c7bb4c
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7bb38: VADDR: c7bb38 => 09c7bb38
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7bb38
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d92900: Texture address 0: d92900
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7bbe4: JUMP: 09c7bbcc to 09c7bbe4
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7bbd0: VADDR: c7bbd0 => 09c7bbd0
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7bbd0
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d91300: Texture address 0: d91300
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:476 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7bc7c: JUMP: 09c7bc64 to 09c7bc7c
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7bc68: VADDR: c7bc68 => 09c7bc68
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7bc68
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d95100: Texture address 0: d95100
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7bd14: JUMP: 09c7bcfc to 09c7bd14
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7bd00: VADDR: c7bd00 => 09c7bd00
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7bd00
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d94a00: Texture address 0: d94a00
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7bdac: JUMP: 09c7bd94 to 09c7bdac
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7bd98: VADDR: c7bd98 => 09c7bd98
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7bd98
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d80d00: Texture address 0: d80d00
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7be44: JUMP: 09c7be2c to 09c7be44
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7be30: VADDR: c7be30 => 09c7be30
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7be30
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d96000: Texture address 0: d96000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965bb0: CLUT base addr: 965bb0
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:477 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7bedc: JUMP: 09c7bec4 to 09c7bedc
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7bec8: VADDR: c7bec8 => 09c7bec8
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7bec8
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d90100: Texture address 0: d90100
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7bf74: JUMP: 09c7bf5c to 09c7bf74
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7bf60: VADDR: c7bf60 => 09c7bf60
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7bf60
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d8f500: Texture address 0: d8f500
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c00c: JUMP: 09c7bff4 to 09c7c00c
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7bff8: VADDR: c7bff8 => 09c7bff8
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7bff8
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d95300: Texture address 0: d95300
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c0a4: JUMP: 09c7c08c to 09c7c0a4
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c090: VADDR: c7c090 => 09c7c090
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c090
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d91f00: Texture address 0: d91f00
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:478 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c13c: JUMP: 09c7c124 to 09c7c13c
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c128: VADDR: c7c128 => 09c7c128
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c128
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d80d00: Texture address 0: d80d00
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c1d4: JUMP: 09c7c1bc to 09c7c1d4
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c1c0: VADDR: c7c1c0 => 09c7c1c0
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c1c0
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0d96200: Texture address 0: d96200
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965bb0: CLUT base addr: 965bb0
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c26c: JUMP: 09c7c254 to 09c7c26c
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c258: VADDR: c7c258 => 09c7c258
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c258
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0dd6e00: Texture address 0: dd6e00
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c304: JUMP: 09c7c2ec to 09c7c304
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c2f0: VADDR: c7c2f0 => 09c7c2f0
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c2f0
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000076: Blend mode: add 2.0 * src.a, 1.0 - 2.0 * src.a
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000004: TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8080020: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 080020
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0db2300: Texture address 0: db2300
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000505: Texture size 0: 000505, width : 32, height : 32
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c500ff03: Clut format: 00ff03 (ABGR 8888)
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b1080000: CLUT addr upper 00080000
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b0965970: CLUT base addr: 965970
26:24:479 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c4000002: Clut load: 000002
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c39c: JUMP: 09c7c384 to 09c7c39c
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c388: VADDR: c7c388 => 09c7c388
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c388
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c434: JUMP: 09c7c41c to 09c7c434
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c420: VADDR: c7c420 => 09c7c420
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c420
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c4bc: JUMP: 09c7c4a4 to 09c7c4bc
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c4a8: VADDR: c7c4a8 => 09c7c4a8
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c4a8
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c544: JUMP: 09c7c52c to 09c7c544
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c530: VADDR: c7c530 => 09c7c530
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c530
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:480 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c5cc: JUMP: 09c7c5b4 to 09c7c5cc
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c5b8: VADDR: c7c5b8 => 09c7c5b8
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c5b8
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c654: JUMP: 09c7c63c to 09c7c654
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c640: VADDR: c7c640 => 09c7c640
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c640
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c6dc: JUMP: 09c7c6c4 to 09c7c6dc
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c6c8: VADDR: c7c6c8 => 09c7c6c8
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c6c8
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c764: JUMP: 09c7c74c to 09c7c764
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c750: VADDR: c7c750 => 09c7c750
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c750
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c7ec: JUMP: 09c7c7d4 to 09c7c7ec
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c7d8: VADDR: c7c7d8 => 09c7c7d8
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c7d8
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:481 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c874: JUMP: 09c7c85c to 09c7c874
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c860: VADDR: c7c860 => 09c7c860
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c860
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c8fc: JUMP: 09c7c8e4 to 09c7c8fc
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c8e8: VADDR: c7c8e8 => 09c7c8e8
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c8e8
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7c984: JUMP: 09c7c96c to 09c7c984
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c970: VADDR: c7c970 => 09c7c970
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c970
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7ca0c: JUMP: 09c7c9f4 to 09c7ca0c
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7c9f8: VADDR: c7c9f8 => 09c7c9f8
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7c9f8
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7caa4: JUMP: 09c7ca8c to 09c7caa4
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7ca90: VADDR: c7ca90 => 09c7ca90
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7ca90
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:482 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7cb2c: JUMP: 09c7cb14 to 09c7cb2c
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7cb18: VADDR: c7cb18 => 09c7cb18
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7cb18
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7cbb4: JUMP: 09c7cb9c to 09c7cbb4
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7cba0: VADDR: c7cba0 => 09c7cba0
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7cba0
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7cc3c: JUMP: 09c7cc24 to 09c7cc3c
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7cc28: VADDR: c7cc28 => 09c7cc28
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7cc28
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7ccc4: JUMP: 09c7ccac to 09c7ccc4
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7ccb0: VADDR: c7ccb0 => 09c7ccb0
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7ccb0
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7cd4c: JUMP: 09c7cd34 to 09c7cd4c
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7cd38: VADDR: c7cd38 => 09c7cd38
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7cd38
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:483 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7cdd4: JUMP: 09c7cdbc to 09c7cdd4
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7cdc0: VADDR: c7cdc0 => 09c7cdc0
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7cdc0
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7ce5c: JUMP: 09c7ce44 to 09c7ce5c
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7ce48: VADDR: c7ce48 => 09c7ce48
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7ce48
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7cee4: JUMP: 09c7cecc to 09c7cee4
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7ced0: VADDR: c7ced0 => 09c7ced0
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7ced0
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7cf6c: JUMP: 09c7cf54 to 09c7cf6c
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7cf58: VADDR: c7cf58 => 09c7cf58
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7cf58
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7cff4: JUMP: 09c7cfdc to 09c7cff4
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7cfe0: VADDR: c7cfe0 => 09c7cfe0
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7cfe0
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df0000aa: Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0ffffff: Blend fix A: ffffff
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c2000000: TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
26:24:484 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c3000003: TexFormat 000003 (8888)
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8090200: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 090200
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a063f480: Texture address 0: 63f480
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000909: Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 50000000: Shade: 000000 (flat)
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9010000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate color double
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 55808080: Material ambient color: 808080
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 580000ff: Material alpha color: 0000ff
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 56808080: Material diffuse color: 808080
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 57808080: Material specular color: 808080
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c7d07c: JUMP: 09c7d064 to 09c7d07c
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 12800102: SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 01c7d068: VADDR: c7d068 => 09c7d068
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 04060002: DRAW PRIM RECTANGLES: count= 2 vaddr= 09c7d068
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000000: TexFunc 0 RGB modulate
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4c007100: Offset X: 28928
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4d007780: Offset Y: 30592
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 42437000: Viewport param 0: 240.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 43c30800: Viewport param 1: -136.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 45450000: Viewport param 3: 2048.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 46450000: Viewport param 4: 2048.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 44c70000: Viewport Z scale: -0.500008
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4746fffe: Viewport Z pos: 0.499992
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d6000000: MinZ: 0.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d700ffff: MaxZ: 0.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3c000000: VIEW # 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3e000000: PROJECTION # 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cf808080: FogColor 808080
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cd461c40: Fog1 10000.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 ce38dcc0: Fog2 0.000105
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 17000001: Lighting enable: 1
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 18000001: Light 0 enable: 1
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 633efc17: Light 0 X pos: 0.492363
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 643f1d8e: Light 0 Y pos: 0.615448
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 653f1d8e: Light 0 Z pos: 0.615448
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5f000001: Light 0 type: 000001
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 8f000000: Light 0 color 0: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 907f7f7f: Light 0 color 1: 0.498039 0.498039 0.498039
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 917f7f7f: Light 0 color 2: 0.498039 0.498039 0.498039
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 19000001: Light 1 enable: 1
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 66bf13cd: Light 1 X pos: -0.577347
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 673f13cd: Light 1 Y pos: 0.577347
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 683f13cd: Light 1 Z pos: 0.577347
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 60000001: Light 1 type: 000001
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 92000000: Light 1 color 0: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 93333333: Light 1 color 1: 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 94333333: Light 1 color 2: 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1a000001: Light 2 enable: 1
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 69800000: Light 2 X pos: -0.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 6a800000: Light 2 Y pos: -0.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 6bbf8000: Light 2 Z pos: -1.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 61000001: Light 2 type: 000001
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 95000000: Light 2 color 0: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 96191919: Light 2 color 1: 0.098039 0.098039 0.098039
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 97191919: Light 2 color 2: 0.098039 0.098039 0.098039
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1b000000: Light 3 enable: 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5c262626: Ambient color: 262626
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5d0000ff: Ambient alpha: 0000ff
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c7000101: TexWrap clamp s, clamp t
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1d000000: CullFace enable: 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 53000003: Material update: 3
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1d000000: CullFace enable: 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 10090000: BASE: 090000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 08c8c1ec: JUMP: 09c7d1e8 to 09c8c1ec
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4c007100: Offset X: 28928
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4d007780: Offset Y: 30592
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 42437000: Viewport param 0: 240.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 43c30800: Viewport param 1: -136.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 45450000: Viewport param 3: 2048.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 46450000: Viewport param 4: 2048.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 44c70000: Viewport Z scale: -0.500008
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4746fffe: Viewport Z pos: 0.499992
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d6000000: MinZ: 0.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d700ffff: MaxZ: 0.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3c000000: VIEW # 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 3e000000: PROJECTION # 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cf808080: FogColor 808080
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cd461c40: Fog1 10000.000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 ce38dcc0: Fog2 0.000105
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 22000001: Alpha test enable: 1
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 23000000: Z test enable: 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 24000000: Stencil test enable: 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 dbff0006: Alpha test settings: ff0006 ((c & ff) > 00)
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 df000032: Blend mode: add src.a, 1.0 - src.a
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e0000000: Blend fix A: 000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e1000000: Blend fix B: 000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 de000007: Z test mode: 7 ( >= )
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e7000000: ZMask: 000000
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1e000001: Texture map enable: 1
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c9000100: TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e7000001: ZMask: 000001
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 17000000: Lighting enable: 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5cffffff: Ambient color: ffffff
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 5d0000ff: Ambient alpha: 0000ff
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 53000003: Material update: 3
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 ffffffff: Unknown: ffffffff
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 ffffffff: Unknown: ffffffff
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 e7000001: ZMask: 000001
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 23000000: Z test enable: 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 de000001: Z test mode: 1 (ALWAYS)
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000001: Alpha blend enable: 1
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 dbff0003: Alpha test settings: ff0003 ((c & ff) != 00)
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c6000000: TexFilter min: 0 mag: 0
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a8000080: Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 000080
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:485 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 a0000000: Texture address 0: 000000
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 b8000707: Texture size 0: 000707, width : 128, height : 128
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cb000000: TexFlush
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 21000000: Alpha blend enable: 0
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c7000101: TexWrap clamp s, clamp t
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 20000000: Dither enable: 0
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 1f000000: Fog enable: 0
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cf000000: FogColor 000000
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 cd3f8000: Fog1 1.000000
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 ce400000: Fog2 2.000000
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c0000000: Tex map mode: 000000
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 c1000000: Tex shade light sources: 000000
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4a000000: Texture U offset: 0.000000
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 4b000000: Texture V offset: 0.000000
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 483f8000: Texture U scale: 1.000000
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 493f8000: Texture V scale: 1.000000
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 25000000: Antialias enable: 0
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d4000000: Scissor TL: 0, 0
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 d5043ddf: Scissor BR: 479, 271
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 15000000: Region TL: 0 0
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 16043ddf: Region BR: 479 271
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 0f000000: FINISH 000000
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GPU_GLES.cpp:925 ================ FLUSH ================
26:24:486 idle0 N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:600 0c000000: END
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 272: Thread "idle0": pc= 08000000 sp= 083fff00 RUN (wt=0 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 273: Thread "idle1": pc= 08000000 sp= 083fef00 READY (wt=0 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 274: Module "simple": name=simple gp=089a2010 entry=08804000
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 276: Thread "user_main": pc= 08828484 sp= 09ffd230 WAIT (wt=1 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 277: MemoryPart "UserSbrk": MemPart: 09e60000 - 09ec4000 size: 00064000
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 278: Semaphore "KSDK::CSVarSema": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 279: Semaphore "KSDK::Sema": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 280: Semaphore "KSDK::CSVarSema": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 281: Semaphore "KSDK::Sema": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 282: Semaphore "KSDK::CSVarSema": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 283: Semaphore "KSDK::Sema": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 284: CallBack "exit": thread=276, argument= 00000000
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 285: Semaphore "ffmm::Sema": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 288: Semaphore "UMD_SAMPLE_IO_SEMA": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 289: Semaphore "KSG Allocator": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 290: EventFlag "SceGuSignal": init=00000001 cur=00000001 numwait=0
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 291: Thread "KSDK::Thread": pc= 08828484 sp= 09fafa80 WAIT (wt=1 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 292: Semaphore "fileLockSema": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 293: Thread "KSDK::Thread": pc= 08828454 sp= 09faea70 SUSPEND (wt=2 wid=293 wv= 00000000 )
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 294: Semaphore "KSDK::CSVarSema": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 295: Semaphore "KSDK::Sema": -
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 301: Thread "KSDK::Thread": pc= 08828454 sp= 09fada60 WAIT (wt=2 wid=301 wv= 00000000 )
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 334: Thread "ssnd_main_thread": pc= 0895d264 sp= 09fbfa80 WAIT (wt=10 wid=9 wv= 00000400 )
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:500 KO 335: Thread "bgm_load_thread": pc= 0895bc38 sp= 09fb7aa0 WAIT (wt=2 wid=335 wv= 00000000 )
26:35:766 idle0 I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:163 Shutting down kernel - 24 kernel objects alive
26:35:867 GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1938 I[SCEGE]: Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
26:35:867 GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1938 I[SCEGE]: Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
26:35:870 GLES\TextureCache.cpp:106 I[G3D]: Texture cached cleared from 155 textures
26:35:877 Config.cpp:1034 I[LOAD]: Config saved: ppsspp.ini
26:38:319 Config.cpp:1034 I[LOAD]: Config saved: ppsspp.ini
26:38:321 Config.cpp:1047 I[LOAD]: Controller config saved: controls.ini
26:38:360 Config.cpp:1034 I[LOAD]: Config saved: ppsspp.ini
26:38:360 Config.cpp:1047 I[LOAD]: Controller config saved: controls.ini
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