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Last active April 20, 2017 06:20
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PG optimistic operational transformation setup
This postgres script provides an example for a system with
soft resolution of state change conflicts.
In this system updates do not mutate rows in tables,
instead they insert new rows retaining versioning metadata.
It is possible to restore all actions and side effects post-mortem.
A client first fetches current state of data, and receives its version id.
Client does somemething that invokes operations on that data, and changes it.
It then sends that data to server, with log of operation that led to it.
The request provides version identifier of state known to be "true".
If no new versions were created between that version and now,
server quickly inserts new row with updated state and operations
and notifies external listeners.
If server detects that object was updated concurrently,
external operational transformation routine is invoked.
It takes history of operations since the base version
on the server and history of client's requested changes
and produces 2 new sets of operations for client and server.
When applied, both parties will have consensus over results.
The order of changes is decided by whichever request is served
by PG first.
Due to actions being asynchronous, there could be more outgoing
operations by the time client gets server response. In that case
client rebases its actions on top of received operations and
sends transformed operations to server again.
in p2p scenarios, one peer can be selected as the master
to make all others rebase and validate their changes against
it without server involvement.
CREATE TABLE characters(,
serial id
varchar(256) name,
integer health,
integer object_id, -- id of a first version of object
integer version,
integer previous_version,
jsonb operations -- array of operations happened in this version of document
-- I: game initializes boss, it gets id 123
INSERT INTO characters(health, name, version, operations)
VALUES(100, 'Boss', 1, operations)
-- client gets: {id: 123, version: 1, object_id: 123, health: 100, name: 'Boss'}
-- II: user1 hits boss for 20 damage
UPDATE characters
SET health=80, previous_version=1, operations=[{"name": "decrement", "key": "health", "value": 20}], object_id=123
WHERE object_id = 123
// server does check if any concurrent changes happened
SELECT * FROM characters where object_id=123 and version > 1;
-- 0 rows, no concurrency
// trigger turns UPDATE into INSERT of a new version
INSERT into characters(health, name, version, object_id, operations)
VALUES(80, 'Boss', 2, 123, [{"name": "decrement", "key": "health", "value": 20}])
-- client gets: {id: 124, version: 2, object_id: 123, health: 100, name: 'Boss'}
-- III: user2 debuffs boss for 50% of current health concurrently
UPDATE characters
SET health=80, previous_version=1, [{"name": "multiply", "key": "health", "value": 0.5}]
WHERE id = 123
-- server does check if any concurrent changes happened
SELECT * FROM characters where object_id=123 and version > 1;
-- RETURN: 1 row, need to transform operation to conform updated history
-- invoke external listener via socket, e.g. node.js with
-- to transform operations
NOTIFY transform_operations, `{
base: {id: 123, version: 1, object_id: 123, health: 100, name: 'Boss'}, -- base operation
left: [{"name": "decrement", "key": "health", "value": 20}], -- user1 history, the truth
right: [{"name": "multiply", "key": "health", "value": 0.5}] -- user2 history
-- Use transformed operations to insert new version
INSERT into characters(health, name, version, previous_version, object_id, operations)
VALUES(40, 'Boss', 3, 2, 123, [{"name": "multiply", "key": "health", "value": 0.5}]);
-- user2 gets transformed operation back
-- {"id": 125, "version": 3, "object_id": 123, "health": 100, "name": "Boss",
-- [{"name": "decrement", "key": "health", "value": 10}]} -- <<< Decrement by 10, not 20
-- user1 gets untransformed operation
-- user2 ignores this message, as it already has version 3 transformed
NOTIFY clients_in_the_room, `
{"id": 125, "version": 3, "object_id": 123, "health": 100, "name": "Boss",
[{"name": "multiply", "key": "health", "value": 0.5}]}
-- both clients can now rebase received operations
-- against optimistally buffered actions on clientside
-- and send their updates.
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