(this is directed at one, unnamed person, but I'm making it public so I can find it easily should I ever come across this argument).
Lets say you take away calculators from two people, one who is barely good with math and the other who is a mathmetician at a prestigious and asked them to find the exponential regression of given a table, you'd get two responses. The person who is barely good, after awhile, remembers what to do and gives you the answer. They did a really good job but they fucked up somewhere and their answer is actually 1 off. The mathmetician will probably do it perfectly, although they'll likely wish they had a calculator because the fun in math is solving hard/unsolved problems, not something a 35 year old calculator can do. In fact, although that person did a fantastic job, it would be more reasonable to ask a computer to do this, particularly one that has been refined and can be trusted, because if we ask a computer to do a problem then human error is almost entirely eliminated. There's s