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Last active January 20, 2025 09:15
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Generate phonon trajectory from Phonopy's band.yaml
#!/usr/bin/env python3
A script to generate phonon trajectory from Phonopy's band.yaml.
Requirement: python3, numpy, PyYAML, ase
Author: @Ionizing
Acknowledgement: @QijingZheng
Date: 16:57, Jan 20th, 2025
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import logging
import numpy as np
from typing import List
# from numpy.typing import NDArray
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yaml
from yaml import CLoader
# import ase
from ase.atoms import Atoms
from ase.atom import Atom
from import make_supercell
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
HBAR = 0.6582119514467407 # hbar, in (eV * fs)
CLIGHT = 2997.92458 # light speed, (Angstrom/fs)
KBOLTZ = 8.617330337217213e-05 # kB, Boltzmann factor, eV/K
MPROTON = 938272081.4796857 # proton mass, in eV/c^2
MPROTON = MPROTON / CLIGHT**2 # proton mass, in eV/(A/fs)^2
def msd_classical(w, m, T=300.0):
The classical mean square displacement (MSD) of a harmonic oscillator at
temperature "T" with frequency "w" and mass "m".
< x**2 > = k_B T / (M w**2)
w: the frequency of the HO, in THz.
m: the mass of the HO in unified atomic mass unit. amu.
T: the temperature in Kelvin.
freq_unit: the unit of the frequency.
MSD in Angstrom**2
Copied from
w = np.asarray(w, dtype=float)
w = 2 * np.pi * w / 1000 # angular frequency, rad/fs
T = np.asarray(T, dtype=float)
return KBOLTZ * T / (m * MPROTON * w**2)
def msd_quantum(w, m, T=300.0, n=None):
The quantum mean square displacement (MSD) of a harmonic oscillator at
temperature "T" with frequency "w" and mass "m".
hbar hbar w
< x**2 > = -------- coth(---------)
2 M w 2 k_B T
w: the frequency of the HO, in THz.
m: the mass of the HO in unified atomic mass unit.
T: the temperature in Kelvin.
n: the number of phonons
MSD in Angstrom**2
Copied from:
w = np.asarray(w, dtype=float)
w = 2 * np.pi * w / 1000 # angular frequency, rad/fs
if n is None:
n = np.zeros_like(T, dtype=float)
if T < 1E-12:
n = 0.0
n = 1.0 / (np.exp(HBAR * w / (KBOLTZ * T)) - 1.0)
return HBAR / (2 * m * MPROTON * w) * (1.0 + 2*n)
class Phonon:
def __init__(self, fname: str="band.yaml"):
Loading data from band.yaml.
The band.yaml should be generated by phonopy-load --config band.conf
where "EIGENVECTORS=.TRUE." should be present in band.conf
""""Reading \"{fname}\" ...")
dat = yaml.load(open(fname), Loader=CLoader)
for (k, v) in dat.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
if 'eigenvector' not in dat["phonon"][0]['band'][0].keys():
raise ValueError(f"\"eigenvector\" not present in {fname}, please regenerate it with \"EIGENVECTORS = .TRUE.\" ")
self.lattice = np.array(self.lattice)
self.reciprocal_lattice = np.array(self.reciprocal_lattice)
self.qpositions = np.array([p['q-position'] for p in self.phonon])
self.frequencies = np.array([[freq['frequency'] for freq in phonon['band']] for phonon in self.phonon])
eigenvectors = np.array([[freq['eigenvector'] for freq in phonon['band']] for phonon in self.phonon])
self.eigenvectors = eigenvectors[...,0] + 1j * eigenvectors[...,1]
def get_amplitude(self, w: float, T: float, supcell: Atoms, *, msd_mode="quantum"):
Generate amplitude for each atom. See documentation of msd_classical and msd_quantum for detailed explanation.
m = supcell.get_masses()
if msd_mode == "quantum":
msd = msd_classical(w, m, T)
elif msd_mode == "classical":
msd = msd_quantum(w, m, T)
raise ValueError("Invalid msd_mode, only quantum and classical available.")
A = np.sqrt(2 * msd * m.size)
return A
def get_phonon(self, iq: int=0):
Return qposition (in fractional) and frequencies (in THz) at given q point index.
q = self.qpositions[iq]
freqs = [b['frequency'] for b in self.phonon[iq]['band']]
return (q, freqs)
def get_primitivecell(self) -> Atoms:
Return an Atoms object of current structure
lattice = self.lattice
atoms = Atoms([Atom(symbol=atom['symbol'], position=atom['coordinates'] @ np.array(self.lattice), mass=atom['mass'])
for atom in self.points], cell=lattice, pbc=True)
return atoms
def get_supercell(self, M=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], *, order="atom-major"):
Return an Atoms object of supercelled structure, where the supercell is defined by matrix M.
order: whether sort the atoms by their symbol after make_supercell
primcell = self.get_primitivecell()
return make_supercell(primcell, P=M, order=order)
def get_eigenvecotr(self, iq=0, imode=0, M=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], *, order="atom-major"):
Returns the eigenvector of the supercell.
eigvec = self.eigenvectors[iq, imode, :, :] # natom x 3, complex array
primcell_re = self.get_primitivecell()
supcell_re = make_supercell(primcell_re, P=M, order=order)
primcell_im = primcell_re.copy()
supcell_im = make_supercell(primcell_im, P=M, order=order)
supcell_eigvec = supcell_re.get_velocities() + 1j * supcell_im.get_velocities()
return supcell_eigvec
def get_phonon_trajectory(self, *,
iq: int = 0, # qpoint index
imode: int = 0, # mode index
M=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], # supercell matrix
nframes=None, # None for one period
timestep: float = 1.0, # fs
temperature: float = 300.0, # Kelvin
) -> List[Atoms]:
Generate the trajectory for specific phonon mode.
q, freqs = self.get_phonon(iq=iq)
mode = freqs[imode] # in THz
omega = mode * np.pi * 2 / 1000
supercell = self.get_supercell(M)
eigvecs = self.get_eigenvecotr(iq=iq, imode=imode, M=M)
q = q @ self.reciprocal_lattice # in 1/Angstrom
r = supercell.get_positions() # in Angstrom
A = self.get_amplitude(w=mode, T=temperature, supcell=supercell)
if nframes is None:
nframes = int(np.ceil(1000 / mode))"Generating trajectory ...")
traj = []
for iframe in range(nframes):
t = iframe * timestep
expiqr = np.exp(2j * np.pi * (r @ q))
expiwt = np.exp(1j* omega * t)
phase = expiwt * expiqr
disps = A[:,None] * np.real(phase[:, None] * eigvecs)
thisframe = supercell.copy()
thisframe.set_positions(r + disps)
return traj
def save_trajectory(self, *,
out_prefix: str = "phonon",
out_format: str = "XDATCAR",
iq: int = 0, # qpoint index
imode: int = 0, # mode index
M=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], # supercell matrix
nframes=None, # None for one period
timestep: float = 1.0, # fs
temperature: float = 300.0, # Kelvin
from import write_vasp_xdatcar
from import write_xyz
traj = self.get_phonon_trajectory(iq=iq, imode=imode, M=M, nframes=nframes, timestep=timestep, temperature=temperature)
if out_format.lower() == "xdatcar":
out_prefix = f"XDATCAR_{out_prefix}"
out_extension = "vasp"
writer = write_vasp_xdatcar
elif out_format.lower() == "xyz":
out_extension = "xyz"
writer = write_xyz
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported outfile format: {out_format}. Only XDATCAR and xyz are supported for now.")
_, freqs = self.get_phonon(iq=iq)
mode = freqs[imode]
fname = f"{out_prefix}_iq{iq:03d}_imode{imode:03d}_{mode:.2f}THz_T{temperature}.{out_extension}"
comment = fname
fd = open(fname, "w")"Writing to {fname} ...")
writer(fd, traj, comment)
def parse_cml_argument():
parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=True,
description="A script to generate phonon trajectory from Phonopy's band.yaml.",)
parser.add_argument("input", type=str, action="store", default="band.yaml", nargs="?",
help="File name of band.yaml. Defult by band.yaml. Remember adding \"EIGENVECTORS=.TRUE.\" to \"band.conf\"",)
parser.add_argument("--outprefix", type=str, action="store", default="phonon",
help="Prefix of output filename. Default by phonon",)
parser.add_argument("--outformat", type=str, action="store", default="XDATCAR",
help="Format of output file. Default by XDATCAR", choices=["XDATCAR", "xyz"])
parser.add_argument("-q", "--iqpoint", type=int, action="store", default=[0], nargs="+",
help="Index of q-point defined in band.conf, counting from 0. Default by 0.",)
parser.add_argument("-m", "--imode", type=int, action="store", default=0, nargs="+",
help="Index of mode for q-point, counting from 0. Default by 0.",)
parser.add_argument("-M", type=int, action="store", nargs="+", default=[1],
help="Supercell matrix. Can be 1, 3 and 9 elements. Row major. Default by 1",)
parser.add_argument("-N", "--nframes", action="store", type=int, default=None,
help="How many frames to generate. Default by one period for selected mode.",)
parser.add_argument("--timestep", action="store", type=float, default=1.0,
help="Time step between two frames, in fs. Default by 1.0 fs",)
parser.add_argument("-T", "--temperature", action="store", type=float, default=[300.0], nargs="+",
help="Temperature for the trajectory, in Kelvin. Default by 300 K",)
args = parser.parse_args(args=None if sys.argv[1:] else ['--help'])
if len(args.M) == 1:
M = np.eye(3, dtype=int) * args.M[0]
elif len(args.M) == 3:
M = np.diag(args.M)
elif len(args.M) == 9:
M = np.array(args.M).reshape(3, 3)
raise ValueError("Length of supercell matrix could only be 1, 3 or 9.")
args.M = M
return args
if "__main__" == __name__:
args = parse_cml_argument()
phonon = Phonon(fname=args.input)
for iq in args.iqpoint:
for imode in args.imode:
for T in args.temperature:
# M = np.array([[4, 2, 0],
# [0, 3, 0],
# [0, 0, 1]])
# phonon = Phonon()
# phonon.save_trajectory(iq=242, imode=0, M=M)
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$ ./  -q 242 363  -m 0 1   -M 4 2 0  0 3 0  0 0 1  -T  50 100 200 300
INFO:__main__:Reading "band.yaml" ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq242_imode000_3.62THz_T50.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq242_imode000_3.62THz_T100.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq242_imode000_3.62THz_T200.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq242_imode000_3.62THz_T300.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq242_imode001_4.01THz_T50.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq242_imode001_4.01THz_T100.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq242_imode001_4.01THz_T200.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq242_imode001_4.01THz_T300.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq363_imode000_3.62THz_T50.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq363_imode000_3.62THz_T100.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq363_imode000_3.62THz_T200.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq363_imode000_3.62THz_T300.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq363_imode001_4.01THz_T50.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq363_imode001_4.01THz_T100.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq363_imode001_4.01THz_T200.0.vasp ...
INFO:__main__:Generating trajectory ...
INFO:__main__:Writing to XDATCAR_phonon_iq363_imode001_4.01THz_T300.0.vasp ...

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Using Ovito to visualize the animation:


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