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Last active January 5, 2021 04:58
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Horizontal scroll glitching
use druid::{Color, Data, KeyOrValue, LensExt, RenderContext, Widget, WidgetExt, Env, EventCtx, Event,
widget::{Flex, Label, List, ViewSwitcher, Button, Container,
Scroll, TextBox, Painter, CrossAxisAlignment, Controller}};
use super::lcu_api::*;
use super::AppState;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Data)]
pub enum AppView {
impl Default for AppView {
fn default() -> Self {
pub fn build_root_widget() -> impl Widget<AppState> {
// Top bar + borderless not feasible until we can emulate drag to reposition window
|data: &AppState, _env| data.view,
|view, _data, _env| match view {
Main => Box::new(view_main())
struct EventHandler;
impl<W: Widget<AppState>> Controller<AppState, W> for EventHandler {
fn event(&mut self, child: &mut W, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: &Event, data: &mut AppState, env: &Env) {
match event {
Event::WindowConnected => {
lol_summoner::current_summoner(data.http_connection.clone(), data.event_sink.clone());
lol_game_queues::queues(data.http_connection.clone(), data.event_sink.clone());
lol_chat::friends(data.http_connection.clone(), data.event_sink.clone());
Event::Command(cmd) => {
if {
if let Some(summoner) = cmd.get_unchecked(lol_summoner::SET_CURRENT_SUMMONER).take()
{data.current_summoner = summoner}
} else if {
if let Some(queues) = cmd.get_unchecked(lol_game_queues::SET_QUEUES).take()
{data.queues = queues}
} else if {
if let Some(friends) = cmd.get_unchecked(lol_chat::SET_FRIENDS).take()
{data.friends = friends}
_ => ()
child.event(ctx, event, data, env)
// Consider using Buttons or lone Radio buttons and handle the logic manually
// RadioGroups require a static size, might be able to use lazy_static to do this
pub fn view_main() -> impl Widget<AppState> {
fn summoner_card(summoner_name: &'static str, primary_role: &'static str, secondary_role: &'static str) -> impl Widget<AppState> {
.padding((4.0, 8.0))
fn queue_list() -> impl Widget<Vector<lol_game_queues::Queue>> {
List::new(|| {
Label::new(|queue: &lol_game_queues::Queue, _: &_| {
}).background(Painter::new(|ctx, _, _| {
let bounds = ctx.size().to_rect();
if ctx.is_active() {
ctx.fill(bounds, &Color::rgb8(32, 32, 32));
} else if ctx.is_hot() {
ctx.fill(bounds, &Color::rgb8(64, 64, 64))
})).on_click(move |_ctx, data, _env| eprintln!("{:?}", data))
fn friend_status_group(color: impl Into<KeyOrValue<Color>> + Clone + 'static) -> impl Widget<Vector<lol_chat::Friend>> {
List::new(move || {
Label::new(|friend: &lol_chat::Friend, _: &_|
.background(Painter::new(|ctx, _, _| {
let bounds = ctx.size().to_rect();
if ctx.is_active() {
ctx.fill(bounds, &Color::rgb8(32, 32, 32));
} else if ctx.is_hot() {
ctx.fill(bounds, &Color::rgb8(64, 64, 64))
.on_click(move |_ctx, data, _| eprintln!("{:?}", data))
let queue_lists = Scroll::new(
.with_child(Label::new("Versus AI")
let notification_scroll = Scroll::new(Label::new("notifications")).expand();
let chat_scroll = Scroll::new(Label::new("chat history")).expand();
let start_cancel = Button::new("Start/Cancel")
let chat_input = TextBox::new()
let notif_chat_col = Flex::column()
.with_flex_child(notification_scroll, 1.0)
.with_flex_child(chat_scroll, 1.0)
.with_flex_child(start_cancel, 1.0)
.with_flex_child(chat_input, 2.0)
// Seperate into 3 rows, League (different background or text color depending on status),
// Green = Online, Blue = In-Game/Queue, Red = Away
// Other Game / Mobile, Offline
let friend_lists = Scroll::new(
.with_child(friend_status_group(Color::rgb8(32, 255, 32))
.with_child(friend_status_group(Color::rgb8(92, 92, 255))
.with_child(friend_status_group(Color::rgb8(255, 32, 32))
.with_child(friend_status_group(Color::rgb8(192, 192, 160))
let top_row = Flex::row()
.with_flex_child(queue_lists, 1.0)
.with_flex_child(notif_chat_col, 2.0)
.with_flex_child(friend_lists, 1.0); //.debug_paint_layout();
let summoner_cards = Scroll::new(
.with_child(summoner_card("Player1", "Top", "Jungle"))
.with_child(summoner_card("PlayerWithAReallyLongName2", "Jungle", "Middle"))
.with_child(summoner_card("Player3", "Support", "Middle"))
.with_child(summoner_card("Player4", "Bottom", "Middle"))
.with_child(summoner_card("PlayerWithALongName5", "Middle", "Bottom"))
.with_child(summoner_card("PlayerWithALongName6", "Middle", "Bottom"))
); //.debug_paint_layout().boxed();
.with_flex_child(top_row, 1.0)
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