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Created June 17, 2020 21:42
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  • Save IronOxidizer/888e7351c6001d435b16f2836c6b9b20 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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extern crate compiler_builtins;
extern crate log;
extern crate alloc;
use core::mem;
use uefi::prelude::*;
use uefi::proto::console::serial::Serial;
use uefi::table::boot::MemoryDescriptor;
mod boot;
mod proto;
fn efi_main(image: Handle, st: SystemTable<Boot>) -> Status {
// Initialize utilities (logging, memory allocation...)
uefi_services::init(&st).expect_success("Failed to initialize utilities");
// Reset the console before running all the other tests.
.expect_success("Failed to reset stdout");
// Ensure the tests are run on a version of UEFI we support.
// Test all the boot services.
let bt = st.boot_services();
// Test all the supported protocols.
// TODO: test the runtime services.
// These work before boot services are exited, but we'd probably want to
// test them after exit_boot_services...
shutdown(image, st);
fn check_revision(rev: uefi::table::Revision) {
let (major, minor) = (rev.major(), rev.minor());
info!("UEFI {}.{}", major, minor / 10);
assert!(major >= 2, "Running on an old, unsupported version of UEFI");
minor >= 30,
"Old version of UEFI 2, some features might not be available."
/// Ask the test runner to check the current screen output against a reference
/// This functionality is very specific to our QEMU-based test runner. Outside
/// of it, we just pause the tests for a couple of seconds to allow visual
/// inspection of the output.
fn check_screenshot(bt: &BootServices, name: &str) {
if cfg!(feature = "qemu") {
// Access the serial port (in a QEMU environment, it should always be there)
let serial = bt
.expect_success("Could not find serial port");
let serial = unsafe { &mut *serial.get() };
// Set a large timeout to avoid problems with Travis
let mut io_mode = *serial.io_mode();
io_mode.timeout = 10_000_000;
.expect_success("Failed to configure serial port timeout");
// Send a screenshot request to the host
.write(b"SCREENSHOT: ")
.expect_success("Failed to send request");
let name_bytes = name.as_bytes();
.expect_success("Failed to send request");
serial.write(b"\n").expect_success("Failed to send request");
// Wait for the host's acknowledgement before moving forward
let mut reply = [0; 3];
.read(&mut reply[..])
.expect_success("Failed to read host reply");
assert_eq!(&reply[..], b"OK\n", "Unexpected screenshot request reply");
} else {
// Outside of QEMU, give the user some time to inspect the output
fn shutdown(image: uefi::Handle, st: SystemTable<Boot>) -> ! {
use uefi::table::runtime::ResetType;
// Get our text output back.
// Inform the user, and give him time to read on real hardware
if cfg!(not(feature = "qemu")) {
info!("Testing complete, shutting down in 3 seconds...");
} else {
info!("Testing complete, shutting down...");
// Exit boot services as a proof that it works :)
let max_mmap_size =
st.boot_services().memory_map_size() + 8 * mem::size_of::<MemoryDescriptor>();
let mut mmap_storage = vec![0; max_mmap_size].into_boxed_slice();
let (st, _iter) = st
.exit_boot_services(image, &mut mmap_storage[..])
.expect_success("Failed to exit boot services");
// Shut down the system
let rt = unsafe { st.runtime_services() };
rt.reset(ResetType::Shutdown, Status::SUCCESS, None);
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