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Created September 30, 2021 20:25
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Vault Certification Revision

1 Compare Authentication Methods

Machine-to-Machine authentications:

- AppRole
- Cloud Based
- Tokens
- Kubernetes
- Radios

Human Auth methods:

- Userpass
- Github

Since tokens are the default auth method in Vault and cannot be disabled

The AWS auth method provides an automated mechanism to retrieve a Vault Token for IAM principals and AWS EC2 instances. It does not require manual first deploying or provisioning security sensitive credentials by operator under many circunstances

All auth methods have the auth/<TYPE> mountpoint. Eg: auth/userpass.

When an auth method is disabled, all users authenticated via that method are automatically logged out.

  • From 200 questions:
" How do you configure GitHub engineering team authentication to be granted the default and application policies?

vault write auth/github/map/teams/emgineering value=default,applications"

2 Create Vault Policies

This policy allows a user to generate dynamic credentials on database

path "database/creds/read_only_role"{
  capabilities = ["read"]

deny capabilitie takes precedence over an allow policy and is the default policy.

Backend functions are available in /sys path.

In a policy, allowed_parameters can limitate the parameters that are accepted in a engine. Also, you can determine the required parameters with required_parameters attribute and probit parameters with denied_parameters

Vault always initialize with two policies:

  1. default
  2. root

To create a token without the default policy:

vault token create -no-default-policy

Policy with a list capabilitie must end with a slash.

The sudo capability allows access to paths that are root-protected

200 Questions

39. You have a requirement to enable and manage authentication methods broadly across vault. How do you define the policy?
# Manage auth methods broadly across Vault
path "auth/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]
40. You have a requirement to create, update, and delete auth methods. How do you define the policy?
# Create, update, and delete auth methods
path "sys/auth/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "update", "delete", "sudo"]

Assess Vault Tokens

This command create a token with the policy "pol" and with a use limit of 10 times. vault token create -policy=pol -use-limit=10

vault token lookup s.nNeZ6nayuFPACxuO7dqQEJGPrO
Key                 Value
---                 -----
accessor            mfvaVMFcTvHYTeqlRvadSOn
creation_time       1604610457
creation_ttl        768h
display_name        token
entity_id           n/a
expire_time         2021-09-26T18:51:37.4126772-05:00
explicit_max_ttl    0s
id                  s.nNeZ6nayuFPACxuO7dqQEJGPrO
issue_time          2021-09-26T18:51:37.4126772-05:00
meta                <nil>
num_uses            10
orphan              false
path                auth/token/create
policies            [default pol]
renewable           true
ttl                 767h59m59s
type                service

In periodic tokens the period is explicit on token lookup

Batch Tokens:

  1. Are lightweight and scalable
  2. have no storage cost for token creating
  3. Are used for ephemeral, high-performance workloads
  4. Can be used to encrypting data
  5. Require no storage on disk to track
  6. Are not renewable
  7. Cant be root or create new tokens

Service Tokens

Are the most commum Vault tokens, they support all features and are more expensive than batch tokens to create and track.

To renew a token is necessary: token id or token accessor;

Child tokens are revoked when their parents are.

max_ttl defines the timeframe for wich the token can be renewd

ttl defines when the token will expire and be revoked

For day-to-day operations, the root token should be deleted after configuring other auth methods which will be used by admins and Vault clients.

In situations that a token must not to be deleted: root or sudo users can generate a periodic token (with ttl but no max_ttl).

authentication ok -> user receive a token associated with a policy (authorization workflow) -> this token perform all the new operations

To renew a token:

vault token renew

Token Acessors:

  • Look up tokens properties
  • look up a tokens capabilities on a path
  • renew token
  • revoke token

4 Manage Vault Leases

Default max_ttl is 32 days (768h), it can be changed in vault configuration file

To increment the lease id:

vault lease renew -increment=<value in sec>

5 Compare and configure Vault Secrets engines

The kv enable-versioning command turns on versioning for an existing non-versioned key/value secrets engine (K/V Version 1) at its path.

ProTip: You can use vault secrets list -detailed to see what version the KV store is using. Look under the Options header.

 * map[] = v1

 * map[version:2] = v2

To delete permanently a secret v2:

vault kv metadata delete <path>

AD secret engine can rotate AD passwords dynamically.

To revoke a dynamic secret from vault after it was removed mannually:

vault lease revoke -force -prefix <lease_path>

By default, Vault server initialize the "cubbyhole" KV, but in the dev mode it initilize "cubbyhole" and "secrets"

6 Utilize Vault CLI

The worflow: Write > plan > apply

To get detailed information about the secret engines:

vault secrets list -detailed

To revoke all the tokens generateds in github auth:

vault token revoke -mode path auth/github

7 Utilize Vault UI

8 Be aware of the Vault API

WALs -> Write-Ahead Log

To consult secrets in a KVv2 engine:

$ curl
--header "X-Vault-Token: <TOKEN>"

You can sent data by API using a file, it should contains a cleartext in this case.

9 Explain Vault Architecture

Automatic unseal methods:

  • Transit
  • HSM
  • Azure KMS

The operator step-down forces the Vault server at the given address to step down from active duty. While the affected node will have a delay before attempting to acquire the leader lock again, if no other Vault nodes acquire the lock beforehand, it is possible for the same node to re-acquire the lock and become active again.

10 Explain Encryption as a Service

Vault doesn't store the data sent to the secrets engine.

Very helpful:

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