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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import json
import time
import numpy as np
from naivebayes import NaiveBayes
from twitter_reader import get_tweets
class Classifier(object):
def __init__(self):
self.classifier = NaiveBayes()
def learn_from_tweets(self, user_ids, category):
tweets = get_tweets(user_ids)
categories = [category] * len(tweets), categories)
def predict_user_input(self):
"""Read user input until 'exit' is entered"""
sentence = input("input =>")
while(sentence != 'exit'):
category = self.classifier.predict_(sentence)
print("category: {}".format(category))
sentence = input("input =>")
def save(self, filename):
def load(self, filename):
if(__name__ == '__main__'):
classifier = Classifier()
if(len(sys.argv) >= 2):
# load classifier settings and params
from config import Config
config = Config('settings.cfg', 'TWITTER')
# save the classifier parameters'result.json')
import os
from configparser import ConfigParser
class Config(object):
def __init__(self, filename, section):
if not(os.path.exists(filename)):
raise ValueError("{} does not exist".format(filename))
parser = ConfigParser()
config = parser.items(section)
config = dict(config)
for key, item in config.items():
config[key] = eval(item)
#set params as attributes
self.__dict__ = config
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from naivebayes import NaiveBayes
from twitter_reader import get_tweets
class CrossValidation(object):
def __init__(self):
self.classifier = NaiveBayes()
def create_data(self, user_ids):
data = []
for category, ids in user_ids.items():
tweets = get_tweets(ids)
categories = [category] * len(tweets)
data += list(zip(tweets, categories))
return data
def split(self, data, test_percentage):
n_test = int(len(data)*test_percentage)
n_training = len(data)-n_test
# unzip (inverse of zip)
training = zip(*data[:n_training])
test = zip(*data[n_training:])
return training, test
def show_tweets_with_labels(self, tweets, labels):
for tweet, label in zip(tweets, labels):
print("{}:\n{}\n".format(label, tweet))
def evaluate(self, user_ids, test_percentage=0.2, verbose=True):
user_ids: Twitter IDs separated into categories.
test_percentage: Ratio of the amount of test data extracted
from tweets.
if not(0 <= test_percentage <= 1):
raise ValueError("test_percentage must be between 0 and 1 "
data = self.create_data(user_ids)
training, test = self.split(data, test_percentage)
tweets, categories = training, categories)
tweets, answers = test
results = self.classifier.predict(tweets)
self.show_tweets_with_labels(tweets, results)
return results, answers
class ClassificationResultEvaluator(object):
def __init__(self, results, answers):
self.labels = list(np.unique(answers))
self.results = np.asarray(results)
self.answers = np.asarray(answers)
def count_n_true_positives(self, target_label):
n_true_positives = 0
for result, answer in zip(self.results, self.answers):
if(result == answer == target_label):
n_true_positives += 1
return n_true_positives
def calc_accuracy(self):
n_correct_answers = np.count_nonzero(self.results == self.answers)
return n_correct_answers / len(self.answers)
def calc_precision_recall_fmeasure(self, target_label):
true_positive = self.count_n_true_positives(target_label)
n_retrieved = np.count_nonzero(self.results == target_label)
n_relevant = np.count_nonzero(self.answers == target_label)
precision = true_positive / n_retrieved
recall = true_positive / n_relevant
fmeasure = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
return precision, recall, fmeasure
def report(self):
max_label_length = max(map(len, self.labels))
white_spaces = ' ' * max_label_length
print("{} precision recall fmeasure".format(white_spaces))
format_ = "{:" + str(max_label_length) + "} "\
"{:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f}"
for target_label in self.labels:
t = self.calc_precision_recall_fmeasure(target_label)
precision, recall, fmeasure = t
print(format_.format(target_label, precision, recall, fmeasure))
print("\naccuracy: {}\n".format(self.calc_accuracy()))
if(__name__ == '__main__'):
from config import Config
config = Config('settings.cfg', 'TWITTER')
validator = CrossValidation()
results, answers = validator.evaluate({
config.true_target_name: config.true_accounts,
config.false_target_name: config.false_accounts
evaluator = ClassificationResultEvaluator(results, answers)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
import json
import math
import sys
import splitter
class NaiveBayes(object):
def __init__(self):
self.vocabulary = set() # 出現した単語の種類全部
self.word_count = {} # {category1: {word1: 4, word2: 2,...}, ... }
self.alpha = 0.01 # 加算スムージングのパラメータ
def count_word(self, word, category):
self.word_count.setdefault(category, {})
self.word_count[category].setdefault(word, 0)
self.word_count[category][word] += 1
def fit(self, sentences, categories):
assert(len(sentences) == len(categories))
for sentence, category in zip(sentences, categories):
self.fit_(sentence, category)
def fit_(self, sentence, category):
words = splitter.split(sentence)
for word in words:
self.count_word(word, category)
def calc_category_frequency(self, category):
# TODO not necessary to calc frequency at every time of calling
# 学習データ内に含まれる全ての単語の数
n_total_words = 0
for category in self.word_count.keys():
n_total_words += sum(self.word_count[category].values())
# あるカテゴリ内の単語の総数
n_words_in_category = sum(self.word_count[category].values())
return n_words_in_category / n_total_words
def calc_word_frequency(self, word, category):
P(`word`|`category`) を計算する。
# カテゴリが`category`である文書全体の中での単語`word`の出現回数
# `word`が文書内に存在しない場合は0
word_occurences = self.word_count[category].get(word, 0)
# カテゴリ`category`内の全単語数
# 同じ単語が`category`内に複数回現れる場合はその回数ぶんを加算する。
n_words_in_category = sum(self.word_count[category].values())
# 単語の種類の数
V = len(self.vocabulary)
# 本来は
# ```probability = word_occurences/n_words_in_category```
# で計算できるが、`category`内に存在しない単語が入力されると
# `probability`が0になってしまうため、
# ```probability = (word_occurences + 1)/ (n_words_in_category + V)```
# としている(ゼロ頻度問題)。
probability = (word_occurences + 1) / (n_words_in_category + V)
return probability
def calc_score(self, words, category):
# P(category|sentence) is proportional to
# P(category)P(sentence| category)
# = P(category)prod_i{P(word_i|category)}
# log(P(category|sentence)) is proportional to
# log(P(category)) + sum_i{log(P(word_i|category))}
# log(P(category))
score = math.log(self.calc_category_frequency(category))
# sum_i{log(P(word_i|category))}
for word in words:
score += math.log(self.calc_word_frequency(word, category))
return score
def predict(self, sentences):
categories = []
for sentence in sentences:
category = self.predict_(sentence)
return categories
def predict_(self, sentence):
# arg max log(P(category| sentence))
best_suggested_category = None
max_probability = -float('inf')
words = splitter.split(sentence)
for category in self.word_count.keys():
probability = self.calc_score(words, category)
if(probability > max_probability):
max_probability = probability
best_suggested_category = category
return best_suggested_category
def dump_json(self, filename):
attributes = self.__dict__
# setはそのままdumpできないのでlistに変換
attributes['vocabulary'] = list(attributes['vocabulary'])
json.dump(attributes, open(filename, 'w'))
def load_json(self, filename):
attributes = json.load(open(filename, 'r'))
attributes['vocabulary'] = set(attributes['vocabulary'])
self.__dict__ = attributes
# obtain from
appid = 'your yahoo app id'
# obtain from
consumer_key = 'your consumer key''
consumer_secret = 'your consumer secret'
token = 'your access token'
token_secret = 'your access token secret'
true_target_name = '中二病'
true_accounts = 'true_account_id1','true_account_id2'
false_target_name = '中二病ではない'
false_accounts = 'false_account_id1','false_account_id2'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from config import Config
config = Config('settings.cfg', 'YAHOO')
pageurl = ""
results = "ma"
filter_ = "1|2|3|4|5|9|10"
def split(sentence):
params = urlencode({'appid': config.appid,
'results': results,
'filter': filter_,
'sentence': sentence})
params = bytes(params, encoding='utf-8')
responce = urlopen(pageurl, params)
soup = BeautifulSoup(, "lxml")
return [w.surface.string for w in soup.ma_result.word_list]
import sys
import codecs
import twitter
from config import Config
config = Config('settings.cfg', 'TWITTER')
auth = twitter.OAuth(
api = twitter.Twitter(auth=auth)
def get_tweets(accounts):
"""Get recent 200 tweets from each account"""
def get_tweets_(screen_name):
statuses = api.statuses.user_timeline(screen_name=screen_name,
return [s['text'] for s in statuses]
tweets = []
for account in accounts:
tweets += get_tweets_(account)
return tweets
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