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Export Evernote notes to Apple Notes
Copyright (C) 2015 Lawrence A. Salibra, III
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Read and then *before*
you run this. You have been warned.
This worked on Evernote Version 6.1.1 (452254 App Store)
and Apple Notes Version 4.0 (535) on OS X 10.11 (15A284)
It might not work on yours.
Known Issue: Migrating too many notes at one time may cause Evernote to time out.
Workaround: Migrate notes in smaller batches.
-- User configurable settings
Appends Evernote data that can't be set in Apple Notes such as
creation date & location in JSON structured text at end of note
set includeEvernoteData to true
set timeoutInMinutes to 120
-- Nothing user configurable below this line
with timeout of (timeoutInMinutes * 60) seconds
set homeFolderPosix to (system attribute "HOME")
-- Sandboxing limits access to apps' own containers
set exportFolderPosix to homeFolderPosix & "/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/export_to_icloud/" as string
set importFolderPosix to homeFolderPosix & "/Library/Containers/" as string
set exportFolder to ((exportFolderPosix as POSIX file) as string)
set importFolder to ((importFolderPosix as POSIX file) as string)
set notesWithProblems to {}
do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of exportFolderPosix
do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of importFolderPosix
-- Clean out any attachments that may be left over from previous failed run
do shell script "rm -f " & quoted form of importFolderPosix & "*"
do shell script "rm -f " & quoted form of exportFolderPosix & "*"
tell application "Evernote"
set selectedNotes to selection
if (count of selectedNotes) is equal to 0 then
error "Looks like you didn't select any notes in Evernote. Please select some notes and run this script again!"
set notesString to " notes"
if (count of selectedNotes) is equal to 1 then
set notesString to " note"
end if
display dialog "You've selected " & (count of selectedNotes) & notesString & " in Evernote which I will try to migrate to your Apple Notes iCloud account. This might take a while! 🕒"
end if
set migratedNoteCount to 0
repeat with theNote in selectedNotes
set noteName to title of theNote
set noteBody to HTML content of theNote
set noteNotebookName to name of notebook of theNote
set noteCreated to (creation date of theNote)
set noteModified to (modification date of theNote)
-- data that we can't use directly in Apple Notes
set noteSource to (source URL of theNote)
set noteTags to (tags of theNote)
set noteAltitude to (altitude of theNote)
set noteLat to (latitude of theNote)
set noteLong to (longitude of theNote)
set unnamedCounter to 1
repeat with theAttachment in (attachments of theNote)
do shell script "rm -f " & quoted form of importFolderPosix & "*"
set theFilename to theAttachment's filename
if theFilename is equal to missing value then
--assume attachments without filenames are jpg photos take with evernote ios app
set theFilename to "photo-" & unnamedCounter & ".jpg"
set unnamedCounter to unnamedCounter + 1
end if
set fileExists to false
tell application "System Events"
if exists file (exportFolder & theFilename) then
set fileExists to true
end if
end tell
if not fileExists then
write theAttachment to (exportFolder & theFilename)
-- prepend a random number to avoid filename collisions
set theFilename to (random number from 1 to 100) & "-" & theFilename
write theAttachment to (exportFolder & theFilename)
end if
-- Evernote references every attachment with a img or embed tag
-- where src=?hash=<md5 hash of the attachment>
set evernoteProvidedHash to hash of theAttachment
set attachmentHash to do shell script ("md5 -q " & quoted form of (exportFolderPosix & theFilename))
if evernoteProvidedHash is not equal to attachmentHash then
display dialog "Uh oh! There appears to be data corruption while exporting the attachment: " & theFilename
end if
set evernoteSrc to "?hash=" & attachmentHash
set notesSrc to "file://" & importFolderPosix & theFilename
set sedEscapeReplaceComand to "sed -e 's/[\\/&]/\\\\&/g'"
set notesSrc to do shell script "echo " & (quoted form of notesSrc) & " | " & sedEscapeReplaceComand
set shellText to "echo " & (quoted form of noteBody) & " | sed 's/?hash=" & attachmentHash & "/" & notesSrc & "/g'"
set noteBody to do shell script shellText
-- Replace Evernote embed tags with img
-- Apple Notes treats any file referenced in img tag as attachment
set shellText to "echo " & (quoted form of noteBody) & " | sed 's,<embed,<img,g'"
set noteBody to do shell script shellText
end repeat
if includeEvernoteData is equal to true then
set evernoteData to "<pre>{"
set evernoteData to evernoteData & "\"source\": \"" & noteSource & "\", "
set noteTagsText to ""
set tagCounter to 0
repeat with noteTag in noteTags
set tagCounter to tagCounter + 1
if tagCounter is equal to (count of noteTags) then
-- don't add a common after last tag
set noteTagsText to noteTagsText & (name of noteTag)
set noteTagsText to noteTagsText & (name of noteTag & ", ")
end if
end repeat
set evernoteData to evernoteData & "\"tags\": \"" & noteTagsText & "\", "
set evernoteData to evernoteData & "\"altitude\": \"" & noteAltitude & "\", "
set evernoteData to evernoteData & "\"latitude\": \"" & noteLat & "\", "
set evernoteData to evernoteData & "\"longitude\": \"" & noteLong & "\" }"
set noteBody to noteBody & "<br><h3>Evernote Data:</h3>" & evernoteData
end if
if (count of attachments of theNote) is not equal to 0 then
do shell script "mv " & quoted form of exportFolderPosix & "* " & quoted form of importFolderPosix
end if
on error
set end of notesWithProblems to theNote
end try
tell application "Notes"
set theAccount to ¬
(my getICloudAccount())
if not (exists folder noteNotebookName) then
make new folder with properties {name:noteNotebookName} at theAccount
end if
set newNote to make new note at folder noteNotebookName with properties {name:noteName, body:noteBody, creation date:noteCreated, modification date:noteModified}
end tell
set migratedNoteCount to migratedNoteCount + 1
end repeat
if migratedNoteCount is equal to 1 then
display dialog "Migrated 1 note to Apple Notes!" buttons {"Great! 😁"}
if migratedNoteCount is equal to 0 then
error "Looks like you didn't select any notes in Evernote. Please select some notes and run this script again!"
display dialog "Migrated " & migratedNoteCount & " notes to Apple Notes!" buttons {"Great! 😁"}
end if
end if
if (count of notesWithProblems) is not equal to 0 then
set failedNotes to "I had trouble moving the following notes:
repeat with theNote in notesWithProblems
set failedNotes to failedNotes & (title of theNote) & "
end repeat
display dialog failedNotes
end if
set answer to the button returned of (display dialog "Wow! I'm so glad Larry wrote this free software! I want to tell the world by..." buttons {"Sharing on Twitter 😃", "Sharing on Facebook ☺️", "Doing nothing 😒"} default button 1)
if answer is equal to "Sharing on Twitter 😃" then
set tweetLink to " just moved from Evernote to Apple Notes with @larrysalibra's help!&url="
do shell script "open " & quoted form of tweetLink
end if
if answer is equal to "Sharing on Facebook ☺️" then
set faceLink to ""
do shell script "open " & quoted form of faceLink
end if
end tell
end timeout
on getICloudAccount()
tell application "Notes"
repeat with theAccount in every account
if name of theAccount as string is equal to "iCloud" then
return theAccount
end if
end repeat
display dialog "I can't find your iCloud account! Perhaps your Apple Notes iCloud account isn't called iCloud or you've disabled it? I give up! 😧"
error number -128
end tell
end getICloudAccount
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How to use

  1. open your Evernote
  2. selected Evernote's notes that you want to import Apple Notes.
  3. open this script and run

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