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Itamar C ItamarCoh3n

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ItamarCoh3n / index.html
Created September 6, 2019 21:32
<div id="app">
<v-container grid-list-sm>
<v-layout row wrap>
<v-flex md9 xs8 offset-xs2 v-for="letter in this.string">
<v-card elevation="18" color="transparent" hover>
<v-card-text id='letters' class="text-xs-center headline">
ItamarCoh3n / Amazon.php
Created February 28, 2019 19:07
AmazonS3.php for NC fixed
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
* @author André Gaul <[email protected]>
* @author Arthur Schiwon <[email protected]>
* @author Christian Berendt <[email protected]>
* @author Christopher T. Johnson <[email protected]>
* @author Johan Björk <[email protected]>
* @author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer <[email protected]>
# search and copy/move files from folder structure to another location
find SOURCE -name "*.jpg" -exec cp '{}' LOCATION \;
ItamarCoh3n / mongo-cheat-sheet.js
Created August 5, 2018 13:50 — forked from raineorshine/mongo-cheat-sheet.js
Cheat Sheet: MongoDB
mongod & // start mongo server on port 27017 by default
mongo mydb // launch mongo shell using the specified database
// importing & exporting
mongoimport -d mydb -c mycollection --jsonArray --file input.json
mongoimport -d mydb -c mycollection --headerline --type csv --file input.csv
mongoexport -d mydb -c mycollection --out output.json
ItamarCoh3n /
Created July 16, 2018 19:39 — forked from bradtraversy/
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