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Created May 12, 2018 19:44
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Treap implementation in Python
# -*- coding : utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from random import randint
class TreapNode(object):
def __init__(self,key,priority):
self.key = key
self.priority = priority
self.l = None
self.r = None
class Treap(object):
def gen():
return randint(1,2**64)
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def split(self,t,key):
if t == None:
return (None,None)
if key < t.key:
l,t.l = self.split(t.l,key)
r = t
return (l,r)
t.r,r = self.split(t.r,key)
l = t
return (l,r)
def merge(self,l,r):
if l == None:
return r
elif r == None:
return l
elif l.priority > r.priority:
l.r = self.merge(l.r,r)
return l
r.l = self.merge(l,r.l)
return r
def find(self,t,key):
if t == None:
return False
if t.key == key:
return True
elif key < t.key:
return self.find(t.l,key)
return self.find(t.r,key)
def insert(self,key):
novo = TreapNode(key,self.gen())
if self.root == None:
self.root = novo
L,R = self.split(self.root,key - 1)
self.root = self.merge(L,novo)
self.root = self.merge(self.root,R)
def get_height(self,t):
if t == None:
return 0
ans = 1
ans = max(ans,self.get_height(t.l) + 1)
ans = max(ans,self.get_height(t.r) + 1)
return ans
def altura(self):
valor = self.get_height(self.root)
return valor
alturas = []
for i in range(100):
arvore = Treap()
for j in range(10000):
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