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Created May 22, 2020 13:08
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petsc4py's heat example with calls to TS Adjoint
# Solves Heat equation on a periodic domain, using raw VecScatter
from __future__ import division
import sys, petsc4py
from petsc4py import PETSc
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy
class Heat(object):
def __init__(self,comm,N):
self.comm = comm
self.N = N # global problem size
self.h = 1/N # grid spacing on unit interval
self.n = N // comm.size + int(comm.rank < (N % comm.size)) # owned part of global problem
self.start = comm.exscan(self.n)
if comm.rank == 0: self.start = 0
gindices = numpy.arange(self.start-1, self.start+self.n+1, dtype=int) % N # periodic
self.mat = PETSc.Mat().create(comm=comm)
size = (self.n, self.N) # local and global sizes
self.mat.setPreallocationNNZ((3,1)) # Conservative preallocation for 3 "local" columns and one non-local
# Allow matrix insertion using local indices [0:n+2]
lgmap = PETSc.LGMap().create(list(gindices), comm=comm)
self.mat.setLGMap(lgmap, lgmap)
# Global and local vectors
self.gvec = self.mat.createVecRight()
self.lvec = PETSc.Vec().create(comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
# Configure scatter from global to local
isg = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(list(gindices), comm=comm)
self.g2l = PETSc.Scatter().create(self.gvec, isg, self.lvec, None)
self.tozero, self.zvec = PETSc.Scatter.toZero(self.gvec)
self.history = []
if False: # Print some diagnostics
print('[%d] local size %d, global size %d, starting offset %d' % (comm.rank, self.n, self.N, self.start))
self.g2l.scatter(self.gvec, self.lvec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT)
for rank in range(comm.size):
if rank == comm.rank:
print('Contents of local Vec on rank %d' % rank)
def evalSolution(self, t, x):
assert t == 0.0, "only for t=0.0"
coord = numpy.arange(self.start, self.start+self.n) / self.N
x.setArray((numpy.abs(coord-0.5) < 0.1) * 1.0)
def evalFunction(self, ts, t, x, xdot, f):
self.g2l.scatter(x, self.lvec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT) # lvec is a work vector
h = self.h
with self.lvec as u, xdot as udot:
f.setArray(udot*h + 2*u[1:-1]/h - u[:-2]/h - u[2:]/h) # Scale equation by volume element
def evalJacobian(self, ts, t, x, xdot, a, A, B):
h = self.h
for i in range(self.n):
lidx = i + 1
gidx = self.start + i
B.setValuesLocal([lidx], [lidx-1,lidx,lidx+1], [-1/h, a*h+2/h, -1/h])
if A != B: A.assemble() # If operator is different from preconditioning matrix
return True # same nonzero pattern
def monitor(self, ts, i, t, x):
# if self.history:
# lasti, lastt, lastx = self.history[-1]
# if i < lasti + 4 or t < lastt + 1e-4: return
self.tozero.scatter(x, self.zvec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT)
xx = self.zvec[:].tolist()
self.history.append((i, t, xx))
def plotHistory(self):
from matplotlib import pylab, rcParams
except ImportError:
print("matplotlib not available")
raise SystemExit
rcParams.update({'text.usetex': False, 'figure.figsize':(10,6)})
#rc('figure', figsize=(600,400))
pylab.title('Heat: TS \\texttt{%s}' % ts.getType())
x = numpy.arange(self.N) / self.N
for i,t,u in self.history:
pylab.plot(x, u, label='step=%d t=%8.2g'%(i,t))
pylab.legend(loc='upper right')
OptDB = PETSc.Options()
ode = Heat(MPI.COMM_WORLD, OptDB.getInt('n',100))
x = ode.gvec.duplicate()
f = ode.gvec.duplicate()
ts = PETSc.TS().create(comm=ode.comm)
# ts.setType(ts.Type.ROSW) # Rosenbrock-W. ARKIMEX is a nonlinearly implicit alternative.
ts.setIFunction(ode.evalFunction, ode.gvec)
ts.setIJacobian(ode.evalJacobian, ode.mat)
# ts.setTimeStep(ode.h**2)
ts.setMaxSNESFailures(-1) # allow an unlimited number of failures (step will be rejected and retried)
snes = ts.getSNES() # Nonlinear solver
snes.setTolerances(max_it=10) # Stop nonlinear solve after 10 iterations (TS will retry with shorter step)
ksp = snes.getKSP() # Linear solver
ksp.setType(ksp.Type.CG) # Conjugate gradients
pc = ksp.getPC() # Preconditioner
if False: # Configure algebraic multigrid, could use run-time options instead
pc.setType(pc.Type.GAMG) # PETSc's native AMG implementation, mostly based on smoothed aggregation
OptDB['mg_coarse_pc_type'] = 'svd' # more specific multigrid options
OptDB['mg_levels_pc_type'] = 'sor'
ts.setFromOptions() # Apply run-time options, e.g. -ts_adapt_monitor -ts_type arkimex -snes_converged_reason
ode.evalSolution(0.0, x)
if ode.comm.rank == 0:
print('steps %d (%d rejected, %d SNES fails), nonlinear its %d, linear its %d'
% (ts.getStepNumber(), ts.getStepRejections(), ts.getSNESFailures(),
ts.getSNESIterations(), ts.getKSPIterations()))
# Now the adjoint!
dx = x.duplicate()
dx[:] = 2.0*x.getArray()
print(f"Norm of dx before the adjoint solve: {numpy.linalg.norm(dx)}")
ts.setCostGradients(dx, None)
# ts.adjointSolve()
print(f"Norm of dx, adjoint step #1: {numpy.linalg.norm(dx)}")
print(f"Norm of dx, adjoint step #2: {numpy.linalg.norm(dx)}")
# if OptDB.getBool('plot_history', True) and ode.comm.rank == 0:
# ode.plotHistory()
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