#This guide will walk you through the steps needed to setup an empty project using the 2 frameworks into a single repository.
##You will need to have installed:
apache: >= 2.4.9
php: >= 5.5.12
composer: >= 1.2.1
node: >= 4.1.0
npm: >= 3.0.0
git: >= 1.9.5
###Make a project folder.
mkdir C:/wamp/www/laravel-angular-app
cd laravel-angular-app
###Install Laravel via composer.
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel server "5.2.*"
###In your etc\hosts file add: laravel-angular-app.dev
###In apache2.4.9\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf add:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName laravel-angular-app.dev
ServerAlias www.laravel-angular-app.dev
DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www/laravel-angular-app/server/public"
ErrorLog "logs/laravel-angular-app.dev-error_log"
CustomLog "logs/laravel-angular-app.dev-access_log" common
ServerAdmin [your email]
<Directory "C:/wamp/www/laravel-angular-app/server/public">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
###Restart Apache to apply the new vhost settings.
###Remove fronend related tools and assets, since we will use Angular for this job.
cd server
rm gulpfile.js
rm package.json
rm -rf resources/assets folder
Open http://laravel-angular-app.dev/ in web browser to check it's working.
###Now go back into the main folder
cd ..
###Install Angular CLI globally.
npm install -g @angular/cli
###Install Angular via Angular CLI.
ng new web-client --directory=client --skip-git
cd client
You can now enter ng serve
and open http://localhost:4200 if you want just to see your Angular app working. You shouldn't have to run this command again after you're done with the setup.
###Now go back into the main folder
cd ..
###Make a new git repository, set a remote, commit and push all your files.
git init
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin [your remote]
git push origin master
You should now have each of the 2 frameworks working properly on their own. It's time to connect them.
cd client
###In angular-cli.json change:
"apps.outDir" value to "../server/public/client"
Now when ng build
command is run directly with no parameters it will direct it's output there.
###In package.json change:
"scripts.start" to "ng build --watch --output-path=../server/public/client"
This creates an npm alias to that command.
###Now run it:
npm start
###Go back into server folder
cd server
###In app/Http/routes.php change "/" route output to:
Route::get('/', function () {
return response()->file(public_path() . '/client/index.html', ['Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8']);
Now when root http route is hit, Angular's index.html file will be returned by Laravel.
###Remove Laravel's default welcome view, since we doesn't use it anymore.
rm resources/views/welcome.blade.php
###In public/.htaccess just after "RewriteEngine On" add:
# Reroute requests from angular cli generated index.html file
RewriteRule ^client/ - [L]
RewriteRule ^(.+).(js|bundle.js|css)$ client/$1.$2 [L]
This makes internal redirect for js, bundle.js or css files into the client folder. We need that since the links generated automatically in index.html doesn't have a "client/" prefix. The first rewrite rule protects us from infinite redirect loops, caused by the second one.
###In your .gitignore file add:
Since this is code, generated by the Angular CLI and we doesn't need to keep it into our repository.
###Commit and push your changes again.
git commit -m [Some message]
git push
Open http://laravel-angular-app.dev/ in web browser to check it's working. You should see the Angular app this time.
You are good to go!