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Created October 26, 2020 21:21
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Writing an interpreter, CESK-style
#lang racket
; Auxiliary functions:
; update : (a -> b) a b -> (a -> b)
(define (update f x y)
(λ (x*)
(if (equal? x x*)
(f x*))))
; Assertion:
; if x != x'
; then (f x) == ((update f x' y) x)
; Assertion:
; ((update f x y) x) == y
; update* : (a -> b) [a] [b] -> (a -> b)
(define (update* f xs ys)
(match* (xs ys)
[['() '()] f]
[[(cons x xs*) (cons y ys*)]
(update* (update f x y) xs* ys*)]))
; A-Normal Form:
; <lam> ::= (λ (<var> ...) <exp>)
; <aexp> ::= <integer>
; | <var>
; | #t | #f
; | (<prim> <aexp> ...)
; <cexp> ::= (set! <var> <aexp>)
; | (call/cc <aexp>)
; | (if <aexp> <exp> <exp>)
; | (letrec ([<var> <aexp>] ...) <exp>)
; | (<aexp> <aexp> ...)
; <exp> ::= <cexp>
; | <aexp>
; | (let ([<var> <exp>]) <exp>)
; atom? : exp -> boolean?
(define (atom? exp)
(match exp
[`(λ ,_ ,_) #t]
[(? symbol?) #t]
[(? boolean?) #t]
[(? integer?) #t]
[(cons (? prim?) _) #t]
[else #f]))
; prim? : symbol? -> boolean?
(define (prim? exp)
(case exp
[(+ - * = void) #t]
[else #f]))
; CESK machine state:
(struct state {control ; exp
environment ; env
store ; store
continuation}) ; kont
; ρ : env = symbol -> addr
; σ : store = addr -> value
; value = integer + boolean + clo + cont
; clo ::= (clo <lam> <env>)
; κ : kont ::= (letk <var> <exp> <env> <kont>)
; | halt
; cont ::= (cont <kont>)
; addr = a set of unique addresses;
; for this machine, symbols work;
; gensym can create fresh addresses
; apply-kont : kont value store -> (state + answer)
(define (apply-kont κ value σ)
(match κ
; Apply the halt continuation:
`(answer ,value ,σ)]
; Resume execution:
[`(letk ,v ,e ,ρ ,κ)
(define a* (gensym 'a)) ; fresh address
(state e (update ρ v a*) (update σ a* value) κ)]))
; prim->proc : symbol? -> procedure?
(define (prim->proc prim)
(match prim
['+ +]
['- -]
['* *]
['= =]
['void void]))
; eval-atom : aexp env store -> value
(define (eval-atom atom ρ σ)
(match atom
[(? symbol?) (σ (ρ atom))]
[(? boolean?) atom]
[(? integer?) atom]
[(cons (and prim (? prim?)) rest)
; =>
(let ([args (map (eval-atom/curry ρ σ) rest)])
(apply (prim->proc prim) args))]
[`(λ ,_ ,_)
; =>
`(clo ,atom ,ρ)]
[else (error "unknown atom")]))
; eval-atom/curry : env store -> aexp -> value
(define (eval-atom/curry ρ σ)
(λ (atom)
(eval-atom atom ρ σ)))
; env0 is the initial (empty) environment
(define env0 (λ (v) (error (format "unbound variable: ~a" v))))
; store0 is the initial (empty) store
(define store0 (λ (addr) (error (format "unbound address: ~a" addr))))
; inject : exp -> state
(define (inject exp)
(state exp env0 store0 'halt))
; apply-proc : value [value] store kont -> (state + answer)
(define (apply-proc proc args σ κ)
(match proc
; apply a closure:
[`(clo (λ ,vars ,body) ,ρ)
; =>
; allocate fresh addresses:
(define addrs (map gensym vars))
; update the environment:
(define ρ* (update* ρ vars addrs))
; update the store:
(define σ* (update* σ addrs args))
(state body ρ* σ* κ)]
; apply a continuation:
[`(cont ,κ*)
(apply-kont κ* (car args) σ)]))
; step : state -> (state + answer)
(define (step ς)
(match ς
; return:
[(state (and atom (? atom?)) ρ σ κ)
; =>
; evaluate the return value:
(define return-value (eval-atom atom ρ σ))
(apply-kont κ return-value σ)]
; conditional evaluation:
[(state `(if ,cond ,cons ,alt) ρ σ κ)
; =>
(if (eval-atom cond ρ σ)
(state cons ρ σ κ)
(state alt ρ σ κ))]
; call with current continuation:
[(state `(call/cc ,f) ρ σ κ)
; =>
; look up the procedure to call:
(define proc (eval-atom f ρ σ))
; capture the current continuation:
(define current-continuation `(cont ,κ))
(apply-proc proc (list current-continuation) σ κ)]
; mutation:
[(state `(set! ,v ,aexp) ρ σ κ)
; =>
(define value (eval-atom aexp ρ σ))
(define σ* (update σ (ρ v) value))
(apply-kont κ (void) σ*)]
[(state `(letrec ([,vars ,aexps] ...) ,body) ρ σ κ)
; =>
; allocate fresh addresses:
(define addrs (map gensym vars))
; update the environment:
(define ρ* (update* ρ vars addrs))
; evaluate the expressions with the *new* env:
(define values (map (eval-atom/curry ρ* σ) aexps))
; update the store:
(define σ* (update* σ addrs values))
(state body ρ* σ* κ)]
; let-binding:
[(state `(let ([,v ,exp]) ,body) ρ σ κ)
; =>
(state exp ρ σ `(letk ,v ,body ,ρ ,κ))]
; function application:
[(state `(,f . ,es) ρ σ κ)
; =>
; evaluate the procedure:
(define proc (eval-atom f ρ σ))
; evaluate the arguments:
(define args (map (λ (x) (eval-atom x ρ σ)) es))
(apply-proc proc args σ κ)]))
; step* : state -> answer
(define (step* ς)
(if (state? ς)
(step* (step ς))
; run : exp -> answer
(define (run exp)
(define ς0 (inject exp))
(step* ς0))
; example
(define fact-prog
'(letrec ([f (λ (n)
(if (= n 0)
(let ([n-1! (f (- n 1))])
(* n n-1!))))])
(f 5)))
(run fact-prog)
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