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Last active August 16, 2024 05:25
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  • Save IzumiSy/765cfd6dc02c79de875e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save IzumiSy/765cfd6dc02c79de875e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. example
"name": "SyncExtension",
"version": "0.1",
"manifest_version": 2,
"description": "Storage Sync Extension",
"permissions": [ "storage" ],
"browser_action": {
"default_popup": "popup.html"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="data"></div>
<input type="text" id="text"></input>
<button id="set">Set</button>
<script src="popup.js"></script>
// popup.js
document.body.onload = function() {"data", function(items) {
if (!chrome.runtime.error) {
document.getElementById("data").innerText =;
document.getElementById("set").onclick = function() {
var d = document.getElementById("text").value;{ "data" : d }, function() {
if (chrome.runtime.error) {
console.log("Runtime error.");
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thank you!
for me it work just "window.onload = function()"

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I have no used this API yet, so here's a super newbie-question.

Will sync "actually" sync the data between different systems? Or is it just a local thing?

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IzumiSy commented Jun 10, 2016

Hi, its exactly a sync among machines with the same Google account.

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vhmth commented Aug 19, 2016

@phaistonian it attempts to sync across other Chrome browsers and devices associated with the current user's account. If that person does not have an account linked to Chrome or they have not given Chrome sync permissions, it will store locally until they have given sync permissions or log in.

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Cormaca18 commented Feb 28, 2017

@IzumiSy Is there a way to extend this to have three fields? I'm struggling trying to do it!

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Thank you for this short & sweet example

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IzumiSy commented May 18, 2017

@Cormaca18 takes an Object as the first argument. You can probably add some more keys as you want.{ 
  "data1": data1,
  "data2": data2,
  "data3": data3
}, function() {

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Adetona commented Jun 11, 2017

Why is it that when I stored a new item the old one is removed?

Is there no way to retain the old entries?

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Adetona commented Jun 11, 2017

Also, is there a way to perform CRUD operation using the chrome storage API?

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IzumiSy commented Jun 18, 2017


Is there no way to retain the old entries?

It looks no way to do that without writing your own update logic like renaming the key of the value in updating with a new key-value pair.

is there a way to perform CRUD operation using the chrome storage API?

No, there isn't. only provides simple set/get methods. If you want to do that, you need to write your own CRUD operation logics.

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graykode commented Oct 7, 2018

Thanks! I solved my problem

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iletai commented Jul 25, 2019

window.close(); this function had using method close to sync data? I have issues when user type in textarea and must sync without close popup.html of extension. Anyone has meet same issues? @IzumiSy

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IzumiSy commented Jul 25, 2019

@iletai No, you don't have to put window.close(). That method is only for closing popup here, not for any finalizing.

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iletai commented Jul 31, 2019

@iletai No, you don't have to put window.close(). That method is only for closing popup here, not for any finalizing.

Yes. Thank you.

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I am new in js i was trying to learn chrome storage api. I copy pasted exact your code but in console there was an error "can not read property sync of undefined" please help!.

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Gaetan07 commented Apr 1, 2021

I am new in js i was trying to learn chrome storage api. I copy pasted exact your code but in console there was an error "can not read property sync of undefined" please help!.

@maskmanlucifer I have trouble using, but maybe your issue comes from the fact that you didn’t write "permissions": ['storage'] in the manifest.json file

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Thank u <3

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