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Created December 1, 2022 12:30
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yt-dlp --skip-download --write-subs --proxy socks5://
python "崩壊3rd 公式生放送「長空市市営放送局#4」 [j4IxiP3tCt0].live_chat.json"
python -o j4IxiP3tCt0.ass -s 1920x1080 -fn "MS PGothic" -fs 48 -a 0.8 -dm 7 -ds 5 "崩壊3rd 公式生放送「長空
市市営放送局#4」 [j4IxiP3tCt0].xml"
# Convert chat to xml ver1.0.2
# Convert youtube chat json to niconicko comment xml.
# Author: 忘却まとめ
# YouTube のチャットファイル(.live_chat.json)をニコニコ動画のxml形式に変換する関数
# チャットファイルはyoutube-dlやyt-dlpなどでダウンロードしたものの形式で動きます。
# YouTube のチャットファイルプレイヤーが見つからなかったので、似た機能であるニコニコ動画プレイヤーでチャットを再生できるように変換する関数です。
# ニコニコ動画コメントプレイヤーには commeon などを利用してください。
# ■ 使い方
# コマンドプロンプトで、下記のように実行します。
# 渡されたパスがフォルダーの場合は、フォルダー内のjsonを一括処理します。
# 変換されたxmlファイルは、「xml」フォルダー内に保存されます。
# python "C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\Desktop\test\" "C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\Desktop\test\_video\20190530 - #05【悪魔城ドラキュラ】諦めない心ッ…!!鈴原るるは戦う!【鈴原るる_にじさんじ】 - [Sbh6TXCxs40].live_chat.json"
import datetime, json, sys , os, datetime, re
# 変換したいjsonのファイルパス
target_dir = sys.argv[1]
# jsonファイルの読み込み
def import_json(target_dir):
path = target_dir
json_open = open(path, 'r',encoding="utf-8")
json_load = []
decoder = json.JSONDecoder()
with json_open as f:
line = f.readline()
while line:
line = f.readline()
return json_load
# タイムスタンプが0:00のようになっているので、全て秒に変換
def convert_timetext(time_text, user_name, text):
time_l = time_text.split(":")
if len(time_l) == 2:
mini, sec = time_l
hour = 0
elif len(time_l) == 3:
hour, mini, sec = time_l
second = (int(hour) * 3600) + (int(mini) * 60) + (int(sec))
except ValueError:
print("ValueError > %s「%s」" % (user_name,text))
return "0"
time_text = str(second) + "00"
return time_text
# テキスト内の特殊文字を変換
def replace_text(text):
text = text.replace("<", "&lt;") # 小なりの記号。タグを表記したいときにも必要
text = text.replace(">", "&gt;") # 大なりの記号。タグを表記したいときにも必要
text = text.replace("&", "&amp;") # アンパサンド。実体参照で使うため、記号として表示するときに必要
text = text.replace(" ", " ") # ノーブレークスペース
text = text.replace(" ", " ") # フォントサイズの半分のスペース
text = text.replace(" ", " ") # フォントサイズのスペース
text = text.replace("–", "-") # フォントサイズ半分のダッシュ
text = text.replace("—", "-") # フォントサイズのダッシュ
text = text.replace("'","&#039;")
return text
# さんぷる
# <chat thread="1640883302" no="1" vpos="704" date="1000000012" date_usec="2" anonymity="1" user_id="hR1wp4m-xxIaU2RgsVMr4zPyzeU" mail="184" leaf="0" premium="1" score="0">うぽつですー</chat>
# コア関数
def convert_youtube_chat_json_to_nico_xml(target_dir):
info_start_time =
if os.path.isfile(target_dir):
path_l = [target_dir]
path_l = [os.path.join(target_dir,i) for i in os.listdir(target_dir)]
for index,target_path in enumerate(path_l):
if index == 0:
print("Create 'xml' Folder")
os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(target_path),"xml"), exist_ok=True)
if not os.path.splitext(target_path)[1] == ".json":
print("===> Run > %s" % os.path.basename(target_path))
print("===> Start Import json")
json_load = import_json(target_path)
print("===> Start convert")
# jsonの必要な情報を整形
line_l = ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><packet>\n']
finished_l = []
for index, item in enumerate(json_load):
if not "addChatItemAction" in item[0]['replayChatItemAction']['actions'][0].keys():
if not "liveChatTextMessageRenderer" in item[0]['replayChatItemAction']['actions'][0]['addChatItemAction']['item'].keys():
render = item[0]['replayChatItemAction']['actions'][0]['addChatItemAction']['item']['liveChatTextMessageRenderer']
# ユーザーネーム
if "authorName" in render.keys():
user_name = render['authorName']['simpleText']
user_name = ""
# テキストを整形(絵文字は別の模様。ここはまだ調整必要)
text = ""
if "text" in render['message']['runs'][0].keys():
text = render['message']['runs'][0]['text']
if len(render['message']['runs'][0]) >= 2:
text += render['message']['runs'][1]['emoji']
# タイムスタンプ
time_text = render['timestampText']['simpleText']
time_text = convert_timetext(time_text, user_name, text)
line_l += ["<chat vpos='%s' no='%s' mail='' date='0' user_id='%s'> %s </chat>\n" % (time_text, index , replace_text(user_name), replace_text(text))]
finished_l += [1]
print("===> Finished items [%s]" % str(len(finished_l)))
# ファイルに書き込み
print("===> Start write xml")
line_l += ["</packet>"]
new_path = target_path.replace(".live_chat.json","") + ".xml"
new_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(new_path),"xml",os.path.basename(new_path))
with open(new_path, mode='w',encoding="utf-8") as f:
date_o = - info_start_time
date_o_l = re.match("^(.+\.)(\d\d)\d\d\d\d$",str(date_o))
date_o = date_o_l[1] + date_o_l[2]
print("\n===> __Saved__ [%s]> %s\n\n\n" % (date_o,new_path))
date_o = - info_start_time
date_o_l = re.match("^(.+\.)(\d\d)\d\d\d\d$",str(date_o))
date_o = date_o_l[1] + date_o_l[2]
print("All Finished [%s]" % date_o)
# 実行
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# The original author of this program, Danmaku2ASS, is StarBrilliant.
# This file is released under General Public License version 3.
# You should have received a copy of General Public License text alongside with
# this program. If not, you can obtain it at .
# This program comes with no warranty, the author will not be resopnsible for
# any damage or problems caused by this program.
# You can obtain a latest copy of Danmaku2ASS at:
# Please update to the latest version before complaining.
import argparse
import calendar
import gettext
import io
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
import time
import xml.dom.minidom
if sys.version_info < (3,):
raise RuntimeError('at least Python 3.0 is required')
gettext.install('danmaku2ass', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0] or 'locale'))), 'locale'))
def SeekZero(function):
def decorated_function(file_):
return function(file_)
return decorated_function
def EOFAsNone(function):
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
return function(*args, **kwargs)
except EOFError:
return None
return decorated_function
def ProbeCommentFormat(f):
tmp =
if tmp == '[':
return 'Acfun'
# It is unwise to wrap a JSON object in an array!
# See this:
# Do never follow what Acfun developers did!
elif tmp == '{':
tmp =
if tmp == '"status_code":':
return 'Tudou'
elif tmp.strip().startswith('"result'):
return 'Tudou2'
elif tmp == '<':
tmp =
if tmp == '?':
tmp =
if tmp == 'xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p':
return 'Niconico'
elif tmp == 'xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><i':
return 'Bilibili'
elif tmp == 'xml version="2.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><i':
return 'Bilibili2'
elif tmp == 'xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><i':
return 'Bilibili' #, with the same file format as Bilibili
elif tmp == 'xml version="1.0" encoding="Utf-8"?>\n<':
return 'Bilibili' # Komica, with the same file format as Bilibili
elif tmp == 'xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<':
tmp =
if tmp == '!-- BoonSutazioData=':
return 'Niconico' # Niconico videos downloaded with NicoFox
return 'MioMio'
elif tmp == 'p':
return 'Niconico' # Himawari Douga, with the same file format as Niconico Douga
# ReadComments**** protocol
# Input:
# f: Input file
# fontsize: Default font size
# Output:
# yield a tuple:
# (timeline, timestamp, no, comment, pos, color, size, height, width)
# timeline: The position when the comment is replayed
# timestamp: The UNIX timestamp when the comment is submitted
# no: A sequence of 1, 2, 3, ..., used for sorting
# comment: The content of the comment
# pos: 0 for regular moving comment,
# 1 for bottom centered comment,
# 2 for top centered comment,
# 3 for reversed moving comment
# color: Font color represented in 0xRRGGBB,
# e.g. 0xffffff for white
# size: Font size
# height: The estimated height in pixels
# i.e. (comment.count('\n')+1)*size
# width: The estimated width in pixels
# i.e. CalculateLength(comment)*size
# After implementing ReadComments****, make sure to update ProbeCommentFormat
# and CommentFormatMap.
def ReadCommentsNiconico(f, fontsize):
NiconicoColorMap = {'red': 0xff0000, 'pink': 0xff8080, 'orange': 0xffcc00, 'yellow': 0xffff00, 'green': 0x00ff00, 'cyan': 0x00ffff, 'blue': 0x0000ff, 'purple': 0xc000ff, 'black': 0x000000, 'niconicowhite': 0xcccc99, 'white2': 0xcccc99, 'truered': 0xcc0033, 'red2': 0xcc0033, 'passionorange': 0xff6600, 'orange2': 0xff6600, 'madyellow': 0x999900, 'yellow2': 0x999900, 'elementalgreen': 0x00cc66, 'green2': 0x00cc66, 'marineblue': 0x33ffcc, 'blue2': 0x33ffcc, 'nobleviolet': 0x6633cc, 'purple2': 0x6633cc}
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f)
comment_element = dom.getElementsByTagName('chat')
for comment in comment_element:
c = str(comment.childNodes[0].wholeText)
if c.startswith('/'):
continue # ignore advanced comments
pos = 0
color = 0xffffff
size = fontsize
for mailstyle in str(comment.getAttribute('mail')).split():
if mailstyle == 'ue':
pos = 1
elif mailstyle == 'shita':
pos = 2
elif mailstyle == 'big':
size = fontsize * 1.44
elif mailstyle == 'small':
size = fontsize * 0.64
elif mailstyle in NiconicoColorMap:
color = NiconicoColorMap[mailstyle]
yield (max(int(comment.getAttribute('vpos')), 0) * 0.01, int(comment.getAttribute('date')), int(comment.getAttribute('no')), c, pos, color, size, (c.count('\n') + 1) * size, CalculateLength(c) * size)
except (AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
logging.warning(_('Invalid comment: %s') % comment.toxml())
def ReadCommentsAcfun(f, fontsize):
#comment_element = json.load(f)
# after load acfun comment json file as python list, flatten the list
#comment_element = [c for sublist in comment_element for c in sublist]
comment_elements = json.load(f)
comment_element = comment_elements[2]
for i, comment in enumerate(comment_element):
p = str(comment['c']).split(',')
assert len(p) >= 6
assert p[2] in ('1', '2', '4', '5', '7')
size = int(p[3]) * fontsize / 25.0
if p[2] != '7':
c = str(comment['m']).replace('\\r', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
yield (float(p[0]), int(p[5]), i, c, {'1': 0, '2': 0, '4': 2, '5': 1}[p[2]], int(p[1]), size, (c.count('\n') + 1) * size, CalculateLength(c) * size)
c = dict(json.loads(comment['m']))
yield (float(p[0]), int(p[5]), i, c, 'acfunpos', int(p[1]), size, 0, 0)
except (AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
logging.warning(_('Invalid comment: %r') % comment)
def ReadCommentsBilibili(f, fontsize):
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f)
comment_element = dom.getElementsByTagName('d')
for i, comment in enumerate(comment_element):
p = str(comment.getAttribute('p')).split(',')
assert len(p) >= 5
assert p[1] in ('1', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8')
if comment.childNodes.length > 0:
if p[1] in ('1', '4', '5', '6'):
c = str(comment.childNodes[0].wholeText).replace('/n', '\n')
size = int(p[2]) * fontsize / 25.0
yield (float(p[0]), int(p[4]), i, c, {'1': 0, '4': 2, '5': 1, '6': 3}[p[1]], int(p[3]), size, (c.count('\n') + 1) * size, CalculateLength(c) * size)
elif p[1] == '7': # positioned comment
c = str(comment.childNodes[0].wholeText)
yield (float(p[0]), int(p[4]), i, c, 'bilipos', int(p[3]), int(p[2]), 0, 0)
elif p[1] == '8':
pass # ignore scripted comment
except (AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
logging.warning(_('Invalid comment: %s') % comment.toxml())
def ReadCommentsBilibili2(f, fontsize):
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f)
comment_element = dom.getElementsByTagName('d')
for i, comment in enumerate(comment_element):
p = str(comment.getAttribute('p')).split(',')
assert len(p) >= 7
assert p[3] in ('1', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8')
if comment.childNodes.length > 0:
time = float(p[2]) / 1000.0
if p[3] in ('1', '4', '5', '6'):
c = str(comment.childNodes[0].wholeText).replace('/n', '\n')
size = int(p[4]) * fontsize / 25.0
yield (time, int(p[6]), i, c, {'1': 0, '4': 2, '5': 1, '6': 3}[p[3]], int(p[5]), size, (c.count('\n') + 1) * size, CalculateLength(c) * size)
elif p[3] == '7': # positioned comment
c = str(comment.childNodes[0].wholeText)
yield (time, int(p[6]), i, c, 'bilipos', int(p[5]), int(p[4]), 0, 0)
elif p[3] == '8':
pass # ignore scripted comment
except (AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
logging.warning(_('Invalid comment: %s') % comment.toxml())
def ReadCommentsTudou(f, fontsize):
comment_element = json.load(f)
for i, comment in enumerate(comment_element['comment_list']):
assert comment['pos'] in (3, 4, 6)
c = str(comment['data'])
assert comment['size'] in (0, 1, 2)
size = {0: 0.64, 1: 1, 2: 1.44}[comment['size']] * fontsize
yield (int(comment['replay_time'] * 0.001), int(comment['commit_time']), i, c, {3: 0, 4: 2, 6: 1}[comment['pos']], int(comment['color']), size, (c.count('\n') + 1) * size, CalculateLength(c) * size)
except (AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
logging.warning(_('Invalid comment: %r') % comment)
def ReadCommentsTudou2(f, fontsize):
comment_element = json.load(f)
for i, comment in enumerate(comment_element['result']):
c = str(comment['content'])
prop = json.loads(str(comment['propertis']) or '{}')
size = int(prop.get('size', 1))
assert size in (0, 1, 2)
size = {0: 0.64, 1: 1, 2: 1.44}[size] * fontsize
pos = int(prop.get('pos', 3))
assert pos in (0, 3, 4, 6)
yield (
int(comment['playat'] * 0.001), int(comment['createtime'] * 0.001), i, c,
{0: 0, 3: 0, 4: 2, 6: 1}[pos],
int(prop.get('color', 0xffffff)), size, (c.count('\n') + 1) * size, CalculateLength(c) * size)
except (AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
logging.warning(_('Invalid comment: %r') % comment)
def ReadCommentsMioMio(f, fontsize):
NiconicoColorMap = {'red': 0xff0000, 'pink': 0xff8080, 'orange': 0xffc000, 'yellow': 0xffff00, 'green': 0x00ff00, 'cyan': 0x00ffff, 'blue': 0x0000ff, 'purple': 0xc000ff, 'black': 0x000000}
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f)
comment_element = dom.getElementsByTagName('data')
for i, comment in enumerate(comment_element):
message = comment.getElementsByTagName('message')[0]
c = str(message.childNodes[0].wholeText)
pos = 0
size = int(message.getAttribute('fontsize')) * fontsize / 25.0
yield (float(comment.getElementsByTagName('playTime')[0].childNodes[0].wholeText), int(calendar.timegm(time.strptime(comment.getElementsByTagName('times')[0].childNodes[0].wholeText, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) - 28800, i, c, {'1': 0, '4': 2, '5': 1}[message.getAttribute('mode')], int(message.getAttribute('color')), size, (c.count('\n') + 1) * size, CalculateLength(c) * size)
except (AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
logging.warning(_('Invalid comment: %s') % comment.toxml())
CommentFormatMap = {'Niconico': ReadCommentsNiconico, 'Acfun': ReadCommentsAcfun, 'Bilibili': ReadCommentsBilibili, 'Bilibili2': ReadCommentsBilibili2, 'Tudou': ReadCommentsTudou, 'Tudou2': ReadCommentsTudou2, 'MioMio': ReadCommentsMioMio}
def WriteCommentBilibiliPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
# BiliPlayerSize = (512, 384) # Bilibili player version 2010
# BiliPlayerSize = (540, 384) # Bilibili player version 2012
BiliPlayerSize = (672, 438) # Bilibili player version 2014
ZoomFactor = GetZoomFactor(BiliPlayerSize, (width, height))
def GetPosition(InputPos, isHeight):
isHeight = int(isHeight) # True -> 1
if isinstance(InputPos, int):
return ZoomFactor[0] * InputPos + ZoomFactor[isHeight + 1]
elif isinstance(InputPos, float):
if InputPos > 1:
return ZoomFactor[0] * InputPos + ZoomFactor[isHeight + 1]
return BiliPlayerSize[isHeight] * ZoomFactor[0] * InputPos + ZoomFactor[isHeight + 1]
InputPos = int(InputPos)
except ValueError:
InputPos = float(InputPos)
return GetPosition(InputPos, isHeight)
comment_args = safe_list(json.loads(c[3]))
text = ASSEscape(str(comment_args[4]).replace('/n', '\n'))
from_x = comment_args.get(0, 0)
from_y = comment_args.get(1, 0)
to_x = comment_args.get(7, from_x)
to_y = comment_args.get(8, from_y)
from_x = GetPosition(from_x, False)
from_y = GetPosition(from_y, True)
to_x = GetPosition(to_x, False)
to_y = GetPosition(to_y, True)
alpha = safe_list(str(comment_args.get(2, '1')).split('-'))
from_alpha = float(alpha.get(0, 1))
to_alpha = float(alpha.get(1, from_alpha))
from_alpha = 255 - round(from_alpha * 255)
to_alpha = 255 - round(to_alpha * 255)
rotate_z = int(comment_args.get(5, 0))
rotate_y = int(comment_args.get(6, 0))
lifetime = float(comment_args.get(3, 4500))
duration = int(comment_args.get(9, lifetime * 1000))
delay = int(comment_args.get(10, 0))
fontface = comment_args.get(12)
isborder = comment_args.get(11, 'true')
from_rotarg = ConvertFlashRotation(rotate_y, rotate_z, from_x, from_y, width, height)
to_rotarg = ConvertFlashRotation(rotate_y, rotate_z, to_x, to_y, width, height)
styles = ['\\org(%d, %d)' % (width / 2, height / 2)]
if from_rotarg[0:2] == to_rotarg[0:2]:
styles.append('\\pos(%.0f, %.0f)' % (from_rotarg[0:2]))
styles.append('\\move(%.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f)' % (from_rotarg[0:2] + to_rotarg[0:2] + (delay, delay + duration)))
styles.append('\\frx%.0f\\fry%.0f\\frz%.0f\\fscx%.0f\\fscy%.0f' % (from_rotarg[2:7]))
if (from_x, from_y) != (to_x, to_y):
styles.append('\\t(%d, %d, ' % (delay, delay + duration))
styles.append('\\frx%.0f\\fry%.0f\\frz%.0f\\fscx%.0f\\fscy%.0f' % (to_rotarg[2:7]))
if fontface:
styles.append('\\fn%s' % ASSEscape(fontface))
styles.append('\\fs%.0f' % (c[6] * ZoomFactor[0]))
if c[5] != 0xffffff:
styles.append('\\c&H%s&' % ConvertColor(c[5]))
if c[5] == 0x000000:
if from_alpha == to_alpha:
styles.append('\\alpha&H%02X' % from_alpha)
elif (from_alpha, to_alpha) == (255, 0):
styles.append('\\fad(%.0f,0)' % (lifetime * 1000))
elif (from_alpha, to_alpha) == (0, 255):
styles.append('\\fad(0, %.0f)' % (lifetime * 1000))
styles.append('\\fade(%(from_alpha)d, %(to_alpha)d, %(to_alpha)d, 0, %(end_time).0f, %(end_time).0f, %(end_time).0f)' % {'from_alpha': from_alpha, 'to_alpha': to_alpha, 'end_time': lifetime * 1000})
if isborder == 'false':
f.write('Dialogue: -1,%(start)s,%(end)s,%(styleid)s,,0,0,0,,{%(styles)s}%(text)s\n' % {'start': ConvertTimestamp(c[0]), 'end': ConvertTimestamp(c[0] + lifetime), 'styles': ''.join(styles), 'text': text, 'styleid': styleid})
except (IndexError, ValueError) as e:
logging.warning(_('Invalid comment: %r') % c[3])
except IndexError:
logging.warning(_('Invalid comment: %r') % c)
def WriteCommentAcfunPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
AcfunPlayerSize = (560, 400)
ZoomFactor = GetZoomFactor(AcfunPlayerSize, (width, height))
def GetPosition(InputPos, isHeight):
isHeight = int(isHeight) # True -> 1
return AcfunPlayerSize[isHeight] * ZoomFactor[0] * InputPos * 0.001 + ZoomFactor[isHeight + 1]
def GetTransformStyles(x=None, y=None, scale_x=None, scale_y=None, rotate_z=None, rotate_y=None, color=None, alpha=None):
styles = []
out_x, out_y = x, y
if rotate_z is not None and rotate_y is not None:
assert x is not None
assert y is not None
rotarg = ConvertFlashRotation(rotate_y, rotate_z, x, y, width, height)
out_x, out_y = rotarg[0:2]
if scale_x is None:
scale_x = 1
if scale_y is None:
scale_y = 1
styles.append('\\frx%.0f\\fry%.0f\\frz%.0f\\fscx%.0f\\fscy%.0f' % (rotarg[2:5] + (rotarg[5] * scale_x, rotarg[6] * scale_y)))
if scale_x is not None:
styles.append('\\fscx%.0f' % (scale_x * 100))
if scale_y is not None:
styles.append('\\fscy%.0f' % (scale_y * 100))
if color is not None:
styles.append('\\c&H%s&' % ConvertColor(color))
if color == 0x000000:
if alpha is not None:
alpha = 255 - round(alpha * 255)
styles.append('\\alpha&H%02X' % alpha)
return out_x, out_y, styles
def FlushCommentLine(f, text, styles, start_time, end_time, styleid):
if end_time > start_time:
f.write('Dialogue: -1,%(start)s,%(end)s,%(styleid)s,,0,0,0,,{%(styles)s}%(text)s\n' % {'start': ConvertTimestamp(start_time), 'end': ConvertTimestamp(end_time), 'styles': ''.join(styles), 'text': text, 'styleid': styleid})
comment_args = c[3]
text = ASSEscape(str(comment_args['n']).replace('\r', '\n'))
common_styles = ['\org(%d, %d)' % (width / 2, height / 2)]
anchor = {0: 7, 1: 8, 2: 9, 3: 4, 4: 5, 5: 6, 6: 1, 7: 2, 8: 3}.get(comment_args.get('c', 0), 7)
if anchor != 7:
common_styles.append('\\an%s' % anchor)
font = comment_args.get('w')
if font:
font = dict(font)
fontface = font.get('f')
if fontface:
common_styles.append('\\fn%s' % ASSEscape(str(fontface)))
fontbold = bool(font.get('b'))
if fontbold:
common_styles.append('\\fs%.0f' % (c[6] * ZoomFactor[0]))
isborder = bool(comment_args.get('b', True))
if not isborder:
to_pos = dict(comment_args.get('p', {'x': 0, 'y': 0}))
to_x = round(GetPosition(int(to_pos.get('x', 0)), False))
to_y = round(GetPosition(int(to_pos.get('y', 0)), True))
to_scale_x = float(comment_args.get('e', 1.0))
to_scale_y = float(comment_args.get('f', 1.0))
to_rotate_z = float(comment_args.get('r', 0.0))
to_rotate_y = float(comment_args.get('k', 0.0))
to_color = c[5]
to_alpha = float(comment_args.get('a', 1.0))
from_time = float(comment_args.get('t', 0.0))
action_time = float(comment_args.get('l', 3.0))
actions = list(comment_args.get('z', []))
to_out_x, to_out_y, transform_styles = GetTransformStyles(to_x, to_y, to_scale_x, to_scale_y, to_rotate_z, to_rotate_y, to_color, to_alpha)
FlushCommentLine(f, text, common_styles + ['\\pos(%.0f, %.0f)' % (to_out_x, to_out_y)] + transform_styles, c[0] + from_time, c[0] + from_time + action_time, styleid)
action_styles = transform_styles
for action in actions:
action = dict(action)
from_x, from_y = to_x, to_y
from_out_x, from_out_y = to_out_x, to_out_y
from_scale_x, from_scale_y = to_scale_x, to_scale_y
from_rotate_z, from_rotate_y = to_rotate_z, to_rotate_y
from_color, from_alpha = to_color, to_alpha
transform_styles, action_styles = action_styles, []
from_time += action_time
action_time = float(action.get('l', 0.0))
if 'x' in action:
to_x = round(GetPosition(int(action['x']), False))
if 'y' in action:
to_y = round(GetPosition(int(action['y']), True))
if 'f' in action:
to_scale_x = float(action['f'])
if 'g' in action:
to_scale_y = float(action['g'])
if 'c' in action:
to_color = int(action['c'])
if 't' in action:
to_alpha = float(action['t'])
if 'd' in action:
to_rotate_z = float(action['d'])
if 'e' in action:
to_rotate_y = float(action['e'])
to_out_x, to_out_y, action_styles = GetTransformStyles(to_x, to_y, from_scale_x, from_scale_y, to_rotate_z, to_rotate_y, from_color, from_alpha)
if (from_out_x, from_out_y) == (to_out_x, to_out_y):
pos_style = '\\pos(%.0f, %.0f)' % (to_out_x, to_out_y)
pos_style = '\\move(%.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f)' % (from_out_x, from_out_y, to_out_x, to_out_y)
styles = common_styles + transform_styles
if action_styles:
styles.append('\\t(%s)' % (''.join(action_styles)))
FlushCommentLine(f, text, styles, c[0] + from_time, c[0] + from_time + action_time, styleid)
except (IndexError, ValueError) as e:
logging.warning(_('Invalid comment: %r') % c[3])
# Result: (f, dx, dy)
# To convert: NewX = f*x+dx, NewY = f*y+dy
def GetZoomFactor(SourceSize, TargetSize):
if (SourceSize, TargetSize) == GetZoomFactor.Cached_Size:
return GetZoomFactor.Cached_Result
except AttributeError:
GetZoomFactor.Cached_Size = (SourceSize, TargetSize)
SourceAspect = SourceSize[0] / SourceSize[1]
TargetAspect = TargetSize[0] / TargetSize[1]
if TargetAspect < SourceAspect: # narrower
ScaleFactor = TargetSize[0] / SourceSize[0]
GetZoomFactor.Cached_Result = (ScaleFactor, 0, (TargetSize[1] - TargetSize[0] / SourceAspect) / 2)
elif TargetAspect > SourceAspect: # wider
ScaleFactor = TargetSize[1] / SourceSize[1]
GetZoomFactor.Cached_Result = (ScaleFactor, (TargetSize[0] - TargetSize[1] * SourceAspect) / 2, 0)
GetZoomFactor.Cached_Result = (TargetSize[0] / SourceSize[0], 0, 0)
return GetZoomFactor.Cached_Result
except ZeroDivisionError:
GetZoomFactor.Cached_Result = (1, 0, 0)
return GetZoomFactor.Cached_Result
# Calculation is based on
# and
# ASS FOV = width*4/3.0
# But Flash FOV = width/math.tan(100*math.pi/360.0)/2 will be used instead
# Result: (transX, transY, rotX, rotY, rotZ, scaleX, scaleY)
def ConvertFlashRotation(rotY, rotZ, X, Y, width, height):
def WrapAngle(deg):
return 180 - ((180 - deg) % 360)
rotY = WrapAngle(rotY)
rotZ = WrapAngle(rotZ)
if rotY in (90, -90):
rotY -= 1
if rotY == 0 or rotZ == 0:
outX = 0
outY = -rotY # Positive value means clockwise in Flash
outZ = -rotZ
rotY *= math.pi / 180.0
rotZ *= math.pi / 180.0
rotY *= math.pi / 180.0
rotZ *= math.pi / 180.0
outY = math.atan2(-math.sin(rotY) * math.cos(rotZ), math.cos(rotY)) * 180 / math.pi
outZ = math.atan2(-math.cos(rotY) * math.sin(rotZ), math.cos(rotZ)) * 180 / math.pi
outX = math.asin(math.sin(rotY) * math.sin(rotZ)) * 180 / math.pi
trX = (X * math.cos(rotZ) + Y * math.sin(rotZ)) / math.cos(rotY) + (1 - math.cos(rotZ) / math.cos(rotY)) * width / 2 - math.sin(rotZ) / math.cos(rotY) * height / 2
trY = Y * math.cos(rotZ) - X * math.sin(rotZ) + math.sin(rotZ) * width / 2 + (1 - math.cos(rotZ)) * height / 2
trZ = (trX - width / 2) * math.sin(rotY)
FOV = width * math.tan(2 * math.pi / 9.0) / 2
scaleXY = FOV / (FOV + trZ)
except ZeroDivisionError:
logging.error('Rotation makes object behind the camera: trZ == %.0f' % trZ)
scaleXY = 1
trX = (trX - width / 2) * scaleXY + width / 2
trY = (trY - height / 2) * scaleXY + height / 2
if scaleXY < 0:
scaleXY = -scaleXY
outX += 180
outY += 180
logging.error('Rotation makes object behind the camera: trZ == %.0f < %.0f' % (trZ, FOV))
return (trX, trY, WrapAngle(outX), WrapAngle(outY), WrapAngle(outZ), scaleXY * 100, scaleXY * 100)
def ProcessComments(comments, f, width, height, bottomReserved, fontface, fontsize, alpha, duration_marquee, duration_still, filters_regex, reduced, progress_callback):
styleid = 'Danmaku2ASS_%04x' % random.randint(0, 0xffff)
WriteASSHead(f, width, height, fontface, fontsize, alpha, styleid)
rows = [[None] * (height - bottomReserved + 1) for i in range(4)]
for idx, i in enumerate(comments):
if progress_callback and idx % 1000 == 0:
progress_callback(idx, len(comments))
if isinstance(i[4], int):
skip = False
for filter_regex in filters_regex:
if filter_regex and[3]):
skip = True
if skip:
row = 0
rowmax = height - bottomReserved - i[7]
while row <= rowmax:
freerows = TestFreeRows(rows, i, row, width, height, bottomReserved, duration_marquee, duration_still)
if freerows >= i[7]:
MarkCommentRow(rows, i, row)
WriteComment(f, i, row, width, height, bottomReserved, fontsize, duration_marquee, duration_still, styleid)
row += freerows or 1
if not reduced:
row = FindAlternativeRow(rows, i, height, bottomReserved)
MarkCommentRow(rows, i, row)
WriteComment(f, i, row, width, height, bottomReserved, fontsize, duration_marquee, duration_still, styleid)
elif i[4] == 'bilipos':
WriteCommentBilibiliPositioned(f, i, width, height, styleid)
elif i[4] == 'acfunpos':
WriteCommentAcfunPositioned(f, i, width, height, styleid)
logging.warning(_('Invalid comment: %r') % i[3])
if progress_callback:
progress_callback(len(comments), len(comments))
def TestFreeRows(rows, c, row, width, height, bottomReserved, duration_marquee, duration_still):
res = 0
rowmax = height - bottomReserved
targetRow = None
if c[4] in (1, 2):
while row < rowmax and res < c[7]:
if targetRow != rows[c[4]][row]:
targetRow = rows[c[4]][row]
if targetRow and targetRow[0] + duration_still > c[0]:
row += 1
res += 1
thresholdTime = c[0] - duration_marquee * (1 - width / (c[8] + width))
except ZeroDivisionError:
thresholdTime = c[0] - duration_marquee
while row < rowmax and res < c[7]:
if targetRow != rows[c[4]][row]:
targetRow = rows[c[4]][row]
if targetRow and (targetRow[0] > thresholdTime or targetRow[0] + targetRow[8] * duration_marquee / (targetRow[8] + width) > c[0]):
except ZeroDivisionError:
row += 1
res += 1
return res
def FindAlternativeRow(rows, c, height, bottomReserved):
res = 0
for row in range(height - bottomReserved - math.ceil(c[7])):
if not rows[c[4]][row]:
return row
elif rows[c[4]][row][0] < rows[c[4]][res][0]:
res = row
return res
def MarkCommentRow(rows, c, row):
for i in range(row, row + math.ceil(c[7])):
rows[c[4]][i] = c
except IndexError:
def WriteASSHead(f, width, height, fontface, fontsize, alpha, styleid):
'''[Script Info]
; Script generated by Danmaku2ASS
Script Updated By: Danmaku2ASS (
ScriptType: v4.00+
PlayResX: %(width)d
PlayResY: %(height)d
Aspect Ratio: %(width)d:%(height)d
Collisions: Normal
WrapStyle: 2
ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes
YCbCr Matrix: TV.601
[V4+ Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
Style: %(styleid)s, %(fontface)s, %(fontsize).0f, &H%(alpha)02XFFFFFF, &H%(alpha)02XFFFFFF, &H%(alpha)02X000000, &H%(alpha)02X000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0.00, 0.00, 1, %(outline).0f, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0
Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
''' % {'width': width, 'height': height, 'fontface': fontface, 'fontsize': fontsize, 'alpha': 255 - round(alpha * 255), 'outline': max(fontsize / 25.0, 1), 'styleid': styleid}
def WriteComment(f, c, row, width, height, bottomReserved, fontsize, duration_marquee, duration_still, styleid):
text = ASSEscape(c[3])
styles = []
if c[4] == 1:
styles.append('\\an8\\pos(%(halfwidth)d, %(row)d)' % {'halfwidth': width / 2, 'row': row})
duration = duration_still
elif c[4] == 2:
styles.append('\\an2\\pos(%(halfwidth)d, %(row)d)' % {'halfwidth': width / 2, 'row': ConvertType2(row, height, bottomReserved)})
duration = duration_still
elif c[4] == 3:
styles.append('\\move(%(neglen)d, %(row)d, %(width)d, %(row)d)' % {'width': width, 'row': row, 'neglen': -math.ceil(c[8])})
duration = duration_marquee
styles.append('\\move(%(width)d, %(row)d, %(neglen)d, %(row)d)' % {'width': width, 'row': row, 'neglen': -math.ceil(c[8])})
duration = duration_marquee
if not (-1 < c[6] - fontsize < 1):
styles.append('\\fs%.0f' % c[6])
if c[5] != 0xffffff:
styles.append('\\c&H%s&' % ConvertColor(c[5]))
if c[5] == 0x000000:
f.write('Dialogue: 2,%(start)s,%(end)s,%(styleid)s,,0000,0000,0000,,{%(styles)s}%(text)s\n' % {'start': ConvertTimestamp(c[0]), 'end': ConvertTimestamp(c[0] + duration), 'styles': ''.join(styles), 'text': text, 'styleid': styleid})
def ASSEscape(s):
def ReplaceLeadingSpace(s):
if len(s) == 0:
return s
if s[0] in (' ', '\t'):
s = '\u200b' + s
if s[-1] in (' ', '\t'):
s = s + '\u200b'
return s
return '\\N'.join((ReplaceLeadingSpace(i) or ' ' for i in str(s).replace('\\', '\\\u200b').replace('{', '\\{').replace('}', '\\}').split('\n')))
def CalculateLength(s):
return max(map(len, s.split('\n'))) # May not be accurate
def ConvertTimestamp(timestamp):
timestamp = round(timestamp * 100.0)
hour, minute = divmod(timestamp, 360000)
minute, second = divmod(minute, 6000)
second, centsecond = divmod(second, 100)
return '%d:%02d:%02d.%02d' % (int(hour), int(minute), int(second), int(centsecond))
def ConvertColor(RGB, width=1280, height=576):
if RGB == 0x000000:
return '000000'
elif RGB == 0xffffff:
return 'FFFFFF'
R = (RGB >> 16) & 0xff
G = (RGB >> 8) & 0xff
B = RGB & 0xff
if width < 1280 and height < 576:
return '%02X%02X%02X' % (B, G, R)
else: # VobSub always uses BT.601 colorspace, convert to BT.709
ClipByte = lambda x: 255 if x > 255 else 0 if x < 0 else round(x)
return '%02X%02X%02X' % (
ClipByte(R * 0.00956384088080656 + G * 0.03217254540203729 + B * 0.95826361371715607),
ClipByte(R * -0.10493933142075390 + G * 1.17231478191855154 + B * -0.06737545049779757),
ClipByte(R * 0.91348912373987645 + G * 0.07858536372532510 + B * 0.00792551253479842)
def ConvertType2(row, height, bottomReserved):
return height - bottomReserved - row
def ConvertToFile(filename_or_file, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(filename_or_file, bytes):
filename_or_file = str(bytes(filename_or_file).decode('utf-8', 'replace'))
if isinstance(filename_or_file, str):
return open(filename_or_file, *args, **kwargs)
return filename_or_file
def FilterBadChars(f):
s =
s = re.sub('[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f]', '\ufffd', s)
return io.StringIO(s)
class safe_list(list):
def get(self, index, default=None):
return self[index]
except IndexError:
return default
def export(func):
global __all__
except NameError:
__all__ = [func.__name__]
return func
def Danmaku2ASS(input_files, input_format, output_file, stage_width, stage_height, reserve_blank=0, font_face=_('(FONT) sans-serif')[7:], font_size=25.0, text_opacity=1.0, duration_marquee=5.0, duration_still=5.0, comment_filter=None, comment_filters_file=None, is_reduce_comments=False, progress_callback=None):
comment_filters = [comment_filter]
if comment_filters_file:
with open(comment_filters_file, 'r') as f:
d = f.readlines()
comment_filters.extend([i.strip() for i in d])
filters_regex = []
for comment_filter in comment_filters:
if comment_filter:
raise ValueError(_('Invalid regular expression: %s') % comment_filter)
fo = None
comments = ReadComments(input_files, input_format, font_size)
if output_file:
fo = ConvertToFile(output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig', errors='replace', newline='\r\n')
fo = sys.stdout
ProcessComments(comments, fo, stage_width, stage_height, reserve_blank, font_face, font_size, text_opacity, duration_marquee, duration_still, filters_regex, is_reduce_comments, progress_callback)
if output_file and fo != output_file:
def ReadComments(input_files, input_format, font_size=25.0, progress_callback=None):
if isinstance(input_files, bytes):
input_files = str(bytes(input_files).decode('utf-8', 'replace'))
if isinstance(input_files, str):
input_files = [input_files]
input_files = list(input_files)
comments = []
for idx, i in enumerate(input_files):
if progress_callback:
progress_callback(idx, len(input_files))
with ConvertToFile(i, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f:
s =
str_io = io.StringIO(s)
if input_format == 'autodetect':
CommentProcessor = GetCommentProcessor(str_io)
if not CommentProcessor:
raise ValueError(
_('Failed to detect comment file format: %s') % i
CommentProcessor = CommentFormatMap.get(input_format)
if not CommentProcessor:
raise ValueError(
_('Unknown comment file format: %s') % input_format
comments.extend(CommentProcessor(FilterBadChars(str_io), font_size))
if progress_callback:
progress_callback(len(input_files), len(input_files))
return comments
def GetCommentProcessor(input_file):
return CommentFormatMap.get(ProbeCommentFormat(input_file))
def main():
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', metavar=_('FORMAT'), help=_('Format of input file (autodetect|%s) [default: autodetect]') % '|'.join(i for i in CommentFormatMap), default='autodetect')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar=_('OUTPUT'), help=_('Output file'))
parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', metavar=_('WIDTHxHEIGHT'), required=True, help=_('Stage size in pixels'))
parser.add_argument('-fn', '--font', metavar=_('FONT'), help=_('Specify font face [default: %s]') % _('(FONT) sans-serif')[7:], default=_('(FONT) sans-serif')[7:])
parser.add_argument('-fs', '--fontsize', metavar=_('SIZE'), help=(_('Default font size [default: %s]') % 25), type=float, default=25.0)
parser.add_argument('-a', '--alpha', metavar=_('ALPHA'), help=_('Text opacity'), type=float, default=1.0)
parser.add_argument('-dm', '--duration-marquee', metavar=_('SECONDS'), help=_('Duration of scrolling comment display [default: %s]') % 5, type=float, default=5.0)
parser.add_argument('-ds', '--duration-still', metavar=_('SECONDS'), help=_('Duration of still comment display [default: %s]') % 5, type=float, default=5.0)
parser.add_argument('-fl', '--filter', help=_('Regular expression to filter comments'))
parser.add_argument('-flf', '--filter-file', help=_('Regular expressions from file (one line one regex) to filter comments'))
parser.add_argument('-p', '--protect', metavar=_('HEIGHT'), help=_('Reserve blank on the bottom of the stage'), type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('-r', '--reduce', action='store_true', help=_('Reduce the amount of comments if stage is full'))
parser.add_argument('file', metavar=_('FILE'), nargs='+', help=_('Comment file to be processed'))
args = parser.parse_args()
width, height = str(args.size).split('x', 1)
width = int(width)
height = int(height)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(_('Invalid stage size: %r') % args.size)
Danmaku2ASS(args.file, args.format, args.output, width, height, args.protect, args.font, args.fontsize, args.alpha, args.duration_marquee, args.duration_still, args.filter, args.filter_file, args.reduce)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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