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Last active June 24, 2022 12:01
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  • Save JAndritsch/4568794 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JAndritsch/4568794 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* This is a very customized implementation of the jQuery File Upload plugin
* configured to work with nginx.
$(function() {
var calculateProgress, cancelAllUploads, cancelUpload, createProgressBar,
fileName, files, maxChunkSize, startAllUploads, startUpload, uploadedFilePath;
// A container to hold all of the upload data objects.
files = [];
* A simple method to calculate the progress for an individual file upload.
calculateProgress = function(data) {
var value;
value = parseInt(data.loaded / * 100, 10) || 0;
return value + "%";
* Get the name of the file from the upload data.
fileName = function(data) {
return data.files[0].name;
* Returns the path to the uploaded file on the server.
uploadedFilePath = function(data) {
var response;
response = JSON.parse(data.result);
if (response.files) {
return response.files[0][".path"];
} else {
return response[".path"];
* Cancels the upload for a file found at 'index' in the 'files' container.
cancelUpload = function(index) {
if (files[index]) {
* Starts the upload for a file found at 'index' in the 'files' container.
* If the file upload was interrupted, the 'uploadedBytes' attribute will be
* reset to continue from where it left off.
startUpload = function(index) {
var context, data;
data = files[index];
context = data.context;
data.uploadedBytes = parseInt($(context).attr("uploadedBytes"), 10); = null;
cancelAllUploads = function() {
$(files).each(function(index, file) {
startAllUploads = function() {
$(files).each(function(index, data) {
createProgressBar = function(progress) {
return '<span class="bar" style="width: ' + progress + '">' + progress + '</span>';
* IMPORTANT: There are some very important settings to mention:
* maxChunkSize:
* Nginx and this plugin require a very specific setting for chunk sizes.
* Changing this may affect the performance and reliability of your upload.
* For a more in-depth explanation of the settings or the benchmarks performed
* to get this setting, read this document:
* multipart:
* This must be set to 'false'. If set to 'true', then the upload will send
* in a single chunk, rather than multiple chunks.
* dataType:
* This cannot be set for chunked uploads! Setting this option to 'json'
* resulted in failed chunked uploads.
maxChunkSize: 1024 * 256;
maxRetries: 15,
retryTimeout: 1000,
multipart: false,
add: function(e, data) {
// Collect some basic information about the file.
var progress = calculateProgress(data);
var filename = fileName(data);
// A count of the number of rows (current file uploads)
var index = $("#files tr").length;
// Create a start and stop button for this specific upload. The 'data-file'
// attribute is used to pass the index of this upload to the cancelUpload
// and startUpload methods.
var cancelButton = $('<button type="button" data-file="' + index + '">Cancel upload</button>');
var startButton = $('<button type="button" data-file="' + index + '">Start upload</button>');
// Cancel this specific upload when this button is clicked {
// Start/Resume this specific upload when this button is clicked {
// Create a new, empty row that will serve as the context for this file
// upload.
var row = $('<tr><td class="filename"></td><td class="progress"></td><td class="start"></td><td class="cancel"></td>');
// nginx requires us to specify a session id so that it can handle chunked
// uploads. Here, we're using the current time and the file's encoded name
// to generate this token.
// Note: This will require you to use the jQuery base64 plugin.
var sessionID = new Date().getTime() + '_'
+ $.base64.encode(filename).replace(/\+|=|\//g, '');
// Set all the information for this upload on the context (row) for easier
// access
$(row).attr("sessionID", sessionID);
// Add the new file upload row to our list (table) of file uploads
// Assign this row to this upload's context
data.context = row;
// Add this upload data to our files container
* Do something when the upload is done. This example replaces the progress
* bar we've been using with the path to the uploaded file on the server.
done: function(e, data) {
* This method is called whenever progress is reported back from nginx.
* Here, we're simply updating our progress bar to show the current progress.
* We're also clearing out any previous retry attempts once progress has
* been made.
progress: function(e, data) {
var progress;
progress = calculateProgress(data);
* This callback keeps track of the combined progress for all active uploads.
progressall: function (e, data) {
var progress = calculateProgress(data);
* This method prepares the chunk that is about to be uploaded.
beforeSend: function(e, files, index, xhr, handler, callback) {
var chrome, context, device, file, filename, filesize, ios, sessionID;
// Retrieve the file that is about to be sent to nginx
file = files.files[0];
// Collect some basic file information
filename =;
filesize = file.size;
// Grab the context (table row) for this upload
context = files.context[0];
// Get the generated sessionID for this upload
sessionID = $(context).attr("sessionID");
// Set uploadedBytes on the context to ensure that if this upload was
// resumed, it will continue from where it left off.
$(context).attr("uploadedBytes", files.uploadedBytes);
// Set the required headers for the nginx upload module
e.setRequestHeader("Session-ID", sessionID);
e.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
device = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
ios = device.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad)/);
chrome = device.match(/crios/);
if (ios && !chrome) {
e.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
* This method will be called whenever an upload (or a single chunk) fails
* to complete. In this case, we're setting up an auto-resume feature to
* attempt the upload again (respecting our retry and timeout settings).
fail: function(e, data) {
var maxRetries, retryCount, retryTimeout, row;
// Get the context for this upload
row = $(data.context[0]);
// Grab its current retry count
retryCount ="retries") || 1;
// Get our maxRetries and retryTimeout settings
maxRetries = $(this).data("fileupload").options.maxRetries + 1;
retryTimeout = $(this).data("fileupload").options.retryTimeout;
// If we can still attempt a retry
if (retryCount < maxRetries) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
// Set the row's progress bar section to display that we are trying again
row.find(".progress").html("<label>Retry #" + retryCount + "</label>");
// Increment the retry count and set it back on the row"retries", retryCount += 1);
// Reassign the uploadedBytes, then submit to start the upload again.
data.uploadedBytes = parseInt(row.attr("uploadedBytes"), 10); = null;
}, retryCount * retryTimeout);
} else {
// We've met our retry limit. Indicate that this upload has failed.
row.find(".progress").html("<label>Upload failed</label>");
* A convenient method for triggering the upload of multiple files from the
* click of a button.
$("#start_upload").click(function() {
* A convenient method for triggering the cancellation of multiple files from
* the click of a button.
$("#stop_uploads").click(function() {
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